• PrtaU Uii mn-taul it. a It It imtlilal -tix tn it. < It I. ntlahla Wan mi It. I It *«' u>» Htniiafiaai-ad w vxttMc La it. ) *Cxt-x« IkiCf'aliriiYtlktttrw. , -- ” ---• . - •—•- ” • • » • • a u.rr • • t*. u*w.« VOA- XXV, _GASTONIA, N. C. BOLDINA 1Q> BALES. And (ha rilb.rt Man Wat Otlarad Id Cant* lar Sana al U- Mo*. Ini Aroaad—Catling Flrewotd by Stoam—Other Itona al la. toraal. Filheit, S. C. Dec. IS, 190#.— The sudden drop in the price of cotton has caused the fnriners in this neighborhood to .say some unpleasant things about themselves for uot selling when they could have gotten a fair price. There is any amount of cottou .scattered over this county und it is being held for higher prices. One man near here has probably a hundred bales and was offered over six teen cents for some of it, but inv opinion is lie'll never get that offered him .tgaiu soon. Don't you know he leels linrt? Last week must h«vc been a good week to move. Mr. John McCarter moved bark to his old home abont a mile cast of town, Mr. Calvin Ptirsley to Mr. J. M. Stroup's in the /.adock neigh borhood and Mr. Robert b'vrgitson of R. |(, D. Xo. 2, Vorkville, to Mr. Parks Jack* son’s farm southeast of here. Mr. Jackson and family moved to Vorkville some weeks ago. The .saw mill at PartoU's giu ncry met with au accident to day. lu some way the carriage tumped the track cauaing the saw to tcar through the castings, damaging it considerably. They will be ready to run by to-nior. row morning. A shooting match is billed for b'ilbert the 17tl». Turkeys will be furnished by Mr. David Jack ton. Couje aud bring your gun r.nd let ps win a turkey for V mat. ui me lariueiy uiunim Here hired an engine and «hw and cut iuto fire lengths their winter wood. That is n very good idea, livery family should lay in a suppy of good, dry wood for winter use. and have item ready for the fireplace if possible Ml. and Mrs. flasket Thmimx spn "showed out ’ at f ’nion last Sunday evening. Miss Hester Wood spent Ibi day night with her aunt, Mr#. John Lawrence near Clover. The Sacrament of the Lord’s supper will be administered at Union Baptist chinch on Christinas day ut 11 a. ni. The school ut this pLct hasn’t oiKuc-d yet for want of a teacher. Why don't some one apply? Miss Ivunna Creusiuan who is teaching at Free Silver will have a Christ mas tree and ex ercises Saturday evening Dec. Will. The public is invited to attend. _ PLEASED WITH THE PAPES. Sakiciiilin Renewed Alter A Short Free Sahacriplieo. A Christmas letter like the following docs the editor’s heart good "like wine," and adds to the obligations wc feel under to strive to be woithy of the kindly sentiments therein ex posed; K. F. D. No. l. Concord, N. C. Due. 13, 1004. T-.i tile MlUir or Lbfl Unn-iiM DKAK SIR;—1 enclose one dol lar for which please coutinne sending me Trrn G tzirm: lor a year. Someone was kind enough to send me the paper fur sonic months past, and 1 like it. It certainly is a bright newsy sliert and reflects much credit upon , the publisher. Wishing >ow suc cess and all the iuys of the Christ ina! and New Vear season now approaching, I am. etc. WkK'i the Matter H i:h 30 Cents. Kichwwl Nwrii l*«*r One ol the mvstctics uf nlaii}* is the obliqny cast an thirty ceutM Why do we sny that peo ple and things loot-ini; particn larily alinbby and badly “look like thirty cents?’’ Why do we feel like “thirty cents*’ the momiHR after. To most of ns thirty cent* «ally fan nr re SPtfcliihic St.n» of Uitmcy .md many of ns have Men times when it would nave looked like a J. Picrpoul M.h^uii profit in a deal in steel common. Wlmt is the peculiar vice of thirty cents and what scornful plutocrat ori ginated the idea of makit.fr it tfiiouiiuinits? A Now Proposition. F«ltkfotk#i » Frvnrtkioi One of the Commandment* *ecm* to declare ** Ihoi* shall not covet." rnd a friend of ours who has had some experience sug gests that some of the good church folks do not heed the command. He aver* that not only do they covet—but they actually steal the cook. He goes on to relate that ‘‘the snatching The cotton crop in the last! five yeat* has exceeded ui value * the five proceeding crops hy » billion dollars,and tin- cotton of the South is now bringing about $*150 000,0*1(1 n vear. liven in 1U!I0 tlie total value of All South ern agricultural prodncls wo* on ly $773.000.(XT); this vear it will exceed $1,700,OX),000 Add tv these the iiiauuuctured products and - the mu put ot the mines, and the total value is now in creased to $3,500,000,000. as a gainst only $1,100,000,000 in WHll. though meanwhile the pop ulation has inert used only about b0 per ceut. The Smith is ui. longer dependent on the West for its corn, hut is raising its own supply with the couse (pteucc that the enormous sum which.it obtains from its cotton will hereafter remain in the South. That is, the South is now rich and it will grow steadily richer. l;ire at Miuueapolis, Mitui., early Wednesday morning in the business section de stroyed property to the extern of $5,000,(jrjn. THE EDITOR’S WIFE. -_ Letter from [III not* Niwupa^r M*a that U Well Warth ReaOlag. The following letter from S H. Duncan, editor oi the Sea ton. Ill , Independent, shows tltal there la at least one editm who wauls to help others. 11* write* n* follow* "To the Editor of TllKtU'/.ETTK: I wish you would print the i'illowing »nd thus help me to »l«» .1 kindlier.* to >»«nr readers. My wile has tnvn * great suffer m with stomach tumbles fot the pat! four years, and ihe last two years practically an invalid Nothing seemed to help her until 1 procured a box of Mi-o nature’* cure for dy*p.-p*ird my mini to take. "Now 1 lay »<• down to steep,” Near IIk- i-ainplirc'ft nlfkaring tight. In wv htanket bad I lie. lnet.ouw.ill In live Imhip)im ol yonder ire** wtwniiwrtr I ho dancing rill Hum-tin the midnight tm-lody ronnvn way Im lurking mat. in the canyon dark nnd deep; l/nr I Wntltc In Jeana' t*nr, ” 1 jiroy tlw l/ml tny «onl to keep.” 'Mhl the rtitrn ime face I act- - One the Saviour enlled away. Mother. who, in infancy taught my tutu- li|>* to |»rar. Or*’ awcet api'h hover* oyor.' ... *.n l™’ lonely mountain faake. l *ke me lo licr. 8m l»»ttr ilenr. ”11 I nhonhl die Iwfmv I wake " 1’ainli r Krona the dickering Until Fin the air with aaddenfag erteaj Over me they acem to err, 'Von may imtxr mtm- awake:" »/*w 11 lap, *lf t ahotiM die I pray the Ty Rev. W. B. Arro wood. Before the entrance of the bridal party Mi n til* Or mand sang ’Because f love you" to the piano accompaniment by Mi«a Kinma Ford and the violin accompaniment by Mia* Isabella Arrowood. A* the party entered Mis* Elizabeth Hunter of York ville, at the piano, and Miss Isabelle Arrowood. with the violin, played Mendelssohn’* wedding march. ur. ike Campbell ol Clover and Mr. F. H. Jackson of Met be) were nsbers and Miss Koiily Dulin of Bethel and Miss Rstner Ford of Clover were flower girls. The bride's gown wax crepe dc chine with Persian pearl trimmings; sbe wore n hand veil caught op with nrangr blossom*. After the ceremony a re ception wsx tendered ihe bride and groom from H to 1) o'clock at tbe home of the groom** fath er, Mr. D. C. Stanton. The house was handsomely decorated with evergreens and | tolled plants. A sumptuous lepastj was served in four course*. The bride and groom were the recipients of a large number of handsome aud ns« tut presents trout friends . Mr. and Mrs. Stanton will re ride at the Hope Adams place which he has recently jnir c based. Tbe guests from a distance were; Misses Beulah and Bessie Barrou of Rock Hill; Misses Mary Bose and Itli/abeth Hauler of Yorkville; Mr. and Mrs. Little and Mr. and Mrs, Anten of Chartotte; Dr. H. F. Gtenn, Mr. H. f. Stowe, and Miss Janie Jackson of Gastonia; Miss Lottie Barron of Kbrart.