■ * WtdTof Btali RaV * Vriamc.- arid Depew. "that you ca^Uftiatti face at Ball Run; the other way pa that interesting oecaafea." "True,* said the i«ith*.toae of eeU-te _Jrafere Two U i k e. 1 and New **«» carried ** Ihe paat tew days far the of graded schools. *■** towns, to ate the Lin 5* Jawnal'h phmm. m wa*oo eT***1 ** *** f>>Ml •**« coscratu J**"*®1theirneighbors. It is Mnmywg hut woe at all stir *«WMMr to learn that in Lio " tha Gastonia colony *** *°r schools. Th* Q*. sambas rccaiwd agatirancit that the traoaier companies at Xioedotoii will now chance the - !P*1H^.— *** «“**« ««ni M- *W to "boa," thus **•* o® matter whether LiorcHtwi people are seated iu • buad. seamier a b«s theyure at leatf la a car of progress. The Coofederate veteran holds "'•W'arilh-.mhWnu he oaad to held oo in the warmer *hat is, through sheer '■htwjtoaod. Hate U general W.ft.C«u Twice thanked oo ht ldllrllH hr General Lee JrMagaUaotry, heariac on bis body the scar, of eleven wounds "**** * •**>•. commander •* the brigade that made the ^'•wyrieh, always rich, with amatjr to gratify every want, why sboeldn’t each a sum be happy? Money to gratify every want? That isn't written right. There are some vents money cansot-gratify, and this Baron hed them. And then money fcaeHlsso timid, ao cowardly, so nervoasly crazy like. wild hone, *° Powerful, m> nncootrollable when fri^bt’Strickea, that the •ome of safety and reposeful comfort Ices from him who takes a scat behind the hones of Croe sus. When they take fright and ordinary raaning won't answer, bet something said somewhere abont riches making themselves wings, so that they can partly iy? Uneasy lies the head that mean a crown—aaeasy Hes the heed that sleeps on pil Iowa staled with money, whether ill gotten or otnerwtse. Sat nobody wbo hasn’t tried it will believe• word of this; folks still rash oo day and night, tating heart, mind, aool and body to stag pillows, bolster, and bed, all, with gain. That he might serve the young men of Prime who were ambi tions to get oa in the world as he had done, Baron Roths child drew tip certain rales of conduct and distributed them oo printed cards. Here are the rales and it mast be admitted that they are all good owes: Skua liquor. - gw* to go forward. aisssi-ss;cfc. 2f*vsr niUuiim lie*. »5»y yoor debt* promptly. gjsre&gsaigb. gn sot reckon upon chances. J*ako wo useless acquaintances. 5»**r» <* tba strante of til*. Miittain yottr integrity a* a sacred t*a*. Navv appear to be something am than yen are. : time to coaafcfec; then decide ** Shun liquor, be ambitious to go forward, be polite, and pay you debts promptly, deserve to be written in shining letters be fore the eyas of all young men. We Mention these three because every day one sees yonng men going to the bad on account of failure to observe one or more of these simple rules of aocccsa fsl conduct, Bat all of Baroa Rothschild’s rnlea are worthy to be memorized and adopted not °°'y by yonng men, but by those farther along in life. The only ‘rouble about them is, as a New York paper suggests, that one would need to go back several generations and select kis ances tors fa order to follow them, and farther, that a young nun able to adopt and follow them would witch nomaw mu Another Deal la Tla-llirWi Still Capttsred-Cbnrch Offers l Mt,J #_aa_. *- avvvi BBC vWlBfls V Miss Ella Torrence has beta elected as one of tbe teachers of graded school at Bessemer. J. F. Allison &ad family moved yesterday into their new borne, the new boerdiog boose erected bv Conductor Mots. Mrs. Lacy Garrett, widow of the late 1. W. Garrett, is still m a very feeble condition. She •hf* b««a severely ill for some iMMCSa The oil mill company here has shipped this week 4 cst loads of cottou seed meal over to Liver pool. We note that Jacob L- Kiser of our tow* received tbe medal at Lenoir college this session for tbe best improvement. Another deal hi tin circles was made here this week with a flentlemaa from Charlottesville. Va. The gentleman in question has bad a representative here for some days from whose inves tigations the above resalt fol lowed, He will begin operation in a few days. Tbe Southern Railway com pany bts a. force of hands here now building a switch and coal cbnte to the Enterprise cotton “ill- Tbe force of hands are In charge of Captain Jones, s --'— as# --A.