TT'¥ ¥ T"* f ^ A o ( I’f inn the n«w»— rtad it. ( ■ K — 4 fl -/W F It U Irathful ■ u* to it. J Q R R ■ H Law I * 1 1 lL V>AO ( !*(■ ranalf U.‘t lit In*.' VOL. X3CVI.___ lYs^S THE Citizens National Bank OF GASTONIA Capital.$50,000.00 OFFICERS! R. P. RANKIN. Preside at. C. N. EVANS, Vice President. A. O. MYERS, Cashier. DIRECTORSi R. P. Rankin. C. N. Evans, Edgar L:va, J. A. Glenn, Dr. J. M. Sloan, R. R. Hayoaa. Robert A. Lava. I__ __ We wish to express our grateful appreciation to our friends who have given us their business since we opened. We extend a cordial invita tion to the public to do busi ness with us, and promise lib eral treatment. Will make loans at the legal rate of In terest, and pay interest on time deposits. We want your business and will extend every courtesy and accommodation consistent with sound banking. . Call to see us or write us. A. G. 'MYERS, Cashier charter" OF THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Of GASTONIA, N. C. N., 753*. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Oflica •! Comptrollar ol Ika Currency. Washington. D. C., Drcrmrkm 30, 1904. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the under signed, it has been made to appear that The Citixen* National Bank of Gastonia, located In the town of Gastonia, in the count* of Gaston and State of North Carolina, has complied with all the provisions of the Statutes of the United States, required to be com plied with before an association shall be authorised to commence the business ot Banking; Now therefore I, Thomas P. Kane, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the Citizens National Bank of Gastonia, located in the town of Gastonia, in tit* county of Gaston and State of North Carolina, is authorized t« commence the business of Banking as provided in Section fifty-om hundred and sixty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States. In testimony whereof witness my hand and Seal of office this i-uiax'Hcv srisAc Thirtieth day of December, 1904. g*ALorT»*Cottrrsntxa* T. P. KANE, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the TiwAscsr psrAaTMxwT. Currency. HOME LIFE Is what we < choose to - make It. ft j i ft isn't rich*# that opakea hspplneaa. It’s the loritir care. Why not briny the family and h«v* • pittar* takea ivf them, posed jaat a* they arc at home. THE PHOTOGRAPH writ ha a price lea* pnasaastsn in after day# when the chil dren ass grew# and gone net in th* world, think over It Green A Mullen PWm Wf M4 I4f r>w« '»• V^MOwmiMan. TAKE TIME -ro se* my ea capita, it frill pay you. Suita made to measure. Clean, prww and alteration, at reasonable price* PIScdrn C. C. JOHNSON. Tailor. .IN Professional Cards. A. L. BULWINKLE, Attoruey-at-Law. PALLAS. N. C. dr. o. e. McConnell, DUNTIST. Office flirt floor Y. M. C. A. Bid'* OA9TONIA. N. C. Phone flft Me. 0. ANDERS, M. D. OASTONIA. N. C. Special attention to diee&aea oi Children. 0«aa Terrene*. Dne Mara rtan M. a»e44eeee M 8Subscribe for Tn Oajtonia Airrm, $I,50 a year. CKdPTRn II. IIIOT the Slnlr.r pnrtwl »tnkl l In; door or tba Minin lieu red up III the cantor with x Iiilubtr rraaU of reading vxdwirt i,ad Irou. ilcn and woaivu. i > i sluin'.led to aoi) out a prayer, warn p.K-tiod lixxlixng into ebaua. Ilia, torn fro.‘i tbt.- torrllbtd grasp of bar maid, fell through a corridor am) would bar* S o.x dawn with the thlp had got a Mtil-ir. clinging to a rotupflnlna ladder, rniuld lire a* aha whirled along tba steep slope of Iba dock. U<- did not keen a bat bad bippaa rd. tVlth the luatbict of self presura tlou bo •cited tbt Maml support wbtu tin- TXOM1 struck. It tru tba mate itapnlw of rurdy balpfulmaaa that amxrtl him to •tn-tcb oat hi* left arm I oti*n hatchway and swept off 1st* Uw 1 Mil 111*4 mrf. liuder such condi Uocs tbought ItsHf wns Impossible. A i series of Impressions. ■ number of fin toalk- pictures. were received hy the be numbed faculties and afterward pals fully sorltsl out by tlie memory. Fear, ' anguish. nmaremcat -auno of I bus ranld exist. All bo kucw was that the lifeless farm of s roots—for Iris had hapnlly fainted-must bo Ixtkl until death Itself wrenched her from hiss. , Ttieu there tins tbe headlong plongs Into the tnlrllsg sea. followed by aa Indettu I* period of rasping oblivion. Hotaelhlng tbat felt like a wiring rock runs up