I I The Substitute Bu WILL N. HARBP.N, DMM." “The Up* «f i>« Oawsm* Ve.” “TV Haiti. WaS» EU. "yS°i2t,*-OF PBRVIOn* CHAFTBBg, 'iudllhrew 1«|. sjp^WSWSfeSs SEP5 &&££' Xllr-Ti.r governor vlitu ui C raqttone. Own icaretue powerful rival, g$«5£&KSlV'iff'VolV Tfe j^lrSSCrau'iraS^’4® CUAITEB XVII. M3 morning about tU« let of Iipormbcr George true alowe In the office. Ho lutd Jail liiileliod _ writlna amua killers «hui Jeff Truitt mute In and Mood near the •tow. Ho waa a aleudcr young man. under twenty are, abort and Trail look ins. HU curbing waa raggort and hla ■acuity Lair unkempt. Duckley looked at him aod smiled. Bees sotting your aolf Into u» end of rows orer homo,'* ho remarked. “My mother telle mo they test you a death's hood the other night, nnd your father eald eomebody ahot at you lu the Said.’* •Thai's all ao, Crorav.” sttld Troll! gloomily. “1 reckon I’v* boon altooUo’ off my uoutb a HtUe too much." “I rr j 11/ I bought you bad more aenso than to report that desperate gang over there tor moonablDlng,- sold George la a gladly tone. “WuuMu't v done Urf I'd Loco •ober." replied TrulU. They me da mm mad wbru I waa full, as* l dona 'em all Iho harm t could.” “Well, what aro you going to do about it, Jiff 7' “That's wbat I coma to ax you. George. XIa ntul pa an mighty nigh craay about It, an* 1 giro ’em my word Td come no’ ax yore advice. By cum, they think tbay'll go to you when they die! Kf you waa mo would you go back over ibar today. Ceoigo.1 i got another warnin' last night; la ract six or eight or 'am waa scattered ^ about tho place. 1 say wanin’, but I reckon they waa wuaa than that; they waa to pa a a' ms an' aald of they kotefasd mo (key wouldn't do a «N"g to me.” “Well, there's some consolation in that.” aald Oeorge dryly. “You know I hadn’t afoard o’ any rea sonable number o’ men," aald Truitt la hla whining voice, “hot when a whole regiment of ’em cornua to drink a tat !«*'■ blood I Jest git rattled an’ want to make tracks. Kf I bad my way. though, I’d go back borne an’ defy 'em, but ma's mighty nigh era ay." "No; you’d bettor stay In town today anyway. Jeff.” aald Buckley after a moment's inflection. “Go up to the johaatou nouse and get your breakfast —take all your meals there while you an In town—I've got an account there: tell them to charge tt to me. fltny la town tonight anyway, i'll aee you to morrow. rat very buoy today. Do . you tblok the gaag wouM dara follow you berer "They might Oeorge. They raised a mmpua boro about a year ago. you koow-whlpptq' triggers In Nigger Iowa." hi in* morning Hartley nlct tb* towu maralinl, Jo* Bate?. on in* •tract. Tb* officer wort a brood brim med bat. a dark Ido* *alt of clothe* with tmaa bat tuna and carried a po Htotnan'a dob strapped to Id* wrlat. O*o rg* grace!/ explained tb* at Hut boo 1 •a blm, but tb* officer re raced la roe cem hlmartf to the matter. "Look r bra*. George Back ley," be gold. "Uo 70a reckon I'm paid meoaiy town wag** to do both town aod mod ty work! El tbo aiicrt* ewyo't keep down tUetu rtota over I bar In tbo uinuiv ulna, i rayn’t. >Vr KM n mmnb I’m eapeetod to do police (Inly tg daytime watchman at uight un‘ net a* coroner 00 apaetal eecaaien*. Iloo'.dw. Jo* Tnltfa genin' entirely too nonicron*. ( ■very time lie g*t» fell hr waul* to oerntrli aome ¥ thorn itoradcriM* *ya# out ltg» a fanny chap, Tiny any who* he’* drtmk tid'd dgbt « awann O' Wildcat*. bat wham b**a aober he'd near* at the algUt of a baby popgun. 00'. ** Mi a1 that, when he aobcm np W* •• ktnbbom lva'd die '(or* be would apotagtn* for what be*e «fo«*. • What you goto' to da wtib a mao like Umtf Men oo ornamout to iH* iwmotoalty." "Well, I aoly thmigbl I'd tot yea know tbo attoeUoa.'