~ THE qAZEITE ^Tf ‘ ff if "T^ t Pitot* me »»»■ lead U.. i E L_l L«o4 I ft l* tiolhlui -Ur 10 II f ■ ■ ■ ■ ' it 1* rrfiifilr— lean on H | liha* lor i tifola'.i'.ii-»d- | ^ \ ■Carer/ tk» nu/Tffli t»f dm ( » r.HUSlUL Mjt» ui Pr—riff.__ VOL. X^cvi. J. _CMSrONU, : THE Citizens National Bank "OaOASTONlA Capital . • . $50,000.00 I ———— “'"* ' • I OFFICERS: R. P. RANKIN. President. C. N. EVANS, Vice Presldt.i. A. O. MYERS lor. DIRECTORS I R. P. Raofcla, C. N. Evaae. • Edgar L re, J. A. Clean. Dr. J.M.HIun, i R. R. Hayaea. Rabert A. Lave. It Is the purpofe „f (hi* bonk lo open for business on the fltt business day of the New Year, and It respcftu||y solicits a share of the banking of th« community, .as well as of the country at larc. It will be the Alley of this Institution to afford equal acco|,no(jations extended in Na tional ln*titutloniof (|)e larger citiea. The legal rate of lnter„t, g per cent, will be the rate of discount ^tended to customers car rying balances the hank, and 4 per cen Interest will be f|<j on certificates of deposit running ninety,tfyH or longer. I Wc_ji*ll!15Ljtordlal Invitation lo the pub* llcJtoj^j^j^jJ^hi^fcuinlGiijj^^rooaia^Jhmnerljj occupied by the'Gnstoula Banking Company, aauurlnit you |at we will be pleased to uee you, wh ihorit |a \ :>ur purpose to deal with urn or not. __ _J A. G. MYERS, Cashier OF THE CITIZENS NAT10AL BANK OF GASTONIA, N. C. Ho 7536. 'EASURY DEPARTMENT. Oflie®| Coaptnilv ot ibo Carroocy. Washington, D C.. Dkcembek 30. 1904. Whereas, by »tsfactory evidence presented to the under signed, it has becr„la,tc ln app™, thut <n,c ciliaens National Bank of Gastonia, hated in the town ol Gastonia, in the count' of Gaston and Statijf North Carolina, has complied with all th provisions of the St^te* the United Slates, required to be com plied with befoo .■ , association shall t»e authorised to commenc the bqsincss “lift"* L j«uw «, i in mi ns Kane, ueputy ana ACttnj Comptroller of ^ Currency, do hereby certify that the Citisem National Bank ovkhstonia, located in the town of Gastonia, in th« connty of Ga>*t(^knd State of North Carolina, is authorised i> commence the tineas ol Banking as provided in Section fifty-ont hundred snd siaVpine of the Revised Statutes of the United Stales In testimony'hereof witness my hotfd and Sea] of office this ceiuMcv »t<r Thirtieth day Of December, 1904. luiortncojriioiui T. P. KANK, urrx* ctn.*cY ^P tv *od Acting Comptroller of tl>< tssawst oatowirr. . Cntrvllf)'. HOMl; HFE i report • -a? W CONDITION OF Tlf* — Mount Holly Bank, MT. HOLLY. N.'C. thrcloatofbualnet*, Jan. II, 1IKM IISWKIi. IdMM* .art Hmi«i ..._ f IIJMU O.rrdr.ha _ .... QM «Mak«mr-boatc, l*/u4«r*. u,l <d»iw___ MO/t *' ,r®«« ba.ik* Md Kukera. JXtM.L -M *Ua. ...... SOjh ath«ial llaak Not*, .art on* »UTa. Not«a __ 3&0M *■» «4a, tovtatfiaa all -<U*OH. ... Ml * . .._ .*9^,070.. UAMUTIU. < Ifal work paid in__ I i.utwu i V i law. rape* A . m .i • ttaaa .ml >.<!(• n-tUx-uami.l f lm« t-MIUWat*. nf AoaoMi_ ntmuatta ta: feet toekerk. ..... | C aabi#rf. chorka wifnaarttaa Total . -- i%tT19.l •roTu or Soar* i'Atou.A, Corwrr o MI W«N*J» aiok."no*»!»i*imt 11 »l%ir*at*t5w^TJ Ba«¥S£bi“ «• jl choose»| Make Itl/ i It Un’t riehw „f «»»h*a b«PPr» It1* the l*ri*t r Why not b*»bh. family a»4 Q pietnra t*| „ thaw, pou<l f Ihty ut *m L* THTt PHoror;, > "W • .js’Vo po—aarioa, 4*ya wh*a,‘e ,\;t. Km a* «‘l« th< "■M. TK» over it ft Oreji A Mullen y— mt mu Mr ~ HOWTO RESTORE PEACE Andrew D. White’s Plan to Bod Russo-Japanese War. OHOOBUG OP 6E00IDB SUGGESTED Cnll laini re? sues as Use tscoud (Oil Jams the Csllse «»•*•», Ue Sarsi The* AH DMn esweo Could Do MlitacterUr A4 looted oud Aar I'.nhrr Sim4 sA«a Asortoe. •Aixli.y