-*** "■■■■■■■III.I »u«n..►..i 'i JiV/-: GAZB7 77s • . -. *-• t l*iU.i tit# U. / h t* tnUiini — it* it. it. a U rtll'it.c to.i*i rv» it. « 1» Int» • !»♦ *(i VlitUkt iu i|. f •C*hm Utivuniy tit* titdtv* VOL. XXV. _ _ OASTONIA, nTc.. TUESDAY. UECEMDER KVNOr.SIS <Jl' TKKvlCil S CFtAI,TKH5i f. U.audit! (ttonc Dock l.y la lac l»n»frrf* ul j. Hfi|y*tr. m ncu iKurvin merchant. a if .4 IaIIkt ia ^nt in V is irvoi’ua in ulteulivc to t rrt't (.ransioM. danebtar ol a proml Vir lltnian. T.f« alianir •»! in- lalbef'a crime mukim him iteiocrair, h -TfiHjV *!». the aiuri.r mi 0 inruc thirty ycAf4 hc(orr ihr Mo<r opvtia. To alone («n the deed be took tupnc* ont of lita dcciad* d iMv.ur in it.aka n mrfiil man «•# hiia 0% a mb M.l.dr toaoc.rlv I.* bin dead mend V .i-tnkk. a inte Vobar.mid Kmnrr m rolMau lii*.r«t. aiiye draka in Hlllrrra warcbouae J<»4omi lruiu. a Cuafcdrfau- vvlaraa. i# a ru.iplih.il .1/ CHPonfa. IfilWrr invrMa hen* V/ ,n.SJ*?al uu artel.*# nf Oer.rjce. VI Mr». IKIIrcr pralaca <»corocla noble chnr fli'V; Miilvrr la ,r*r "* brine hrmjrki i«> Innl .01 t.U old erttnr. \ I) Vf lr — I.jrrti* < >mca lm.n Kic.uu.inrt a heat aoctal ait. ‘.i>vrtnu fella/e ol i!f'ifKiiLa midtll«Aii\i \* {'lower. 14 pre.fiuK in* JiieutKoa ulkwi her wituihi* amKMval ol her family. iX and X-A^orwc cfcAtmdon* lUc came ol >oan* Huh Ha .k*. wju 1* jti.oiiicu« p> nw. ililT rri IfimiA the lv»y ftt-i:f it to at'il in Urtaia#** f.ydlt Julia Uk ki.i o( her pa/cnla out %^om« by *ayii*j ;bal aha halier u •lt iijiti.tr anould *.er lamt! 1 r*idc *Lf rlvmiW a IiuaIimnI. Xlf-KiUrer KPlUhiawbrnt at aarcM profit and «lvra it to b«w»c. XII1 The governor vJmu tbv > runMoBH. Wnnir .ear* lit* nowerntl rival. •CMfllta Ilia ntlrnilfiu* and im/v iHi ) — kvrtm kiv«a vjmi to ti<.oi_*c'* ai.Htic end kta«*a lirr narudf m mniof *lbi« l.rtap» a levirat oi Ii4|*c O. toe h:\*t. XV ' • •;'J Ww, Onn^tii’i i.yrt»a'« •••/nn.. k tlik'iKlH'. to Srian tkr pirl |» lot ktltr tcilu I.yjia |n*l Int* Riivrnun will In* a Conti t-it(rh. but. alter i.cnr.uc of umic ol oeorot-** virnca iaar Uulhv«aUii 01 tier u«.ij*a-l. XVI f am. X V 111—<l»*t».-rfe t«eult<-ta Jel Trullf. ncu -•i iiiaiiictMl lltooiuikniithe \e tu-eatnc of .1 awdi. i.rdto m»d K>n% Hear tiie flare • e . •ami'-' if tlie 1^-4,—re «.| it*, |M i(% XIN J.rura rule-*r» 1 .cotirc bat mav «nuv the kliO'a'IlUf **MI •«. |#-j: ,r I luf Ur-1 ill III |. \»Uo 1. in *uu»r tia altti *•«.%»*.*»« Xa. EIIm: i!ior>itiu; sborliy nfvr lli'j p Mr*. 11 Illy.v uu* Jlai Kroner y» ou Ijv multi rtrert of tint v!l luv ticur the warehouse nnd nauxoj to «*i:t t will; iiiju. -I'm mu: wort-in' ou juir euro," hIn* I old aim. The only ;,ouWe is flt;it y..u on* too iMfkwr.nl to In.Ip. I wi ve you up will* different irrr.or every meal on' keep you ou ibe sideboard to eat cwkl 'iwtxt ■UBtl*. (till f{ >OU don't CORK up COIOO tJmo mu' iit.ttt n hsntl slur'll want ;i change u" r.let." Korm-r's lour it face reddened. "I'm affxr.l t ui clttln' too old, Mr*. Hill ycr." lie lungbod In lilcli pleasure. "I give yo.i my- word, I worry oil the time ■Lent wy i; ir." “M'ony i" rite l.iiigbtx).’ "What <lo<* ago amount tut Tim older u in no glta ta thl* llfo tbo younger bo la In tlio next nn', from all account*, tlie next U better nn' keeps a body At a mind ■till. Lord, you don't look like a fel ler that irorrlea about anything unless It’s 1'rr the lark o" some dirviJmer.i. Mr. Ul'Jyor'ti low mo how yon loro to gag old llcnks. 