■f. ■ The Gastonia Gazette. I, n■HTiT"^^ !■■ I ■ .mx BUSINESS locals. >——y Z-J j_iy CALKM AUUXAC.S, ac, at The O Gastonia hook Store. It QUAIL AND RABBIT wanted at _Morria’a Kcatanract. Oaatonln. W7'A!*TEI>—f>«rdVf.*. ~itl> 4 ■* A pirl* Ip work in knitting mlU; alto several pirl* to board and work in will. W***» from ».7S to !}-29 P** day. Experienced hands $1.75. Apply to K.*M. Dultn. Secy. «nd Tree*., Bowlin* Greco. S. C. ___ -PQ7tH. -pHEGABTON LOAN A-.D VStfcif a CO. onnonnrcg that it is pre pared to take care of *n» ufctmnti subject to rheck that may he offered ■l. in addition to its Mvian ac counu heretofore curried, and we aoUclt the patronage of our friend*, nnd the puhlie generally. E. C. Me Lard, Tmisorer. Notice ol New Ada. Kindley-Belk nro*. Co.-Clear the deck. Go.—Watch this apace I-nday. Green and Alutt.-n -When Christ niu f* over. Kobinson Ttrutherr—Sioul shoes •or stonuy nensons. iarnes V. Yeager- 'Holiday sale of women1* kid gloves. TUESDAY. DEcTti. 1904." local Affairs —lfs $1.50 n vent after the 15th. —Holiday goods are in evi* dencp. —Christina* is coming. Only Ml (lays off. —Gastonia Lodge No. 309 A. F. and A. M. will do work in the second degree to-night. —If you wish to take advan tage of the one dollar rate, you may do so by paying before the 15th. Time’s almost up. —Three or four rainy days have driven the merchants a chance to do thing* that conhln't he done on busy days. ■ -A number of yonng lady students of Jones Seminary re turned yesterday from Charlotte where they attended tbe Young Women’s Christian Association convention. —Bv the derailment of a car at tached to the local shifter at tbe junction of the Old mill switch and the main liac of the South ern last night the track was blocked for about two hours, de taining Noa. 97 nnd 12 for that length of time. —December is at baud with five Thursdays, five Fridays and five Saturdays. That’s not the way the item appeared last week, however, and tie were promptly notified. People have a right to expect better things of ns and we arc glad they do. —At Moores ville Saturday Mr. J. F. Davis, the popular livery man, conducted an auction sale of horses for Mr. J. C. Follett. He returned to' Gastonia Sun day night. Mr. Davis will go to Cornelius Friday to conduct a similar sale on Saturday for Mr. W. L. Sherrill of Catawba county. —Rural free delivery carrier 3. S. Mullcu of Route No. 1 in off for a few day* busily en gaged in straightening out things at Green and Mullen's new photographic gallery, re cently purchased from Mr. T. R. Shuford. Substitute carrier Mr. Press]y McArvcr is riding the route in bis stead. —At the First Baptist Church Sunday morning Rev. W. H Reddish gave an, entertaining accoant of his trip to the South Carolina convention at Chester. This he followed with a brief re view of hia first year’s pastorate. At the conclusion of the service the congregation by n unani mous rising vote added $100 to his salary. —Haying sold bis entire stu dio sod photographic outfit to Messrs. Green and Mullen. Mr. T. R. Shuford is out of business. He cootemblatcs moving west at an early day. The new proprie tors will continue the business at the same stand. Their branch house in the Davis block will be continued an heretofore under the management of Mr. W. D. Haynes. —The burial of Dr. Dennis O'Donoghtie, a prominent phy sician of Charlotte, who died Saturday afternoon, will take place this afternoon in tbe cem etery of St. Mary’s Monastery at Belmont. Mr. Cbaa. Ford, of the Armstrong Company, local undertakers, will take s hearse to Belmont to convey the corpse to **» ‘settHmy. The funeral will take place at 10 o’clock this" morning in St. Peter’s Catholic church, Charlotte. —The students of 3(. Mary's College, at Belmont, are plan ning for a very interesting occa sion oo the evening of the IStb fast., when they will have a ptil/ltc debate on tbe question: "Resolved, that a new political party would be to the best Inter est of the country.* Some of the brightest young men in the college will engage in the de bate, which is enpteted to at tract a good deal of attention.