I*. White. i)i|iU>a>ht n>Mt •number of The ltauup intcrantioual peace trltituial. who who recently In ter rlc wed ut I there, Si. V.. bj Junes Oroclmnn (or the Xur Vorfc Work!, spoke in part ue follosri about ibe ont I look for pome betwaea Du-stki nod Ja Pas: "Tba (all at l*urt Arthur crvalos a situation in which step* can prvporly ho tnkcu ia end the war between Ju pau ami llus*la. 1 tidlcrc that this la • wood lime fur an effort to oe-curo peace. Jni-nn la lu a |n«Ittoo to show moiternUoii am] (atruew. It la Im probable that It oasis wiu aw another moment lo tills war la wblvb she cm no wall afford tm arvept overturro far • taruiiualiuo of the airngwlo la the field. Tha heroic ilafrtiar of IWl Ar thur by tba UuaaUns oaj I ho groat victory of liar Japanese ought to Ut tefy tbs military pride of both uaUoas. ~l bet lei c that the prtnctpui of noc ondln* lutlons ran ha used with wrest adrautawr la an rttn.-t la end the wnr fust dvw. It la a prtoriple contained lu tha nrtlcl * adopt*! Iiy The Hague oootwnar It was aagmerad original ly from tha Aeu-rlcan Hide of the con ference. Ur. Hulls of the American drtotrntloo to Tba Ujigue ha<1 reed aotncu l-en- in an uld uieguzlne a theo ry that uuliom nt war mtidu will* ad vantage use other nation* lo second then. Jnst aa tbe principals lu « find employ tec-judi. “Coast* could riioosc France na bar second, and Japan could choose Ilia Lotted States as bar oeejurt It teems to ma that those two option* are well aaltad to tba purpose l-'rance and the United Suites, afire cans nit lag with their principals—and tbe rrintlonahlp would necessarily be very frank nnfl Intimate—could then approach each other and soberly ul tempt to discover grounds far praca I am a*flatted that V tills method Is pur»ue<1 tba differ ■w» between Japan uad Hit tain cun bo ssttefactMlIy adjusted anil further "In my opinion term* of peace could be amiagvd without uirljcum Hns eU'a legltlaiutr amhltloa to bare »m Ice free port hi Asia as nu outlet for bar commerce. Her groat railway sys tem and all the right* necessary to It could also bo safeguarded. I have do doubt tbat Japan would agree to this. “As for Uw> contention that If Huesta makes peace now the wlH loee presage among Asiatics, It Is batter, to loee prestige for awhllo than to go on with a war which means Inevitable bank ruptcy. I do sot bed torn K possible for Russia to maintain herself la this straggle for three or four years. Aft er what boa just occurred the flossein] world will look very coldly on pro pose 11 for troth Hussion loans. 1 do uot ondercstlmalc the great lasoerccs of Bonla. but nf what use nre re sources if they (im atm la the belly of fhe earth* "The suggestion that there Is likely to be a revohtttoB la Basthi seems to toe to be absurd. There Is no middle deae there to rim ngatoet misrule. Boobing bat lbs pennant* mi the ooe aide and tlie artsy on the ether. Uns afe has stripped her pesos ata to ttx> boos. They ate betptase and inert. “1* win be a bitter pOI for Roasts to retire from Moactraris, but better that than further disaster sod national bankruptcy. Talk about the •yellow pertir We might uaovo profitably dls eate tbs Boaslan peril. That bes been the abadear Is Asia. I do not beUare that the presence or Japan on tho Ast atic mala In uil will be a menace to poser. On tho contrary, I believe tbat It will rtrcugttnu the imspect of peace. , “After this war U wBI be a long time before any natkm will v os turn to en croach la Asia. Mar wUI asy nation lightly risk a Quarrel with Japes. All that wUI make fur poses. Even the Csited Status wltl be a little acre po lite to the Jspaneia hi the FbUtpptoae ■m umu. -mi, ion, wm rami roi