1 reckon since ltob'a done the way bo boo you'll bare it in for tbe old man, or. rather, lie'll hire It b» fer you all, beca'ae Mr. Bfllyer •ays Hsnlta predicted front tbo ftrat that nob D.1 come to no good. 1 linln't Dtcit Mr. ITlItyer alnea Mra Dugan told xne about It but it'll worry ’im Hke rips. ror. you know, Je*t day be fore yesterday lie let Bob bare another two thousr.pd to enlarge bit business on. linlerge. I say. A boy o' that ago ert to be spanked for wluit be'* douo— Jest when folk* was brsggln* on 'Im. - OB'H— « air*. rmi> rr-tteiinor I oyea wera wklo opcu In oatonlthmrnt — "what nr* you talkin' about?” "Talkin' about? Jim Kenner, do you moan to tell mo that you. the Utggast man poo* I per In Duricy. don't know what Boh Heck* baa cone ami doner* "I’m at the fnat of It, Mr*. Illltyer.’’ ’ "Walt ha klniply sot that little or phan (pul, l»om May. •ame’p’ or other, from loutariih*, out o’ Mr* Style* boardin’ achool Inst nlcUt »»’ drlr ’*r In n lrn*cy to Rprtuptown an’ *ot a reentry preacher to marry ’em." "Good Lord. Mr*, nitty err’ "14*1 what ha done,” went on Hr* Hlllytr. "They spent the nlslit nt the pratebar** house, tuck UrMkfnat an* drl* back to Dnrloy. Thay’va pat up permnnont at tba lohnaton lionet. Mr*. Dn#«n went tip and a*nd whar Boh had-rccMnrad 'R. O. Manta nnd hady,’ btcaa yon! An* that chit of a an) In abort draaaa* hardly l»cluw tba knanl lira. Pusan *ayn ultile »ra, w»* thar ».lookin’ old llonk* runut In n* ynllnr at a *<jon*h Bit n*#il It they Had rht • yet. Ilia clerk I,>1,1 ’im ■>.—I In. I the bridegroom had odd hu to any tb.il Iw wna iioi i t linuw to any caller*, ah’ ef ft WA* about hUNiMMU they wauled la •ce ’Jra la refer ’cni to hln liw«d *i>Wa nton nt the atotv. Hid yon or try la It nay wmider hi* daddy wouldn’t aat ’in. np tn buoUicaa? The wtua his head no aartU la the fort lhar yuutu boy* hat wl»« uwy think (bey can *tart In to rntala’ n family iv,n eonMu’l stand •WtotHty. I reckon. Mm. l>mtuo «a/» Mi*. Wyla* hu <UamJ«t*il aboul tta ♦he rcat a* Um wrack au' la walkin' aboat tbo '»inpn* au fccr Imrul* with •or feet In llte nir, it a#uuia tin,I lii gal wraa put (it Mm. Krylov ere by aomo.l!h» o' In-fn, an* iko old but? rvm t know wlutt nho'n la tta about |». Tu*^* aoinc aecrvt about who au* wrtm| iho gal It anyway. Mr*. Kt>10a la afoard • It wBI tmrt tin ll*o Inal ;tni Iota Mr*, Dugan inija It "will Ni'li* ll>o wli**!— that to'.lfn will «rn*>1 amib gala thar to git 'cut married ,<t. Il.nln'l Ihoy board It at the warobowot-." •'/hoy hadn't whoa t i*ft n'.nmi I wo*, ty ml on I an npo. Mm. nniror.** , "Wall, I woo'" atop you. I mm Mr* Mffiaan loanla' or or (ho fonoo without • • Nutt or ahawl I* tUa triad. Ill go ' as* aaao ‘or tip I kapw yWto ooohha’ tn tot* it to yarn gdag.