w. E, HUHLUA, MU«r —4 Fyrlrtoc._DEVOTED TO THE VOL, XXVI. GASTONIA, N. C.t TUESDAY. MARCH THE Citizens National OP GASTONIA Capital.$50,000.00 OFFICERS! R. P. RANKIN, PruMtat. C. N. EVANS, Vic* Pr*lM**t . A. O. MYERS, C**M*r. DIRECTORS! *• P. Ranfcln, C. N. Evans, C 4%mr Leva, <1. A. 01—, Dr. J. M.Maan, ■(. R. HarMS, Wsfcart A. Lava. • We wish to express our grateful appreciation to our Friends who have given us their business since we opened. We extend a cordial Invita tion to the public to do busi ness with us, and promise lib eral treatment. Will make loans at the legal rate of in terest, and pay Interest on time deposits. We want your business and will extend every courtesy and accommodation consistent with sound banking. Call to see us or write (is. A. G* MYERS, Cashier CHARTER OF THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OF GASTONIA, N. C. It*. 7934. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OBtc* *1 Comptroller *1 tfa* Carrsncy. Washing-ton, D. C„ Dkcxmbex 30, 1904. Where**, by satisfactory evidence presented to the under signed, it hss been made to appear that The Citizens National Badk of Gastonia, located in 'the town of Gastonia, in tbe county of Gaston and State of North Carolina, has complied with all tbe provisions of the Statutes of the United States, required to be com plied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of Banking; Now therefore I, Thomas P. Kane, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of tbe Currency, do hereby certify that the Citiscns National Bank of Gastonia, located in the town of Gastonia, in tbe county of Gaston and State of North Carolina, is authorised to commence the business of Banking as provided In Section fifty-one hundred and sixty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States. In testimony whereof witness my hand and Seal of office this ■ Thirtieth day of December, 1904. T. P. KANE, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the j . Currency. Prawnad la Pont Bala. VmMDi rah. MV R*v. R. a. Ronae haa a latter from Bateabnrg giving the da* taila of a dUtreaaiaa tragedy which occarrtd there la at Satur day. Little Annie, tha four* year-old danghter of Mr. and Mrs. H T. Wriabt. loat her Ufa by falling beta foremoat in a poet bola. It aaema that the child waa playing about the premiaea with other children, and for aoma reaaon went apart from them. A few momenta later they diacovered her lifekaa body where it had fallen into a Kbole half filled with water. body waa still warm when foand j hot all efforta at reamaci* ration wen without effect. It la aonpaaed that when the child fall into the bole it area lm* mediately atraagitd, and from tjm feet that iu body was ao thrbl)y wedged on all aidea an* dlbla outcry waa Impoaeibla. McCUE'S LIFE IffSUEAHCE. All I r*T rellctes H«M lsttssvtlle Has. Charlotte Mowa. Charlottesville, Vs., March 3. —Il la mow believed that all the insurance companies in which the late J. Setnnel McCue held polices will pay the claims with o*t aay trouVls. The New York Ufe la the first to havs settled. The oaly question asked by that company was proof of the death ceiveo from tfce qualified execu* tors of McCue; and the company immediately Mat a cheek for the W- L Smitk, tbeit local aaent, to set tle the claim. ]B making this set Uamtnt the company was so ax* act that it included in tbs check til.35 unearned Interest of *3*1 borrowed la October last to pay trim 1mm* UPPHtlhan ana. aUv -• «*»«> PoHey. ,fr ' , ' , ' tfj>’ • , successful BUSINESS NAN. C. N. (Haas, a Oartaalaa flaw Making a Baoard la Ika City «f —Chartatta—A large art Sue —caaalal Boaiaess Cortatirt lqr hla. CtwhUi Cbmich. One of the youngest of our bus iness men is the subject of this sketch and perhaps no man in Charlotte is more thoroughly conversant with the details of his business - than he is. His business being one which proba bly has more details in it than moat lines, indicates the measure of his ability. Charles M. Glenn was born over In Gastou county in 1977 and iscousequently only 27 year* old. He attended school at Gas tonia until 1990. He learned tel egraphy in which he became very proficient. HU first move was to secure a position as ope rator in the office of Assistant Superintendent of the B. O. L. R. R., s branch of the Southern Railway, at Toccoa, Ga., in 1992, In that position he handled the trains on the B. O. L. R. R. as dispatcher when only fifteen years of age. Taro years later he was promoted to the main line, the last four years of his service in that line being at Blacksburg, S. C., in tbc office of ont present Charlotte agent, T. L. Black. Not hav.ng in tended remaining in the railroad