W.L TO BCATfl AT CL killed . at Hoyle'a Creek Tam Saturday. She the widow of the late Henry Costner, who Med about three 83 year* jajp7condo"bone to the bony WhDo «wo» down the hfilat Horte** e»eek the breech-band hrohetnd the hone na<,;Altbo by of the trill the wheel strnck • toy Mn. Costner’s am was broken ia thiee place, and her head bruised. She died in an taw. Hymn* daughter was painfully hart but will recosnrJ , Mn. Costner was buried San* iy * the Rhyne graveyard, after services conducted by Rev. W. A. Deaton at Philadelphia church. w» UWCOLN WElOflBOIS. 11—nla T—iil. ,, Mr. Jacob Dellinger, who hvod on due Sumner place near lye. died Mat Saturday night at the ripe old ago of 82. His re tains ware interred at Lahore* a comancttng the fancral service*. Cope. J. O. Morriaon, of Mori* iwea, who boa boon ill for some time, went to Davidson last meek for treatsacet by Dr. Man* me. His many friends in the cwwdy with for his speedy n Wiai deep, regret the relatives and friends in this county hear of the death of Mn. Alice Pay* aenr Banes, wife of Mr. P. W. Banes, which occurred ether home in Cross county, Ark*, on Oie evening of May 3L Mn. Baraeswmthe youngest daugh ter of the late Jonas Paynenr. of tMa comity, and was born in Lineobrton August 11. IASS. _ Mat Sunday evening Mn. wurnua Adeline Harrill died at fear home near Long Shoals af te fwo weeks of illness. She «m» in bar mghtieth year. Mrs. HarriU was Mis* Canble before her marriage to Mr. A. G. Har nll. Of tins nnloa twelve chil drsawere born, nine of whoa ase stjll living. The living chil dren ate: John B.. Edward, Samoa], Anderson, A. M„ Rich ud B., Charles H„ P. A. and Robert E., all of whoa were |P^CtU at the fnnexal except A meeting was held at Ridge Academy Saturday, Joae 17. and at »aid meeting the prospective stockholders voted on a perms neut location for the new mill. The Farmers’ Manufacturing Company. The site selected is at J. P. Woods, on tba Lincoln ton road, 10 miles northwest of Lincointoa, and on a survey »*da by the Seaboard Air Line Railraod company leading from the coal fielda ol Tennessee to the Atlantic Seaboard. The or fanfoera, D- E. DeLsac and M. S. Beam, ached till July 8 to complete the capital stock, on which data a meeting was or dered to be held at 2 p. m.. at J- P- Woods, the selected loca tion for the min. Strifes at As Boston MIL Tba CberrrviUe Maws says: Tba weavers in the Gaston Mill —or at least a part of them struck Wedoeaday morning for more wages. The weavers claim that only seven remained at Work aad twenty-two went oat. While Ike managers at the mill say that only sixteen west out aad thee they usually have same where shoot tblrty-ive weavers, this would only make about half of them. Mr. Rhodes, the secre tary aad ttvaaam, was asked if CAST 0AST9N OOSSIP. ■mWmrnimi «c tk< (mhim. Bm» Gaston, June 29.—Rev. O. J. Jones, preached a very in retesting sermon to a loll con gregation at River Bend church last Sunday evening. Mrs. Anna Hoover, oi Mount Holly, has been visiting her par eats. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Fur tor tot several days. Mr. sud Mrs. Junes Jeukiiut went up to unde Aaron Jenkins sear Lada last Saturday sad spent the night. A sore band has given Mrs. Aaron Jenkins a great deal of trouble for several Hoo. J. F. Reinhardt of Lin coln county, has sold a lot of his cotton to the William J, Hooper £££»„ i'sns-jL time. Miss Beulah McIntosh, one oi Mr. J.M. McIntosh’s handsome daughters drove over to Mount Holly last Saturday, and on her return brought back Miss Stella Rankin, the handsome daughter of Mr. Sidney Rankin. She will remain hi that section several days visiting friends. Hon. J. F. Leeper, of Belmont and Hon. R. K. Davenport, of Mount Holly were op in Hast Gaston last Thursday looking over the new road that Capt. Eddlemsa and bis men are build ing. Mr. Leeper, like everybody else that has seen him, said that Col. Aberuethy’a fine jersey bnll was the best be had aver seen. We note that some people who want soasething said In the pa per* for them commend them very highly until they get what they wanted said; then they cuss them, amt if plngpTv lnrtlrnri «ntrs some of them will be found to be not even