THE Citizens National Bank op Gastonia Capital.$30,000.00 — OFFICERS! R. P. RANKIN, Praal4aat. C. N. EVAN A, Vlca PraaMaat. A. O. MYERS, Cukltr, DIRICTORSi R P. R«nhla, C. (I. Ev«aa. Etfjlat L »«. . J. A. Ol«na, Dr. J. O.Mmi, R- R. Hajara. Rufccft A. Lara. We wish to express our grateful appreciation to our friends who have given us their business since we opened. We extends cordial invite* tion to the public to do busi ness with us, andpromise lib eral treatment. Will make loans at the legal rate of in terest, and pay interest on time deposit*. We want your business and will extend every courtesy and accommodation consistent with sound banking. Call to see us or write us. A. G. MYERS, Cashier J CHARTER OF T.-IE CITIZENS NATION\L BVNK OF G VST0N|\, N. t. No. 7xM. TREASON! DEfAlTNENr. 00lc« at Comptroller ol iba Carroacy. Wasiunotok, f». c.. Di CiUfbF.R 30. 1904. Whereaa, by aati.factory rudne pr.»«in..l ,.. ,l„ .. a aifrurd, it baa been wadr to npp „t that Til* C«,i* ... Naii ,* Bank of GaMoma, U cated in tbr low,, «i Gi.toma, in tbr cm,, of Gaaton and State of North Caroli,,,. |u, Con,pli.d *iih .11 tl. provision, of the Statute* of lb* U bed Slat.». r. qnir d to b. con plied with before an aM6ciation .hall br amli rued to the bnaineaa of Banking; • Now therefore I, Tbomaa P. Kane. D ,.«m and Act,, v Comptroller of the CurTrncy. do hereby that tin- Cm* . National Bank of Gaat, ui •. local, d in the town of G*>l<.nl*. in U county of Gaaton and St .te of N .rth Carolina, ia uuth.„i* d commence the buaincaa ol Banking aa prowled in Section Slty on hundred and aimy-nine of the R tiaed Statute, of tW. U Ur.l S*t In teatimonv «*.-,■ nf witneaa tuy hand aud Seal of ..IS . t niimr ioimd Thirtieth day of Dvccrnbti. 1904. hut or rat caamoua. T. P K INK, orTatmuKT tv *"d Acting Comptroller of II < T.urair Mr.trwn. Currency, A NAVAL TEST. I • law Oral—i. Tha now train Uilwankaa. mow Marine cotnptetlon al tba Colon Iran troika In San rraadaco. arhaa ah* atarta on bar aStetal trial trip natt auranar trill oaiarpa a naral tret. aa7* tha Sow York Pan. In adJMlxi la tha oaual ratio at apaaj. turning. atopplny. back las and parfomlne other arato tteaa, tba MIHrauka* win be abaarvai far tba a non at of auin*cc abe omit* bar atocfca. Tl.r retain a aad ot amok* jllrao oot white baa 1 aroma itpudN aa a of tba ram aft effldaorr. tar bar TV* Bumm •* IV* Ckav 1 taalpajp Ml CM H«M 1 £**« tail 1 lyaaadta ■WK ta M tan a m»V * £°* *j°ta MM Mrt taha. **• tavecaaltaa OIJWHU cate* and bantu* baa* "■» patriotic Itaaaitca. *? “T" an tc bat a* *r* Jl thWf* my mA*-i*tr. abrajwl«I ahrtdoi bod build* Vp *"■ "niftna pep former TJ^*tat at Mn«a *f form* w*«M M *.77iSSJ*iaa*a«wbat aa traaaaa M“t dsranrwt Pf r m* «r* ataapa *p» mm I f*«ra "•l *f dal ’“*'**•• !«• throna* «h Mlllt ’"ST" ***< a—4 nkj«r<‘( hoi I dam *W»« niwci cm kovar. -»»■-* TM •»> iMiMrUK an j. ircd^TTr^S^r 1*2*Z5£2Z£'Mmm. TBSSEStG?*- - IT»r» Him. rkapw M ham m « Whaa at tb* athhMr hkdt Mat* ‘aararrsK; HM ' GLIMPSES OF GOPOB. 