service, he resigned his position in August, 1899, and entered Guilford college, where he taught telegraphy moat success fully in the commercial depart ment meanwhile carrying a foil course there as a student. The first year of bis tenn there be carried off the medal over more than forty contestants in a debat ing contest. The following year he was elected one of tbs five speakers in the annual oratmieal contest and was again able to bear off first honors. He tqok an active and leading partin col lege athletics, both on the field and# as manager of tbe associa tion and football team. In the fall of 1901 he came to ta -__ 1„ aL. « kersgc business. The style of the firm is Glenn Bros., bis part ner being his brother, J. A. Glenn, of Gestonia. They have their establishment, which bis recently been fitted op in the moat modern style, including the op.to-date filing systems sod office labor-saving fixtures, on Sooth college street. He is also equally interested with the other members of the firm in the house of Glenn & Carroll, wholesale grocers, of Concord. He Is be sides a member of the Company, incorporated, of Gastonia. Glenn Brothers have connections with some of the large manufacturers of the country and represent them from here. -The firm baa storage and shipping facilities at Norfolk, Wilmington, Charles ton, Savannah and Jacksonville, I_-1 besides their home locations, and the products they handle an distributed from Mary lend to Key West and the contiguous country. The annual business of these firms is over 9400,000 end it is constantly growing. Mr. Glenn has ever been a close Student of his business and does not believe in proceeding a Poo blind methods. Seys he, "It'e easy enough to sell elt the goods you want, but the secret of successful business is to con tract no uncoilectable accounts. Our 1904 business closed with not a cent lost. The total losses in over three years will not ag gregate over $30. This has been dorse without any litigation." Thu is a record which can hardi ly be surpassed anywhere and is • *£rooff t«*l»o»ial to the care and skill of these young men in ...» vwmwwwi m wu.ll UUMHOBi f Mr. Glean it vety progreitivc in all his ideas of business. He is a constant reader of the best advertising joaroaJa and also of the trade journals which discuss his nod kindred fines. He is among the best informed men in the citv on the freight rates of tbe railroads not only of North Carolina and the South, but the territory east of the Mississippi; in bis ofice is foetid one of the moat complete sets of tariffs in anv business boose of the city With the class of business han dled from manufacturers and producers and distributed from base points over such a wide sec tion of tbe South, it is impossi ble tocoodnct tbe business with out a live and elaborate tie of freight rates. With storage at various southeastern points for prompt shipment in irks than car lots 1 to intatior points, in competition with competitors from other distributing centers, working direct, makes tbe mat ter of familiarity with rate com binations applying, an absolute necessity. Tbe thoroughness of his knowledge of all these par ticulars is of great benefit to him in tbe successful prosecution of bis business. He is systematic in keeping a close tab on every item of bis trade sad is prepared at all times to take advantage of the moat trifling opportunities. His business being done ou nar row margins, it is only by close attention to the smallest affairs connected with it that the thor ough success be has made was possible. Tbe dividends last year was larger than usual to busi nesses of this character by rea son of the fact that their capital was rapidly and often tarnad over, increasing the volnme. —-» ▼orfcrftlc Raoairer. M. Mm. A pm report from Chatta nooga. Tens., quotes Mr. John K. St. John, a civil engineer of Irwin. Tenn., as saying that the Southern Railway’s proposed line, for which a survey is being made between Marion, N. C., and Johnson City, Te«n, mill cross the Blue Ridge through McKinney’s gap, more than 4000 feet above tide, aod then it wul open a fine mineral and timber region, the latter in clndfhg hardwood and the mineral comprising not only iron, bat marble, mica nod other ■tone, sod perhaps coal. The routes, it is said, will be from Mariqn to Spruce Pine, from which point to Johnson City the suryev will parallel the Sooth * Western railway. Some options for right of way have been secured between Marion and Spruce Pina._ Capt. R. B. Peer am, a widely known railway official died in Memphis. Tenn.. Friday. He was for a number of yean assist ant general manager of the Sou thern railway. ROYAL Baking Powder