— Charlotte Chronicle, 3rd. • PERSONAL MENTION. —Miss 1’eorl Dixon, of lleuc* nier, wu in Gastouia yesterday. —Mr. ). p. Thomson spent yesterday at Lincolnton on btisi ness. —Messrs. Ed and Robert Love came no** T«-r n’ghi Tjtf colaton. —Miss Jennie Galloway, of Jouea Seminary, waj guest Sat* urday and Sunday of Mias Ida —Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Michael returned yesterday afternoon from Newton where they spent their honeymoon. —Miss Shelton Wells is guest for a few days of Mr. aud Mrs. G. W. Kagan. She came down from Lincolnlon last nigbl aud is on her way to Newberry. —Mrs. J. W. Edwards, of Lowesville, was here Saturday on the sad mission of attending the burial of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Falls, at OIney. She returned home yesterday. —Mr. J. P. Culp, who lias been spendiug a few days with Ills family, left yesterday after* noon on a business trip through Smilll Pnrnlina an/1 —-1 He was accompanied bv hi* little daughter, Jennie Stead man. —Mr. Janie* William* and wife, of Hickory, have moved to Gastonia. Mr. William* will work with Messrs. Long Broth ers. We welcome these excel lent people to otir town and hope they will find their new i home a very happy one. Liif4rt(«y. At the home of Mr. A. P. Long Sunday afternoon at i o'clock Mias Alice Gregory of Alexis, daughter of Mr. Tbos. F. Gregory, was married to Mr. Philip Long of Gutouia. Rev. J. A. Hoyle performed the cere mony. Hon. D. Kincaid III. A phone message yesterday from Lowcsville to Mr. J. 1*. Davis brought the information that lion. David Kincaid, one of the most prominent citizens of the county, was seriously ill with pneumonia. Mr. Kincaid is both a brother-in-law and half uncle to Mr. Davia. Unless the pfllient s condition m ifrettly tin proved to-day Mr. Davis will go to Lowsvilie. Birthday Party. Mia# Susie Love entertained about thirty-five of her young friends Friday afternoon from four to six in honor of her elev enth birthday. Various games were played, after which de lightful refreshments were served. When the birthday cake was cut. Miss Lola Jenkins received the thimble, Miss Jen □ie PegTam the ring, and Miss Robbie Lee Morrow the dime. The occasion was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. •" NOTICE. The Rev. Doctor R. C. Keed of Columbia Seminary. Colum bia, S. C., will fill the pnlpit of the Prcabyterian church on Sab bath. Dec. Uth, morning and evening services. Dr. Rccd comes by invitation of the pulpit committee. All members are earnestly requested and the public generally cordially in vited to be present. „ J. Lek Robinson, T&F. See. Pnlpit Committee. COUNTY'S NEW OFFICERS. Wars Sworn in at Yaalarday’a Hooting of Board of Commis oioaon-Mr. John F. Loopar Wow Chair man—Aannal la port oi Troaoorof and Clark At tha December meeting of Lbe of connty coramUsion tr» yesterday the new officers took the oath of of nee and entered upou their du ties. The new board in consti tuted as follows: J. W. Ken dnek, O. G. Falls, J. Q. Hoi land, R K. Davenport, J. P. Leeper. Mir. John F. Leeper of Bel mont waa chosen chairman of IKn KaomI Th« bonds of the Sheriff, Treasurer, Register of Deeds, ■nd constables of the several townships were made and ap proved. County Treasurer J. R. I^wis snd Clerk of the Board C. C. Cornwell submitted iheir aanual reports which were approved. lu addition to the installation of the new officers and the ac cepting oi bonds and reports, quite a good deal of routine bus iness was disposed of. The board will be in session strain to day to complete the transec tion of routine matters. Rawi re a* OMaut« Per Catarrh that Caatata Maraary. r&x ■‘iMswah.waaseil’ * ... MIS. L. A. WILSON DEAD. Fund Away Yesterday Alter* omb Altar an lilnaea of Tan Days - Fosters! al 2 9. to. To* day- -Was tbs Widow a! the Lata Nr. Thames Wilsoa. Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock |fs*p TV.