The Oattoala Gazette. BUSINESS LOCALS. XKB CLANSMAN—$3.50 at (ha 1 Gaitoaia Book Store. del. HOUR-ROOM HOUSE for mat. *p » ply to M. H. AmvrouD. 31cl /CABBAGE PLANTS-Any kind v yon want. Order from F. \V. UuvuvkC*. TV7ANTKD—At once 1000 bushels W pea*. Will pay highest cask price. P. W. BmAwury ft Co. 31 c2 WANTED—To exclumga a 9100 W Cash Register for typewriter. Brand new; never need. Apply at (hum office. del. XUBSDAY8 AND FRIDAYS—1 I wiQ ran my grist mill and cotton gin only on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. J. B. Boyd. F3c4 Buy A HOMB with rent money. Call or write and we’ll show yon how it’s done. G. W. Catm, Agent. Office rearof Eppley's barber shop. I A8T CALL FOR TAXKS^I will Lb* in my office in Gaatouia. Satur day, Jan. nth. Yonr failure to meet me will cause you trouble. ■d C. B. Autrrmowo. Sheriff. THE SOUTHERN Mutual Home and Real Estate Co., of Wil mington, N. C., os\ highly on hie ®Wbtl. We ere gratified at the mtside successes of our fanciers md shall be happy to publish Mher winnings as they may be urnlshedus._ Every Hour of The Doy. J. H. Jsaacdy ft Oa., the ivltsbls Druggists of Osotoats, srs havlag rails tor •HIXDIPO" tbs New gid »y Cura aad Ustya Toeie that they uu satHag aadsr a passive gueraa iee. IU merits are beeomimg the ulk d the town sad every body wests to tty H, aad why act? It costs noth* eg if It don't da yoa good—not oee teat. They don’t west your money If ft Met eat heecflt yoa. sad wfP chest Wy rria^ the moaey Try It to hy. -1 BI8H POINTS Y. M. C. A. NiTiBMt Started Vilh Ike Ministers-New B eliding (• he r#—nheaahrely EttiwM •ai lb* Verk to he la Clurgs el a Trained Sacratary. To Wdhar ol Th« OurtU. Charlotte, Jan. 14.—My at tention has bean called to the editorial item in your iaaue of Dec. 27 concerning the building to be erected at High Point for a Young Men's Christian Associ tion, and 1 am constrained to call your attention to a few facts in connection with it. We appreciate highly the influence of newspapers like yours and want it with us In our efforts to promote the welfare of young men, Pint of all let me say that the movement in High Point started with the ministers themselves who, after careful study of the situation and of the work that Young Men's Christian Asso ciation is doing today when properly equipped and support ed, unanimously agreed that it offered the best solution of their problem. Then the best business men and most success ful manufacturers were led to consider the matter. They af ter carefully doing so reached the same conclusion and ap pointed a committee to raise the necessary funds. a aiu ii«uk 10 mam mac, where towns propose to start the work on the basis that Gas tonia and many other places in the Carolina* conducted it some years ago, ocr Inter-State Com mittee’s advice agrees with you, " Don’t.• We have done so in a number of places within the past year. But High Point, with its usual enterprise, pro poses to erect a building with adequate provision for reading room, library, educational work, hatha, gymnasium, bowling and other games, boys' work, dor mitories, social and rrligion* gatherings. With such an equipment, in charge of a trained Secretary, the work is invariably successful and en ioys the hearty approval aod support of all good people. I am sending you the January nnmbcr of "Association Men" by which yon will see that ' the advance in the past five years surpasses the entire forty-seven years of the Association's previ ous history.” At to your suggestion about the churches putting their yonng people to work it is a tbiu^ to be devoatly desired. Bat it is not wise for all the churches to nnite in providing a building for tbeir young people to work with which will be adeqoatc to the requirements of successful work for yonng men. The remarkable growth of the work in recent years certainly indicates that such is the opin ion of the leaden in Christian effort,, and that successful CHristisn business men are so fully convinced of it that they are giving largty