** A few talawtoo after Kroner hod *»• pladrd bio imtortouttwi at th# aflbm *M rtaaka cam# U. Ho waa yal#. and Ida I akm l<»4uv| «« tir> a* tilil (mv tin tout. ' but bo no* cation rivaled pcj.iint*. bracking the buck* with tltiulj’, proa/- < like il lifer u&:U II« m ukm n with onr n «ord cod drat**) * h.itwUol of hull* Into tbo afore. "Jim.” be will auiklcnly lo Kellner. ! "nleii tlkl juu «»>r Jo nhoat thnt ne count Bill nanblll mm a-owtn' you?" "I not It yet.” wtd Keiinre, ibrowtnx • knowing ntnlle around Ilia room. "Well, of you'll dlaroiint It enough to make It Intcnwtln*:. I'll btty It I'm for im tied up with u pine* rt larul o' tiU'n. na' I traut tint land." “t reckon tre kla uuiUo a deal." nnld tin cotton buyer n* bo wiped n mill* fmm b'n fmllc mouth v.u'i I tin long •intitl “I reckon yon hoard thal roll litvl Inkou to Mine If n hilpuhil Y’ Tin* croup lmtw on tile old man'* ro ply trunk* orunbcii another pmmit in bl» baud and rained rite lent port of it to hi* lip*. "I u»!i I cnio nhnl be duct." bo Mid. "I tub. yo i all you'd malic n fool of ‘lot, no’ now l niiaii yon mo I wu* rlfill." lie wan Mart ax aer-u-liiid/ at IXIHy»r. "V«t slnrted it," he blurted* out. “Tl'iir ntn'i one lioy tu forty mil licit font khi keep from fillin' tho b'f liouil with seek rr»i*in*tlil)IHc* pnt on ’lot i'!l ot « nid.tin. bin I imtn't n-earln.’ I nvhui t on kivnv how I* git Tore uioni.i Iki'x." "fill. 1 don't know that this mean* •hnolitlo ruin." said lflllyer 1n hU own defense. "Son,-hoe. I re pot faith In Holt y«L A !••'>' full o' ]ui|ipy lurt will Miiitr.iiiica a«‘t re* klc*», Imt It may end all rlj til." AS tida JttiirtMiv ttoli tlunk« Mineelf tinif In. lie wore III. I**»t riotaos. air I l.'e l.ra.ia l.nd lioe:i fis-dily polUli W. Ill* ;. In Mrs*, a rull.ee t.'uuii ooi*. Kiaai'f tl..nighr. mated iliiiii.imjjr on lit* fuThr-r o f n **i *. "They mid me ui I lie boiel that you Wi.nifl to so* ii>e. liitKir." la* uubl. "If I'd itWdii yea" "\i». I r Hist nu' let's my cyaM," ju •Mem*l iuokc. With « surer. “hot I till sift I" t:o nnret-. I J,**| celled r.u a little IssMit o’ Itnyfor** |liu sorter Kid me to inasl -• u mvk ns.i that I'd lie'|i you .1 I t ih"I uiorh o' dry gnats, bet I Rr.il out ttirl iuy present iutculioua Won't p•milt of It, Wtioii I thought f*romiily of it. you wn« n uumkrr.iM niiiu. with Jest yorea-tf to look after •if yore hoard |in 1.1 by another party, but now yon'to inek lUo beat (tnnrtcm •t ll» liotel an' got a high ju iced dres* omki r mimin' round to put hems on /era wife's skirt* to kivrr up yur* fol ly. an’ If* rtlflerout No; X won't pat a cent In tint bnalne** rf yore'll. nn#. moreover. 1 want to *ay right new that ciu soon ex Mr. Tralntc gif* trick from five country he'll *tlek a danse In tnr prlrnte taper* th*IH keep yoo •It* that schnnlaid from benefitin' by my death.'' "on, I knew all ibis wcmkl come." Bob said In n r*grvtf«l lone to George, who was eying Inin hi slow wonder, '•but I huln t the foot I took. George. Make Jclte go out o' tbo olftcr, .in' I'll tell yon folks nil about it" Tlir negro did not Inve to t»i» inform ed that la Wes pel warned, a is I with a sly hnah. hilf of apology. hr hur * tied ikji into Iho wurrimiiw. "Vnu ronld be a big enough fool for any use cu' uol be a* big n ori» as yon look." sold old Hanks. >*llh n Sheer. “Look r1 here, ronng man." demand ed Kenner, "didn't yon tell me t'other day that yon was goin' in In up mi that racket?" "I remember tollin' you I wasn't go to’ to steal the girl out fix any moic happy ride*,1' said Bob, with n siolle. “There will be no newl of that In the fnlurr. I hope." "So thal's whnt yon lucaui?" lnnpbeil Kenner. -Tm; I list's what l meant." Bob drew ime of tbo high