TUB Citizens National Bark OPBASTONIA t • S' _ ‘ -0 . Capital • • . 950*000.00 .r •* We wish to express our grateful appreciation to our1 Friends who have given us their business since we.opened. We extends cordial Invita tion to the public to do busi ness with us* and promise lib eral treatment. Will make loaos at tbe legal rate of in- 1 terest. and pay Interest on time deposits. We want your business and will extend every courtesy and accommodation consistent with sound banking. Call to see us dr write us. A. G. MYERS, Cashier -. asa — CHARTER OP THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OF QASTONIA, N. C. ft*, a* TICASl/lY NPAimeNT. •Men nI CeagtrsBer at (bn Cnrrayr. WASHtwoTpa, b. C., Dk^smbcx 30,1904. - Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the under signed, it bos been nude to aspect that The Citiaena Natioaa Bank of Gastonia, located in the town ot Gastonia, in the count) of Gaston and State of North Carolina, has complied with all tbt provisions of the igtatotes of the United States, respired to be com plied with before an asoociation shall bn authorised to’comtnenc* the bosiaeaa of Banking; Now therefore l, Thomas r. Kane, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Correocy. do hereby certify that the Citisetu National Bank of Gastonia, located In the tow* pf Gastonia, in the county of Gaston sod State of North Carolipn. Ip, authorised to commence the buiineM of Beaklutasprovidil ip Section Sfty-one hundred and sixty-nine of the Revised Statute** |he Uuited States. In testimony whereof witness my bund'phi Seal of ofiee this ’ Thirtieth day of Psoewber, 1904. KANB. Dewity and Actipp QopiptroUer of tfc* • Currency. ■ I •* Mf IMrm tkapwty '•Mktmgtm >ypcr»» SSEiSl SSnS 3R jCS j5£ MUnmb BREAKING IN BUFFALOES Oklahoma laochtraa’i Attempt to Train Taata of Balia. • WI TtT.TTTI TTSTT-T Q 4 tlflt la QMtlas about for atnltlM to •» tartala tto dotoaatae to tto .National ■dUortnl aeaodaUau who trill spend a day on ranch “lot" near Rllaa. Okla, tto ratok «aopany. found on* which to belie* would ba a Uraly attrac Uan. aaye a Bllaa (Okla.) -T"n«lni •f tto Ifanaaa City atar. Tto preitot kary Maps of hie Oloro.try to.a east Mm *500, and tto coat way ba srtatar tofara ha baa Balebcd. Ranch -toi" Luka a aatell hard af bar CaMaa. purtrhaaud at tto Uoodalgbi ranch in tto Taxaa l'aatondl*. Mltot darlli I u> Uwh two youto buffalo holla far drirlna pwpoaaa. toUartaa that a rU> bahtud two tiaffat* naau state would laLahf tto rlalUna editors Millar bapau hla buffalo “baetlaa" cor tonday aot luna a so. and Marly rrrry Mwhoy oa tto ranch Joined la tto kart Two anport -ropora" aiddlad thatr paalao and sturtod In paiaatt at twa yonaa buUa that ware araaiua In a —arty pasture. Mod: LruJbt wet* *11 and ptoal away at fall ipwl Tto day waa mt. bat ttohlfh speed at tto daw pootao told an tto hnffalaaa. Oa* *f tto bulla waa roped aroaad to each. Bataa otiunyor than a steer. It dtayyad tto pony tvlth It ttoqth to* posy On rawed tto dead with to to- Thau, with ayee Basina Mto two eaala and its teU erect, it yar* a bat lew and Mary art tto potty, stub ate* *9 dedyad tto ooelflayfct. Aaxtor cowboy throw a lariat o**r the bat seta^M toy canid hold tto buffialo to buffalo could doc to caaoed to drtr*. ■«>» » pmaD gaper to Yattowaapn# pot*, in tto early otar ttH onroad a tar** hard naar Qardao City. Kan.. aad ktllad a axuetor Id at* *■■*»» to tam* ttoo. Jooaa declared that whan too greatly enraaad a buff a - la aaaaoad able to dl* of Kb owa raO ttao. It would atlffan its Unto aad would Del Uatau to warolas aad aald that to araold bare a drtrto* two if to Beat ep erery buffalo ae Ma raacb. laitla buffalo waa raped, aad tto two wa«| fastened by ttolr beade er> nntf ta a atout corral. toUlaa ware ■Upped over ttolr bead* aad haraaaa Atowa traa a aafa dWapa* aa to ttolr back*. Tto tonyoo of a toary traillet taa*. lato tto aaak yak* Tto Oacat Once a*curtly tiai Hawaii tto bWCaloa 1 fcWcribt la fu xuiTTt) PORT IRtHUR'5 CAPTOR Pmpoalitjr aod Home Ufa at • Oetaeral Noyi auttt tiTOUrr or vimmoBi •* Ik Ciwr m