-t; '■ Miss. Mattie Caldwell, Miss Bessie Adams and Mr. Herbert Wriglu ol Clover. Both of the contracting par ties btc very popular in Bethel aud their marriage was an event of interest (o the entire coui mnnity. Mr. 0. A. Gray. Director. It is n matter of current rumor, based upon reliable information, that Mr. George A. Gray, the well known cotton manufacturer, ia to become a director of tbc First National Hank. This is the result of some changes that arc to be made' in the near future, the details of which were ml available for publication yesterday. Mr, Gray is one ol Gastonia'*' strongest business uten. having (or years been closely Identified with the Cot ton manufacturing business here. His election tu the l>oard of directors will l»c a strong ad dition to an already strong in stitution. Fire destroyed the Hotel Davie nt Mockavilh Wednesday morning, entailing a loss nf JS. 000, noltiauranee. y- - v i MM9 Hi.11 i un i. Bead the Whole Bible la On* Day fu ita Mtn of o» >taira»i How uMoy boat* docs it take to read the Bible through? Tbe late Dr. Russell Bigelow Pope, one of the meat remarkable men America has produced, trad it tau'Ufh oKct tk "h* day The editor of. the New Vorli Advo cate aays that -tbi« statement may seem unbelievable;" but it i* not. Tbe whole Bible from out- end to the other can he read a load distinctly in fifty-six houts, and It can be read with out voicing it by one familiar with it in leas than ball that lime." To teat the accuracy of these statements, which at first seemed incredible to me. I read skmd some pages of my Bible, and found that with distinct but rapid reading I covered a page in two iniuutca or thirty pages an hour. Theae are 1J06 page* my Bible. Dividing this number by thirty, tbe uiim-' her of pages read an bonr, yon get the resalt forty hoars end twelve minutes. Fifty -six bon* I for voicing is easily within tbe tnith. 1 found that for am the time necessary to read a page without voicing the word* was between one and aw ball minutes and one and three ■planers minutes, line and three quarters minute* a page would require about thirty boars lu reading tbe whole Bible. I act convinced that oue whose powers of endurance nrc auflU cicntlor the strain and whose familiarity with the Book is tn*t. can read tbe Bible thrnngh m twenty-fotir hours, j H. I*. Bain. j glLlS CATAttq WtJfS. j Br««(bc mm4 be CwH ef j Caterrb -CmIh JMMif If It Fell*, j llrr.ithe Hyomei for a lew minutes foitr lime* a day throngh the neat pocket iahslcr that couK-t with ever)' outfit and benefit will Ik* wen at once. Conti tine this treatment lor a , •h«rt time, and yunr er.Urrh will have been cured by Hyomei. This treatment has been so successful, caring W tier cent of all who have used it. that llyouiei i« now sold by J. H. Keuuedy & Co. under an absolute guarantee to refund the money if it docs not benefit. \ou mn no risk whatever in hnymR Hyomei. If it did uot possess unusual powers to core, it could not be sold upon this plan. The complete Hyomei outfit costs $1.00 and ci mprises a hard rubber inhaler, and a bmtle of Hyomei and a dropper. The inhaler will last a lifetime: and additional bottles of Hyomei can be obtained for 50c. TH MtUrltMI. The fancy vrorie bazaar ope rated by the Epwonb League of the