revolving alnola up mrr the stovo and got np on It. liH lisol* n-sting on one of the rungs. Ills NOW bn Jctotb imnaera Klbrtaoeil in the tlgtit front tlie window. "I I'll Imre to loll you nil nhont It from the first." he I-van la a atrsrgc ly rociMeut tune. "t dao't n«k nny boily liny adifV. an" wouldn't bother to rxidahi to moot folks, but HI oeknowl fslge I want yon fellow* down lirrr in think well of me, for you tiro all bits! ness men amt Vui * basin*** man " "TU«t you are," snarled Ifi.iiks "rimr** Inudnesa men o' yore grmie In every pore boose an' asylum Is Amer ton. r«ro keep ijnlet If yon warn rw to ten «1«Mtr rtdo thine." n-thl Rob. -t mu n ijinit. i know bow to tnnko money, tirory'lilng l ea pnt toy baud to nltxe 1 got a atari hna tuvnwJ «m» n fair profit if l rauhla't tank* money faatar than you. father. I'd tnk* la my algn. Yon'to alway* bunt nfrnhi of l-.lg dvnla. *Oo *}*»' baa liren your tiedle, «n’ It'a baiillug you to your graire. Now, tliia U lUu way the wtaolo Wamod thing raum op. rm nM enough to worry, mat that gb-r— OWt enough tbo .lertir liralca In Itaok*. "Yaa look like y«a oro with that fan on yotv Up." ‘1 reckon a uaa aagut tn ho lila awn .'adsa aa to whalbar h* I* old enough for a «t«p o’ that ktud." Bob aaM. with tudricu dignity. «It began tbla way. Thera waa tbree aophomorua at lira. htvM aehoot and thry all aeamni hant an erring which one raald tnnko m* Ilk* 'ion the moat. Thry waa ull pretty enough no' aharp rueugh, tin* I reckon It wne Jwt linuinu nature for to* ta rarry ua with V» a little. I don't know a* I lined one better thau itnatbrr at Brat. It waa Jnat (be fon of earing ■f*i wtanclc," Rat. In imbed out input ■•retj.. "Duty pretended In hr go thick aa mcrfaaar* in ibr winter, but they hat ad ••• a nattier Ukr unabw. Thau they got t* tnituR lira aa each ottirr. I knew they were nr. heranar 1 caught op with ’em I’laaliy I mw tint t>*»t you aw*a Mr* Haidar nHtad Raauar, with mart aolnmalty “Te*. my wlf*,- mpPad Bab “Aa I »«y. I Anally aaw »Ho wag taut th* •M I waa looking for, pud t aaad* up rny ml#4 ta gat aarrtad aad ha daw '•It!' If. Tt.ini.liv bMI kee itnd ur. ia» in w* Uwr tori tri tw uw.h hums. I ti'W ner <ur felts would oljocr tu ti. l/ut sue narttud 111.- Jo NO slued, 5bv s u« 'mtiixtitcat an a last na lee. na* »b* ain ulforJ in te.r Boo paused fur u n Kin in,v. IwI-i.tif i in fitir.ri < Ix’tivou'i bU kn-s*s, Hi ll iwi lu> rml •■) seekon I II isu, tu tall you ill sutxic tkingr. I rtwi’l Kpon us IM (oil 11 now, hat father la rriNiu' such u ryw over my marrjlii’ ll:ai It puls mu tu n bad llgbl mid liiirts my li'Kliinui. y,y cTr.ui won’t 1m worth M:niks If ti yet,* out that my dmlily lain jsino rlourt buck on m»—llial U. mull they krow about my wife-* ioun-■*’)■,hi*. ’His mitt, >». Dorn May's an* ptouty of aasi'r.” "JimmyT* u l'pei) K'niiior nnd MMlynr In a hrnetk. •-riMI’a -wrhAi I wiH.'* amvitml llob eatuily. •Tlini you named her fi-r ilmt," aakl Kenner eleriijy. •'Xo, I didn't.'