I the aUsfetcrs. 4 to ud Um bail diaj By ____ _ wiU coto< Is Jealous el bh to wiU want J*“* ***** C>UI*Cb *« smd fttst la tbair aOactioi •ad aanrfco, aai be will provide • way to train them for wort •ad to rat thereto work in tbeii owe duuch. And when this it done, whoa will the Y.1C.C. A ha? Let the answer come tha) it will be at the aad of a foot w^rfc if it has dooe nothing bu' •bow ton churches their oopor taahfas aad their aeyleet, aai stimulate them to effective wort to the dcvetopoMst of tbaii young people, aad we urUl ac ■ •If It be claimed that the sap port of the minister* la * cooclu rive argument in favor of thi project, it aright be said that h Gaatoaia tbe minister* favor i method different boat High Print*, aad that abboagb w« have a good building free of in cumbrance aad yi tiding a (me ant we have a Library Aaaocia iostaadofa Young Men’s Chris ■■at," asks the Interstate Stcretaay. is it not wist for all o< the chore ha a to unite in pro viding a Wilding for their young People to work with which will ha adequate to the rvqnlremeati of aneeaaaM work far yoang ••np* Wa will fat that qaes ^®khaanswered by a beading wWch fan* under our eye just ai thaae remark* are going to tbr Prinfar. It ig clipped bom the Wilmington SUr of the Mtb in riant and rands aa fallows: bvknt op the wbel. at Y.'M. C. A Halt Wednesday Afternoon by Marians! Meeeft Ce. AN ORCHB3TRA ENGAGED. Pmtaaaa el Watoitafamaat Will le efada ftebtahaaenu. Special Deeocatiea ttkcti and e hot Enjoyable Mnai «al Program. As a medium for getting tbr rknribta and bipcatt com pa nfaa together big Y. M. M. C. A. hoildtaga will doubtless be •riad a great lacoeaa by the lot rit as to IW chjrcbea anil ing to befld them, ft looks like •Don’t* is gpod advice mmananiaa^^^^ bwib **Louis hyo roinisctod with ibe Wil' wfaftoo Cotton Mills, will ukr ^gSKTSKTS'-fS^ Srafcte^p.te, *2! *" *,md to knowtkst bcUto be near Char - oo®enntJoo of Sontbera g*ggry5.sir£ fcr «■» per g!ST &["% "&« 3B™““n **o£Sln«e A POSTOFFICE BABEL. ROYAL Baking Powder Make* Clean Bread *.*/•>*iLf Vif -- - Cp/s •fc’ry-J** r *•/»"-. ■' *_•„% -«V “»■ ‘ With Royal Baking Powder there i« ao mixing with the hand*, no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest kflltjr, sweet, dean, healthful food* s^:-«?sh^£ * y i 1 . I • Mi New Style \M Stetsoi Hats !l —III."1 -I . 3^attBTjasa^= In all grades,col- 4 ors, and shapes, 4 from the stand- 4 ard Stetson to 4 the “No Name'* J Stetson. 4 JUST RECEIVED. ^1 Swan-Slater 'll Comp’yStHiMTs 'j MILITARY DISCIPLINE. * MMlf Pwmt trinw* m Oemao and a UtumiH. '• he noted *bSJ!et mtd liiitorlan The* '•mo .VjtkuH DjJ-re wan educated la tierlla. owl at • dinure party, apropos jf OerniAU} mil Mary iltwclpUna, be >!ko said; •Tbe German aoldler inuat uerer ep r-*ar lu public nccpt lu uniform. t!no wbcu be is on furlough be must not u'.uhw tiny circumstances wear etrUlaa 4tv*». “Well. Hwurta, a young lieutenant at rurally, ditriuc my residence la BarUa war one dity eucngnl la soma adven nrre or other ami (nil on. to lUaguiae himself. a salt of buck clotb. Droaacd In tbU anlt, Ue tvh* paning down aa nnfrcviuenrcd street when be came face to Inro with lit* colonel. "1 elected In ao grave u mlademeauo*. Swart* proved hlmsHf tlia possessor of a rvs.uuvefol rolaiL He salil to tbe colonel In a bnsa voire dltreveat from nU own: * “Tan yoa tall wo. air. wbava Lieu tenant Swam live*? I a in bis brother from tbe country, and 1 bare coma on to pay him a visit* •Tbe colonel readily and politely gave tbs required Informs I loo aud