—urn TVi ■wn ■« biu «w. ul km that •**•»»■» Mr. fMc itcatml IVau (ha* aauxebaa** m Aw nrsdam fee MV m la nM aa a ***** feeraeWe Par aa •SKaMot that Uw basket* prruat MU aJtlrltoio navwm&ob t» toil ti» Karihant l*aci*t Ska awmlattou IM*I la the w—atiena to* MwaS A«r Oaekr It Ca Ml «U «MMN at aaM la .*M vaalu. . ,h^u,brc*t •* “>• 5mC'by*iir ‘.'•Ma dM|^R *v.T*r ■*• v*»: ■;* / ■M*r.” wa* u» wpty. “wa *aw it n(ieM. ‘x f ■ 1 Oa* awralag la tha feudal April at IMS aa Ik* groat gaaarfar waa golag la k la adk* ta a stmt car ha beard ttdUMtat ■tkinta had kMa abet #•» and wired U* l|Nk!bm9 *ttr M (haaartb taafrraaea the ptfca or i . i the price to the f_ th» —»t day b* kept f flap ha wired tb* al TV aah (oston. would euo “T**. «o ahead.** waa tb* that aa Iba Mt at wby tha maady h Wathgw dU in break tb* aur h*. It waa Jay Osaka** pluck ad a Oaaacfal paaic. “ wwrtl PRESIDENTS BEAR HUNT. t itomnX eaya Ate Oatooal Lyee NMtehu ten aitM by ■maii| •to that the prut Mat would mitt to ▲oetta KateD SO ea hla way to Saa MM*W«IMtt( rate rid an' w towtd make a detear and so to toe Big Jtotoit, la aaat.TOxaa, tor a Sro dayi’ ■to attar hear. Caloaal Lyon baa *** «» amagetoaare toe tola heat. INw baoa la cecraepoadeneo with »• SUNtraa to the Mg thick* ragtoa." tMaaal lyw add. ~aad they bare tea attrrtag aaoaad to Oad the lam to toe Meek hear# which tahabtt the •Jteto I wtecl that Uaaty at •to Par te iwtoat 1 dTHtteu hg tola that tom will be any tarn •> ob the praaidaat. to he pet ailtted. Thera to wild bean le the Mg the fraaMeat wta he pta 1 hare two pat bam at teaae earn peaple aeam to thtak tet I totedJhMiaoatom^Oewtej^he haat alMsg ta tom at two pa baara wtoa the.hpat le erar. I told the praei toto whoa t eaw hue the otter day te Watolagtea toat I had earned one to mr teaea Tteedera Horn. ait. aed U t ara afraid earn to ' i » 5 mmmm iZsM&zittsFZSi waa i aaddta oploaioo, aad afaaaat tm andtatakr d» ftM to Mated, taptala Tajtaa aad an of at waited at ooea ttet aU bspa ad aorta* tbo no aal waa tool Tba abip bad atraak aaa af tbo ■laj'i adaaa. “ta taao bit below tbo faewatd aa gtea room. Hitter tba In mm a* doty la ttet room aad tbrco of (boat la tbo cafflaa room Tba ahlp Mde rary foot. bat oar rmpUta rt flood aa tba bcldda aad dlroctad an to taka ataga «o aora tba crow. “Ao tbateip waa gatckly alaktog I tabul tba captain to taka to a boat tat ba dacbaad to da a* and mated « bk» pad natli death com to him Tbo may an LtaotMa woaatala. ob «d ■ deadly Sir on oa and tbo ctxunute ■Mt* which Lnrrtad to oar rootao "Ooly two at oar tkroo hoots mu bo tanroroO. Wbra the ahtp tank. (ho raptaia waa oa too port dh of tbo Wdp and I oa the 00 too** Mad tc boro poor daws bates tbo 1 otak rory chop, bat; ad tbo oarfhoo mad ^Muaock. which kapt mo “Only two mlautao too ozptaaioa and tbo ■tod to aoy that ao hind occarrod. Oar tor^tho aotety of oar rhip. bat ooro tbo portraits of tboir — ood tha crvwa prteeo. tors tbo bold aad with auncoity ood intnartto* It to ‘ttei or Chior Ptfooimoa Yams Ho asoia wont below toroeoror thoMbortwa Tbo rblp was thoa Al to*. bat Kashi toatl turns trtart to prt***w to aaro aad pmaarvo too atpaal book. Tbma bated too mar os* man arallabla. TW ripnai book » ahoody won ante water, bat T»m» kaowtep lta rates, dlrod into too and twoopM too book to too aorfOco. w— tor — copcatfc. and on man ertad ant XbpCaia. captain, whom at* J—r Bat tba rolltop of tba am was tba only raaponoa.1* Many atariaa cams to hand a tow daya as* npardin* tba fntomlaiap of Soooian ud Jnpnnmr aoldlora. Tba limliH on too Shako nt lioilmilat to nartorataad Japonooa. and in ooooe 'JDenca.lboro la Buck fitomtlj oonna* town tbw rank aod-U* of ■ays tba London Dally Bocantly a Boot ten adflnaaod a lot tor to tba Japan— arttep tor to# plft Of a pbotoprapb af