* Georg* am Bed aa hd walked oo. "AN 1 woof to do tot# tot* tto feOew'a oadh." Oarage raw •* "tor# uf Jr* Train that day. n« had name Important eat. radattom to make ha connect loo with tto anl# «f Mrtaia.hu** <jwaothi*e of cotton to mtto la tb* aaat and to waa 1 tlitoy awmptod to hla attoe tto Mat i addnigbt. Whan to tod INdrf to w*ot «to «tort #*r ¥ *• rv+ (cownwtnta o* roart mo* i i w WIWTEK QUAKTEIS. Tlw Jvunt Soldier Living CoalerteMr in Befouls. Londm With November iKfc cold weather begins in Manchuria and is increasingly intense. Around Mukden the thermom eter does not usually fall below sero (Fahr.) notil the middle of December, wheu night after night it may sink to 5, 10 aud even 20 degrees below aero, and during January to 30. In the frequent oortheaaterly or north westerly blixxarris no human be ing can live under canvass. Some may be quartered in native bouses; but where, even supposing that the owners should be ruthlessly turned out, will accommodation be found for half a million of men? The auswer is simple: the Japanese arc already making use of underground dwelling!, such as the natives sometimes use and which were used by the Russians duriug the winter after the Boxers had destroyed their railway buildings. The soil of Manchuria excepting in certain places, is dry at this season, especially id the districts be tween Mukden and Liaoyang. where it is largely loose and sandy. The Japanese, who bold UK low hill* with gcutle slope*, arc in the better po*ition. Tha method is to dig a trench about 10 to 12 leet deep and varying in width, but generally about 0 feet wide. A narrow stairway is cut leading dowu to-the south end. At the base it is widened and, a door frame inset up with a native door, turning on wooden pivots. The upper half of the door is open work, which, being covered with the opaque native Window paper, admits light. The sun shines at midday down the steps and when the door is opened freshens aud warms the room. Immediately within on one side, is a cooking stove, camp oven or boiler, in a simple aud primitive style, to which both Russians and Japanese arc ’ accustomed. Along me length ol the trench is a platlot in some 'tM feet high and six feet wide, made of hammered earth and rough un turned bricks. Beneath this are several simple flues, up and down which the smoke and heat from the cooking place finds its way. issuing at the end remote from the entrance by a small chimney, cut in the solid ground. On this platform, which resembles the old style of greenhouse flue aod is called by Che Chinese a kang, many men can sleep in warmth and coin tort on a rough mat or dried grass. This mode of beating is lot only economical, but the Sues consume and carry off the earth damp or carbonic acid gas which always generates in un derground dwellings. Across cue top ot the trench rough pieces of timber or poles are laid, and on these kdo-liang (talks or straw, upon which is leaped the earth excavated from die trench. This covering o«‘, the cold and is ^radically she! proof. No rain lalls aod but btlle snow, and the •?CiT c*n >1 desired, be swept >ft the roofs and mounds over ' be dwelliog. t___ ‘ “v - -pniivat: iiivc BCCCIS IO I ' *nt* number of tlie native 1 surface” coal mine». where a -oarse dust coal ig readily ex myated and can be, when mixed ■ilb a little wet loose earth 1 >urued in tbe rough cooking Jlaces referred to, in which ' ttojw, rubbish, and almost any hiug can also be consumed as url. While the first 12 feet to 1 !0 feet of the plain and low bills low occupied by the armies are fry ip winter good water can be < ound almost anywhere at 115 l eet to 30 feet below the surface, i Notice to the Public. , We now have charge of the ; Photographic business T. d. Shuford has been conducting 1*re- We will not only conduct 1 he business ns it baa been, but ' nil! add to it every thing new 