• replied rob. '"riio 1mlli la, I Jlk.it her tirfurn l knew about If. 8Iip «nits mu tiptop, and I can't help IF If rlir In Troll oil. Him'* srlint won 111 lie enllnt l.lc rku in this part of l.wi cotmlry. lire fnthur left iMr eevemt bin- t.a of lonleeri hausen In lsatavllln. Vtl,* isui on t>io» Isileh nkme is noms'liinu ever live lliottaand u yitftr rnd ulll all rnnio to liar sleni she's of e.aic Her iruunlluii didn't LIJ “7Vaerr nif.'t a Ut n1 lima la a fell am nui-rttiao Mtmej/." think It would 'oc btwt tor It to get out Uo» n lie™ before aim vat li'ice scUool. »» he (rot Mrs Xty’cs nut to men tion It un* innate Ixarn May promise oof i* n-)l It. Hut. of court*, wlico m* nn* tier got cuttaixtel. ami”— ••Von let n gnl in slwrt frock* tell you n n<k r.n" hull t'ory itto that," lirok*: lit Ilia.-.!.*. h>' ,iJlntr fate,! wovk hip 'isInly. ”nn’ yon swallowed It. Ilk* the seeker yon ore." "I bad no rcoarm to doubt It." retort •d Bob. with a flash. "ltm I found out afterward that it won all true. 1 know n tobacco dramnaer from op that way. He (cu nil ray trad* In that 11m* lie an’ him nre pretty friendly, an' I confided lo him. Ho told me be knew all about tlit family nnd snbstnutlated everythin? Dora Mny had said an’ added a lota snore alaout In rot truant* of Ucr* that she didn't even know a boat/’ "Hot why were yon to such a hur ry V* naked Kenner, who scorned to be the only one In I ho pronia capable of ready etpnsiion. "'Veil." nob bcalintrvt, nnd a frank flash spread over his face, "there ore •otne Uoya in this town that would run after a rich girl, and Dora Kay would luvo been entirely too popular to do her uoy pood. Oh. yoa needn't worry about me tin’ her! 1 (ell yoa we kaow what wo tiro doing. Kfee'ii busi ness from bead to foot an’ knows 1 can mmmpo her sffalro nil rlplit Thrve ain't a bit of harm In a fellow marry ing money If he lorra hi* wife nod has (he ability t» make sente himself. I believe I'm n horn money maker. I iwkon l pot it from father I bcllor# »f lie'll 'a* bad a fnlr chance and oat beau afraid he’d ’a* born the richest man hi Utla state. lit married a poor srontnn and haul no start, anil yet bat’s Jono writ—lhat la, pretty wed—for his iliauc?*.** iw ctw n aiiom 10 imrvo you Bought tire '(ki n Job collectin' Dura May'* rent.’* RiW Ki-nncr, who wa* bubbling orer with oiijoyim-ul. Tliut) silence fell. Tliey wit* ul) walling for Hank* to *peaji. but b* had nothing tv My. fla iw aa<1 went outdoor*, hi* acr.itrny hand* In the pocket* of lila traaaer*. "Dio Ixml only know* what bo'll do." nkl llvli. "Rut the die la cart, an* I (bat footer imiepoiMtent ot him. Look bore. Mr. Ken Bor." turning buck from Uw door, "yon Butt get the Idea out at your bend that t did Oil* thing Jaut boo ran Dam May waa well fixed. I tall yoit nbe'a Jaat what I wn« looking for. fikrt pretty, not a bit laxy oral' tUnlu (but «l»st I ilon't know ain't worth teaming, ghc'* turn no mweh internalrrt lately in my lMtalncw that ah* waen'l armiytng m»»1 at school tiny, troy. Rbcfa giro ma » great many pointer*. I tell you. Pi e lirg.«d m* write otl tl>em *C«. that folk* aoM wm to good, eapeclnlir them wtih (be poetry la 'mo. I'm a had rpelkr, ant aka cor toetad all of ’em Wore they wn* print Id." “DM you erert' Kenner nalrt wltan ■fit) bad gnne. "lit fWear I don't know Whether to tick or cnttgmtnUte lot " An Coont* wm going bout# to <tia atr ho aow old flank* tranlng on th* taw* of a raeuat tot waiting fop hia. Own* panaed. "That grownd od tank* poad turnip*," aatd Hank*, apttttng amp th* taw*. "1 hatter* TH make .‘t, • ' 'r r :t, | <■>-*.; f>«< my < . *. Jr, itu- k'l'll,/." Orartn* s-.j not*.'