1 OoeUen Prie.t, leader oi OM 8trdter* Ip 8t. PiUnbm|, CHOCS 8TDDCCT CF KdlLISL —N«P mt Pin a ad Inn la Mto Vaalb. !:• Mm Idwi a IwIn ml Mmm hr ttm Imi mt — UNlidd Kara Chrtotlaa Orldlea — "—~~~l~r IjlitT* CUd. aao Ka la rmnlil | br <ba leMlen. fattier Lurp Uopoa. loodor mt tha Be 1 atiraliurx otraur*. TlolitJ tha lulled Mule* U> UIOI and toaraJ Xaw York la coaijwuy a-lilt a palto aad iLtJ M..I su u ddUu aa • la*| rr to Cm ■. Unit *_a.rcro_ry t(.o>aua of t_a Yanas Juaua Uhr-atUu *oooii*- ! teou. *_i* t_T Naw Verb Ascrloua. I TLoa* wLo atet llm la Biwna a* . atrib* bltu •* a vary auargoLo panaa, 1 arLa iUJ not look nyra Una forty yaart old. wLa.auo ho to oaarly alatydlra. ' Ulo fatally tump Li ||*lbaa bat for puIXcul rcanitn U Laa cbaa*od that 10 la both \*w York aad la Baatoa tha prlaat took a kr*iy tolocaat la pMIc* •-amtbaol aad political aiotkoda. Ha rloluj aad cxi.ailaad Ovary loodtaxlaa of a pobl-c cLur.clar tfcot La coaid, oaj >btr b> retua to Baal* ha hao huaaJ ucvb or Ua wtlUaca oa what ha •born t J Lara. TL* aiau a La bus parhapo aaaaa tats eioaut cyauil with father Oopoa la CleUUua Dr.atau. aa art erWc at Bow York. wLvi buo opaat anay yoaro to Buasto *ud Lao kaowa father Oopoa far tm Udu Uri yaara. “TL* prM I* a patanL* aato Mr. Brlatou. -Hr ooaiaa fraa* tha pa** aalry of Paltora. aa4 la hi* tfcaashla aad faailapa L* to at an with tha wtakinjM *a wlio ora sow «|imM (or tLelr UbcrO*. i»-k* whit a* vm a border at piga aad po* w.4j wa was a chJJ aad. 1H* tV.ns. La b ta la.oan u lauds.- of «»cu III aLo.-r fa co of ckmlit, Bla • l »ts r's t in. Ula pea ua wort poor pLIu pauwa.s nr-jj gave tbsfr aii ta g ra kLu > t>oj oducuUsa. ami la re lo.-a la has glrou bio mighty lots! Ion teal pawc-s la (hr poop:* of bis daw. TLa workla.TtMOj warship kla. Ulo wot-j a law awing than. ~K:om . la *-rlle4 yootb ha ho* baas *» uo co; of t e sac a l soi) oceanic catid . I JtM lhr poorer daw •j o: Ur itjjsi a *jp:.a tfr mat u rood tchoalo ia . Mtira aad Beany ah ta no. It a • i. trance i.t oaa at the anal imrhw. »Ui a tx Mod a fa - Ur prl/at Load. Uol Lx that flaw Us Mi sag aa . I Ur -I r cw I h d takas root aad Ula cttar.UK.ia ire a of see • i I.Urai char acter tb- i kr was canape tea ta Uar.> lb- w.lus-y lefor Kra.'.attlan. hj cle or d rluo cx. at which La Is a Ma le.-. b- Us way, ba Mivigsd to o .tale o -a a. taojga ts llaadin church wowl. asrer great bus pas torals. “.a ba tuts gotta frsn tows ta taws aad f am prances ta pi si IMS petash tau- t> coo. rogst oca that always wat ermr b to with delight naj rwrassan lo this m o a be has Use able ta icach a fa.- l. r^sr nadlaa a them ha coa 4 ha e dans hod la baaa a pastor la s simple 1-1104.7 csmmsntty. “Ti e reset! h. s l a.-u that *U 1 ana now* the maa unj Utter*, la him. cf ear a the oOehU dan hat - r.«U fo-.r k.aJ. but t ay 4a art drsptt • Uol. for t a,- new his power with the l«'U 7. at s why ba has oarar been arr.etaj * ud exiled. But for bla W ta ue peoatot 7 a d t I ers . a woosl bare long ia Elb# la * I Lara aarar ssaa a mo * 1-r I ai if nil t'jto hihu »•<*«. Be ■ a jt tatt. bat te la a pate a-racy lartt. ..aa.i cbe tat water* aw#. I Ha ott to ray tap ate wfeaa te la wrao^bt t > terror 4 (too wHti tte paw v or a braaaa traiapit t fear* •* a Ui u4nn ambp af aeetlw taco at wbtok tte pa..aaata at ate •may «yoa bii words aa itate te war* tte incarnate eplrtt af tte te •a^bty. -TtP Bj|;l|an late fte- ite Mte ante tbr.t to aoa of tte raaaoaa why te waa aat billed Corln ; tte i Ml lataraterc. Tte I aC ttew would teTtf ■itop aa a meat wbo mmed a croaa er aa Mwa. “r.tba-. Oopatra (we to aaa af tte ate Inpreaaiv* that I teraorar e*a. ■B p» tar.j are tars# ate gaaarawh bet.ora not baary. Tier hi e> Mate aan n t. e .