1 md up-to-date. We poaoesa all 1 legatives made by Messrs. Earp C. B. Vale, and T. R 5buford and can furnish dopli :ste photos fiuiahed in tba lalaat dyles at vety low prices, or will aril negatives if yon want them. Remember duplicate orders from ■egatives made up to Dec. 1st tan be obtained from as only. .. Gmkn & Mui.lkn, ■hone 147, Gastonia, N. C. According to the report of the rommiaakrnerpf internal revenue tearly 200,000,000 more ciga Tttes wars smoked tbe pest •y *ha» 1“ ‘he year previous tad tba consumption of lane d*mra fall o« 10,000.000^ * h’a $1.50 after Dec. IStfc. Seb ertbe now. A TUUtCFB OF MANHOOD. TW fiemocrallc Candidate iac Oavaraar af Mlaaaaata, Snaarad at Bacaoaa Bla Nath •r Taak la Washing, Wee Vindicated by the PaepJe. Cboilstw Obmm Naturally the papers are hav ing a great deul to say of the caae of Mr. Johnsou, Democrat, who has just bfceu elected Gov ernor of Minnesota, while Mr. Roosevett carried the Slate by more than 140.000 majority, "he Richmond .Xcws-Lcadrr develop! the matter in exrellcut I shape. "The reason of this astonish- < <og result was that the Republi- } con State committee was under- * stood to :-ave inode political capital of the fact that Mr. Johnson’s father, a Norwegian immigrant, died in an nlnui hou.se and bis mother was forced to take in washing to support her children. Mr. Johnsou went to work when he was 13 years old. nnd by the time he was 15 retired hia moth er from the washiub aud took charge of the family. I^ter he became a newspaper owner and lawyer, and the old mother, at tcrall her trials aud poverty, is in comfort and peace, and has Uic happiness and pride of see ing her son Governor of hia State.” The instance show* that the politicians may make very grave mistakes in raising issues. This is not the Grst time that an issue made against a candidate baa reached in bis favor. This whole transaction, intended to show the voters of Mi Besots Mr. Johnson's plebiau birth and the poverty of bis parents, and thus disgust tbe people with his pretentions, had just the con trary effect. They reacuted this mode of warfare and flew to hia support. There wsu* nothing developed in the history of the parent* that (minted to their ■ disgrace, while the conduct of the candidate- to his mother and he family was most creditable. Many a time it has happeued that iu undertaking to advance public prejudice against a can didate the effort bas, instead, >een au appeal to their chivalry, •hicli it au appeal to their kyaipatbies, and it is always dangerous to arouse these. A SPLENDID SHOWING. laatliate ler Deal m4 Dumb Is FhM Shape. :harKM<* Clm-mtU. lait Mr. A. C. Miller, of Shelby, ipent lent night at the Buford, Jo his return from the biennial meet lug of the directors of the State Institution for the Deaf ind Dumb, at Morgan ton, and re :nrued to hit home this morning. Mr. Miller is president of tkr >oard of directors and chairman >f the fiuance committee, and >fcosrac keeps in close tonch with the work ct the institution When seeu by a Chronicle re porter. he waa jubilant over the ‘□owing made at the meeting ireiterdsjr and amid the school was in a more prosperous coa lition than ever before. The* ■'Ports indicated improvement ilong all tinea and the finances ire in the beat condition in the mtory of the institution. 'We will submit a su>st grati yl"W Teport to the Governor !IV?,lhe r*irf*leture,* aaid Mr. "Toe plant is worth 1140,000 and wc have no ln« moibrance. On the Sher hand, we have a nice balance in the re saury. We are fortsmate in laving auck a mas as Super intendent K. McK. Goodwin in iharge, and experts agsae that be institution ia not excelled in he United States.