^ Iwt prrfrwiijyr^^ I BELIEVER IN SPIRITS HSjr^ ■ , k : g \ 2* zvz *"• *• XftlUM Pi Xflf Teet^h M^h aariM^MAar* tM Amort. *%«» m-Mm of tM manretom. MM of te 'M which are beta* —P l» *M» mw naira, vm mom ■WWm «MtMw of oar praoont Mr to tMt OM after aootMr at do hoMb of tM lb put oprooA wide amour •M, which Mee Mob ngmu to M mu MpaMIHima. ha to booa attangetp i rMihattag thMMkim before tM tar Of MM Of Boat givlo* anpW niM *• wnmat a ocUnUflc Urtethmtkm. “A BMMolMi ago nobody but a fool wtnM Mro Mm lachaad ta MCore In ®* Mmm Of tto brow. TM plain MM»» Mao urabtoaUi believed Ibat MOtnfia mm won lifted with n power ef looatiag urtau of water. Xow tM ffwM Bom arch oocMr. after caro M iMooagitMh topoeta tMt there lo little omoMio oo la tM Cool, thoacb bo thoery Mo pot oaSead ta lab meet It. ■n* BUM)* agae Mitred that the aatoUwaae wrraauxUd tty batoa. Acala ft* waa taartnw awash wt i* leash cpaaly. Tat Kami ftatebanbacb ahow ktMoihla irlwrtu rmnsalwd • ay* la Wt haewVtTlN’mgmltwmt *tft* hWh aaaa aha battered that toftj^raeterad^tbe imprint of the Stfkttati. Karr nadkaJ Matin/ cam Sm* that the atlpmatn or* (beta, BwiphaMsttaial theta, to bawpialu toaml la t*‘h* aaMtoad!* *T*r7 “fitIrrnyaata area wtftlng hot a wgt •f tft* ah* hot k ak* k wrr a coa «mm power at carta* nrpanlaaUooa. Mafth^TMthaa. rrar Bfrachtyn. hut *»• e< Jaea *f*A»cHby hut Tr»k «kdyw tattadak wkh htaa that tftk maaaat girl artth bar powara at clalr ■■••■e*. hearths bar antic role**, te • (act which Mae aaplawtloh by ear kwwMk* apt* data. | PUNT CULTURE TODAY William E. Curtis Tells What Has Bean Done In America. a iythbeb ot VAuurrira derated taar»h Mm VwU Far Saw FraHa aa* Wtan Kau ta layma NB« — rra4m«> w Foratara Isada Saw Salma la Called mat a*. t The afrtealtarj) department ha* •Wh aJJ orar (be wort* **an titm toe WV mcauuica, fra it* and dower* wtHeb can be raiaad. in gar *oU asd cti Mhb aad oostrtbntr to oor national wealth. aaye WttUam R. Cortta. tbo QMeaga dacerd-Ucrald'e WaiUaftoo wnaapaudmt. Paw coautric* baas I «eh • hmr* rortaty of aoda and d( malm *a U*- t'nlted States aad Sacra tanr WU»a«i la or the opinion that «• cam prodaev altaaat avarythtns that sssaad to eat or star or nae apoa our •ws Urns aad in onr own foraau and water courts Hi* aclenUdc ayacrti arvadneatad Omtoknaw what wv are [ already raisin* aad wham wa ham wait* land to cuiUrats and they am 1 taetr acted to aaarcb atrnnye piacaa for acooaole vagetatloa that may be autt 1 able far lha condition* which exist i hers The cotton expert* of tbo department hare been at work rot eereral yearn ■carta* atw end dee treble rartettea ■heieier they cootd be found. end the result la that Uaprorud atralae are ol ■edy beginning to appear to arrornl ■ectlooo of tbe tooth. Almost aa much —»«7 hoe been deroted to tad I— phata that will grow la tbe arid re «*—. end torn* of the results aew de rrtopUg ore of greet promise. Oee ef the meet important twslts re —atly accomplished la tbe production ef a cactus tbst iloe* not bear (boras, — **• !■*“.” ns they are called. The erdlnsry cectue of the desert cootatos a sweet, JoJcy pulp, fall of ooariab meot. It ainkes excellent fodder for rattle, bat they cun not ost It becouee of tbe thorn that corsr the skta of the pleat. To produce a tborolcee cac tus h to odd another to the Hat of Im portant forage plants nod fendek food far cattle aod torses to the deaerm and rolaleei refloat of tbo waet The cac tus win grow anywhere. It aeede no water tad no attention: brace as un limited supply of ilist sort of fodder aa bo grown on lands which now pco daet nothing of roloe. A few years ego tbe department com ■—rail to Introduce dame from Bgypt ead Arabia aod planted thorn op— the *7 plain* «r Arioono aod' flsutkwa California. Tltcrc arc now eerntal flonr labtog date panlca*. demonstrstlag tbe poeslklllty of