*' i,; kionr tt» uU ,,»■ 3 r.-.' .tel to- hint to rpeik of Poj's tv.'rrl'yo. “Worn iVir ti »" «f.t. Sty)«*.“ H*uk* tM»v«: in tu* <;ji'.-,,.i,i of tb* •cbnoltic 'ii,,". '•Oh. you <Tl.ir “Vi*. W,«J it u'.ii: '.r bvod nit tt«<1 «|» la rrrv n«‘ * millin' I!:* ■ i)n.( rtcrr. At fort »!•? fcpjit rii **vb * fcrr'i Vr •,|,i> ronV,". !r nv **y ■ wonL bin ijnlr'i-' i*'vvtn after ■ini.lfi*. #b' iri* tom to ;. p , run* to a tmJrrr!iiii^ ;•»•." “A" niiilirit lui’a good," *oM tV.T-o: "*Vt*< \»> ■•oil; io.ri.--r ~.t-s, to tit iT(*ri trlnr, Hint If kilt'll mritit to that {TimiVi ii aV.t I*eb fg> p|, oi.ljr ,1,11,1 ito' rnni I nr.inruiljr nrisyt r.jnjctli'.u* at my dornlM- r’jal. nivyim. ],» iron 10 nos in iso ,i row." “Tttrn liar srli-l rpnlty Is rl la." aefd Tie rli! p no •)>«( met- il.« ler.ce RSniK. tie ri. Mrii Ocorae'. dime* “Aw. *•:<•« «vrd hoe'ed.'' be ■aid. "an' lini II fo^l !\j ft If ;»g ntHd. the V. J1 iri .-•» Mu. So iyt.' IV* mom ln\ ilii- «1d li.ly «u.t. with a b ug mrat #•". f'ln* i- IY»I iirftiv/ olii.tift-i—didn't Intend III hill* im.ir.dy tnr.'illlii' with Iter ntTali-x- of tniylioi y Iml mirth'.;.* tn ■iijr aj;ia i’. Ji Haulm Ii. m-ml rui to Inn-, ft'*' mi i»u. IJJ.ti.-i.xl <ir t iml 11*1 ■oner oiii'I* i ft urn* Yr yoi-H-lmir t *1 ■ eyn e.-eun-il .1 jnl in the Cam’iy. on’ out* trlth f'eniy •' mifa U nimot o» acvept.blu in any oilier *r.-1—4- T,-r in •he lour; run.'’. "AVlsi-a .’.ire. m.v. iol.i nt im ilinn -r ir.t'Y ii-ji rey i-f »* -.* or.-ugie of IWI. 1 in *ri'l." ■.■*. h. e * • i.l- • .,v... | dim i kliiwr m lion ll-iv. in no.il a lui-%11 —me nfvr oil. The kVi-c.r tu the l-;nt i« eniota' Je-t « h«t Ik doi.-o— tour r>u it11 l.-r-r .yen tr.ru. fTi o lilatyiltv It .*<•'. .1 ii't til:.1*0 U» UlMI ore- it. tie « bc’.i e*re. V e r..em tl.'l.g tin' !ms mil ur.vlt lr.«tlti»--.vt firide In Itn :.-r. :!.* M- iu>r*trx«f *' •‘.Vevi-i .lieVyjt, ill, ,1. /* mtid li.llyrr d*VT til* JrjJi-4-,1 (tdi<«* r:-:. --f-«t a Ul.ie rattier ri— !"no i.vid-i ug.-e over live girl than lift due*! ** “Oil. 1 t.r.*;*t knirr why the bey v-ctitd t o niiit.t ■r.-'e :i.-t : ui^- dm litre vI*.ii I R r.<»ihi’a on ciiii-micu. an' oron of Yu Jest a oil d.i’ t'lli-i! ' u 4:>xa tloaJ oti uli .-ns it witt <--ui i M-tii actor. I yc-tt. tl iu a lore <r ktni> itcrin* lore « jj-.!re rta: ruu dry u imi.h after t'ue .. iwx'n tried. Hut ( don't ■otrel.ow til itr'i na' hie *.- t will cail U|i l*->.l. Tiler'll a aa-ny. •■■.-r-orf-.it wey o' Je.iMi;' «i:t for yaomcif. ua' Uicui l-r.• j ,anu urn eir r Je»: itnn-a tlic'r way lute happim'** aV io»e it witli ’em tlir-rivti n low. ■aei-nwfitl life. I I'O-H- mi, | fuu'r Wirw!;v 'em anyth, in: il-i-j-'iv ioi *:r u.ay ;i*vtiur.» Inte. 1 uti l ti .it t;.i| oti'.-e at tin. au-tieol ntl.llilUcm na‘ .ink ii likti.' to her. }jho look.* Itl.-I* kl:e'4 bri-n vre.i rained. I dmiijH*! rg- InindkonJik-C. a a, l *lm •eruHililnl to lurk it up. aa' w'jnu 1 said. -Tfcant: yim.' she mi Id, -\oro vcl '•oi<«*. hiii'ahi** ah' iliilaT :. 3SlQ Uke •OTr.e do when they ear anything un cuual'' CllAlTKU XXI. IKOHCH waa-now lunger's p.mV ner In builunn. Tim winter parsed, and a bright spring - dawned. The Crnnetosra had sport the CUrlstmna holUlayi la Vir ginia viMlins relatives and wore back RgHln n« Harley that tho major might superintend tin? planting ou bis fans* la ihc vicinity and recuperate bis full ing health. It was the Grxl Sunday morning aft er ibefr ntura. Ilillycr waa bating a confidential talk wlih lila wtf# in the rittlng room: Onorjre wn* amoklng oaa tho verundu. “Yea. i rood he waa bothered.