* There are at on:sent 245 >apil* in toe institution and the whool ha* enjoyed excellent lealth daring the year. There \P» been but on# ease of serious lines*, • cate of typhoid tneantonia, and the child ia now toiivnleaceat. In addition to '^'‘ceting the deaf and dumb hildren. Mi industrial depart a*“j *» conducted, and every ?hila is repaired to do a certain lOHMtm of work. In this way nany of the pupil* have trained 'hewunlve* for tiaefol live*, and ms leaving the institution they kava mi trouble In securing rood positions. The industrial ichool embraces department* of fooking, sawing, shoe-making, rarpentry, cabinet making, farm ng, printing, etc. Dario* the present year Ute Inrai yielded 1,300 bushels of wn nod the pupils pul op 1,500 ton* of ensilage. It is probably that no inslitn iou under tbc enre of the 8tate Is making such a remarkable •eoord as the Deaf and Dumb Sehtol at Morgan ton Fairnaanf Hukiai Ctnpur Sold Curio.i« lutUr The D. A. Tompkins Com pany, tof thia city, baa purchased the hnsineta . of the Fairroount Machine Company, ol Phila delphia. end will move the plant to Charlotte at once. Tbe ante include* r.lt the patenti. drawings aud pattern* o( the Pairmonnt Machine Com pany fur their different type* of loom*, dobhy and harness motions, beaming, warping, (pooling, winding, dyeing, tiring and other textile machine*, and for all tltei'r pulleys, hangers, post-hangers, pillow blocks, wall brackets and boxc*. angu lar uiulev aud vertical drivings, couplings, carriers, tightners, grooved pulleys, apnr, uiitre aud bevel gearing, friction clutches ■nd pulleys, freight elevator*.! lard nnd parahne oil presses, i etc. i The hnsincM was established in 183!! aud Iran had an unin terrupted career, enjoying al ways the highest reputation and credit. A large part of the pro duct of the company ha* been •old in the South, and the busi ness should be at home in iu new location. The Flaking Creak Wreck. VorfcWlta Itaqstfuf.vi* All told, the Fishing creek wreck baa cost the Soutbcru railway in tbe neighborhood of (125.000, and in view of tbe fact that the company may not be »ble to bold the old Three C’a which ha* canoed ro much trouble, it arid have to he ad mitted that the Southern has been pretty severely punished. When the defense introduced i miniatnre model of the ill fated structure over Fishing n’eek last Thursday. Judge Walt* remarked. with dry tamor: "They brought a billy root into my court the last time 1 t was here, aud now it i* * rail- ] •oad trestle.'’ Everybody reuicui- ; >rred tbe famous goat and a in Impressed titter sprrail over l.hc 1 rcnrt room at tbe remark. Ii$ Bitauiso tf Kara! Fra* De livery Service. Xubragtos Jtuvnxb Thirty-two thousand tree de livery routes will be in operation in the United States July 1, 1305. This service will coat the Keminent a little more than 000,000. In the next fiscal rear beginning July 1, lSJOi, >.000 additional routes will be established, making a total of 18,000. The cost of extending tad maintaining ratal free de livery in the fiscal year begin ning July 1, 1905. is estimated it $20,000,000. There are now pending, awaiting action by the Postoflice Department, 4,000 petitions for routes as compared with 11,000 when Fourth Assia-1 tsm Bristow took charge of this division of the postal service. Thecost of the service is expect rd to decline in proportion front sow on, due to the diminished available territory for ' rural routes. Up to the past six months special attention has been given to individual peti tions, but latterly connty ser vices have been gived more con sideration, especially in the Northwestern aud middle West ern States. My the lime the next fiscal year rolls around the officials expect to be sp to date with their work. Routes have been established with snch ra pidity during the past fifteen months that Mr. Bristow is only 4,000 behind, and his orders arc that these cases shall bn dis posed of aa soon as possible. PISGAH PEHCIUHGS. V'irtHUMrfcMi «( UU OtHtUr' ; Tiagab, N. C.. Dec. 3.