raising an aallmltod quantity of that kind of fruit. Leal yeer more-than S30 dote suckers, repre sent lag forty-two varieties. wore Drought from tbe oexli of Ulakro. to the dsoert of Sahara, and grafted epos Palm trace In the far soatbwest. Two hundred and flfty pounds of ptetoeke seed were imported from Tur key and central Asia and scat to tha —«thw—t. Thirty-three rartstlra of the taeet sis crocs to central India were dlitribotod la Florida, aad • at ta ilor Bomber of mongeetaam, wbiob la tb* moot delicate variety of the mango, war* transplanted from tbo Phlllpptao Islands, A new variety of bomoradlah »a* brought over from Moravia. A BMlbor of Honth African grapevine*. Caat African sorghums and clover from Uganda. Several varivtloa of clover .were brought from Rgypt aad dietrlb md la Texas. New Mexico. Arlaoaa aad CalKorola, A new bind of alfalfa waa brought from Turkestan and a aaw medicos pomelo from Stain. Baca, boo plant* have been broogbt from Japaa aad planted in the wet eaU of VlerMt. Tbo yangtaw. an anttro]y now fruit, baa been sent by Consol tVUeoX Of Hadmr^om bond red aad flfty bteagM from tbo valley of the Nile, Gramme'meaatal * *”**" fNC* *•» frsm Freer* bava boon obtained which, tt la claimed, will remet phylloxera. A aaw cherry baa baaa pmdooad la Baa da aad named Vladimir, la honor of oaa of the grand dnkas. Two ssofttags bare been diatribe ted W havtbwmtaju states. We apoml eoormooe aom* ef •my year far turn*, hyacinths, aad other both*. Tbo Impeetatlono of tafrH aad hyacinths ter last year raa ap to aeariy a mBUoo dotlaTm. and tbo alt the ttam. Hon lo Hotlaad Nr* an af the tabp •aad to the wUtn ^ aro"giwwo"S The experiment* of have fa* 'i •i PORTO RICO'S CURSE. Deadly Parasite That Threatens To Annihilate Natives. DfFEOTIOl THSOTOH TJTF, FBBT. **!•» l~ L iMMa »sts»l« That Works** to PisMa Wear Wsadsa Sksss to Kasaas Aluolu mt Mask wsnu That Rah lahshltaata sj ThsU TIUMtr Paslaroa M raw Chat at HI Daatha la IWt Asa Ih trtbuts* to Thasa. Investigation (a Porto Rico by Iks New fork tiara Id’s special sanitary commissioner. Major L. L. Beaman. IL D., tJ* D„ revntls the tact that tbs Maul I* ravaavd by a discs *e which lUrentun* to junJUIlatr the uuTlvos. Major Beaman Oorts that »l por cast of atl dentil* last yenr were directly titrlbuoible to a bookworm that robe tba Inhabitants of tbelr vitality. Most of tbe people In tbe rot in try dis tricts are infected wltb tbe disease, and tbs eciHioiule welfare of Porta ni* co Is found by blm to be la Croat peril. Tbe Infection gains a Uokt on tbe rto tlm tbronyL tbe rent sod month. sod In order to fortify tba satires against tbe first usntod point nf attack llie ex pert recommend* tba searing of wood en shoe* or clegs by workers In tba fields. In bis report, sent from B» Juso. XJj.Jcr Bauman «nyn la pert: "Tbe grant prevalence of tbe disco so excited tnoeb discussion among tho at tending physicians, for. they nrutted. If oonenilii Is Uia consentient* of hwatfi dent food practically oil Porta Rica' oust be on tbe verse or starvation, which, os n matter of fact, they knew was net tbe «aae: hence they conclud ed that tbe dlawssa wn* nut aonsala from deficient nourishment. nnd this conctnslon baa now been refilled, and tba real exciting causa baa been dis covered. ‘'The srMclal germ causing this tcrth bis mortality—30 per cent of alt deaths la tlito Island being attributed to It lait year—la none other than tba *un einarta doodcnaUs.