to the sop port aud exteusion of the move ment, ' 11 alter looktnv over "Associa tion Men" you feel like calling attention to the progress which is shown we will be glad to have yon do so. Yours sincerely, G. C. Huntington Inter-State Secretary, Mr. Kiadky laflrar. There is no advertise meat in ThkGazhtth to-day of Kindley Belk Bros. Co. Mr. W. E. Kindley wbo has been manager from the establishment of tbc Brin four years ago, retired Wednesday, having sold his stock to Messrs. Belk Brothers. Yesterday Mr. J-W. Kirkoalrick was in charge of the store, bnt was not able to five information concerning the company's plana. Mr. Kindley will go to another town and open a store of his own. We regret to see him leave bis firm ■nd the town. He has made friends here and had a tremend ous business. As an advertiser be baa benefitted not only bis own business, but the town it T1* 1°*® he goes to wins a drawing card and our good withes for overflowing taccess go with him. Iirtl Rama It*. 3. Rural Fra* Delivery Route No. 3 ham Gastonia will begin opera tion Wednesday. February 1st. Mr. Ernest C. Hicks, son of Po liceman J.I,. Hicks, is the car rier. This route runs southeast from Gastonia paat Davis' store to Glenn's comer, thence south east to Reece Patrick's, west to Begonia, acroea the State Hue to I. H. Wilson’s, southwest to Mill road, thence to the Pleas ant Ridge poet office, and thence back to Gastonia. It covers an area of 17 aqeare miles, is 23 3 miles long, serves 124 bouses and 568 people. An effort la aow being mads to procure the establishment of a fourth route from this office. The proposed route, aa laid off, takes In White and Jenkins' mill sad a section northwest from Gastonia. The probabilities ere that It will be favorably considered by the de partment. _ Subscribe for Tut QaaTowiA OAstrm, $ a pane. MOBTOAQE SALE 1EST1A1BEP. Caeet Orests Mr. J. A. Oleaa aa Orfer Isstretalng Psrsclasurs Sala #1 Ms Pr»a srty-Psyaust Kasistsd by Mr. Oleaa Until TUI* la Geared. tv th» bUUir ut tS* U«mtui As there is a serious dispute about the lines of my property, 1 refused for this reason to make the last payment when due, un til the matter was adjusted, and the executors of lfr. Wilson ad v«tl«ed the property for sale. I nave had my Attorney* go be fore Judge O. H. Allen at Char lotte ana the Judge Lias signed a restraining order forbidding the executors from advertising, of fering for sale, or selling the land, until the matter is beard before the Judge next month.£ J. A. CutKH. , »-OUISE MICHEL'S KINO ACTS »aM4*u. Tali AkM Tto "-nd fonlui Ctarluaa Tba following atorhw about tba char Itablanam of tto lato Louiao Mlctot, tto French comsmnirt and rerotutloc a*y agitator, an told by Alvan P. San toro to tba Horton Tranacrlpt: Xa tba carton* ptlaoaa through which tto pooaod alt* tto rood orar all tho ■"■ay ato creature comfort* aent tor by tor frhmda to tor fallow buna to* •to woo tba rooMeaea and rwpart to bar heap an. At Bt. Imn aha waa toarad. attotet that aba waa. by tta at tendant atDm of charity. Bdag at towto tbara aa a political prtaoaar • largo degroo of liberty, too conducted Sarlag tor otay a varltahk charily am Playmant bwrwaa la bar ami to aoeaar Oaa day la UR ato aet oat In a aow black nrtaaw dram far a lecturing taw ta tto Lyoaa dlatrtct Two woaka la tar aba iwnrnad to tor rramnnato motttr adorn tto dram (In tor petu *aat), haring found oomawtoro (a tor Jawney a poor wooma who waa ta naad to dothea. Two of tor fdeada ato bar la tba atmto oaa midwinter eight abWarlng la a atotto rage. They ptwrallad upon tor with groat dlacuity to *ator a atop, wham ttoy boagbt tor a complete now oatflt. Cto laatatod oa taking bar rag gad aalt away wltk tor. bowavar, and tta ant day aba ruaumed tho dd atatbaa and gar* away tto now. Wblle aba waa confined to tor bad at Xtovanola, m rrwwinmri to a wound mod rod at tba toad* to tba auarehlat f Til Atobooss MoBlesuL a trwtsd (Mead, want to aa* tor. “An tndlvtd ■aj whom to dM oat know waa mor tar atoat la her lodging Quito aa If to warn at buna. 