—That* will be a public aale at tbe lata residence of Mr. John A. Mor row, deceased, on Saturday, December lOlb, 10:30 o’clock, of one mule, one cow, half in terest in aeveral planters, mow ers, plows, etc. We ar* pleased to note that Mr. K. W. Morrow condones to improve: for five weeks be has been quite sick. On Knral Free Delivery Konte Xo. 1. from Gastonia, there arc Cve public schools. One at Lotsy, one ut Arlington taught by Mias Galloway, one at Jones Setuiuary, one at Plseab taught by Miss Bessie Anthony, and •me at Spencer’s taught by Mias Ada Rankin. Xow with good schools, good roads and good mail service we ought to im prove. Mr. Kd Anthony, son of Mi. W. D. Anthony, proprietor of the Piagah dairy farm, left Mon day for Cherokee. S. C.. where he has accepted a position as clerk in a store. Mr. G. M. Howell who farmed tbe David I*. Morrow home stead this year says be suc ceeded in producing 4 bales of cotton and 100 bushels of core and 50 bushels of sweet potatoes ar.d $170 worth of melons. Mr. Mellon Craig of Begonia colled upon us December 1, and informed ns that be was "still on deck,” Kf calibre bullets not withstanding. LesUatf to i Dtseraaary? (.rxiaRtna Dimnk. If all the liquor that is sold here through "Mind tigers” was sold through a dispensary, tbc town would bars between $5,000 and $10,000 mure money in the treajuity to make improvements on our streets. Blind tigers arc ninuiug in full 1»ti»*t In and outside of the corporate limits ot Lexington. <H course everybody claims to be against it. yet nobody is tiy iug to aid the officers to stop it. Tbc prhliihition that now exists and lias existed for years in Lexington Is a howling farce. Subscribe to Ttis Gazette, twice a week. The Ceremony Ulerrnpfad. Bishop Candler of Georgia rcccatly told one of the' national law-makers from that state an experience be had when be first began to prrack the gospel and tie nuptial knots, says the Washington Times. "One day 1 was called ou and engaged to marry a couple in one of the out-ofthe-way districts, I found the house a rudely constructed log affair, with bat one room and a loft above, which was entered by a ladder and a trap door. A big table was in the center bf the room, and it was loaded with Kod things to cat, .everything ving been cooked on an open fire-place which took rp pearly all of one aide of the room. The.bride and groom lined up ■and I was proceeding with the ceremony, nod while iu tbc most impressive part of it, the old lady poked her bead out of the trap ilw in the loft and called: " ‘Sally, 'torn them chickens and iag 'em with a fork.* "The command sens obeyed by the danghter, she leaving the trembling bridegroom while she jagged ’em with a fork. I could not help laagliing at the Indicruu kochs of the whole affair, aod I have never wit nessed a marriage ceremony since without remembering this experience” ROYAL Baking Powder •v'V* MeJces Clean Bread With Royal Baking Powder there it no mixing with the hands, no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. . in* miction* in the " Royal Baker sad Paatry Cook" book for makms all - kind* of bread. UafoK bad enk* with Royal B«king Powder. Grada to any tddnaa. • •* * novm iww roooa m ••* mum rr, new m <*4*iinHiinnniiiiuiiMi»M«mm i MONUMENTS AND - A : « i {CLOSING 4 We are going out of g I business by January 1 4 1st* Our large stock g 1 of clothing, Furnish- 1 4 logs, Shoes, Hats, all g j .must go* ( EARLY PICKERS 1 | BEGINNING DEC. 10th ] tAII parties owing us will 1 (pleasesettle at once,as we mean to close np I everything. J IJ.Q.HoHand&CoJ

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