passed on. •Tbe lleuler-vut conavetniatel blro •etf oa Li* escape. Ho burrlc<1 home aud pitt on Id* uniform. Doty lata tbnt afternoou called him before tbe colonel again, lie saluted with con* Bdeoee, The cornel regard ad him add IT gwaiiA, m+w • wish you'd ten yont brother from the country that If be pays you another rlalt 1’U tml bbn lo doe* coofluemsot tor tan days’" THE FIRST RAILWAYS. aim sixteen ailn ts Ottt M»l« the ftunsairt Dlaay. lo 1330, when tbe railway was opeo rO between Liverpool and Manchester, the Ll'.erpont tor minus wan at Wap pins. Uaii strrot taanel was not com pleted antlt shoot six years later. At first the service consisted of three trains each way on week days and two ns Holidays, hut this was loot) found to ha lnsnfilcleui. After Lime street station wse opened there were six first fisu trains and six second class trains each way on week day* and two of Sacli dmerlptloa o • Sundays. The Jour ney or thirty-one miles occupied near ly two boors, which led to complaints that tbe speed was too great to ha plans ant and caused dlsstaess. On the Other hand, saturnine expectation* wees Indulged In that lu coarse of time the axrrsne rat* of traveling would be at least doable the ordinary speed of the swiftest mnveynneas drawn by horse*. U was autlci|Mit*d that tbo general adoption of railways woahl lead to “a east decrease la lb* cooaamptioa of sals and hay by lb* salaatl tattoo of Maun engines In lieu of horses, xml that portion of the soil which has hith erto been allotted to the growth of •oeh produce may be appropriated to the raising of food suitable to the hn ■an species--an Important cose Mesa dee in the thus of the dorm law*. It souid not hare boon for—era that the railway system, so Car from supersed lag bone*, would lead to an lxuaauas Inc re see la tbs demand far than»s-L*w crponl Post. CROWN OK A TOOTH. H la C*t>s«ml or <!■• IIuSm) Kwaww Oriraols takaiunn. Thu ctotvn of n luiuiau tooth ta cor •rad by a brllUr.nl white cup of ox train*' deculiy, the ccnmel. which ta hot mily IliM hardest tissue ot U>0 hu man ball'- constating, n* It doe*. Of DG.0 par cent uf mineral nud of ,".3 per cent of nuininl mutter, lint also tho hardest known organic snlietimco. Tlie wlielc of tbo friction cniaUed by tho ifioiticatlou of food fit lb* upon U r catting edges of oar tsatli, and thaws are protected hy an extra thickness ot anauuet. So hard Is this that only In extreme ensee. In persons who lire on eery hard food recalling smrb niostK cntloii, has It how tuimn to wear off. This caamet cap Is composed ot • east nnml*cr or microscopic rods, oua end of osch of which rests upon the dentine, nn*l the other reaches Uta free catting snrfarc. TIicm rods vary in shape nn<l position, some being flvs sad oiltsr* six elded, some straight and othsrs elutions, bat they ore all orrvns Sd so Ihut tho maximum degree of eoanpactu.M and strength Is secured. “Old newt" Tli os ants. Don't let your heart be troubled by the mnu who comes back and tolls what womiorfnl success hi bos had as ■ res alt of leaving bis bourn town. K Is well enough for the sake of polity uses to Hater* to his stories of lmtuen-T boslnna deals or fabulous salaries ot wonderful offers which lio won com pelled to refuse because he was ottered •tin mot* by some oae else* but don't •wallow the talcs. The tueu who go ■way and succeed do not need to tefl ot tholr success. Ton hear of tbrrir suc cess. It epsaks for itself. Too are do ing bettor than the cheap mangel's that have to megaphone tlielr encores. Attempt to follow their example, and you will most with disaster.