subscriber*. Mr. S. S. Morris the man-feed er of Gastonia, and Mr. Albert Rankin of the same place, stooped over at Open View n few hours on their return from a fishing trip up the river last week. After looking round at the stock they partook of alt the fine fruit they could hold then proceeded to make the trip on to Gastonia. Come again, boys, we win be glad to see you in our section any time. Misa Ella Aberuethy, and her brother Oral went over to Char lotte last Thursday and spent the day with Esq. S. H. Hil ton's family. We are sorry to note that Mrs. Char. King and three of her children are quite sick. We hope that by the time we write again they will be well. The county road force are now working in front of Col. WUllam B. Hipp'a residence on the road that leads to Lucia. Miss Pearl Hoover of Stanley Creek is visiting her sister Mrs. Connell, near Lucia. Mr. aad Mrs. Samuel H. Black of Lucia, went down one day last week and apentthe day with Hon. Martin Luther Cansler’a family. We know they bad a great time, for we have been there ouracivca and know where of we speak. Capt. Todd, the local manager of the chain gang, deserted the boys last Saturday, and went over to Gastonia to see bis mother. Mr. S. E. Craig, one of the clever guards on the road, says ha wants to go back to Gaston and work that county’s roads. Mr. Lather Niros says that be is in that county now If be only knew it. But Mr. Craig says be can’t see it that way, and don't know where be is at. Pot his benefit we want to tell him be Is in Bast Gaston, a branch of old Gaston. This seems to worry Mr. Craig a good deal ; be seems to be at a loss to know where he is at. A few little showers have been falling that have helped keep the crops from burning this hot weather, a good season would help our farmers s good deal just dost. A groat many of oar farmers having dropped their eeke by not standing together this spring, ought to pick ft W ZESSS^^^E’~am_ ** Swan Slater Co. Hendtol'oot Outfitters for Men end Boys — PISGAH PARAGRAPH. CnnwtMMMI ut UM OlMllt. Pisgah, June 24.—Mrs. Sahara Canon has moved to Mr. John IV. Hawkins' owing to tbe iu Srmities of her advancing age, 76 years. Mr. Little John Hawkins has also moved to his lather's. A special to Mr. Mr. K. D. Martin, tbe Government’s crop reporter says: “Tbe total area plsated la cotton in the United States is 28,120,000 acres, a decrease of 3.610,000 acres, 6r 11.4% from tne total planted last year. The cotton acreage of North Carolina is 1,197,000 acres. The cotton acreage of Gaston County is 14,128 seres, a reduction of 8,612 acres." Tbe brethren of Pleasant Ridge A. M. B. church bad a high old time last Ssturdsy evening—base ball, ice cream at 10 cents a saucer and musk by the band, the proceeds to carpet the church. Mrs. Nancy Jane Thomas and Misses Enla Ella Thomas spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Thomas' mother, Mrs. Blits* DCtD UOOK St YOTKVIlle. Mines Annie May and Follie F. Ware of High Shoals were the guests of Mrs. Ed Morrow Saturday night, returning Mon* day. Miss Livonia Me Ready has recovered from the effects of her recent illness. There was an old fashioned ringing at Mr. C. A. Spencer's Saturday night. We are informed that Mr. and Mrs. J. Bynum Long, of Gas* tonia, will spend the summer at Linwood springs. Misses Mand and Mildred Norris of Raleigh are spending some time at Linwood, guests of their aunt, Mrs. A. T. Lind say. Miss Daisy Gamble has re* turned from Limestone Female College, Gaffney. Mr. James M. Blackwood has a boy ill with chronic gastritis. Mr. John B. Pierson has re turned from Brsklne. Miss Phroaia Falls has re signed as chairman of Pisgah Y. Y. C. U. Mr. Robert Wat son Carson was elected to fill out the hnexpired term. Dr. Geo. W.—Pressley, of Charlotte, was In Pisgah on professional business last Mon day. He came to make ar rangements in regard to Mrs. John R. Anthoav entering St. Peter's Hospital. The psragrapber has Missouri Valley com 5 feet and Iowa Salamander 6 feet in height, cotton is 10 to IS inches in b eight. The plows are now running in this exceptionally ploughing weather. The soil is in good condition for plowing. We are informed that Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Stewart, of Gastonia, win wnmmA MBU Hni at TJa. Electric car lines? Are both dead as Cursar? We want both of 'em to hurry np and penetrate this regiou. lu fact Gastonia and Gaston needs both. MCADENVILLE ITEMS. MSS. HOOTER D1UT>. McAdenville, June 26.