THE Citizens National Bank OF GASTONIA Capital.$50,000.00 OFFICERS! R. P. RANKIN. Prckldvnt. C. N. EVANS, Vice PraaMaat. A. Q. MYERS. CaaMar. DIRECTORS I ft. 9. Rankin, <*.. N. Evaar, B4g*r Li va, J. A. Qkin, Or. J. M.BIaaa, R- R. Mayaaa. Rakart A. Lava. It Is the purpose of this bank to open for business on the first business day of the New Year, and It respeeftuliy solicits a share of the banking of the community, as well as of the country at large. It will be the policy of this Institution to afford equal accommodations extended in Na tional Institutions of the larger cities. The legal rate of Interest, 6 per cent, will be the rate'of discount extended to customers car rying balances with the bank, and 4 per cen Interest will be paid on certificates of deposit running ninety days or longer. We extend a cordial Invitation to the pub. He to visit ua at Kic banklng^rooina_fornierl^ sccupled by the jaatonia Banking Company, as—ring you that we will be pleased to see yod< whether It is your purpose to deal with us or not. A. G. MYERS, Cashier OF THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OF GASTONIA. N. C. N*. 7536. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OHice •( Comptroller el tka Curreacy. Washington, D. C., Decrmbf.e 30, 1904. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the under alpned, it has been made to appear that The Citizena National Bank of Gastonia, located in the town ot Gastonia, in the county of Gaston and State of North Carolina, has complied with all the provisions of the Statutes of the United State*, required to be com plied with before an association ahall be authorized to commence the business of Banking; Now mere lore i, rhomaa p. Kane, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the Citiaeni National Bank of GastqnU, located in the town of Gattonia, in the county of Cation and State of North Carolina, it authorised to commaoce tbebnaineat of Banking a* provided in Section fifty one hundred and aixtynineof the Revited Statutes of the United States In teatimony whereof wftneaa my baud and Seal of office thi. CVimtCT MrMtUO I Thirtieth day of December, 1904. •kal o* tu*co«rr»o«.ta» T. P. KANE, wtm cnaaancr Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the TU«mr wwtiwtiiT. Currency, r—nw~ i-" --■— -- HOME LIFE Is what we ekMSt ts ■take tf. # It Ian't riche* that make* happlaaa*. It’a the lari nr cat*, Why not Winy th* family ud hara a platara taken of thorn, poacd Jaat a* they arc at home. THfe-"* - PHOTOGRAPH win be a priooleta poraraataa la after day* wkaa th* ehU world Uriah arar It * Green A Mullen www nr wrf My The date printed on tbe paper with your address shows the time to which yonr subscription has been paid, Hxamioe tbe date sud tee U it needs chang ing. The date printed on the paper with yonr address shows the time to which voor subscription been paid. Bxamtae the pate and see if it ueeda chang The Wing, of The Morning, a splendid new story, will appear exclusively in Tim Gahtoxia OAxrnrx, beginning next Tuts day. See that you do not miss a single chapter. Mr. James A. Watson, aged atiicida at YorkiHUe Friday morning, shoot ing himself in the head with a shot gan. The dead was committed in tbe garden at bis home and he had bean dead two hoars when found. Brooding over bu inability to get work was given as the reason for hit ?