PM4M. "1 couuot MO that Doatfo la la a Mat hTwakli poult loo for accepting poaoo eotrtawa aftar Um fall of Fart Arthur than aba waa aftar tbo fan of Baraate pel, aad It la eartalu that Japan In tbto . near of rktory eaa afford to bo mod arato in her tcnaa. A eoaUnnaUaa ot , tba war would ba aiodtutt whoa Um Mtana for poata ata plainly in alsbt t bare no doubt that Franco end tba United fftatao would ftdff aorro ai mediatory aaronda far BumIb aad Ja pan. "ft wni ba fortaaata for Bnaala U * . la trno that tbo taar baa roaUy calM Da WMta back to pawar. Ho k < itraas aad tana mlalator. not tbo Boo alan ayotata la ao aUpabod and an fat t afjMhxw Maapbadca. aot to aay aay , thine aboet corrupt too. that the pabra „ an«oo ta tt Fatwaburg la Hkaty torn* , rid af take at any moment. Poor Xu , fnttal Aftar atralgMantac oat Um . dnaaoot of tbo raiptro and aemwalat i Me anab a aarptaa (bat bo bad a rich , M aapaat that tbo gotdan dnya area oooitoe to bk country ba bad ta ataai w aftda aad pat tba raaatta of bla wwrt \ owopt away by tba laeimp manta wtx anooaadad to power. I bare mwat fatti In Do WKta. aad If tba caar baa realt • robed bta* ta bk Mda It k a bapafa Book elnboyatwr twppor tonlpb THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Side Lights on Public Men In Washington. SPEAKER CAMOS’S TELKPHOSR bywtekM mi mm DU«c> Wkr Sum to Tam la tmmlr Jit.n«r. •1 Tnllmabl for tearSar ■». raw* mi NMImt—Pmlilnll Twt Willw-atrmnlailn I karin Car Ita* Mwartrr. A Hi.m ,<v<.i-ti;r camic fr.aa 1 mania io ana fia-tu J«a Cannon. kjenUrr of rlta boiiaa. naj-a tlia Wkablngtoo corra •poodcat of tl* SI. I^nlc PoatbLa |wU-li. Tnela Joe « na not to Uui apeak ■'a room nor bad be readied tbo cant toL "111 call blto on the plicae,- «M tba nan. Ila goC tUa lioaaa aarltrhbuanl. -I want Speaker Can nan.- be ratal -C*o‘t get him.- ratal n»a niteralor 4m AhImJ * “WUat'a 11m luaiwrV asked the man “Hfiwi't be a tvtaphon* In hU hover?" “Oh. rea." repliod Ota oprrnlvr. "lmt jm can't can hint up!" The man meditated. Then bo called (nr tho Information clerk at tbc trie pbetic headquarter*. "1 wont) like t* bn coaaccicl with thr lcle|.lxtM u» Speaker Canaou'a boaac." lie aoM. *T do uot Sad tbo o amber la tha bouft.’ ••Sorry." aahl tbo Information Clark, “but I ennnot glv* you that trlephoa*." Tkc man incdltntad again. Then Lm tall ad tbc guueral manager of tbo tHa pbou* company. “1 want to talk with Speaker Canaan at Ida boaac." be Mid. "Plane ben in* conart-lol with bio triepboau.” "I regret." tbo general manager r*. plled. "to l<- obliged to Infant you that nr* hava poaltlrc lastrurtloM that no body la u> rail Ur. Canaan on tho pltouc who aloe* not know hie number. U If a private Mepboat." "Well." on Id tbo man. "leU m* tbo number." "That la taapoaalblr." tbo gen oral manager sold. 'Wcluiv a i lt Im order* ta do bo ouch thing " Tbo man meditated again. Then bo experimented vorae. Ua called tho While douac and got It l(c called Secretary Morton and got him. Ha called Senator ration and got him. Uo called up a docen other adtclala and got them aU. Then ba tackled (ha ipraerai manager. "Do you mean to tell inte." lie vakl. "that ( bar* got to go away up to Canaan's boaae to ask him ouo qanilaa when ( can talk to tbo White Uouao and tv everybody rise la Waablugtaa from this very "That * about It.” replied the general manager. 