*■* ate Ok kto am •» tejry ate \»y pnwlBtM to* a-otb tteaa gtaaa bto ayas. tape dtaawy nad aaft. tte ayaa at a wywia. Oaty wtea aratwal by azateawat 4a bto ayaa abaw tte traa a »a. amj ttea ttey «*=* tte lutaaaty af tte Marietta) ih t te fteto. "t « at: ay yaara te baa tew a Mate rf Mast a «*».*/. kit La li by ao aiwaa tte rrroluttootot that tbto a*M laqdy. “Set * Capet «t tea eantadaa hto work ly rue aaef addraaaaa ta ttepaa pla aai c4aM. rwphtrea. whWh btirr baa Ij mat atwbtie. Bto Hear rtedy of PacCttow ate Mi 4ar rat io 1 Wh ir la thto coaatry ate ■» rap# a eountrtoi otter tbaa la* tera piiea bha a raat etora ta 4raw mo. MNtH ntd It Ubtmlly tor tototo _ CRITICISM OFSTOESSEl Port Arthur Cot&mao6«rWMia cap^lr. lay* Csar'a Admiral. galli nuunx a b— •o* fwaamiiii Va* Oki n»w •* *• aiiai «a n«i r—tF— °HlM —tu ■»*» b«u *m r« M—tk-Oa* fir—t ‘^rt *mm Nr CU c-«f. -Ik* Siw Jipu.M a.tick n I*-t Arthur vu aa a-aaJuui mn.jt.jn to bou .ha buiini utjtf i.u_ am ■/,’ •-n a Lnm—a kd>olr..L an* oTCn Ito.1 Art*nr prOo^u at Tm,*. t-a aaaoar ta *lub Ua J apmmatm bait Mu LAI aul. a .ul ua * J to wbab to*/ m« | j thoi. aaramuta. -at tU| anW an to* .tb •f aaatij*. If U thia brat mttxu « jtj ^auckrJ . j ibatr .a. pa.* .aut Co UUa t to* 'Oaailra b |u arhO **« to a antol tiiu nt L—*4 of aaa.i jg * oau/ a fa* vo* ta*. to*/ «J.Jd buv* *macat«J a CUun toaaa «m> *-• ».ia a t/ . an a/lo/ pr onto/ wry ab_p ut to* hpibjr. "0.4 a a LMJ po le/ La*j abrr'4. *=« t r Japan *c* C3 .U hi.a too*** a ton* to ib* wit or to* tort* *4 ton and captoraJ t-a i> t cat ml ■art vkbuot oppsa Uou. it* fart* hod •*• Utoo Mi 4a, mi L*a too ma Jn It/ bat mc bam am Own* ■ —a. ib* aatoa MW MB. **" "T“*» wa frxllaa batv.aa tta* nr ■W ***d ta* par/ an tk* mi, a. or M. reniiKj. ’ to Oa**ral bu*ii*| t-d Coat tb* ajry to aid > «»d bCht to* Jipiaaam. u*t R w**4 bat* Laoo boprlaaa u giro Tagj batl* ooojoI. Vl-.o «sa la itao — of tbo fort.-eia, »>g* no tbo aar.i policy, lb m.u» I uojpita tbo bj rnamliwu oo* I'at Artba cool) ool; * by troop* araal oaly w'JJ ojpjai ibo dtu that mto ■ ocomrjr. Lot ibis ronliel frtcioj betwn.-j bn sal 10. 0 o of tbo (ortvoi* (uto lw». “I an aony t>oay that frob tie arat Ibm Mo*j e prnod to bo a apa b*a. Tboacta la foil command. be aara - riMOj tbo Lbbt-mg po -.ton dirtc; th Itfbtlna of Ueuonil lioodratenio. who wa» am oa r t-a i Co of tie Or.'oua po •• oj la n I ire* nou .ro tbo yo Lly of poac tanker. Uc Intervened la aU coses af troualo jbJ Uwayo a.j P**o_a tbo c-ioao of tu kb l># ac . ad the u.cwu tv f >- (’ “By 4 y i ad b.- sight Or.*- | Krj ho^abo riailod rro;y portion of the pootdao oad cooat .ally rbCtoi bu l.fa Bo wae oar Inspire tloo. Mo K-.aoUu aaaj bo anunoj o.