<e to a good fearily and was, the Raqoirer Mye, aa apright Christian gen tle maa. pEGENDS OF THE SEA I/KIRO SPECTRAL SHIPS DOOMED TO ENDLESS VO V AO IS. n»r flrlaw Onirl.una ml CHI ram* Appear* la M««r KIM* ml ha Urg ] IM**I( laluav lik'rr RrailiuUr mt «h* Wrcrkm ml CaWalal Dan. Among lit* multitude of aKpantl t*ofl* to wblcli Ilia arn ti.ia given birth not Uio legal Intorootlug are ILoa* cotv «vtii tig weird epertraj alilpa doomed by m i] no Irrevocnlilo decree of fata to lull lb* tvWle laid over till rLnrnit/, will unit hope uf ever owe cot orb v a luubor uf a.ifeiy. L'oueplcoous an. - tbo*a la llic Myitis DuU-luiein. or. ratv ar. Inlying Dutchmen, fur there are Uv uutoerebl* reralnna of Ihla legend, " bkb hare beau colored nutl dcelgnad to roucur with I be various fundee nod Idem of diflrrcnt uuiu.naiitiea. It la net Improbable Hint tlie original flying Dntcbujao mu licit described In the old Nurea tradition of a viking who had aacrlkirlooaly Mule* a ring from lb* goda, and wltoer akidatog wag ever afterward (ecu' anted nu the mainmort af a black apectrai atilp cw v*lopaJ In Ore. to babokl which fur* hodad wreck and dim rear, a Utar Daw lab rertatlou of tbla atory no doubt hv aplred Laagfetlow'a Unaa dewrlblng A ablp af Uia eoad ifcal eaila the *** Aad le eelUH Uw bnamun. • • • * • • In tempeata alio uppeura V/ltboui a Ualmanuie lima. T radii toe any* of tbla alilp that a hid eon* faced nolillu invariably aat oo the bowsprit smoking a horrid pipe Ollad wKb n tool's prruldoue weed tlise to barco. and III batkla tba luck leu* Treat! that encountered her. fur— Over brr decks Ilea eeas will k-s* Wm Bluet so down 1st* the deep And pertob inuue* eng men. ana moat cntmiuj accepted raralua ef the Ply lag Ihtiriimau. however. la Uiat of tbo platMudcd Dutiii cuptola wLip mere be would round the Caja at ■tonus la tbe laHh of o terrific bar rtcauc. Hla (ataoua dutarmlnaclao ■cured (be crew out of tbolr wlta and culminated lu t Incite of mnilny. eventually they bore me obetrepcioaa. but the bold aktpper. not daunted, eUnchad Button by throwing a few of them overboard aad, terrifying the re mainder. rdf cm led hie oath with treble violence, Tbea ua appertitoe aadaarorcd to tarn him from bto pur poae. to receive a moat Impolite, tot to ■ay IrTcrermt. reception. It doggedly paralatcd and ao enraged the cupteln that be fired at It with bla rurolfur. But laataed of liurtlag the ghoat U>* baH lodged la hla own um. at which utlafuttnoe he. not unonlornlly for a Bailor aad a Dutchman, became area ■are aaafleglooa la bla oxprcathmi Ha waa forthwith coodomnwl to navi gate bla weasel forever aad ever, with gall to aaanage hla tfatrat. radbot troa for Ma hunger, forever alocplcaa and without hope of anivlag at port. By the aid ef Us friend Bajan ha waa able to bring about disasters aad tempests, sad hla ship waa "the harbinger of wrack aad woe" alluded is by Scott la “Bokefay." Tbo French equivalent of this ship waa the Courier IIol) ends la, which waa ■aid to anil nrooad the world la twatra bourn, with terrible Ulaaatan follow ing la bar wake. German tradition is rich la phantom ahipo aad telle or o«m os board of which waa a nobleman who had beta forced to lean bla fathoriand because of a great crime aad who waa altogad to teas dim with the devil for hla owa aoal. While another Teutonic creation waa a death ship which wn supposed to bo chock full of mordorars aad erlnv taala of too lowest order. A skeleton hotdlag aa boerxUae stood la a coo ■Pirnone position, and— __\ Aad ndwl at tMr CUtta* hmU, which undoubtedly moat bar# bam a grewaoam spectacle to