'IJe speaker ordered It »" “Goslr.” aan Ue inati from I moots. When senator Jntlaa C Itunwws ot Michigan. returning from Lansing, whore be bar beeu ro-elected. entered tbo senate chamber the other day oud sought hi* desk lie was confronted by omo ot tbo moat elaborate Oocal de adens ever exhibited ta the chamber, flays tbe Washington Poet. H woo a flip tn flowers of tbo catm state of Michigan and coastUated a testimonial from admiring friends because of bis ■rr she year's honors. Tbo body of the state was shown ta Immortelles and tbe lakes by mirrors. These yero surrounded by n border of rooea. orchids and earnsttoo*. tbs whole design being surmounted by tbs words “All Yours.” Mr. Burrows was generally congratulated upon making his appeamace. rnaldeat Bsswrdt baa give* up horseback riding for the winter at least and subs mated walking as bh faronto exorcise, soya tbe New Tort World* Washington cortespuudeat Ho bos found that walking keeps bk waist aa trial oo riding. and bo h tramping many miles across the rant try oruiy afternoon. Ho bos two rag* Mr routes, which he boa styled On "abort” walk nod tha "long” sou. The “abort” walk rams shoot eight mum of bard tramping over htlM sal through ravines, {.xtsfcWrlag tbo Um tied ttsan tbo president bas far osar dm. tbo “tear* walk lo wall nomad for it to sixteen miles in length. Thi roe bo follows tbe itauMjrtaw* rosti out put tbo Rural observatory, wheat the prauMeat tamo off iuto the mm try. ssakm a Mag swtng uromafl aaf ssmos buck by way of Oeesgstewo. Whenever Mr. Boosuwrtt hm time ht tikes tbe king walk, n* Is a fast walker and covet* tbo real* to about three boat*. When Ms ttme M limit* be takes the short walk. When tht weather to particularly bod or When to has only u rsry little lime be gear down to tbe mmdwsy stung tbs Feta tom and cover* It three or four times apnflway ii • bum ana a quart* HiJmplUtira Cliarlaa Card* a Sanaa* taM u Mm. o*y* tha Wad layton Feat, of a recast dieorarr Me US* vary laay man: rt waa tmeaUny mat as a CMcay train Jaat attar canyrma adjornmad la MS* hohdaya. In Ita dlnlay car waa i grain waiter. For Uaafcfaat i ordara laaa ebaataat ham and eyym. Mad a hath atdaa Wbaa tha wattar brmyk 1 (ha order tha ayy* arara fried as ha E asaatda "*I wuh yen would tan thorn an > o*ar/ aaU I. That la tha way I s dared than ’ E Tha waiter dlaappaarad, hot rerun > ad aa gatefly I knaw thaaa had at > bean tima to fry them. Bo had ate ' pty tamed them orar. lata my hranl • that after that with rateynattan. baete haavd tha groan wattar remark aa I [ paaaad down tha alala that (ha yarma • *0 (her m* tea hay to ton Ida an tip aid* down.**_ t Twidd a weak, $1.50 a year. ECHOES FROM THE WAR Features of Wfattor Quarters ot KttfopotUn't Array. DtJOOUT OROIOimSIillTCi '!%* Russian a ray 11 aimed? la win Ur oBarter* around Makdta aad atara th* dba rirar aad Ike pcatttea treat er th* railway. **ye Richard B. Utt*. apeetel corr*xpoud*ot ot th* Chlaa— Km, writing fro* Mokdaa aader th* dee* or x*t. ul ■ UaachtuU U a traateae ngUo, cow* poratlTcly apwkiag, bat the Ifo—Ia a a«Miere tor th* awat part at* (aaaa the •eta* sort at reentry, aad they haRd thrir winter Quart*** J wt a* they belW thetr pea*aal home* aa th* great tnw kea plain* of eoutlwro notes er Who rta. Thee* hut* that th* atedUa* here eeaetracted an what are called Hap OOU" to th* Dakaeu aad MU aaa tea aad kwh very mark Mka tha Wmm beUt by the aewly arrived f*na«re la tbaa* «at«*. tkeri Otealty they at* aot an Urge. Tame <lo*oau ap to • single alght tor dhatUoa iromt that it down t taka i night to IWId on*. If for « email dugoat tt It Mh arid* and night to*t Mg *ad top. Than a trench tar* fast arid# t taa tow Jaap to i pf this first cuantiw glow a ■ half of earth os th* k*t rh*NOM*W O***od of thtol to th* baaaawMt ti tt* MT rotation under leina'ltai Is ! ovar. sad a ddnimpr It wads formca la ptacad to l work to Wit ovar tha th* rxSU. which la wads hp lag hack on to th* i aarth tai Is mow acted Clilasee arho bar* totted to eaqae cottape •to