loue^tb hi* feet- Qe eras drtr an e'-aar out of tbo water nail seemed to rocsAnige n familiar object ruing rigid nthl bright dose at band. It waa Hi* pluuaek pillar, screwed to a portion of the deck which cam* awny from tbo chart ,’uture. uud waa rent from the up per ftiunework l>y caul act with the reef. 11* se'icd tills cslooksd far sup port with kin disengaged hand. A uniformed figure—be thought It was th« captain—strctchc-il out an mv availing arm to clasp the i^uecr raft which supported the anilor and tbo girt, but a Jealous wnro row under tbs ptatfonn with devilish onerpy and runted It completely over, hurting tbo mnu with bis inanimate burden tote tbe depths lie rose, fighting madly for hfct lira Mow Rarely he waa da am cd. But again, aa If human existence depended nn naught more* serious than the spinning nf a coin, bts knees rented no the same few ataoch Umbers, new the ceiling of the music room, arid ba wna given n brief respite. His great eat diBculty was to get Ida breath, aa dense waa the spray through which kc waa driven. Been In that terrible eminent bo kept Ida senses. Tbe girl, otterly unoocaciou*. showed by the convulsive hearing of her breast that ah* was choking. With a wiki effort bo swung her llead round to shield bar from tbe flying send with hla own form. The tiny air spare than provided gave her tome relief, and la that tn atnnt the sailor teamed to lecogales bar. He araa not remotely capable at a definite idea. Jest oa be vagaely reel* land the identity of tbo woman la tala arme the unsteady support oa which bo mated toppled over. Again bn re aewed tbe unequal contest A strong, raoolnte man and a typhoon eea wras tied for aapretnary. Tbla date lila foot plunged against oaaaatblag gratefnRy solid. Ha waa dasbad forward, still battling with tba ragtag turmoil of water, nod a second ttma hr felt tbo same firm yet eaaeotb surface. Ills dormant race) Una awoke. It waa aaad. with free a lad despera tion, buoyed bow by tbs tnaptetog hope Of safety, he fought bio way onward like a maniac ' Often be Ml. Three times did the backwash try to drag hlta to the swirling death behind, bat ba ataggmed blindly oa. ee, until even tba tearing gala canned to ba laden with tba a«Sa eatlog foaut. aad bin faltering toot aaak to deep soft white aaad. Than ba fall, not to rise again, lftth ■ Rat weak dicker of oahanatod atreogtb ha draw tbo gtr) closely to him, and tbo two Ry clasped tightly together, beodiaaa now of all things. How long the uaan remained prow trite ba eoold only gnaw eebeoqwisOy. Tba dlrdar struck saga after day break. and tba sailor awoke to a hagy aaaadouaarn of hR surround lags to fkvl ■ abaft of auashloo dickering tbroagb tbo e loads beaked ap la the east Tba gale was already passing away. AMbeogb the wind atm whto> tied with shrill rloUaoo. It wpt more btostnrlag tbaa tbronttaitog. Tba saa, too, though russlag very high, bad re treated may yards from the aped where be bad finally dropped, and Ra r?M»£,«2l"£»lnfnil* Ho rate** U» W •mirnt p—tara, for bo «u MM u4 MIC. With bh an* mar* Mt bo tMM rtotmfty m. lb ho* •wtltotrad math MR wmtor, ul K **« Mt mri tho Rtin Of ‘ f-ir hMhMMdthat ho tbnacbt of tho Ctrl *0BMt M fml,’ h* HIM; W»wf fMhlp tryta* to lift bar. “■mlr RmUUoeo wool! oot tool ^r.offtr MMh m •moo.Wh.t a treak Ihqiai I > im > frivr m ui tb« l i*l »Mn»c«ii: I »ii) »b.c eli- ira-i llrlde wbcu we pat VThin rM f bl* crtra artilnt llcjln In UiU Iiowlintw oat letr. it* »aMk on mn* knaeatnl pmtl.v |/Ilia*->1 Irf.' bead f»i*l •booklet* ou I be oiber. Her «>e* trest cloacd. ber Him a ad Ux-tb »ci—<1 £»el III »t bttli the anj-nj/tcJij- otrod ber life, cl** *be would bare I two k/ focatad — and tbr pel lor of lx i* »klo •ecoed to be that terrible MoxUom hue wbk-b Indicate* death. 'J'bn titr.a llrx)/ lit ibe until'* face relaxed, and ■omnltju* blurred lit* t-t*lon. He w»« weak from woo quits cot.sckraa. "Thanh tied!" ha fried Imaftotr. I “Yon are nllro.