II I I I——*— Tk« OattHla GaMtte. business locals* F85,^S»°KWgS5^; : w*isFteMoV!^s'cs!: IOcJ. J. A. Oupor. yOOJT^XU. DCe-d ««». os macadam road. A. C. Stroup. I*. 7 • I i. iieagawcnMBHas HrikN •! R*v Aa. Ju. F. Yaairtr—Kmbroidertei. First National Bank-Statement. Cltltaua National Bank—State moot. Qa<ton Loan and Tmst Co.—Atatc Robinson Brothers—Great Reduc tion In prices. Swan-Slater Co.-Our stock taking time. Kindlty-Belk Bros. Cn—Special Jan nary sale. Thomson Co.—One bin mill end sale is n sncceas._ TUESDAY. JAN. 17, 1905. LOCAL AFFAIRS —The new magasiues furnish a fresh attractioa at the library. —Passenger train No. 36 waa over six boars late yesterday. —City tax collector I. N. Alexander is bnsy these daya taking in tax money. —The last few nights have caused the mercery to make the acquaintance of the 18-degree mark. / —Some valuable public docu ments have been sent to the li brary by Congressman E. Y. Webb. A list will be printed in a future issue. —The Edsall-Wiothrope Com pany began a week’s engage ment at the opera house last night, presenting "Brother Against Brother" to s good audience. TWa company play ed at Statesville last week and has recently filled engagements at Winston-Salem and Asheville. It hu the reputation of being one of the best popular-priced sbbwsia the business and will doubuSss please the theatre going public here. XcSwaia-Msau. r_e.-- ¥ Q at the home ol the bride’* father, F. A. Neats, Mlm Ethel Nanu was msiTied to Mr. J. O. . McSwain. a aoa of Mr. J. P. McSwain. ’Sqnlre A. R. An ders performed the ceremony. The groom is sn operative at the Loray mill._ Raw flm at Clarar. The Clover Hardware Com pany is the style of a new firm which will begin business at Clover the first of February. Mr. Hope Sifford of Clover will be manager. The Smith build ing near the depot hat been se cured and the firm will carry an up-to-date line of hardware. The Gastonia Hardware Com pany is a stockholder in the concern. Friday evening beginning at S o’clock the ladies of the Gas tonia Book Club will serve oysters and cream and cake in the section of the Craig and Wilson building formerly occo tonia public library. A cordial invitation is extended the pub lie to attend. _ School Books Haodad. "One of the great needs of the children in the colored schools ia books,* said Superintendent Hall yesterday. "A hundred of Holmes’ Second and Third Readers would be e boasnsa to thorn. I hurt seen them study ing two or three with one book. Yet I venture to say that then an almost enough Holmes' readers cast asida in Gaston county to supply the colored children who an unable to buy • them." We were advised by Prof. Hall that any of Holmes’ Readers would be acceptable and if left at the Blite Grocery with Prof. J. P. Keid would dud their way into tbe hands of needy colored pupBs. Mf Sab la Charlotte. Beginning Saturday, laauary llfr O. du|..L<?.j C.,p.y Sent-Anni.,) HHI-BnA Salt, fir. tockhart, the famous "Mill* Bod" man, who represents * number of the largest mills ia the coaatry will he present, as usual. A Jane stock has been nravided for the tale, includinw ?eiterday and. gave The Qa ibtth th« abova Iteaw. Mfa. BatDa VUaea Baad. Subacriba farThe Oaetohu Gabette, IMPa * I II I JV1» SB——MW - FUBOHAL miftlOW. —Min Bmma Holland of Mt. Holly, la viaiting Miaa Roaa Abernethy. —Miaa Bllabotb Raukio, of Spaocar Mono tain, la viaiting lira. T. W. Wilson. —lfr. R. L. Swan apant Sun day in Gaatonia. Ha went beck on the read yesterday. —Miaa Mamie Schell of Lenoir left yesterday after a visit to Mra. W.T. Rankin. j*Mi. W. L. Funky returns this morning to £r*kint Collage to take up bb studies where be left off two yean ago. —Mr. J. White Wan, secre tary aad treasurer of the Craig Flanigan Haraere Co., at State*, ▼ilk, spent 8uod*y in Gastonia. —Mra. J. S. Torrence and Mbs Anuie Torrence left yesterday for Blacksburg aad Hickory Grove, S. C.