** (be eld mao WMH raying, "no* bavin' beard the governor oaa expected on lha 0 o’clock trubi tbla evmiln*. an* know!** George bad an cneagcuicnt to call on Mies 1-y.Un tonl;ti». I put two an’ two together aw' got nt what ailed 'Ira. Me an' him Inika pri’ity cvnlhlentlnl tome times, uu’ I axel 'lui ef that wasn't what he wa* think'll* ahont. on* he ad mitted that u wiin an* oi'enly axed ray advice ax i i wind He wt to «lo under the cTrcmimln lira I tu'd Tn« I’d study over it an* M 'In know later.** “Why. b-11 iiai I my t>» go nn, surer* • tr or no itnviwnor." hu‘,1 lira. IHOyer. TTo*» got as n. :c*i r!-Jil la *nll tonight ta nny night Hub. I eiyf* “TbiU'a ij.VL the tray I pat It nb»** aakl tho UMsvliiinl In it tone expressive Of eiraskli-roiile rvttef. nitd lie went out to IJeorgv. “I (it J* iJw. a-Wey. fee U%au. tv.iaijg on the bmiKoav* ami ero-'i»«ki Ll» fat fact. Tsjr ratlly Uet cam *ay a gentleman eouid act cedar uml-i clrtjmaUfieae. To* j aaa. at* bnln't carer rehmaed yea (na • yr.ro mgaccsMat. an' far you ta pra ! «a*rc lui yen tr»a out of lb* gam* !«■>« Wii'ae you'd lieanl Iron Urn- T»» gioa ■•!.' her tdad that another fctfcv waa fine would make you acts aactar (tnsiH*. So; lit long r.» Mira I.yxUa ball)-! iixed you to exeune ’er thee h.ila-r hut ere iWng ter pm to da, a a* tl a( '<* to vm. an" xrlian y»a git that don'r you M Tclfare root you not. bath er. l.t he la the governor. I'd "hem oy rtrfln* “fib. I hsd lierhlAl fo go." George re ijuMiy■. “km f f»M that if may hr luq.lwiwdt. I him Mm aocPblMe t trta liuri-iucod to lilm. mi,l be loohnl mini hmw j to bite tay Mod off. t Iw-llf.itul In U* Umvlng u* mejorla Jut a* l» tv-..* iwiltuc in. mid we paaaad »«t :.V- n il Ik ll* n-.iixt+y nodded.” ••tVlii. ;.«| iKt I’d go.- hU DHlyar. ami I f <* «ir n Mr room te prepare tor church. -rue fr.lowing evening wo* « pirtaant ®m. Civ) (iw-to entered tbe gate it the CranWW euJ atarted tip the walk I* «» Gcncrmw Tvlfarr walking to •n>l fro on llio gniM near the bow* arwiklng a oignr. lie,:ring the tatcb of llm gain dkfc r.« George cfcwd U. Trt fore paugoil. Murad at George far an Indent an] il.cii cam* toward tom, meeting bln. wbei* bo wet Watt wap between tile gute r.od tbe etepo of Urn renuula. *1 waiii to m«ck to yon. Daeklcjr." bo »nlJ ecl.Uy. "Lel'a wnBt orw to tint -riemer boom.” “V.t,. " un4 Ceorgo nnl bo inet-.sj jvti ■„ ||. ■ grew airt otacrad tbo ncou > t o ri.nrtuuoit of Uie vine grow* UoUd-’cy. Tt.c governor ncoted blueeir on CMC if ito Iwpvticn and nervoualjr pcb,d at lit.. *Hgar. ronut ftoalioa of red UsUt Mir.wing Internment glfeopww cf t»* .talk- nut fare. fliorfe read U lutm lively rnj wta prepared tor wbat wr» rr.ml. y. 1Tb yrmag Lined waa ah rood* m a Ivnlllng point. Indeed, the govmnrt’o iHHilmt monitor of (iMrem ing Lim bod bun, In Itaetf oa inaalt. "I olfi.ly waul to egy to yoa. Back toy." TV) fare auhL with n a over, "that yon arJ I cunnot rWt under tbe aano roof "Vk. Tbitt'e Uadr r-turlMl toe yoan grr ik :n. li’e •Vto r tore banrteg down dof; ally »n lily ratag.mlat through lho hull ilertivy,. "I'm min I (ball iniao rot*. iMafrtiMdV' 'iv'ere Mul at liw., In aeteabb* u'ui*. 