a Japan— girt. Ma ttod M to tba braaafa of a boa. **••• it waa mod by a Japan— oat dtor. wba cnt — a portrait front u tItoatratad map*atop, ptocad tt to an ••ratopoand nod K to tba aa mo broach. Mknatnantly bo faond to— a lattor oT toanfca. topatbar wi<p 0 fnbica. Tba Japan— aaldlora imtrida Kbr tonpaban fart, at Itort Ajtbnr. a tow daya baton ita raptnn w— aorpotoad to — n lattor anddanty thrown lato toatr nap. Tht art—. wbtcb waa a— aopraim by n aont of naarty a — ••ton In B—ton eatn. atatad that tba tobdar. wba waa ano of tba parrtaan In tor fart wanM ba pibatly obMpad If too Japan— wonU kindly —d an Ua babatr a tal—am to bta matbar In tba CHmaa atattop that bo waa WUI wan. Tba lattor waa at to Q min I Kopl. who can to bn t—Btod to abarUpa tolatoprapb rborpao •w too J ( r l i i f -. ■■ if-L-IU jrljf U»b will Mill that baaattfai? “A« 1 write tha ahaata of tunir ewe floating up to r« Thereto no oonryfew Wa were afraid a* the J* rlaplar of tha war tlm tba poopto waaM benuuu promt aud hoMt at thalr ▼Maria*, bat I nmtr heart too man or wonaa rtt*wr do it ft la warterfs), tbrtr eeupoaure hu<I caJmnom. It most ha beeaaa* char know it to a life and death straggle ami for ah tba ▼ictortoa they are paying a fearful prke" Haw can tha waaaea ot franca most .appropriately honor tba woman wbo daaanraa oa ud (wtl for quiet brar ary a* doaa bar hatband. Gaoaral htaoa aal rar Ma hanic itofmoo of Port Ar thur! That la tha question which tlionoanto of patriotic Preach wtuuau am asking tbrtaaeircA bat cannot aolvn, up a Part* cable db,-alcli to the Kaaaaa City Slav. -My wife.” sold Qeaarai Stnamil in a latter to a friend la the French army. -Is the real defender *f Part Arthur. She to the only person la town who baa sever repined at lb* monotony, shirked even the wont dan gam or shows doubt aa to our oWUty to bold oat. Her example to north a battalion.' Ttoaane of atorloa are being told about this typical Rsaatob woman wbo or ganlaad tha heeptlHl aarvlee and who eras always at the spot where the flare eat fight lug re god that abc might par tonally attcad the wounded. Daring tha early fighting near Taka ahan ah* got mixed op In a layout* luato*. but remained perfectly cool. A f»w days later a fragiuctit of a beret luv chpll fratokl W tnmnU km* ek* paid sot ttoc slightest attention to It. ■be sUnpty coutluooi to drees tbs wound* at Ura dm. In Rsptsabsr e faints ebetl exploded In her timing room. II rnlnod the furniture and stunned bee. bat an bear later ebe was •t work la ocra of tbe hopltsfa. PTxucr cuu do nothing to enbsuce her glory, bat If oror anybody daKOrred tbs cross of tbs Legion of Honor It le Utno. Btoossel, tbo ongel In ttw boll of Port Aithar. CALIFORNIA’S WILD BURROS. Ism droves of wild bottos boro boon discovered to Ura Mate range lo ci 11 ty. In California, onye Ura Las An tries Times These burros bad tholr beginning from tbune which eccmsim ally raesped frum prospecting partial •r whose owuws per lab ed In tbo Ararat. Tbo animals coUectod shoot Ora Slats range and through long years hare ac es unlisted until new thorn ere hun dreds of them. tU Dakar, an old d—art tee orator. visited the section a fora days ago and In the r Matty at Iran# Willow. one of Ura few waterlog pltrw. got night of rarornl Cram of these wild bonus la oaa dro>re bo rousted flftj flre, in another thirty and in another twenty tvs Bo thinks there war* at loaot MO burro* la sight when Ira entered the Ut ile ralley. The creatures wore quietly browsing ec resting Irate and thorn, bat on sight at Baker the nearest droves were off np the ralley. As they swept along dray wore Joined by other drorca. until the noise of tholr boot* pounding on the earth aa they daw along filled ttw mi ley with a continuous roar, which (Uod away aa the