__W* Vs Jones. Mr. Jones bad not seen bis nephew lor 25 vests till shoot the tint be cams bars to do thii work. He was working at Gas* tonia before he was sent here, and bearing of bis uncle being here be ran over to see bioi about a week ago. Revenue Officer Albright ar rived la our town last Saturday eveniog, and hiring a team pro ceeded, with Policeman Ledford out to the old Gibbon’s place near Bethlehem church where they found an illicit distillery winch had been operated the night before. The worm and the product of the plant had been carried away but the still was still in the furnace and was warm. The officers proceeded to cal np the still sod destroy the beer stands and beer. They turned loose 400 gallons of beer and a quantity of low wine, leaviog the entire premises quite a wreck _ There was no one at the dis tillery and they were unable tc obtain toy clue as to who was operating tbe plant or to whom It belonged. An old gentleman of tbe neigh borhood was down on the creek on Friday evening fibbing, and noticing "still slop" coming out at the month of a small branch into the creek, decided he woold trace it and find where it came from. He went ap the branch but a short ways till he came upon the premises, and at once took in tbe situation. He came to town Saturday morning and reported bis find to an officer and Mr. Albright was at once notified and came over tbe same afternoon with the above result. There was preaching at Bethlc hem the next day, Sunday, and at the close of the service this church, of which Rev. A. H. Sims is tbe pastor, offered a re ward of $25 for evidence to con vict tbe party who eras operating the plant. It now remains to be seen whether tbe owner will be detected or not._ Wheeler Wall Paper Company FaUa. CUilMt Clnxitto. VS, OIU..1_n__/,_ EAST OASTOH ITEMS. •i«r*i*tfDO«ta«H of t*» Ooitk Kart Carton. Jane 5.- Mrs. J. R. Johnson, with her lour hand wunc daughters, have cose oat from Charlotte to spend the summer at their nice country home ae.ir Lucia. Mr*. M. P. Abernetby, who list been in bed sick for the last three weeks, has Improved so as to be np moat of the date now. Oral Aberuethy. who was kicked by a horse several weeks ago has recovered so as to be out most of tbc time, aid to the delight of all. he will not Ite disfigured as much ss was thought he would be. It is cer tain now that his eye sight will be all right. The farmers that have hustled are pretty well up with their work. It can be said that there w a very fair prospect in East Gaston, though many are not done planting yet, having been kept front getting dune by the contiuned rains early in the spring. Col. W. L Warren, the old war horse, and much admired man of Lucia, has been hauling off hi* cotton of late. He i» above the avenge as a good fatmer, and most always has something to sell that brings him in money. Rev. Mr. Beaver, pastor of Hebron Baptist church came down last Saturday and held services over Sunday. He lives ovct toe Kiver iu Iredell conmy. Mr. William Tucker, one of Mr. Tate’s popular clerks at Mountain Island, was married last Thursday to Mias Mamie Sbnford, of Paw Creek. Meck lenburg county. They have our congratulations and best wishes. Wheat and oats are practically a failure in Bast Gaston, and not much of it will be worth catting. We know of one fanner that pat $75 worth of commer cial fertiliser ou his wheat crop, and now offers to sell it in the Geld for this amount. BUK0LA1Y AT MT. PLEASANT. Lass Including Nanay and Bam* aged Praperty Aments to sim Monnt Pleasant had a big burglary sensation early Thurs day morning, 'and the safes of Cook & Foil and C. G. Heilig were blown open by professional safe crackers and relieved of their contents which amounted to about $800. The Concord Times says: the total loss, in cluding money stolen and dam age done to property, will prob ably amount to $1,000. They secured an entrance by prizing open tbe front doors with crow bars, alter which they quickly drilled holes in tbe safe and blew them up with nitro glycer ine. Thdy covered up the safes with some mattresses, etc., found in the store so as to deaden tfce noise. They secured all the cash in tbe safes, but left' the checks and other papers. They secun d $169 in cash belonging to Cook & Poil, and also some other funds left there on deposit by others, the amount of which is not known. A larger haul was made at Mr. Hdlig’s, the sum stolen there amounting to about $400. Mr. Heilig is town and church treasurer, and had font’s of both in his rate besides his own. About $175 In check was left by the burglars. VI IUVIK BlUirKIVUR CUSC actors have been seen around Mt. Pleasant for a week or moffe. One of these was a cripple, or pretended to be crippled. This man was missing from the town yesterday, but no clue has beep obtained as to bis whereabouts. There is no clue whatever as to who the robbers were. TOE ttTAIL MEICHAJITS Association to he held to Ashe ville June 21-22. •• .V i ■> ■ YACHT SHAPES Former price tp to $2.00 To 10 at 50 cents as lent as tkey last. ■—ffim ■—•t.j -a;.