1( vri-.r uk if be bod not dreamed il*‘< itockl > would dare to uaka any '.Llug lull !Ue inovt civil, mu a bum b!e. rrj.ly. rjnMiWi-tn* bl« :lower and wlml l.i" lut< :uli-d to propone. “Tea Siwiw vlut 1 tomtit," aald tba gm-ermir, v tries mope nagrj.' Tea kntw well ouonai. why 1 will not ait ao an c?iitil in 11m* tame drawing Mom •fllli >*’ii- Son know wbat yen aia." "V;- kimul.VIg.* a too tx trade to aoma oaud *'omcgj|>, ;i)e i-rcuturea. got •raw Telfnre- In an otvaviomd mil ing. nt leua;. with one man. wt>wtu I certainly en«UJ ,viwlilrr benvulh no tier If 1 ilM not inert bim under lho roof of mom miwciabW*. If blind, poo pV." TMij.v * moll.mil an ontb and Stood op. lit* ebcrt fcmrc »rove ring dwarfed be*Mo ihr atiiiritc yestMv gloat. “Yeti «av Hit* to «*;" no gamed. *T# Diet" "Oh. no: I iilrtn'1 Inloi.l It tor too." wild liennn*. "llov mokl 1 ray uct a thins W h’.* nplk-otr lb« governor of CecrgSaV’ In Ibv rteryi nllewa that followed Georg* cookl JlaUoctly hear Tclfare'e violent peaiing. “Too F*i a proposition to inatM to yoa," tin governor uneperl In a Stial elTort ai mlatiKo*. aa to sank to bio •eol. "I’m in Hut pnelllon to da yoa a favar—to «mm nx nothing that sag toon, rltuelrcl no y«m or*, would be Plod to iieiepl. Hut we hart begtiu wrong. IVrUp* l co-Ait not to bare boon m oulKpukmi, tint toeing yoa bora smtCenlr ||Lirv.vfcotl tue. pit (lows a toluene ami MV plnlnly nndemand eaoti otner." “l ibhik. aifeoif, iiwt we bar# tr gnn »roue" will Rock ley, who to> nm Inert tinixllng. lio placed oua ad Ma reel nn ll.w l-each tnelde tba gar era oe mid Ironed over him. “At arqr rtta, t aat wrong now. for | aogbt to atop ftmt into. And I wont io nay to yoa I wor.nl il t It but for the rnnQevt I have top th» people yoa ora Tinning; Hat's > all tut rav«* yoa, t:r. t’to met caw temntible. twwanlfy cars before, bat I yaa” * “too can any Wbnt yea with to too," -—--| A Matter of Health There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord* ingly endorse and recom* mend it. . -6 lockup r°Ur 0'>,ctlr’ °M**C ’ Wall, that'* a print* MU*,’ aw ■•mad Ttifare, ‘hat I atajr aa waB ad ■it that mr object la to marry Kin Crantm. aud. atthorridtarty Kartn atrd Ly a *o*t «f idly. adatlraWr iu • 1*r }-m to tour in Mm fit l •Imply »* ui to rrmof* you item tea tUr <—.1::. t wiiti Lie tiMUat karlay •pndy *» p*ij»tr«t the Map of bar «r har prraaliL «>»:l Loom I'm wot Joalaaa at jvttl litutrnioa. It la oaly tlie Idaa Of oar vi)iHJ**e i m »* *,■>.-ui eqnala.** Crorsa loci uj.. Ur he* MaMthJaa to *o>. o«* it raoa ta Trifar*1* am laay «f«er ti-, wurA. trier aptka. -.•Ij f-t> r. Tr!.'ar-.~ hr Uiaa^rti ooiirirl i' i rtiTlhit, uiij no doubt Jetilr. »«u In- wan oh ualitrrrt*. In* r-tut Mira. Mr v n ibVf. tmyoaiTat Ltrt. un• l-yriT ilisu hr. far. with yowr oifi.nu«lt!i-» fir krl*ht from "ML. jot •‘.r-r i Jr rear •■Hr*- tho *T> h» Klim in (run to you l.j tbr atato— to adruuiv > «tir *n pcnoaal tutor a*ta T*n aw moer aapaiiloaaWa thaw aiy father, a* for my bar tag any •elalar aatfco lady yaw natlia. than aawp. aad K *oaM he CMmaaaMa hr NUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES. | A

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