“ I Hfr rotor cams back with remarks- ! hie rapidity. Bbo tried to assume a tli- I ting posters, sod Instinctively bar . hands trsratal to bar dUarrsnwd com j tamo. “How ridiculous"' ebe oold. whh 0 ! mu* note or annoyance ja her '•oloo. | which hounded curlotaly hollow. But her brace rplrit could not yet command L*r enfeebled fro roc tio wan perforce compelled to rink back to tb* rapport 1 of hie bnt and ana. "Do you. think you could lia quiet un til T try to Dad nomewater?' b* (alip ed a melon dy. She mUnl a childlike nct|til«*ceac*t and tier eyelid* ML It wn* only that bar eye* amort ad rirmdfntly from tha aalt tcnler. hm tha salkir wn* ran that Uii* waa n premonition at a lapoa to uaconadononneii. "t’leaao lr,v not to faiot a gain," ha told. "Don't yon think I had batted looacn tin.-** IhloarV Ton ran breath* room cwatly." A (hart of a rnille fllrfcrrod on bad Up*- "No—tin" *!«■ mnrroarad. “My ayra hnrt me-thal l« all. 1* them— any—water'. Ha lahl bar tctn'erl) on llw aaad and tone to hta feat. Qta drat elanco wo# toward the m. Uo now wattUil which mode Urn blink with aatoolab mat A bcary raa waa ■till mala* ovar the barrier real w&lcb indented a I . .I1-L . H-. . —— ataej> Japnoa, ttm oontroat nira tb» bare* commonon wet* Ida and ta coof»ratira—f only a Perea ml* Wcw*t from tba uortlitran mil aaable too nta Jolaap tba tort, ura trbaro a atrip at broken water, inrylnp far tato the ■mail netwoj barter, betray ad tba po •Men ot tit* tiny eotroncc. Vet at ibia vmt mint a da* «dce*MU pahn reared It* atattly column ltlpb to Blr. otol U» I Mg. tremoloue froada wen MO*, swlnaloff wtiety before tbo pair. Vraui wb*:e bo ot»od It rr—urt |* bo urowlap la tbo rnidot at tba aoa.for kayo breakan completely bid tbo coral ombeakmenf. Tbl* a^oUaol af tba load kM a weirdly loiprewira HEeot. ft * bo only dead ob)act la tba wutt of fwtut eni-pad wera*. Not a raadpa of tlia HbxUr rtaaluol aeon-aid. bat tba ooad wo* Utlmd wub wreckapa. tod—mournful apoetodo-a i oililma bio nrabtr of looalmata hnataa tanm lay bnddiad ap amid tba rote of tba ctoomor. Tbit dlaeorery atlrrad Uia to action u« ranod to tin-ray tbo load oa which U «• ctraodcd with hit hotpifra com* poaloa. To hu gnat robot ho diocoe oi*a that it wto lofty aid trot dad. Ho know Uut tbo nhlp could not hn dHfitd u» Bon *®, which ttin lay tar ta tbo tooth. ruit mat ba ooa of tha UOMlrnli uf (blitthla aMA Hm4 «!>* Cbtiu vca tud proud# rmrti for Hal nan fiabcnnan. notably It waa la. habited. though ke thought K atnwo that none ot tbo Mandm had pot ia an cpoeitmoce. In any ernnt water Hat bofm adtSc « uSTtiST^St two tltinpe demanded attention. Tha |trl moat ba removed rrma bar pant poaUkai. it would ba too hnmfcia to ponult bar firm ivutdoo* gua* to root spot) iboao trampled Wbjet-t* mi the bench. Common brutal.r Imtndtll toot that be should bottlly aadt ly throat hart* me" u* pressed hack tbe taagted hair flora hrr forehead aa be might aootha a cli I'd. Tty to tie still for a eery few mte al**." be aaid. ‘Tea have sot tea* «o attf*er. I w'll rotors Itainttlintety." Ill* oren ttireal atol petal1? wa*a on dr* owl tor (j th* brfn*. hot l-.e diat hurried l«A to ihe edge of the lagoon. Tl-oro were fourteen Indies la all. (hiae women aad e'erca tan. four of tbe latter bring LaMar*. Tbo woman wain salooo patseegsn whom be did not knew. One or tbe man waa the m !«», another lb* drat eater, a thM 8lr John Toaer. Tbo n*t ware pamra •era nod member* of tbe crew. Tbm ware an dead; seme had ban peaceful ly drowned, other* ware fearfully »CTS*stl by the rorkr. Two of tbe Lin ear*. bearing ilcn* of droadfal bjartet. wera lying ca t cln*irr of low rocks o car ha aging OK KOCSTH PAOK.1 ■---U'-. -a ■«-x_ ■ .. A Matter of Haatth There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord* ingly endorse and recom mend it. WMl MinQ »OWM* 06 KtW VOW. Shirt Waist Goods «!d then scarcely make a beginning in deacribinwtkSrilmNSL Iwnuty and variety. This season will be the_-_ known (or shirt-waist good. foTsSt „£* ^ VS^lSh prepared for it. One new spring goods arc aireidv emwdlnw <• npon nsiog^nt prohsaioo. TOi^n^t^SSrStS yon the absolutely newest things. “* ** **Cre.- £llen M. piejpi" tb«ista a loaded revolver into Ste&T-is.aSir.a Around the left wrtotof the intruder U wound a riunr shot. In . belt at hi* waiJ to a marderou* knife with atwclve lodi blade; in hi* pocket is an other knife of the Bowie ye "1 in the • vender of the Holyoke Valley: by the Great Waterbary. I woold have gore!** i: :asKs33*81 nTx£j?16 Ut in Con real'nrrlu>,her® ll»«h i« little ?k&^iKW».8X£ to tba asylum. l'lm the asylum! \Ve havr our uwn iittie trouble*, r.a dohht, but we .*» i™"* Mw ti~ *“1?: f 0*1* plate or Mr