<* Ann Wilson died ut the bogie u) her>wut Alt. AI. T, Wilson, on Main slrcel after an illness of tcu days. AI though uot entirely unexpected Mr*. Wilson’s death came or a severe shock to her family and mends, who have the sympathy of the entire community.in their bereavement. The fnneral will be held at 2 o'clock this ufternoou from tile Associate Reformed Presbyte rian church, of which she had long been a consistent and loyal member. Dr. J. C. Galloway, the pastor, will conduct the fun eral rites, cfier which the body will be laid to rest in (he family plat iu the city cemetfery. On account of the absence from town of Mr. Charles Ford, who will hnvc charge of the funeral of Dr. O’Donoghtie at Beliuoul, Mr. W. T. KnuLiu will have charge of ihe funeral services. The pall bearers will be Messrs. lid Whitesides, R. \V p.ic/.st A \ff AS—__ ■ a Hunter, J, D. Moore, and J. 1*. Reid. Love Amt Wilson was horn November 3rd, 1831, iu tbe Gould neighborhood of this county, thus being at the time of her deitth 73 year*, 1 month aud ? days of uge. She waa a daughter of the late Ezra B. Wilson nud a granddaughter of the late William J. Wilson, who was lor 40 years register of deeds of Lincoln county. Of the im mediate family there survive two brothers. Mess’s, S. M. and James J. Wilson, both of whom live on the old home place, and one sister, Mrs. Sarah Carroll of Crowders Creek. Oil September 30th, 1832, she was married to Mr. Thomas Wilson. .Though of the same name they were not related. Her ‘ husband, who was for many years a prominent citizen of tbe comity, preceded her to the grave two years, having died at Charlotte December lfith, 1902. iu the seventy-fifth year of his age. From the time of their marriage till they moved to Gas tonia ten years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson lived at bis old home place near where the Ar lington mill nowstauds. For the past ycor Mrs. Wilsou had made her home with her sou, Mr. M. T. Wilson, where she died. To this nuion there were born thirteen children, seven of whom survive as follows: K. I„ Wilsou of Dallas: I>r. W. II. Wilsou of Lenoir; Samuel T. Wilsou of Dallas, R. II. Wil son. M. T. Wilson, aud E. F. Wilson of Gastouia, and Mrs. John Authony of Pisgah. The children who have died arc: an infant, Elizabeth Amelia; James Monroe; Mrs. Lorena J. Falla, wife of Mr. Robert J. Falls: Mrs. James Nielt. who died March 11, 1891; and Mrs. S. E. McArthur, who died Feb. 38, 1903. Twenty-seven grandchil dren survive. In her girthood the deceased joined the Presbyterian church and remained a member of the same till the lime of her mar riage when the joined the Asso ciate Reformed Presbyterian church. For many years she held her membership at the Pisgah church but moved to Gastonia when the cborch here was established. Deceased was a first cousin of Mrs. J. K. Dixon of Gastonia and of the late Mm. RH N. Liucbcrger. _ A6g» WOMAN DEAD. Mrs. Sink Falls Passed Away Last Friday—Bnried Saturday at Many. Mis. Sarah h. Lolls, who had been ill several weeks, died lost Friday in the 86th year of her Age at the home of her daugh ter, Mra. David Walker, near Pleasant Ridge. She was born near that place Sept. 2. 1819. She wan the widow of Andrew FoIIb, and the last one of the family of Robert Mendenhall. Three of her children survive her, namely: Mrs. Anoie Walk er, Mra. Margaret Kdwards, and Mr. Joseph Falls. Her other daughter, Mis* Mary, died sev er*' years ago. She has alwaya liyes near Olney church in this cotimy ana iiu been n consis tent and exemplary member of this chnrch ever since her con nection with it in early life, oli* was an affectionate and de voted wife and mother and kind neighbor. 8hc waa noted, for her Chriatian gratitude and her loyally and devotion to ail the paatora who served her church. She was bnried Saturday af ternoon at two o’clock after fu neral services conducted by her pastor, Rev. G. A. Sparrow. " Preclon* in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Oar loss ia her eternal gaiu. Smao» gx-l'ASTOM, J. 3. K. njtASK YOVft FAMILY SMI prataraa year ka«*a ky palntlM wllk L, ft M. Paler. fmi m4 carat like HI. Ha Ind wMk rise. RoactalMk. Mur oarer Falla* aimn Takaa Imat. kaMllwa t-KM-M OASTOMTA HAUNPAftK Ca ...OaM-ta tmomfuom * pkoxam— ..jua>wr 8 mere ore a dozen reasons for buying ft “QUEEN QUAL ITY” Shoes—but I your own comfort ^ Is excuse enough ft —It esses the foot J because it Itflta It ft Fall designs for P [ every need ore now ft l being shown-we in ® 1 vile your critical J ft 1 examination. B W I Price $3 Spec- I 4 I iais $3.50. 1 1 KINDLEY _t LETTER EROM FILBERT. A KalUIni Hill (a be Bail!