. mm—CBBB-gga-—-ga THE. LOVE TRUST COMPANY. Capita*.$50,000.00 Jno. P. Love, President. Edgar Love, Vice*Pres. RobL A. Love, Tress. We wish herewith to announce the lncor> poratlon and the organization off the above concern and to state that It Is our purpose to begin business on April 1st. We feel a deep appreciation for the hearty support accorded os la times past In the various organizations * we have launched In this county and for the frequent manifestations of so unwavering a confidence In our Integrity, and we solTcIt hereby your further support In' the lines of our new endeavor. The business we contemplate will lead us In the following lines: . Real Estate-We shell engage actively in the buy log and selling of real estate and tbe improvement of tame on oar own account and on commission for otbcn; the rent ing and letting of property of all kinds and tbe collection of rents thereon. kWUrance-Tb. writing of Fire, Fidelity, Accident' and Health Insurance in reliable companies. Trua«a—ThesetUement of Estates as Executors or Administrators; the acting as Arbitrators. Referees. Assig trees, Guardians, Trustees, Surities, or Agents. Cotton—Tbe warehousing, storiug and insuring of Cotton and the issuance of negotiable receipts for same; the holding of cotton as consignees and tbe handling of same on commiaaion or brokerage. Ravings Deposit*—The acceptance of deposits and the issuance of certificate of deposit bearing interest and payable on demand or for a fixed period. Loan*—Tbe making of loans on commercial paper and the advancing of money on warehouse receipts, mort gages, or personal securities at the legal rate of interest. Business entrusted to as, however large or however small, will have our personal atten tion, and we shall serve you to the best of our ability as business men arid gentlemen and give you the advantage of whatever of exper ience or lodgment we may possess. We cordially Invite you to confer with us. S Love Trust Co. Gastonia, N. C. ^ ___^, OR. J. M. HUNTER °r ROCK HILL. S. C. H*1?** » lpecn.lt, of Cancer, Tumor C!?rm!£ t**”’ *nd disease, of »*>« 9?oI‘o t'rii ..Trent* without tfca hat SK<3SSmEfeS£ |W-1 *• finer at mm. OeOra OrowS.c! t'U*1**‘ C*1U*T •* Snut. £'.oh. Cmw .4 throat. Back Him _MeUclIOt notice. ** tSi. "isi'W h~rd ifoS. inc^redta rS&HZ A4cI«NK. THIS REED ROCKER IS^O Sow* odd bureau at coat for cub. Don’t forfat to see aa for MILLINERY OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT! uH CALL. *• Dallas Furniture Coi* Dallas, N. C. Pa rattan, MilHeary, Panetml Goode. NOTICE. ! Burnt* at* Wholesale! Another carload of Aim one* comlac lo-day. We «t a car load of Dm moat aalable 7, 8 and ••hand bunchea each week aod Ma aaen the frnlt dealer* la OaatooU aad aeiehboriof tdwaa aad they will be promptly Ailed. HINSON * SON PHONBlOt Sebocribc to Tm Oaitomu small room‘ on rude Chinese • beds on whiob we spread oar T bedding. Tbe next night we had a room about 30 ieet long, bnt not one piece of farniture in i it, except an old rickety table • and a bench or two. The land lord spread down some straw on , tbe dirt floor and we made onr ' bed on that, tbe children and I • sleeping across one end of tbe ■ room and brother in the other. : We bad some soup and dump - Hugs for supper. I did not i. sleep very well, partly because . of the discomfort, but mostly, , I guess, because I whs then tak • tag the fever. When we got on the boat we could make our \ beds up and feel like we were 1 at boma. 2 At night oar boat tied up by . the side of the canal, along with i many other boats, and then was [ generally a great chatter and , noise among these boatmen, so it was rather bard to sleep even . on tbe boat. There are eleven of os here ’ living in one home—Mr. nod Mr. Blalock (two of onr misslon - dries), my older brother and his i five children, ood