tkt ————f •WMlan WM* Ibini, tba ■ftprnocm or Oct. U. UKM. that I mart* nay visit is tin haw if our drvltlab officer. Ora oral mtIui t»ok on Us akaalifrn On fall bar ^Otlic sWf* Of Part Arthur aart vlnar comma txla. Wauad by tba rlcta* of oar sayiwt w( ter. *r«a tbeu wan Urowaiap tba tlaaodartay t*«m of tba vaaaaa aart capalay bla soddbea u warck. bran aa full grown Uoai. spaa tt» vary teiyatwta of die anna/. «n U Valya, tin Tokyo oarrespsudowt aT tba Plttabarp IHsputch. Ueaeral Noel'* bona auada aaar Aayiaa park. Tokyo. «tteM hand df» Ubi baiaboo hadysd bawa ■"ftktqK uokjoo to Japan, aad ai «ba -•** «r* two baatttlfBl cuiaiatw aT mom. aacb with tW tuna* x*«l Kttaa o> It- Xofcl truaaUted uw.ns Im.sad At front of tt* gnmruTo bnao ataarti « »rait am pin* troa al] also*, whiffi Ik* rtay I was tbrro mart to tw bock M>.uy to tin a Us] wttli Kp prua •can* and t» La rorwatiay tlw bacab vain of tta owmr aa bo pa** owo aaada to tbo anay. On tbo eight band aids of lb* h*aw ttfal jut and a Ltd* way back Uaro •tan ji a snail brick uoJt ate. Ids. far Uaaaral'Xopl tua atw Urea a (caaaa tortr of boroeat and Us otw ranaaSM tdan hr twwnaa a warrior bus bam rtdlay. Usltk* many of out goods. ba la a bar bananas and i:a u< saddle with tto* tlirarkaaa of tlw baa: tidata 1 orar aaw fat Central perk whea I Brad to Jtrw Terk. until ba waat to la hia stable. He Drrtr failed ta rids Salty aw ta aaresa m {baas barm that retrained achicd. Eczlomty pawlaj for the honor at carry In* that/ dlatlnjraUi-e-1 gsaerai awlftly sad ule «1 war tba around. Ur. Sod la aao aomtfal by oatara and bat •bau ba fatigued from tba mp> mm tins* after tba war with be bag ■sd that ba ba yanalttad to take bla army harass baas wtcb bha aad faad --Tlrf that Tbt gmwniiaal ibaa would m bsTo ta ay aad aoaaf aa tbma. That waa tba axeaaa ba gam bat a* bla triaoda knew ha aad# tba aCar bacauaa ba «ab not tacr a ba aaparatsd fraa bla balarad chargw*. »o you know why ba baa built a aag alflraat EBrapo.im ate hie. wbkb la kap« rary risen aad awaat. aod takes seek Pride te giving hie berate One cam After you pas tba ataMe yoa walk ttiTtagti a a Driy ktt* guidon, showiag bOtearous cherry free*. along a naat path to tire left, sad asm yoa nai apou tba gaearer* home It. too,la of brick, bulk In Burn; wan style, sad. like tba stable, abmrs that Ur. XayMs poe aaasad of a pc or wet re atb aod be ■waa that ba aad bla Dually abaoM bora tba bast ceatfowa that ba at **to without Uaiag at all ext re ragaat. Beaching the hocaa. 1 walked rg> tba baoad white atma stops, which bad JoM basa scrubbed. pmated tba electric button aad waa polttaty ladradocaJ Me a Boot baaoBfel paries. Thorn was a ’. with EXF1ESSIYE IfAME POI IIM* QtSTfOM. J. M. Kewwm*r *« Ha»l« Kaamdy Ttot la OwrwtMl to Cava Uto Trswdla. Nb one word hotter express* • the condition of. the Mifft-m from weak stomach or indigo, tion than "misery." T h « stomach la weak and cannot di gest tha food, so (that there It no appetite, there are pains and griping in the stomach and bowels, the head and back ache, and the misery goes to every organ. Strengthen the stomach inH the digestive system by the it* •ifMi-rxna. This is the ot»h aomach rein- dv known tha* ve* relief liv >«tTet gtln-ning lli> stomach and digesti-e orgsns. It ia this principle that makes it 4 certain elite for intdipestioa. Other medicines may give tem. porary relH by helping diveal thv Ikk). hot they do not strengthen tig stomach, and that «egaa gets * taker and weaker J j9. Itemmdy *: Cg , the reliable retail drajrglst boa so math cond dcace ia This remurkaMt remedy that they gaarsstce s cars, or tha maaey win by refunded. <Mi-o-«« casts bntSOcwats • bob. Ash tv set tM Strong guarantee give.I •.itb every box. kU-owa Is ia tablet Iona aad ha taken before each meal. I lor stomeeb troabtee _ each a healthy ^®si “la tar Mm it mt bo otMnfi] a* : tmnon} tram mj how* «■*•* Etae uatkntdwcttat wauttnmtMsi." Tk>i m why that U*v* U*i as •» a*®** ***• »■*«■< m toe am •am ictltoa SsMtoc far tt* %jon rnd rtrtw of our J

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