— M erchaata Busy—Union School Preparing lor Christmas. Ct'*t naDocilHUt nf the duttu Hilbert, S. C-, December 3rd. —We are to have a knitting mill in the near future. Hair the necessary capital has been subscribed and the remainder is in sight. This will be a great help to this place indeed. We need, not only a mill of this kind, but people to come here and build up the town. We have plenty of room for several cotton mills, and in fact, any* thing. Messrs. Neill and Parrott are doing a hustling business these days. They order flour by the carload, and sell it too. Hilbert is going to lose one of its merchants, Mr. H. G. Brown. He was elected sheriff of York county in the last election and will move to Yorkville the first of January to take ex-Shcriff Logau’a place. Mr. Brown ia clever ana accommodating and win wane a kwu inmn, Mr. W. K. Carroll, carrier on R. F. D. No. 1 from, here, it going to build a nice new cot tage right in front of Mr. M. G. I Brown’s.- At present he is! boarding with Miss Mollie Brown. Mrs. M. J. Browning speut Thanksgiving at Bowling Green with Mr. J. D. Smith’s family. The farmers in this neighbor hood arc about done picking cotton, gathering peas, nud sow ing wheat. Not a great deal of wheat is being sown this fall for some reason. But in a few acres right nnd yon will double your yield. Mr, John W. Miller, carrier on No. 0 ftotn YorUville, wor shiped at Union last Sunday. Quite a number uf our young people, and old ones too, at tcuded the Thomasaou-CampbeU wedding Wednesday. The school at Uukm is pro gressing nicely and it la prtpar* ing to have Christmas exercises, ate. Let old and young work with the school nud have a nice Christmas traa. It wilt be the delight of the young and remind the older ones of the time when they looked fox old Sants to briug them a present of aorue Uadi Hverybody it Invited to taka part in thla tree. Vetk-Shlloh ia to erect a new building some time soon. It will statu! in front of tbe present stinctnre. Mr. Will Beamguard i has tbe contract. ' Messrs. H. G. Brown, Andy oud Hugh Parrott, went to Gas Ionia yesterday on business. - Tbe Misses Jackson of Beth* Shilob were among the wor ! shipper* at Union last Sunday. Miss Anttie Jackson of Clover spent last week with her coosin, Mbs Untie Wood. SHORT HEWS ITEMS. Rural mail delivery has i caused the discontinuance of ! \-5S7 post-offices and is still spreading. Col. .Tobias Gibson, a prom* ineni ex*Cou federate soldier, died Sunday at Lexington, Ky., aged 66 years. Sate blowers dynamited tbe safe of the Bank of Liberty, Ran dolph countv, last Thursday, se curing $3,000. Tbe robbers es caped. ■it*. vjcoTg-e Tienrv ouoert, the oldest actress ou the Amer en stage, died Prid ay at the Sherman House, Chicago, of apoptexey. A building and loan associ ation was organised at Newton Friday. Mr. J. C. Smith is president and Mr. A. II. Crowell is Secretary and treasurer. A Mr. Yanghn. a Seventh Day Adventist preacher, was arrest ed and placed in jail Sunday at Hickory for persistiag ia keep ing his shop open on that day. Mr. John Eagle. Jr., a prom inent citizen of Rowan county, dropped dead Friday at hi* home near Salisbury while giving a doia of itiedirina to one of bis children* The government estimate of i the cotton crop is 12.1S2.000 bales. Whan this was an ; nonneed Saturday there was a 'lump in tha market, cotton : going off about ball a cent. A dip etc It from St. Louis says that a Chicago wrecking com psny has, for $2*i.000, pur the eleven nuia World'* *,?ir "toek an(* all other buildings except State, Plk* ztructuree, which originally co.t $15,000, 000 The work of demolition begins the 0th. ~ _ *--- - . 111 1 —» 11 - WHEN CHRISTMAS IS OVER i YOU WILL NOT REGRET THE MONEY YOU SPENT here. « the photographs We produce grow mote attractive every time you look at them. The likeness ie eo speaking, the poae ao natural. Have a dozen taken, give eleven away and Weep one. You will find yeanelf Z deta for framing shall have enr prompt attention. Pkona U7 j„ D^i, block. Phone 1*7 in Groves baiMfa*. GREEN AND MULLEN, Sttceeaaera te T. R. Shtderd. , - ■ - - -l: ADMIltlSTKAT0t*S SALE. **“• rartowl Praaavtr al the ^ ^ Nww «• !• SaU at Aacdaa Sac. t »k Oa Satarday, December tie 10th at 11 o’clock a. aa„ at the lata residence of John A. Mar ranr, deceased, 1 «tn Kn u. Cash to the hielMH* t|£ tyt fZ7r<j$U

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