* tbo d fra o to: o *7 «Bc «owi»M orbCe Koadmenbo B» Id. tWaf af I ptout wrrt p. apart** for l _ Ikmih toaaa-als wriai tb* «*i Vm bNUN «#IN Of what waa oam hMwtiiSa SmUrMtStr w*'*' ***• “At a nuiel at war haul thrae 4ijra MW* tap Wato at wkah twit twa *f tb* bighar aifcat* t* tfc* aa, Mt iapnaMtK|I^Mta tf twit ArVkm MtoaU U* tahaa hr aaaaatt that* waal* ka flghtia* ta tba at* ; | iiTo* «iN<h» prt** .a..4a [la* attar t to «ltt* I Orl Ur #3r. ra mid «mj Wt'eai bee til* KM CUraifllt a lad -m ■fl UkMnUif.i«iii^oMrt|MM, Ma^tfaa at the factum. waa a &* •fcXae Ota aawa that Caoant kMae S^a* wlwtSlriMS*^ , wa raaUmC iW MaawKy at daatiaftaii Sdr'^byUja t ™'F"*,£'Lt7 * " «d ca tha ai»bt aCJaTT 1 -tr# rutr adtti a tha > Tha fcJbutry era w mCm~ ' aod Ceh r Oaaa^ I* aa , ten a a cal aMa I J_p ua* art a«leba< aj , T ar ua »«7 ta-rcuoaa tr* m «r faiej a Japeaaaa rtwpt ta take Ike • faro hr tm u*. The Baa3a Mlm wr.e clwaya caalaea t> aaet Ike Jam. alma *ecna:«. Hamate ta-t »r bh traia utlliat a4 f_a> •■parlo fly arkh tha bayaaat The Jaw •tea • laetad ———*‘r wkae De •ktrral Port Arthur. *-1 camr re a ybMn ta Jaoaa be aaara i Mt :r li be a- Bat- ta Am tUONi^iAnrom. lAHtett Are t!in# wbaeara Mr parata. bat I MnaDitl wtrdd ’atbbmrN if I wtemrd ta Bmb altar 4e-j» ear IttinAiflaid'Xr rnttkya UapVatritat— waa h.iii aalal m a AWm tare ter bawl ta a latemw JojK-nr-a ran tar imnhf bat Maw AMh CHINA FOR MRS. ROOREVtLT arm addition ta bar_ ICaa:tal cbtaa. oaya a W< patch ta tha I’ktlaCatpUa PaMtr Late «• af eight pa (ha_ - ‘ Ttey cm* ■ tanioe uy Mra. j, 1 York. a premia Da ask ten of tha t who baa taboo | work of lira. Uaoearait la Oa dlalaa ware af tha tfhtaa Bee from tfar fwaiUttoa of tha m abB la tha bataf tiici tiaXtR ta caftan amuptra of liar ptealdeattal warn at tha * U:ig Hw« ii a work of aa . well ** potrlotlwa. Uri. Bi_ ma.til ta OMba iU kaaa af bar tlea. T1 a WiMhiartoobi makp af as aM re-w Enpllab rat pi— I'atnmai. a ptaai P—aarr* UUli of tbr mow —fca, a* Cain on warr pb-kl* d!ab af tha wS tow pot ern a:«l a Mi knit* af Sbaf C«M idalo. TU-f p’c. r* were •Mala wi hr Ur* UroCley at the Bail mttla w.ont of fit* U. L. D. Law la aatata la Hr. Into. Tl* .Modlaoa p'acea caariat af tw* taa*ioi_c eau ielabra. which wrr* eaod by br* Uadlion wkCe nilalraaa «f tke pn*Xtmt'K boaar; a armry bawt aad ••Whr or tlir Jladiioo art aad aa «« art mntifa to the Uodiaae piatoa wMeb were plvoo to iLr Wh:t* Kan roOaa «lo'> by Ur. i. Ilrulry Smith af Waab M? tan a abort thee cp aad a fnit mtadcapaad aaoraraf OaaebcMaa. • tin. Bradley obtained thaaa ptocaa Oaai tha Payne Totfd eoDccttaa. ltw«) ho rrmimbnaJ .that Payaa Todd waa ■ . iimui ■. ■ i Home Made Have year ate, muffins, and tea bis «•* home-mede. They will be fresher, ' cleaner, more laity and wholesome. Royal Baking Powder helps the home wife to produce at home, quickly and eco nomically, fine and tasty die raised hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cak*» crisp cookies, cniDen, crusts and Muffins, with which the ready-made food found at die babnehop or grocery does not compare. Royal is die greatest of bake-day helps. ji I i x X X X m

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