raa aad eomothlng ukia to tka ap> paornaoaea An Hatato* day af the souls •f aaUora drowned daring (ho year, a belief which waa prevalent la tbto eauatiy. It waa said that la tbo darto aom af tbe night tbo watasbaMu oo tha wharfs would obaarro a boat ttttfa halt. and. ba*toning to east It a Baa, * would disappear, and rimaltaoaoeaty frightful ahriaka would rand tbo air. •f tlw Dnl tod gtataa. waa aHemd ta bora Ma gheatly aWp. which, rWng la thma pyramidal flams tato tha npra aaatatlaa of a ship, waa aappuaad «a ba a parpetaal reminder iff tha wkhaA aaaa at Ita termor InbabMaata, who ta tha Moaial dare cruelly hired am laa atfgraat ablp on ta tha rack* wtth graat taaa af Me. and thou tooted aad kwratfl B. Aaatfcar phantom ahlp. ao tha atorr i taaa. appaan ocraatonally off Capa dTtepolr, la tha bay of Onaiw, la tha galf of St Lawraana. Sha la iwawSai with eoldlera, ceanplcuone among I wbaai la aa afcar pointing afcoroward | wtth aaa hand aad aapportlng a won- i aa wtth tha other. Suddenly the llfbta §• aat there la a ahrlll cry, aad tha ■Up alaka. TUa to euppcaed ta ha tha gboet at a Srttlab trooapart which waa i toil at tha tlaaa of tha Augto-»Veaot ware ta Oaaada.-Loodaa Globa. •DMwwt.’ The abaaa ta wMcb tha word “differ. oaT ta aahlact from wrttara who to. aglae that 'two different man" maw aa thing More than ’two men" waa H> tootreted by the tallowing aaatema from a report to a daily prweaapw at a iMltbto powder Mill expleeton: Two 4 toaai hoada ware taaad la (ha ntoa af tha Mitl. They are aenaaaed tahare , bateagad ta two dlfferoat employ tea.’ ,f m ba poor, da aat town pea* V ran woaid aeeM tnaatt aa well aa and faring. _ Ssbaeribg to Tuff OAutTm. A TARTAR TRICKSTER. **• W«l «e Mi a Valla* « • r«r*i(M>, At Um uuuosl fair in Kijiii Novgorod I slapped with • —.•»-tt,"i rrtand into a saddlery, where ha trhb M to parch* a* a value. Hu picked out aw* for whirl) Uu> Tartar oier chaat named a prlee that we* evident. If toueli hi none of lt> real vahm My UmA was making tha usual fclut un •f MCh circumstance* of learlag the ■tore when he uoUcad that the deator. wtlh a rapid movement. wtuck a paper la the ootaldo pocket of lib v*iu*. Mot being * groenliora in Russia, Is kbew tmmedlatoly what the Tartar was op Co. “Dot. barla," said (be Utter, -m-g blta back, "eota*. Look at tho leather and the Uolag, all* all through. rises* araratne it curafuOy." He t»<nutsd the nllM again te my friend aad — back te ble stock, apparently looking tar ether aetcbeki to show. With a aly wink toy frtead extracted a tea ruble tote from the eotae pocket of the va ■to and bid It la hb band. Than be ••Id: "DooT trsobto youreelf amj long to This van** a asms to be what rn ■•y It la, aad t will taka It." The Tartar grtatod broadly as ba Into around, aattadad that Ida imh trick bad suoossdod. Than while nay tttood pretended to count out tba pup toaaa price ha took told anoa mat* of tba valise In order accidentally to dto sovar tha bank note in It. I iUI uov ar forgot Us eyas, which bulged out a< •* *ba petrified a mile on hta foes whan bo (baud hla maaay goosL He arms a* bowildarad that be atammerad Ilka a drunken inn. “The fellow really ought to get a ba ton," my friend said to me in German, while ba kept the Irtekstw tu mnpMma far aararal minutes before handing Urn hack tha bank note, together with tba valise, which tha dealer new of fered for lam than half of what ba had tan and ad before—tugmuod Krona In BeoktovatW klageutae. CONVERSATION "PONTB.” Soft