TI Uka prslrto da rtae. and tha thaw aad dlaeppaar back toto acMu toe an the woeM Ilk* prairie dow ed on th* aura* genera] principle*. Bat to sow* of thaw real window* ax* put is at th* aad* or a* (be dta. dome aro aristocratic sSslxm. with a wain hnUdtng end wings aad an L «r two oanaaeted. the whol* fonntog quite an aiteaslr* nndwgreaad estate. To the oast, to th* foothilto and toil tatoa. stum seen la grow mmt af th* grand os they do la New end there th* huts are made of town aad Itoad with stone* as la awn* places tha hats and dagoats in mentor order and bare i pdatety named Ivy the aoMUera. Thorn to always a Kera pcoaptct. Karopat kts avenue alao f« common. Other streets am nrraad after cities and town* In Kneel*. One tbrtvlng dupnpt city down near tba Japanese position stoop (ho tot river has a street railed Bhdmona arnat Car painfully apparent reasons, and ansthar unpopular atraal la called Bhrnpoai road.. Ufr to nmtot la the dnyopt etttos new that the cold weather ban set In. Incidents of thei tors been fteaaed hy noMtatn to the 1 Tbs fuRowtng i the Lap dan News: Aa unpleasant bat i the defenders' paint of Wear. Chinese epue. Corporal I "We have Uio enr hands aa Bead thing and i not to hetrey pa. One 1 «toning be fan to ant- Oaa aiarwing ha cams tote Chi a toady with ■ atong feta tt >1 the room. Thai sent hla • I ttoo4 Is rknllkC tnrrvrh tfbv ifi tfa I viMii wso ms ss s« vs v ^ I WfaMpot tk# aorsiatTttttdi One Special lot at yard 1.. One Special lot at yard 10c. Beats anything ever put on this market. "‘Straight regular goods, too. On Sale To - ~ '*■ '‘ ****%&£ ‘ } ^ ' JAS. F. ■.... m— ___ _ !_ . V4 ^HjKXtaj mgkm Sad LUe •( Circus falk. IMmmUmIIMhIm. To dtnt people the circus is e very serious thing. When a bsrebsekrider stipe to the ground after a somersault, or a lofty tumbler misers the shoulder it h his business to land op. the audience is all sympathy, aa if h-elfog itself bow it ta to fall be lore so many people. Very . little the performer cates for all , the vast multitude. Hi* mind is i on the superintendent, bis par ticular superintendent, who is ’ wntching him at the side of the areas, and who, when be goes ; if, is sure to ask very pointedly how his eye happened to be m , accurate or hi* muscles infirm. i There la no piece hi tbe circus i Kven the clowns look a little » bit set lout behind the scenes. Hat perhaps that is only he* ; cion the black lines they paint ‘ on their whitened visages art al* " ways so elum end solemn. And [ » hat a wild*, roe™ of inn-making , -nupl* there are in the,letter* i Jay circus I The Biepklo, the > Loon, tkt Harlequin, the I Oriinocer. the Meny Andrew, ► .be Anstrlan Looby, the Zany, - the Pierrot, the Punch,, the • i Motley Pool, and finally the ' German Broad Pace, whose • name la Paddy Burke! Ova o! , the clowns was sitting on hii ‘ 8S»jr.:rsSi.,“! robbing it on Ms cheeks so ai • to make a moat funereal expre. r •l®“- JP? boy aaked bla l »Mlt kind of a clown be area He saM that he «as)wt "Puani "H. Pridcev. Clown aal CM* edian," ana it had a heavy gold : rim. which made li very fag*. ■} sjUK&ssss&s 8t.^wyaaTB reached the fomr comera oi the card. Until yon saw Me many capers hi the ring, yen never canid believe that a ana with stub a acrtoM face and seek an imposing visiting carl could be either hinny or malcy. ' 'kZzsssi* &&&&& Oov. Donglaa, of iMeean* chnaetta, baa a good memory. . Ha sent an favfatlow~SjC9h:: . Inauguration ceremonies to the denghter of the mni who tanght bitn to make shoes. It la to be hoped that he didn't overlook the men who taegbt him the benefit, of persistent and liberal MVt9%lliOf •

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