-aac: See aw op-town window Swan-Slater Company Mtttn krlaai hjt YOU AND YORKVILLE. What's Doing With Onr Nslah born Jnsi Across (bo Lino. Yortrrill* Nnoalm. Mrs. Susan Brown, oee Davie* wife of Mr. J. A. Brown, died ai her borne in Blacksburg Iasi Tuesday, and was buried it Bccrsheba cemetery on Wednes dnv. Miss Myrtle Kiddle, daugbtei of Mr. W. B. Riddle, of Bowl ing Green, received a ccrtificatt for proficieucy in shorthand am typewriting at Chicora collegt tula week. Thursday evening at 7:3< o'clock, Mr. D. E. Hooey o Yorkville, S. C., and Mias Helei Ferrell Abercrombie wen married at the residence of Mrs E. J. C. Wood, Rev. b. R. Tur nipseed performing tbe cere rnony. John Glenn, hit Jim Bailey ii the bend with a rock, in tlx Bethel neighborhood, a few day: ago., aud it is thought tha Bailey will probably die. Botl are negroes. The secretary of state on laa Tuesday issued a commission ti tbe Yorkville Monument Work: of Yorkville. The capital stool of the company is to be $10,000 The corporators named are: W B. Moure, W. B. Wylie, am others. - Mr. R. B. Hardness, of Sharon came in tbe Bnqnrier office las Saturday to say that wbateve might be tbe snspirion agains Tom Sberrer as to tbe burglaric: that occurred in Sharon 01 Tuesday night, those suspicion! are incorrect. nI was at Sbaroi Tuesday evening,” said Mr Hartuess, "and I took Ton Sberrer home with me. It wai at his own request, and he uiadr the request because he was to< drunk to walk. 1 slept wit! him Tuesday night, and ht could not have been at Sharon Tom will have enough to an awer for as it is, and I don’ want him to be accused of some thiDg he did not do.” Miss Emms Clinton, daugh ter of Mr. S. J. Clinton o Bethel, graduated from Cbicon college, Greenville, this week _M. __.• _ a dition to her diploma, the Bnde medal. The Greenville Newi refers to the presentation of th< medal as follows: "Miss Etmni Clinton was wrested with heart) applause by her friends when she was presented with the mnci coveted Bndel medal for elocu tion. This handsome gold design Is given annually by H. Bndel of this city, to the eta dent securing the best general M Q ± Watch for Ad. in 4* B --■—■ M 4> Next Issue S f * : | Thomson § 9 B ▼ 4» 9 B ! t 4» H Q 4* u. i fi+Q+D+O+Q+Q-fB i DroMiotf Cm ia Saarfia. Ton WitHa la fcu Ma*anaa. On such a day, such a cloud* . less, radiantr- flower-sweetened , day, the horseman slackens the , rein as he rides through lanes and quiet fields; and he dares to , dream that the children of God , once loved each other. On inch a day one may dream | that the time might come when t they would do so again. Rein in and stop, here ou this , high hill I Look north, look east , where the ran rises, look south, , look west where the son sets—on ' all sides the scene ia the same. ; In every field the steady male, . the steady plowman and the j children dropping corn. Close the eve a ' moment and look at the picture fancy paints. : Every field in Ganrgia is there. every field in Uiafapatb is there. 1 And in each the figures are the same—the steady male and the | steady man, and the pattering feet of the children dropping corn. , V" In these furrows lie the food of the republic; on these depend life and health and happiness. Halt those children—and see how the cheek of the world would blanch at the thought of famine! Paralyse that plowman—and x.tlnn.l kuLn. rvfisii would shatter every city in the Union. Dropping com! A simple thing, you say. And yet, ms those white seeds rattle down to the sod and hide •way for a season, it needs no peculiar strength of fancy to sec a Jacob’s ladder crowded with ascending blessings. Scornfully the railroad king would rlsnce at these sgnlLteams in each shsall field; yet check tboae eorndroppers end his cars weald rot on the rnsd end rust would devour the engines in the roundhouse. The banker would ride through those fields think ing only of Me hoarded Million*, no? Wald be ever startle himself the thought that Ms millions would melt away in mist were tboee tiny beads sever mere to found dropping com. Tbs bondholder, prsudia all the se curity eftbe sat axed receiver of other people's tsices. would see k these fields merely the Indus try from which be fathers tribute 1 ft would never dawn oa bis rnfod ftJEfVB H be worth the pa „ lltersnyso. T the world, end It can live, .S&nS&rxS note*, mortgages and bond*? yon e*?“UCh of your *°,d C8“ will «« mMyuof y