'Who la Itr Mouugue iOQtdNd. ju mi i uiren't tM rimim Mm.’ Louise rspiled naively. 'He was •at (bar* without shatter, ha raw my dear a Ml ajar, be partied It open, ha earn# ta. aad I let him stay. lie ceoke Me meela la tba klteben; he beaks there aad rarely sprains to nr Try bat to diatarb him mat* thaa be dis turbs me.'" One day aba met two children. oaar 11 naked, ia tba dap Lbs of winter, to aoa of tba overpeopled orators at Loadon. She took tboa with bar, drmid thrm, bat had aot laaoey tba cklldraa oartd aot be left that way b tba December enow, aba tataiad k ahoo store, had afaoM tttad ta tbelr that aad thaa toW tboas to leave Aft or they had aano aha esplalaod tba dtataaf affairs to the ahoo dealer, ao ttablo swindled Humeral hMutoc* bowovar. waa ae great over thoaa who cam# ta eoatact wtth bat; her charity to twatmam. that tba man, Mat ml at gattiag aagry. -was tssetaatad aad thanked Louies MJcfart for wakisur him abate la bar charitable act New Style Stetaems. Swan-Slater Co. has jntt re ceived a consignment of new style Stctmions for the muring ol 1905. There is do need to say anything here in praise of Stetson Hats. Bvery one knows their good qnalltfes. The new bats are of the newest shapes and colors—standard Stetson and "No Name" Stet sons. They are being greatly admired. There is a great de mand for them. Swan-Slater Co. invites you to call aad see them. Waary Will!* Walter. CH all the modem comedies which have been presented of late yearn, critics are unani mous in declaring that them is none more genuinely fanny, while at the asms time whole some and entirely devoid of even a suggestion of the risque, than "Weary Willia Walker," which comes to the opera House next Thursday night. Them are •creama of laagbter from start to finish and everywhere the clever company baa appeared, even the moat blast theatre goers leave the opera house with a smile and the satisfied feeling that an evening was well and profitably ■pent. Daafaeea _ T*m GAgTOWM Oa*KTTt— twiea a week, $l.JO a year. OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY Thursday, Feb. 2nd The Big Laa*k Maker Feasiest el All Trasp Shews Weary Willie Walker The Fretty Girls The Clever ffiiim The FanayTraap The Latest Seafs The Catchy Masic LAUGH » SCREAM * ROAR Prices 25c, 50c, 75c t Seats New as Sale at Tefrasce s Arag Stars. H*B »e tba data or Utc carfUlt mm* ilon ot breakfast, but until a canny 3*0 It coualelad only nr a draft af aM or tun or rbacelalc There van amtf two waala a day-diaoar. mating teat h o'clock la tbs toe rata* Is tba — Gantry t» aeon ta tba aad tapper, _ truer * la tba aftanaua ta T < _ •\ijqra. for a tba admiralty at 4 aad 4 fat n o» Plot of visa or a But ta •‘dark la tba aftareoao. pnamd midday breakfast - -1 ta bo asrrad at bnakftMt tba utmost surprise vaa ea prawd. Its aoralty made It r«»t lov able and lad ta tba glrtag af breakfast part Iso. Els ran or U o'clock va tba bear, aad It area declared ta ba par «x caUcuca tba atoal far pasta Tan Moot# vn aa braotarata lent festal and after tbs treaebar vork saw for Iba company's cn tarts lament. Brsakfast dually bacatua aa tsettle Boa, aa a asemary mala ta tbs bag Stretch batwan supper oraralght and dlanor tba aaxt aftar TMs ae nptaun ot hceakfaat a — chua made England far tba brat U Una mas It a day uatloa. FOOD FOR THE CAT. I Only About Sixty Days antil you wilt need that suuner eait. 9 Wc .till have abig Um of inramrr clothing in the lata style* that an ' goisv to be the style thl# Spring. The prices oo these goods mm cat $15.00 Saha now $7 JO. ; ^ U.00 Suits now 5J0. .. Ladle.-Shoe. Ooln< Now SJISkm Me. 1 JO Shoes, 75c. 3.00 Shoes, $1.50. You will have to cone quick 11 yom ; £ tret a pair. Plenty good sizes in Men's Shoes left. Also big Haa Sblata* Collars, and Mea*s Neckwear. Another C! To accomodate our cmrlni chair to our barber shop. It wll 9?•>**• termttlr of Bppley'g ,h< friends call. vuraTSUrt TRY A HKBP1C hair Added. fwtrooftn w* H«ye «1K OR A BATH. •v‘ ;"t-; M < '-.'voi'.'v/-IAiv^T^italASS