drove* disappeared oror tbo bills taker Is organising a party to under take tbo capture of those burros They Hr* tn an Isolated section whom them Ira IIHtra w-nirae Iratt nmraraa »Kra rra rag-f^B at the SUt* rang* there la an abun dance at feed. It la propo»ed to surround the raUey where they generally feed, after bond ing a corral at nne and. aad gradually cheer them tatn the Inctoenre. ranch after tbs tactic* used la a rabbit drive. Baker better as that War* are over ljOOO bait— In tbs rtcMty. Wbile la American circles Ware wlU seaa not be aa appendix remit ana left to go around, la London tonal la are being ramaied wholesale from tba pariah school*, eaye the Bootoe Herald. There abelTbe a* more Umi*1 title as ao wore appendicitis If aorgory can pea rent each aaptanaant-mod aaaenemary dtotarbcnn*. Parents aad gnardlgaa may be axaralaej la their taiads aa to Wo arlodaw of de pel ring the mceef Its tocuHa, but If human balaga gat along praahaly aa wall without their tonaUa why anmplaln of this provoutlee. yWdl la battor than a pound at cared sac* toreatt uurra mu reauinua la* aal > Car bm* VmSC iST^* 7*a *M Ha* MM* MB * ■ art** tto mk & !£ mSU to **B >** as to* Ba mS» I to* to Tyrrrrvv.-UL,11 i.x COVOTE SCOURGE IN TEXAS.' ■«« BmOst Oman IMBUMI parmece «a* r agar**,,,.’ West Texas U racing the wrat rkydtp' peril, says a Sau A'i'oio urrerejeadsat ot the St. LjuU OMvbcuKnL Coyote* tru IxkxhuItzj so :i.r.-crons uo tbs plains country Mtal'i of Iho mo*tv talaoua district at weat Tern* aa to be en®* dangaa aw uot only to domestic animals bat to buuua UTe. Med coyote*, wbktb were unknown former ly. hare become so com moo in repeat years that already erverul pen ana have died aa a result of tbetr Utaa. It be* become abaolatety neieeaaiy tar camping parties I* Ursula county to aurrouDd their team with wire setting a protectkuj against mad coyote*. Brea ranch booant bar* their galleria* inclosed with wire netting Parent* *U the outskirts of the tuwa of Ur*Ida era afraid t* **od their children to school without an aacurl. rturlug tbe summer month* almost a State or panic exists la boom) count!**. A mad coyote la perfectly fearless and does not hesitate to attach imy person or animal It ■*• teuton. Thfc autmal feed* upon young gam* of *U kinds. It kills fawns, eat# quail eggs, kills tb* wiki turkey bea *ad de stroys her nest daring setting time. In fact, elf wthl fowl* that nset aa the groaml are liable to be destroyed by It. The other wiki animals during the last twenty yean hare decreased te a neb an extent (hot tbe enforcement of tli* meet rigid gain* lews Is neoes •ary rur uwr pi«*u ■ uooo. uoyoni in tbe only ulmk that hare multt plted during this aama period, aad at prreeat they not only daetmy live stack bat bar* become e menace even ta hn ujan We. It ta a fact lbat tbure are racy few young deer and yooruc tur keys la went Term at tbe preaant time, wben coyotes are moat numerous. Tbe coyotes watch tbe mother doe secret her fawns and durlug bee abnence de stroy ber young In the tome maonor this Tldou# animal kill* young calms. A single ram-bman In Uarerlrk scanty last year bod *00 relroi lolled hy coyotes. The ittaatlou bos become as unbear able from tbe coyote peril that tbe pee ple leave applied ta tbe legislature the relief. Tbe matter baa taken tbe shape of a bill appropriating 100,000 for tbe payment of bounties for the scalps af wo] res. The aportamen especially are Interested lu cue passage of tb» bill amt are nrgiujr the deatructlo® of this great murderer of young animal life. Tbe point IT made that It would he a great economic measure for weet Tes sa, meaning protection not ouly for game, but fur iambs, calroa. ptgo and cren bur ad Ufa. CZAR'8 ECONOMY. SNaHlea at an Stag ef laekara to Order le Hein Bed