lodslgo la psrsoosHW. They terartaUr rotarn worse than they Dsat turothm family trod*, u am bsmaaes the Ihlasr, and yoa ire maw to racist it Don't talk of the coat of things. It gleaa the rich a chance far boastful saw and may be emborraariag to the poor. Dean tall year parsem.1 Interests, occupations, hopes or aspirations. No body wants to bear them, sad you gt*e year dignity a mortal stab. Don't discuss children. If yea hare •ay the chances are yoa era boring thcne who have not If yon hare none, yau are sore to be nwrtmny-~"rc those who hare. Dost discuss drees. The lady whose craning gown yea are mHi may bees coeae direct from Paris, wearing &e aewcst thing, end the whale soh Hct Is a hopeless one ssyway.-Jlar W« Weekly. Korean is a diacaJt*toogaage to ■torn. Tricing errors are Hfcely to land • foreigner Into great «ahummw. It arse only the anullsat —m.v. «w ltd aa Impassioned preacher to warm rii eoagragatton that anlme they fa mated they weald he lalegated to “a NUsr,” the Korean words for —«i»» Ud the Briber world being! almost Identical. In Uko -rrnntr the stray ri Lsxarua, who Ml sick, waa told to s Sunday school rises with ea anaa ^totoed^rodbag.^The satire (mm af ■ad by a trifling —■faetoi tbs teacher waa made to declare that Laxants ea e bottle. aWxh Is thirty tunes the Dm of the Dated Kingdom, to Gibraltar, thantaa If which Is two square mile* Thusrii; SSt tones that ef thrall tod*Ku£ tom. while the eras of the self peroro ■g eetoelm eieoe to nearly sixty rimes -London Globe. oomotix Of tba Aiwa that maka toe MM eemalitt • •• Meed, win . . earaeT Ate the heart aad'eE of PM eaet dawn by bit tar flftipiMil Matt Would jrM leave only l» » hear. and eoa»e back with a Mr Minted view) than epee tba eeraM af 1 leat^lMai the "Maetai'a Yldk.* •Maft IweMilL "Ob.** Mneyad the mU important dWjw take waa eroaa eueUaiec. TM Ifttok yea kaw It alt. dn't jrenr He* o*tk" 1 C<MtMt^lSw?Mb <£n. ma!E MW. Oeaar—there Ol deaaa. aor Ol Mnd the m<we ye bav M ata the more ttMaathere latawaat^-MeoMyelMk. -*r -'•‘‘r—t'"r'1rTrrnatlM Mr Maeeltthf thla meat Prioooor-OI had, reeb—ae. Ho medal taMhtl raM Twice a week. $1.50 a year. mut- _ A LIVING SWEETMEAT. 1 •^ees—-an.1 sj . 'j» -ejwi jus* QiiwsssmMtiSwfciSiiHa Expect a good long, useful Hold rWSSi ^thoughts per sistently. " Simply refuse to (tow old by counting your years or naitici patincr old age. One of the best preventative* of age is entknsiaravand interest in affairs of the day. Keep in tbe sunlight; nothing beautiful of sweet grows or ripen* In the darkaess. Avoid fear in all its varied forma of expression; it hi the greatest enemy of the human race. Nature is the great rajara nator; bar spirit Is ever young. Lire with her; study her; love her. Avoid excesses of all kinds; they are injurious. Tbe long life must be a temperate, regular lHa. Contemplate beauty ix|all its forms and you will drive every* thing that ia ugly out of your HftT Keep mental cobweb*, dust and brain ashes brnsbed oH by frequent trips to the country, or by travel. Don’t allow voumlf to think, on your birthday, that yon are a year older, and sa much nearer the end. Never look on tlw dark side, take sunny views t«f everything1 WSSXr**1 He a child; Uve simnlv •«/ naturally, aod keep dlteJl « c«fc,‘2i*Ka.“4 “m,"i Cultivate tbe spirit of content Wff&sjKs&TE poroow ol MUblnbin* vertr woA*aud electric eianu. tttft&janiS ■ tad eoatmcti everted Tk. :3&ilPs*l

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