Methodist Church opened in the Heath building last night ami will continue through Sat urday night. There arc fire (tooths, aa follows: Faucywork, [ in charge of Misses Lowry Sbu ford. Mamie Hum, Zoe Latham; dolls, in charge of Mim, <>*ie Shuford, Miss June Morris, Mrs. ft. If. Parker; candy and fruits, in charge of Mrs. D. A. Page. Miss Carrie Moms; miscellan eous, Mrs. kiwi Prichard, Miss Kliac M. Stokes; curios. Miss Salinu Lnihuiu Mrs. J. II. Sejtark, president of the league, is general manager of the bazaar. » At 1 o'clock to-day and tc-mor row a business men's lunch will be served. Dinner will be served each day beginuiug at ft p. ro. Iv. mldiliott to regular dinner, oyaters, cream, anil cake will be served in Ut« evening. The proceeds will be used lu fur nishing the Kpworth League looms in the church. *"' —. i I. ROYAL Baking Powder Saves Health The use of Royal Baking Powder is faentia) to the healthfubess of the family food. Ytm tanum d» food Alum Ulung powdm art rajurkx* Royal Baking Powder saves health. •wtm >*mnq rowo«« new ratm. • . “ *• *• . . , ’ ; *’l v ‘ \ r .« {ELEGANT MISSES’ JACKETS Th.l .old for >«, SS.SO ..d SS .re («•!»« tor N, Sl.50.il.ftS. LADIES JACKETS that were ! ) gtS&fKtft | 12.50 now g_ _ for 8 | I* now tolat tor K> \ PECO PETTICOATS X' at r’5c That U still tbs price—they are richly worth it. 1 0 «e.*&Zt£ffgtrHb* 01 P*COtf*crrmt ,iry 0 ( MILLINERY. o i Q Item* to specify, bot no wetter what ywrr millinery wiml* 1 A m*V bJ.w* *** prepared to nive yon, in anythiotr and SL M everythin*. special and aurprisin* values. Tn and O |J a m e s P. Yeagers eeoe^eee^aee^o ses^.g I«w Paster at lailiaw. Mr. H. W. Clark, of nmeaer L'ity, was in tlastouu on buti **** Wednesday, lie iafwsu us ;bat the Baptist church of his own has called Rev. J. C. CHI* csoic, of Shelby, and He will Bove to Bessemer City the first ■>i the year He will give ltcsac* I aier three Sundays in the month I »nd Poplar Springs near Sheiby >ur Suudav. Houston Bond, clerk in a Nashville, Tenu.. hotel, rc * check Tuesday tor slft.OOO from an old gentleman »f Evansville. Ind.. to wIkmo he rendered timely assistance in an accident four yearn ago. ,\« Atlantic Coast Line pns RCitEcr train ran into an open iwitch neat Warsaw Tuesday killing Engineer O. F. Horne and his colored fireman. No passenger* were seriously injoted. rw'.J .x...' ji Neaiimlleaa are to Order. >'tuiar a^U.'Vl'-.rt’i. Tn» i Ji« right. The »iron> i> not ovr/. Hive caudidatee are already un nounccd mr Speaker <>i xh^ Home. 7, "i "a. ''* { NEW CARLOAD } j 0p mmm | SCtmeat { t and . Im^rn^t m } Tg PAGE; lwta*»«a, H ^-- ■>»■■■,■■ :.■■»■. WHEN CHRISTMAS IS OVER YOU WILL NOT REGRET THE MONEY YOU SPENT IIFRF. THE PHOTOGRAPHS \V« produce grow mure atti active ovi} thne you look at them. The itkt-neaa UM» (peaking, the pone so natural. Have a ilotcu taken, give eleven away and keep one. Von will 6nd yonraetf admiring It more every day. Yonr or der* tor (raining shall hare oar prompt at tent ten. Phone 1.T7 It# Davis block. Phone 147 tn tJrore* building. ’ GREEN AND ImULLEN, SucCUtoHra In T. K. ShttlMd. ijWifr htiijliiiau^ i-(. . . i |. ... .. I ±-J- » Va^A.ia Vi■ Street Surrey ...t. * . «< .. .. I keep it hitched np nearly all the lime. It is realty v. yowt call f.ir any little trip. If yon warn to vUlt your aeifch. l»or <>1 go n-thoppiDR iny nice «mrrey is waiting to ukc yen. Cam yon anywhere in town for 25 costa; short dfatanco. * tor leaa: reasonable rates ontaidv of towc. Call* left at Phone 101 will have prompt and propt: At* tendon. Try it. *Wy will at* meet all imius day and Ught . V-, JOaw* ■ --l-IH.I ..■■■!>. ■» W. F. ELMO \i -* ‘ ** 'x. *■/ fr*#! *“ * >*!*.•#