* older thaa the pyr amids of Egypt, hot only recently rec ognised m playing such on Important part in the drama of Ilf* la this Pearl of the Antilles. “The dreadfully anaemic condition of the rural population of the Island, em bracing aa It dot* nine-tenths of tbo Inhabitants, baa long boon a matter of common knowledge, it bna beam ac cepted as a necessary evil, being at tributed to poverty and poor food, and no special measures were taken for Its prersntlou aad cure until It reread It self upon tbo nttcotloa of tried leal men after tbs hurricane In Aogast 189B. Then an unusually large number of OacmtQ game under medical aad anrgt COltreStlbaot, aad tba astounding fact revealed Itself that no loon than BO par cant ef tba white victims suffered from lids insets, thought to bo pernicious anaemia. “Captain Bailey K. Ashford, who waa In charge of tbs Bold hospital es tablished after the hurricane for tbo re Haf of tbo suffering poor, learned Enough biological **—* microacoptcal examination* that practically all suf ferers freoa ass amts ware Infested with a parasite, a no called hookworm or nematode, which In known, to tbs seirntiOc world as *ankyloatoma doodo nol*,' and the diseased state It pro duces bn* bean nupbonlmtaly termed ‘ankylnatomlaoto" or ‘mirtnartasls.' *On Kcb. Id, IBM. IN* bill proridlag for the nppolafjxmt of a cjmmlstloo ‘tor lb* study and cure of the dlrcnaa known a* troptcat nn.rcutu la Porto hlco' was approved Kvoti then It was supposed that tbo uu.io-.uk- conditloun ooufreutfug tbo romin'.siiton mnctltnt si tbo rtfcmaso liolcsd or licrng tbo re sult of a totally UMferuajl iroobte. tbo usf artous effects of I bat sJkiit Lot tor-. flWy otocadoua blnodsockcr. Oactuario Tba aartnartaata parasite, wbieh rs tains about tws uiootha for twtbp snt aftor la faction, da*a Ma paml dsua walk slowly, list surety. Tbs Ola Blapsa, cbalara or ratliw fasar. but It idla by ataw daptaaa. somadma* last rtMbtHotsstl ^Ta’anTr* ** 5f "jmSlt*bSD^adI1SI , I ; I ! i i I n ||0. «#tei wtm # ""*7 ^_._... EYE TROUBtESI if persistent should never be neg lected. Yon may need glasses of you may riot; in'any event a talk • withTorrence-Mom* Co., the Op ticiatis, will put you right, sod if glasses are ncccaanry they will see that you are properly fitted. Torrence-Morrls Co. ' . JEWELERSjANDt OPTICIANS. " BBCMruilte *h* rltalliy at their mm. acfoun boat. • , "Hnwitic Infection la metal aid nn •taorlal In fact ton Id particular utc doabtwlly alao occur* through the MMtli. Botlnp with taud ataJaod baaJ« «ta ImmUt fnll to produce It. Thto l« Madallr the cue la coffao rainln •ooatHf-. Ilka I'orto Rico aad BranIL where the lean la planted hy the Ba lt*™ In tlw noil, which la maay plain to Inf rat oi with undnorla Innna” A FRIEND OF PEACE. ■n* RorapatlUn tmnid kVa* it. twaeo Waaala aaU MaaUae. Caucral Knropatkln aa mlnlator of war upturned tba prevent war between Du**1* aad Japan and exerted all of hla Influence in farer of pear*, uja A. BfanHce Low In the January-Jlxrch Ptirwa. Thla t* lb« nocoad time Ka roiMttln Una ndr ora lari peace when Kuaaln clamored for war. The follow, to# liMorlcal tncklmi. the nhaatata accnritcy of w l.k-h | tun vnnot: for aod which liita uevrr lirfuro been publlabcd. I* inlorMttag at thto ilnic: In ISKi (|m> renjitrli lDetdom-lb« *1 lempi of Rnaaln to mminrli upou the Crwitk-r of .Ugbauiatau. Which brought the Afghan* aad tlie Kuavlaua Into anool mlllaimi—came pcrtlounly clone to lavolrlug limit Drluln nnd Uoaala in war. go linmlie-ar apparently wet* hoarllitloa tlmt parliament granted nn •mergeni,r ••mill, (lie itnmta were called out and the flwt waa tuo'illlaad. After nome week* of Interne anxiety a diplomatic II lament vm .IT..I-.I Some yearn taler General Kuropathta Mkl to n Utah placed British otBcial: “You ICtixlUh accuse me of being As (lopholm nod mlvovetiag war with Kr* hind. l*i yon know that I stone pee raoud war aver tin* Pcnjdah Incident I Well, It U a fail. Tbc cur seat for me tod turocuiM me tluit la a few days war woe Id he doctoral and that t was to taka cAintuand of the fores Which was to invade Afghanistan. 