—au-IUsod iiiAd •omtHIau >>wt Cate. There i«re many srr.-tnce superstitions •rtnnt a bunt cuts. When cute sneesa. It U .said. It 1* a algu of rain. Tbo car dinal point to which a eat turns a.id washes It* face, after rain shows the direction from which the wind wJl blow. When cuts nrc soorlns foul waul her Is sure to follow. Cut* with their tall* np and hair apparently elec trified hnllcMis approaching wind. If sparks are sera when stroking s cat’s bark expect n change ef weather soon. When a cat washes Its face with Its back to the fire aspect a thaw in wkr tar. _ _ IVrtwIss by AUOrsTtetlu*. Urs. Usd/ibout— reopla aro eti.vir.f yon railed m» lira. VerdlRrla the otlwr day Olid put n setback. Mrs. Dpjobo Wbnt a willfnl jicrverslun of tnrtUI ( railed on her and got n act of Dick ens hack that I'd loot her two year* before.-rueogo Tribune. Dneiiasiwi. Blobbe—In spttr of all the mosey Mewrlcb spends on his clothes bo can't disguise bis plebeian origin. Slob bo— Ko; Ifo like potting n tan dollar collar on a thirty cant dog. — Philadelphia Record. Tbo flower of elTfltmOon la tbo fl» fabod man, the moa of saaaa. of grsc% of aocomphabmeat. of seatel powor tha gseUamaa.—Kmanea. 4.+4.4.-M-4 jL ' 4. 4- ZERO WEATHER 4 t Calif for ,-pr Heavy Underwear ^ A Wool Overahlrta 1 Wool Soeka A Wool oiovee A Heavy Leather Glovea '■T*. i Mo fieri A* ^ O.od Heavy Shoea .# •T' All of which we are prepared to aopply yon Jk+ with at very rcaaonabte price*. Conte to onr mkm •tore, where yon can get the beat Mock to ^ aelect front. ^ I T 4 loUmon Bros, .f 4 44»4»4»4»4~44 4 4 4 4^> ^ We mean our big sale. It C d was the biggest In the history of Z P our big stores and we wish to 1 ft thank all our customers who ft ^ helped us make It a success. A P I few odd lots and remnants left I (over from this sale are going at J cut prices. I d As early Spring buyers we > P have many Inducements to offer. 1 ft These will be money-saving In- ft P ducemcnta to all those who visit P ft our stores within the next few ft ' days. P | Owing to some improvements I ^ to be made In our millinery de ll partment we have whacked the 1 rf Pric« of all millinery articles In ^ P two. We must get rid of all J ^ millinery on hand at once. Some f rare bargains await you In this J P deparlmcnt. I C\ If you are looking for good 4 r goods ot right prices don’t fall W h to sec us. I o W. H. JENKINS CO, Heavy and Fancy Groceries, Produce, Etc. Crockery, Wooden, Tin, and Glassware. Your patronage solicited. :: :: Telephone 255. GOOD GOODS AND PROMPT DELIVERY EYE TROUBLES! if persistent should never be neg lected. Yon may need glasses or yon may not; in any event a talk withTorrence-Morriii Co ,ihe Op ticians, will put yon right, and if glasses are necessary they *il1 see that you are properly fitted. Torrence-Morris Co. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. Expert Watch Repairing. Artis tie Eagraring. Mr. S. M. Shelton, a promi nent citizen of Lincoln county, dird at Denver Wednesday, aged 71 years. He once con conducted a furniture business at Charlotte. Sale ef Valuable Seal Estate. **'T*M*9. Tmtrwrj0*• 2M, HH I Dr. S. H. Griffith CAFFNBY. •. C. physician~surobon-oculist Kotin er pupil of the cele br«»«! Oculist, Dr. Julian J. Chisolm, of Baltinra*. ““ »l»o taken apodal post'pra4uate course in *£• Epe, Bar, Nose an4 Throat Hospital in Balti more. °*««»*» Fitted Acearate •r «*4 heleatlftcelly. A Cherokee Dm* Co. B‘VJ’*.

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