CNN. At a reception recently of the aria to era tic beads of 6m Russian n«d Cross society at Teaimkot gels cempteteti were made te the ease that tha enrgaaaa at tbe front ware net repairing h§ drat supplies ef medicaments, says a 8t reteraborg cable diapatcb te tbe New York World. Grand Pnitnaa Nicholas told the cnar that abe had In ceaaaad her aolacrlDtlon by making ■null ewBemtii to bar bwahold. aad several other ladles promised to follow bar example. Tbe esar thought much of the graad duchess' pier. and eot about emulating It. Ba a whole army of lackeys la tbs Winter peter* were pat au hoard wagon, aad tba pelacu at Uatublna and I'etertof bars dockad their altomuacaa. It la reported that tba cur. la coo versstloa with tba maatrr ol bis hen as hold, said: “I bur tbe emperor of Jape* la depriving biuiaeif uf all aorta of luxartaa la order that hie troops may bar* more. I am going to tin tba urns." Nobody la Uuaaia believes tba earing effected will aver roach tba coffers of tba Bod Cross, or. If It due. will aver reach tba aurgonaa at tba front. fx with a pteeeaa*. (A “dlweeaor tea ' waa recoatlr held la tbe Sfaeeoat ad MstareJ Ntatory at Mew Task. Tba dlaaasvr eketetoa wee eue pahflid over the labia*. oad to Its Ms tr ots feet aad olgbt Isehw ef shadow its people feuad eittlee room. Tba aesrtaa Item as the hrcmloesuroe. or the thea der Heard.' woa touted ht IOT ha Win ■slag aad la dfleea test two laehee high at the kies baa a Hi ah at* tret, feet Ho taskee lour aad a tail thirty-awe fa* bmfjwabas tea*. Its thlsh hews wdghi Tao’opat'untd'*a*lMW*b«*nw a*. Too that roles gala taundaaa loous la tba days ad Dtpladaatte. JjMvdJt^ yOetr^atra—the dads Mr'yoor atoty feat af leagtbl Rasas yeaw praldatetee aceasgtbt Lite rear twenty tans anew! They ara^eahtag taa-wtOe jwo^ mat'aSr'Hsauid amah tba arasheeyt Maw yea fcaarVea ta the Matter I • 4t * * ,1 t*to W. Poet-Dispatch. Wlltta baa a avlrit playmate with whom ho aaoraraaa and "ptey*" na’ha colte It arary da/. Willie calla bta •Mt Wand Raymond aad aaa be hoard often saying. “All ^gbt. Ray »«>*. I wia ba that* directly." aad Immediately ba wlu ga oot qf the Hu Dy room late tba ben or the yard sader •aaaa largo abode team, where ba will coarorae with Boy mood aomattmaa far aa boor. Tba conTeraatioa doaa not re ••■nbte cbtldlab prattle, bat rather that »< pareona of tutors years, aad to tbeoe who do not aor tba spirit uikar It eoondi Uke talk over a Ulm1'"hi WUMa wan rary mocfa dtetrcoesd Chrietmaa morning boroaoo Baymoad ,dld not gat any preaaute and canted tow of bis Into the ball far him. ami there they talked and played far aome time. Bay mend baa never rotated the family room, bat TVlllU aaya ha wlU eaaaa to aaa them all aocu day. Ha aaya Raymond told hhu not to let any of tba other members of tba family go with bits to their mooting place at i A fww days ago Willis started teto tha parler. kartag anewercd Ray mond's call, is ha says, wbeu ana of his sisters started with him, bat wlilts would not allow bar to aster tha room. When aha rotated It later WIIBa -was standing at tha window la aalamted conranattoa with Raymond Tba family notlead iho conduct of Willie about a year ago, but thought K only child's play. Whsro Will la baud tba name Raymond Is not known, ns has novas had n playmate by that aamn. and this makes tha case mot* singular. WWte will not bo batbad and drmaad untU ha talks with I lay mood and hada out If ho la batbad and dm said.