| to apend two wacko with friends. —Mbs Hammie Smith, of Pineville, has entered the graded school for the spring term. She is boarding with her sister, Mra. Forrest Floyd. —Mbs Nell Smyre returned yesterday from an extended visit to Mrs, T. A. Normcnt at Lnmberton and a brief visit to Miaa Madge Little at Wad re born. —Mr*. W. T. Storey returned Friday night from a six weeks visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs A. B. Book, of Lima, S. C. Mr. Storey went over to Green ville to meet her. —l*rof. David S. L. Johnson has been detained in Abbeville to complete n series of lectures there. He writes that he will be ready to resume his duties here on the 23rd. —Mr. sad Mrs. Frank Car penter have moved to King’s Mountain. Mrs. Carpenter was in Gastonia yesterday on her wav to |otn Mr. Carpenter who bad gone ahead to set the house la order,_ Batted at (ha Mias LUUan Bncb, demonstra tor for the National Biscnlt Company of New York, was at the Elite Grocery yeater lay ex hibiting the toothsome products of this company. All who came were served frith samples of the cakes and other sweet goods which the Gatioaal Biscuit Com pany manufactures. Min Each is an expert In her line and the demonstration attracted quite a crowd. Hegreet 9*14 Whiskey. In Mayor Dixon's court yes terday motning Robert Seleoes, a otero tailor who has a shop on Bear corner, was tried oa three charges of retailing whiskey. He Uras hoped over to the next term of Sirowior Court in the sen of $150, a bond of $50 being requirucd in crab cast. In default of bond he tils committed to ]ail to await trial. John Me Collen, another negro, was bound over to court in the sum of $90 on a similar charge. Be ing unable to give bond be was committed to jail to await trial. ’ --■"» Beeeamsr StOI laRdtaut. To meet the demands for building material at Bessemer CUy Mr. I* A. Thornburg is putting in a steam dry-kiln at Mi planing plant and Mr. Sid Smith is setting up a new saw mill on the I*tbcT Arrowood lands about three-quarters of s mile north-west of town. He will saw timber from the Arno wood estate end from the land! of Messrs. Hugh Torrence and J. T. R. Dameron. Mr. Tor rance has moved to Bessemer. It. eras e - era fleetAwalfl I Embroideries and White G ■ IISATURDAY MORNING JANUARY 21st, AT ___ I 1000 yards of fine embroideries and Insertion In short lengths 5 to 4 worth 15 to 50c yard. Choice 9 o’clock Saturday. 10c yd. ' ■ r'■■■'% ___ __ _ 26c Mercerised White Waist Goods la pretty new spring designs, Saturday morning, per yard 12 l-2c. 26c Cotton Taffta In pretty new styles and all the best colors In mill lengths only, per yard 10c. 10c Percales In good reds and Maes, short lengths Is ooc reason why the price Is 6c per yard. $1.60 Long Cloth two pieces to holt 06c bolt. Bat fall twelve yards In the holt. This Is the same goods we sold several cases of last summer, so yoa know the value. 26c French Oalatlre yard wide 10c yard. Tula Is one of the best white goods* vetoes we’ve ever offered. 7 1-2 Dress Ginghams dark colors, per yard 2 l-2c. 60c Pore Unea waist!ngs In remnants only. While It lasts Saturday 26c yard. Every Cloak In stock Is being sold at half price or less. Bo come along and take year choice. Lot No. L 66 and 67.60 ladles and misses cloaks at 62.06 LOT NO. 2. 66.60 to 610 cloaks In best of colors. Choice 66. 