my younger brother ana bis wife. We have . a house full, but era are the only • foreigners within two days jour ney from here. We had to stud [ a four days journey foe a doctor r w wwe tor mrs. uuioc*. no - other foreigners ever lived here, ‘ *0 the people era very curious J end come ia great crowds to sot . os. Kvety day than come . twenty, thirty, or mors women, to see," ss they say. Some ask to bear, and I try to tell them oI > Jesus who died for them. Some htve come time sad sysla to bear, aad I trust they may at the Last Day be numbered with r God’s own cboeeachildren; yea, . I believe one. at least, already i hss her name written ia the • Lamb's Book of Life.” > It is a comfort to know 1 am \ remembered ia root father’s 1 Prayer. Give him my Christsfn > r*ferda sad good wishes. 1 t. .u »hea you have i ftysru t SS,jGa&UtSK.'S! ' *e tbsbeading of As latter aad it will eons* all right. 1 Your CWaaPrtud. AtthT. Bostick. n jji. — WStAH riUHAras. A Wreck—Tb# Skk laprnvicf— . A Cera Tnl-finiKi In iMTlafa teTawa—AI bed at Uny Pisgab, April, I.—All fools day _ Mr. R. D, Martin, County Crop Reporter, hss received from the United States Depart meat of Agriculture a special volume "Diseases of the Horses," pages «00. Tbe book was prepared with great care by some of the most eminent men bmn of tbe veterinary profession of America. It is far better for a farmer to have at his com mand tbe advice of veterinarians eminent in their profession than for Mm to follow tbe absurd, barbarous methods of treat ment of so called bone doctors. Tbe book cannot fail to be of immense service. _ >ir. E. Lee Wilson, Prof. S. A. Wolf and a bevy of Gas ton College girls from Dallas attended the singing at Pimrab' Friday night March 24tb. (>n the trip as the party neared Crowder's Creek bridge, a front wheel suddenly slid into a mod bole. The horses were going at a brisk trot. The momentum of the vehicle, and the sodden stop together wrenched the pole from tbe vehicle. Mr. W. D. Anthony's sorry was called mlo action sad took the party to the ebureb and back to Dal las that night. There was quite a large at tendance at the singing at Pis* gmh Friday night, March 24th. Mrs. Janies A. Blackwood of Gastonia, spent a few days at Mr. John w. Blackwood's this M$d(e Mrs. O. W. Davis of Gastonia, spent a short while with her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Boyd this week. We are glad to state that the members of. tbe family of Mr. John P. Falls who have been tick are improving. Tbe two youngest who had whooping cough are oat of danger. Those who bad pneumonia have about recovered. Mr. W. A.* Pails family are also improving after s spell of pnentnonit. Mr. H. P. Oakley of Arling ton haa been quite sick tor several days. Mrs. Oakley’s mother died last Thursday and was'buried PridsV. •*.rT Miss Fallic ware of Dallas was in Pisgab last Saturday tbe guest of her sister, Mrs. Ed MorrOw. Tbe children of Mr. W. Boyce Whitesides who hive been tick with grip are doing nicely. Mr. W. A. Pall. "Dock," has already pat in two (but of guano. Mr. Palls la "taking the ox by the horns”—in other words he is getting ready to plant cotton. Mr. W. A. Falla "Squire," this summer bad all of hta hay pressed and baled. He finds a ready market for tbe baled hay in Gastonia. The latter gentle man ia a cousin of the former. Both have tbe same initials. "Dock” and "Sqnlte” are among onr beat farmers. Squire is an alder in Plsgah A. R. P. church. If we mistake not, while Dock la a private member, or aa the preachers say a "layman" of the same church. Saturday last the Pisgah base ball team reorganised tor this sea son. They played a few limes on Pisgah ball ground near Mr. g. A. Morrow. Ho games wetc pUyed, they met to practice. If the season holds warm and ground la not too wet the — — . I a mm* of Health