-and If not no amount of persuasion ega In duce him to cement to a -hums of Hima. Tha child la a favorite In tba town and of n vary Precocious net are. Us la vary nervous. Ha never forgets a name or tarn, and white walking around with bla father be Is asking qussdsm far bayoad his years. It urns thought by tba family thte atyanga fancy would pass array as tba child grew older, but ba coavatsm with hia '‘spirit friend" non now than over. •\IE8' WRIT" TO J. H. HYDE. Thau Asst Man— ««T »spm On Pte Penns WaU Known ten Turks*. How Junes H. Hyde, who la so prominently associated with tha Equi table Ufa tnsuraaca wspasyk «w»—. tenutly gladdened tha heart of an old negro woman te totd lu tha following story, any* a Kannas City (Ho.) dis patch: Aa sld negro woman, Un. Mary B. Tancay of gamaa City, Ms. approsch sd tha window of tba nancy ordbr dl and preaeated to (ha dark an order for "Wbo Mat tarn thlar tha clerk ta qnlred -'Dead Ah don’ know,” replied tbs aigrn women, grinning. "dome at doaa rtch folk* down In Noo T<Jka.~ -Can't 70a think who woaM bo send ing you Her -Not 'lea* u waa Mr. Waldorf." aald tha nacre woman. “There mart ha aoaee mistake," ba pan tha dark. "No. tndeady." tha tatarpooad. "Don* jao 'member da man dat gib dat await dinner to all dots rich foikrt I too In do paper* wber dap dona gib die ball, aa’ I Joe1 art down an’ writ him a lat ter a-teOta' him dat I war Jarf a po* nigger women an’ llkea a gaad dinner tnahulf Aa’ be den send me die." Fortber Inspection of the order dow el that It wa* drawn and signed bp James H. Hyde. (It* New Yorker who recently we* tha boot at the much talk ed of feoer '-oat a roe tall at Hltrrry'r. •a*o»a «*»*l Fee MMseke tanator cbarle* W. Falrhaafea recent ly recetred, say* a Vukkgtoa dle pateb. a uokjua garat made from a rin H* t***™ •* rad cedar rot tram a tree 00 the Venn eat shore eg lake iw. plalo and whittled oot with a penknife by Bdwatd P. Ihkb, a warm adaptor at the rle* 1 OAKOVl V »r J' z ” f. ' . ■ , * v ’ Better FroiU -Better Profits 1 . »PpW». p«»r» MMl trsaag^jsSrigrB lmnihUcnp,alckolcMi|Mlkr. »H • frrtilUm conulninf Ml Im iku w par east, aataal I Potash Professional Cards. A. L. BULWINKLE, Attorney-at-Law. _DALLAS. N. C. dr. d. e. McConnell, DENTIST. Office first floor Y. M. C. A. Bld’f GASTONIA. N. C Phone DAVID S. L. JOHNSON. MUSIC TEACHER AND TUNER. Dr. E. F. Glenn’*, dentist. Telephone cell 82. Jn25c3in tuckaseege ferry. Skmrtese and Strattbteat Route to Charlotte. needs uell kw |o aiacafem os .ithcr aMaaithartvar. 1 Wbse solas te ami tram C bartons. eaen tkia war. OV+r W.T. BRINGS. Dr. S. H. Griffith QAPPNEY, 8. C. PH vs t Cl AN-SU RGEON-OCU LIST Fortner pupil ol the cele brated Oculist. Dr. Jntlan J. Chisolm. M Baltimore. Has also taken special port-graduate course in the Bye. Bar. Nose and Throat Hospital in Balti OltiMt Pitted Accurata ly aad MMtllkalr. 4 Office in Cherokee Drug Co. B'ld’g. liUOrta EXTREMELY LOW RATES Announced. Via Southern Railway Batremdy low rate* are announc ed, via the Southern Kailway from pointa on ka line* for the following •pedal oecaaiona: pa^-Somier School. June 77-Juty 28. 190S. Atlanta, G a.—National Aaaociatkm of Maaufixturera. May 18-18.18QS. Bdatwt, Tana.—Annual Meeting Oer mmn Baptiat Brethren, June 8. CAarlatteavUU. Va.-Virginia Son “***“*•' ,UB* *• ' f*rKiy*5>?»_T.V»~G«g»l Aaaem bly Southern Presbyterian Church. May 18-28. 1UU5 **•* **'•■*•• Va.—Southern Hard ware Johberu Aarociation and SrtsJ!astwafsK: lui8££a£?&Tfr,ig,M KmakvMa. Tauaj—Summer School, June 20-Jnly 28. 1B0S. *,**i#^*’ T««».-»*onteag1e Bible U«5nlne 8cho01, Ju,y ®*Ang. 15, ****J*Jd^^« Teuu.—Monteagle Sun ini '•*'**•. July 17 AaJT 1W. •••rdaugla. Taaa.—Woman’s Cow irreaa, Aug. 1-U, MOJ. fialUidla. Tana, Peabody College, SpsaarBSWiBl: m-JmIt M, laos. T - RlatMiaf, V«.—Farta*ri National Coojtrwa, Sap*. 1J», Idas. •■Vftooo^Oo^-KaHooal TraaaWra' «ft^-Katloaal Baptiat Aoolyaraary. May. lft-14. ISOS. Toaoalooaa, Alfe-fttaMiatr School ior^Taaefcara, Jim Ift-Jaly M. opa* to tfcoaapafait* tfca Soot Bara ___jTyiKr

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