64, 66 to 67.60 Skirts, walking nad dress lengths 66. Good styles and best colors. . Millinery at Half Price. *3 Hall Cartelne. la test •< c*t*rs *t $1 | Many other lines that we haven't I at big reductions. So come Satui I feast of the year. IKINDLEY-BELK ■ Gastonia, N. C. Cheapest MM FEET op LUMIEK. c It Woo All Mode Prom Omo Ud C Poplar by Mr. J. T. Co* ol LowatL A tree that make* some other big tree* dwindle into mere saplings hat fast been tawed op at tbe mill of Mr. J. T. Cos, of Lowell. It was a poplar and < was cut down last mu on the J lands of Mr. J. A. Co*. A few j week* ago Mr. J. T. Cox J hauled the logs to hts mill and 1 sawed tbtn. * The body of the tree was 80 1 feet long. It was cot into < seven sections. The first three i cuts were split into quarters and i the fourth into halves before ' they could be hauled to tbe mill. The fifth cut sms healed on o wagon drawn by three mules and made 829 feet of lumber. The entire trunk yielded 8,081 fact of lumber, exclusive of 400 feet spoiled by splitting up the first four cut*. Beside* the lumber, the tree has furnished in the lap a con siderable quantity of firesrood. Mr; Cox informs ns that the moot of tbe tree was cat into H lumber and furnished to his brother, Mr. D. H. Cox, to be made into boxes for tbe Mc Aden Mills to ship their goods in. This tree was noted as tbe tartest in the Lowell communi ty _ With Mrs. Votes* The Friendly Matrons’ Club was delightfully entertained Thursday afternoon by Mrs. L. F. We tael 1. Besides tbe mem bers of the clab there were present as guests Meedames A. A. McLean, W. H. Reddish, H. B. Moore, R. M. Johnston, Miss llnssey and Miss Neal. In as Interesting contest, in which the answers to questions were the names of countries, Miss Neal won tbe prise, a handsome hat brush. Refreshments wart served In two coprstt,_ Beatfc al Mrs. Ikyae. At tbe home of her son. Mr. Jasper Rhyne east of Gastonia oniSaturday Mrs. Jake Rhyne died of pneumonia, aged about sixty years. Funeral services were conducted at tbe home Sunday afternoon by Rev. C. I. sras ?a ftnsss Chepel cemetery. Mrs. Rhyne is survived by her baebaad and several children._ sjg XSr*p“”r T“~ ASH. COdl ANB CUBBENCT. « astewla Make Excel* Al leal Skewing—Aggregate la* dMfinollautti Baorty Wh T* IN llfiilil Skewlag *| C Ids eas Beak ler Eight Bays jj ef Bwafcmaa. The statement* showing the oodition of Gastowin'* three tasks al the close of business ti art Wednesday are published in to o-day’s peper. They apeak lor bemselves. While then are p| rther items of interest la these tatement*. a glimpse at the in- G Lividoal deposits alone reveals in aggregate of $196,688.27 for si be three institutions. The total »f loans and discounts approach w ra h«H s milUoe. In case of theCHiseusNation- . il it is bnt fair to any that the ■ Comptroller’s call came at tbs 0 close of Us first eight days of business. Still the record of over $70,000 la deposfts. nearly 550,000 in loans and discounts, sod over $1,200 of earnings i ■hows that its establishment has c been greeted by ea appreciative patronage. A distinct novelty in local financial advertisements is the banks announcement that its rate of discount to customers carrying balances would be six per cent. The favorable corn meat it has solicited gives the announcement no insignificant advertising valne. . . utort or thi coiromow Gaston Uu & Trust CoM OAITONIA. N. c.. la the State of North Carolina, at the cleae o< hoakieaa, lag. 11, ML OMND •7140 *o*ol—......~ LS.O. Kiwi Tteaaanr el +»0mm I tatraateSnbMtaf a* r r ' •’ y‘ ' ’* '• W V '• t ' " ^ • * * What is the latitade a dloogi* dc of Gaston county, id Dellas? What is the highest elevation? The height above sea level? How many agnate ndles has e county? The same as to _Lf_V WuBulpSr Where is the exact geogra* lical centre of Gaston coaaty? The geographical centre of estonia township? Lfiiuc ox aouin romi town lip? A Faxmxx, Total--jjSSjUM ftTAT* 0* Notra Cabouwa, dwww (Umar. u. I*. W.laraa. CaaMaa omta a>ata —M tak,4»aalNn>MM>M*a*MiM> jSZTISf-rajra. I “TSSat l— 3 H I /■ I ■: HOME LlFEl [Green A Malle* * *»—- at mt»» .1

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