There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord ingly endorse and recom mend it# writer win pUat hi* Toelee •kort staple cotton. The wed ww second from the United 8t*tee Department of Agricnl writer will plant hi* lfasunoth Missouri White cota May 1. Wa hove grove thia variety for two yean. The United State* sasri, from * to 12 inchea in length aad from 8 to 11 iocbca in cir cumference, weight from U to 18 onncea each, cylindrical from bott to tip. cob white, covered with eon* 90 % gmln Matures in 115 to 188 days. Large heavy stalks 14 to » feet high, tji inches .thick at the bntt. Leaves . 3 inches •crow. 4 fed in length. We have this seed cam for sale. We will send n sample ear of oar Mammoth Miaaonri White corn by mail postpaid for 35 cents; peck, half bnsbel w bushel rates oa application. The farmer* are too busy to go to tows thia week. No esti mate can be made aa to amount of fertilizer hauled out. Saw of oar Piagab farmer* get tbdr |«Maoa shipped to Pleasant Ridge on the C. & N-W R. R. Pleasant Ride*, aa a ofice. •illbeabolbSed. dwfmra tal deliveries No. 5 from Gasto nia practically covers tbs form er’s territory. Mrs. G. Milton Howell, wife of oor excellent citizen who baa been lying desperately 01 for some weeks, sad in fact, bar life trembling in tbs fcf'imc* with scarce a hope of her recov ery. is pronounced to be improv ing. Dr. James M. Sloan is in attendance. Soaoc weeks ago a large tamer was removed from the patient by a long tediooa and difficult surgical operation. A stray eat baa been plaguing poultry raisers in this section by devouring poultry and Backing eggs. It raided ns tbe other day. The negroes are afraid to Mil i tbe ooe-eyed black kitten afraid of tbe hereafter rnnar qoeoces, they will kill snakes, poison dogs, sod wring a chick ens neck, Amt when it cooks to kitting n black tomes eat they say it’s n sin. Mr. .Rohe. L. Wilson has moved to bis recently creeled cottage, and he is now a citizen of Gastonia instead of Piagah. Oar loss is Gastonia’s gain. Tbe ideal spring weedier of die past two weeks boa enabled termers to make rapid progress in preparation for another crop. The month of Match baa bean com planted u yet. „ waiting Hie "dark of the claiming that com so would not grow tall bat_ heavier earn; and some an wait ing the "Rght of the moon"— what has tha moon to do with corn planting? .. We again urge the farmer? to live up to the pledge, and win the fight against the cotton spec a laton. The fanner has every* thing to gain and nothing to lose. The yon eg ladies of Liawood win debate April 10th. The juery i*—" Resolved, That the Railroads of the United States Should be Owned and Operated by the Federal Government." We are informed that Rev. J. A. Hoyle will organise a Baptist Choreh id Loray and Arlington the firat Sabbath in May. Capt. J. D. Moore and others have bought a lot near Mr. Win I. Bradley's. The choreh will be erected mid-way between the two mills. Work will commence on the edifice about July 15th. MILLINERY OPENING Thursday and Friday, April S and 8. . You are cordially invited * •Memd end inspect the ■ '] f# •*".*pri*K Millinery. ' ‘ ‘ Mi$s Cynthia Ruddock in charge. ' * — - ■- --- _ . J _ *., ,’St3 a elearine the situation "I ten yon explicitly that than an no peace aragiiaHona or preliminaries lor initiation mace negntiatlooa In program at this time an far as I mb asm, and 1 beUeje^sm Infcmoarion‘to^be | r *me w#wbusi a cable bearing. •The hittmati that I base 1 conferred with M. Del Came at ! hla residence are falsa aad am calculated to nufm a fftuaHtwi which is perfectly n*-»« I Than Is no SS£ettsti£ 1 Japan authorised at this time to , disease Deace or lorMksdMtm 1 lathe sf5?te«t what eonditioS j 2&r*«r=sSoS2 mmed « prettied state. On campalan, and abe wiU na resefredly proceed with that Im portant nark.**