Makes Clean Bread • With Royal Baking Powder there if no mixing with the hand*,no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest . . facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. Foil instructions in the " Roys] Baker and Phetry Cook" book for making all kinds of brand, biscuit and with Royal Baking Powder. Qraw to any addroe. WHWOMHMMMuWWUtfMIT.NWWl i -II CUcMH There fa a mystery about the poisoning of lira. Lcland Stan ford that adds to tba horror of the crime, aa bad aa fa the kill ing of a defenceless woman. It was repotted aboot two weeks ago that aa attempt had been made to pofaoo the widow of the late Senator and following the publication of tba story as au thorized denial, ia rack explicit forma aa to really excite aospi cion aa to its trothfulacss, was sent oat. Then tin. Stanford act sail for Honolulu, whew her death occurred Tuesday night. It appear* that Mrs. Stanford had takes with her from Haa Francisco a bottle of bi carbon ate of soda, and on taking a dose she was made violently ill and died before anything could be done for her. The soda, which had apparently never ‘ opened, contained a large of strychaioe. which, K r mast have been placed ia the bottle before Mm, Stanford left Stanford. Since the death of her husband. Lel*nd SUnford. she has had aatiia control of the Lcland Stanford Jr., University, which was endowed for nearly twenty millions of dollars fo memory of her only child. The University was under the control of trustees uaaud bv lira. Stan-1 ford aod she had charge of the fiaaacca ai the foatftntfoa, and •lace her death nearly the wbola of the remainder of tbe.Stanford fortune will go to the institution. It is hard indeed to imagine that any one interested in or con nected with the University would resort to mch a crime, and there is no apparent reason why k should be desirous to take the woman's life, Mrs. Stanford was doubt)cm cognizant of « good deal more than has bees public. She fled from San Fran cisco iu order to escape her ene mies, after an snssceessful at tempt to kill her by strychnine placed in mineral water, bat her fate was not averted, for she car ried along with her the deadly agency of the murderer, audit was not slow in getting in its work. It it an interesting case, and the solution will be watched by the country at large. Why a Varna la OMar thaa Bar tots H«n»rU—h» is IMmmI ui»i lofef. So having bid laze well to girt, hood's irresponsibility, the foie arile assumes right cheerfully the burden which henceforth she shall wear. Mercifully ignorant is she, as yet, of the meaning of that burden, which weighs hearter aa tbe years advance; bat her' endurance increases at the —m time. But soon time coetaieacct Us shorthand etchings upon her face, aad behold. It is not the great sorrows, which age her, hot the tittle worries and carta, the tbooaend small anxieties, that are responsible for the warn face. , Por woman baa to contand al ways with trivialities; tba little worries, which com every day; the Httle- trials, the Unit tasks, tba thousand and one little (rets —tlysse art responsible for the fact that s woman looks old so much sooner than a man. Por at first these things seem unendurable, tod the ioex P«hseed wile, like a restless horse, bets at the bit, goes st a kMfflong pace ap each hill, •mall or lams, gate mom “mvons and into a state of ^Satas time roes by, ii she is wile, sbe regains he* eqoanimi ty, learns bow to take things ttally. and mo nwMmlna mwih throup everything; but the first exprnrnces ham done their work, and npoa bar (see sre worry wrinkles, fretful crow's !?&M3SMrJs •nd chin. It U the little things which bam vanquished you, friend worn so; and they are meponat blefor the (set that yoo look five or tea years oldar then your hasbead. -_______' As to Mr. Joha D. Rockefeller, 1 believe that nothin* ia the whole history of Ws career haa g^efcaspareted^Ma^ enemies as SSHasS deadly, has had the power la move. It is (pr this that they wowld read him. They -Ttiainf lux iTcofuiaozi, toa would ptw* trate every a venae of Ms coa scioaeaces lor ae other parpeee than to revile him. Bat there are those whom feller, but love him far tboec qualities that po to eialm a maa a jtood buabead and father, a ■3®'""I***#* ««**» fthm*?bo hoT*be!i“l£5 Irmb despair by bb itaerau hud may never give bglnwii coneereinghbhwarfarHenii nil certsiaiy^Bot from^him will any fethcnd. Ha began Ua caree! with determination to sceom ptiah a certaia ead. By the tan sESJz^jsa.^ which Caw an la the history a the world have bad tbs mental poise to control, and this powei he does not abase. This ay kio4. >W coring link for oockty io th JHtb rwoo# of ibjauim^ Kn