1 expressed my aenee of the honor, but urged Ulm not to undertake tbo enter* ‘ prise. He manifested surprise and asked my res sens. I told him that tfea force available In central Aala far a forward movement amounted only to 4BM0 msn and that we should have to deal with from 7,000,000 to 1000X000 of Afghan, a warilka people trained to fighting, and that back of them woes •00,000 British aad no tiro troops At Brat my its 1 enroot was not believed, bat when I brought forward the facts to prove Its accuracy tbs impossibility of tbo undertaking was realised and the thought of war was abandoned." Whan Komis forced war upon the Japanese aba did It with the belief that sbe held fcer foe at her mer cy and that n few months weald ton the terms of peace dictated In Tokye. ■ The reeourv.ee of Japan, bar Oakling capo city and her superior advantages In waging war near her bone wets ei ther unknown or regarded with such j utter contempt that they wets Ignored. ' Karopatkiu alone realised the titanic nature of the straggle aad warned against It, but the grand dukaa were bent upon war and would Hat an to neither reason nor argument. VENICE A FLOATING CITY. derlles ». ml Mato Heat Cma Professor Hermann Bsrdrow. ana af tha beat living authorities SB tbs (Ml sgy of northern Italy, says Venice la Undoubtedly aleking, aad nothing nan oars it from Its coming fata. Ha re cently retoraed frets a prolonged and carefal examination af tha ground gad bee coma to tbo condnston that the de cay win go on and Increase; ana bnOd tng nfter another going. perhaps whole rows of buudiug* at one*. says a Bar Ud special cable dispatch to tbs Mow York World. Tbo foundations on which Vsetco la bout am. be says, net feundatloae at all, bat eratar pH leers, layers af earth aad mad aad aaawaad. which hundreds, perhaps thousands. of yearn hare farm ad. Thaaa layer* are often thirty ar a hundred fast thick, hot under them la water, often deep water. The laeetta bls tendency af tbase water plUewa la to sink. Tha bandars af Yanlea drove piles deep Into these layer* and on the pOsa bnlH palace* aad rtf rhea, best knew nothlagaf the traaebarnna depths hatow. Start la. B»**«r*» WwM» A shipbuilder tells of so Irish "•? *®p sought employ ment ss * aiTry in the service of one of ,h* *hipptiiMing companies. t • l ®r,t to which the msnmin was assigned warn to be P^notmed in comparatively wtuer. He was pro Mded with a pick and told to u“* j* °n • ledge below. . Pnt into a diver’s suit, and wt;h bis pick was sent 'o tnckie the ledge. For sbont fifteen minutes nothing **• heard from him. Then S*• strong, determined. JrljTSf poll on the signal rope, indicating that Mike had *K'^cry <1*ojji*d wish to come to Jr^p:, The assistant* hastily Jo the raft and re ■oored bis helmet. Mike °fl lhe liU ol it,U “ld ,b' -n"i ra.*aiys>ji^*.’b” *»—«*■ ami, A* iMVin who racratty uliniij y*7 **mr or th. OM wort* y*!? •”!"* tb* <'*«a* at bi* ^Tf*. aad .Wm* »“»< *t tb* cold ta*thod* adapted by IMu «*'«» to *k« o«t tboir aatarkm, mrt Mi* Chicago Chroak-I*. On* ottacar ITrttUL*TL?,M,,a* °* °t tb* way j* ctorgtag Cblaamaa rah rare ta tb* yiaa't£r «ooa oaly to tb* ont station. -But tbs poor wntsboo -** tmf*a* «•» « tb* mux atb t^°°' *"«WiWliUii tr*Tatar, tbn at way* ara.” refetead tb* niwtaa . T“E (iAbTOKIA Gaxkxts— twice a week, $1 50 . year. ' 1 ■■■ —-—ct=r—ar=y • I tee I L"7 l,TW r™ *5S I I aK.'to.TOoKi-S^ I |g2rt*^E;^a| ■ L A"**.but » oia m be fakaa U a I I JjJJ child without poaiAAv B I a^Tb^l^ g*^I I I ■ 7iL-i "*?** *«• Ibe waiU from ■ ■ U*. Motb. ££3 I ■ «nd nruio.i contagion rvvult, ■ isBaasl Ip3*ls£l TAKE TIME —TO— u wm M7 r». Salts made to measure. Clean Jus •ai alteration, at raaaonabte price* WSeana C. C. IOHVBOV. Tailor. ’ TUCKASIeOE PERRY. **-*••* a*4 SU.l'Mut Cut. u CbarWtt*. f9*** . k . w.t mtimoc. or. o. b. McConnell, dbntist. 0*e*8m8oorY. M.C.A.BW* • "“gsyf • M. d; .. OAOTOMIA. M.C.. ®P^*1 •UWUOO to diMMMol _ CUUm.