—Mrs. J. P. Hooper died at her home I here Thursday evening about I seven o’clock after an illness oi about five months with dropsy. Mrs. Hooper was iu the 62nd year of her age and had lived here ever since the McAdcn Hills started. She was a kind neigh bor and friend, and above all, she was a Christian. She leave* a husband and a large family to sorrow for her. The funeral was conducted by her pastor. Rev. G. W. Callahan, assisted by Rev. J. L. Vippcrman. The remains were interred at Ebe ar zer Friday evening. MISS ft AN WBDB DKAD. Miss Nannie Webb died Fri day evening a few minutes be fore seven o'clock after a linger ing illness with consumption. Miss Webb waa oue of the three sisters who kept the hotel at thia place so many years. She had a large circle of friends be cause she always showed bench friendly. She was a Christian also, i fie Mineral wu conducted by her pastor. Rev. J. L. Vip perman. The remains were taken to Lowell for burial in the cemetery Saturday evening. The deceased left a large uuiu her of relatives here to mourn their loss. We sympathize with these two bereaved families in theii sorrow. PKBSONAL tyXNTION. Mr. and Mrs. H. K.. Robert) and Mrs. H. L. Roberts, ol Wadesboro, came over Saturday and are receiving the hearty handshakes of their many friends here. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Hooper, of Salisbury, were here to at tend thy funeral of Mr. Hooper'? mother Friday. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Hialop, of Cherryville, came down Fri day to see their aunt Nannie Webb and were here when ab« died. They remained until 8s ad ay...... ANNUAL PICNIC JULY 1. Arrangements are being made for the annnal Sunday school picnic lor next Setnrdey sad bo doubt it will be one of the best we ever bad. who is IT? The wedding bells will ring this week and two hearts will best as one, but we will not give their names nntil after the (cruft is tied. MT. ROUT I TIMS. Ctwmrvlllt srwi Wednesday evening Jnne the 7th, Mias Laura Down urn and Mr. Loyd Bush were united in marring* by Rev. B. N. Crowd er. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James Downam of this place and the groom Is a popular young mer chant of Lenoir. Mm. Lenta, mother of Messrs. Paul and Albert Lents of this piece, died Inst Saturday even IVf «IMI m MW IIIIII ■* ■IN mu buried Sunday at lit. Pleasant, by the aide of bet boo band wbo died last Marc It. Mra. Lents waa SI ycara old. though abe bad enjoyed good health mo til a few months ago. Teoubero Elected Ml* Louise Mason, Mies Kva Meal, and Miaa Coro Lewis, have resigned or deollood their Miaa AHee Daniels ef Oxford isr^ Bradley in alxtb erode, end ^MdQsllarwP succeed ^..■511,. U'-i. "*n, | , . .■> , lilllj■_> ^ . Ml''“ “ * *'* ' ‘ '.. .j $ .1 i • 4 1 4 • 4 . 4 . EMBROIDERIES 4 1 4 1 4 > 4 > 4 4 We haye just received a bio lot of NAINSOOK AND SWISS Embroideries in MATCH SETS at ! 1 per yard, !! 4 4 I « 4 > <4 II 4 4 4 4 ■————a 4 4 ; 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. ii « I — ._ 4 > 4 » ^4 4 4 I 4 . < 1 4 4 4 I 4 • 4 1 4 . These were picked up at an underprice sale and are fully one third lower thau the usual selling ; > price of sneb exquisitely beautiful goods. ;; I Jos. F. Yeager. | Gastonia, N. C. .. ttMt j ”-••• -» - --— - — - - - - —-- - CUm From Chcrryrllla. ChrrrrvUI* Mw. • The little child of Mr. Pink Pen'.ey, who was reported alck in last weeks paper, died Satur day and was butied Snndav at the Baptist nave yard. Prof. S. P. Wilson has com menced the erection of a hand some dwelling on his lot near tb ed school. ittle two year child of Mr. Sid Williams who lives about two miles east of thia place died Tuesday or Wednes day. Mr. Wm. H. Truelove, of this place was married to-dav to Mias Bala Heavncr, a daughter of Mr. Jno. H. Heavner, who Uvea near town, Er<j. N. B. Kendrick officiating. Mias Dessie Gantt, the only living daughter of Rev. A. G. Gantt, of Bellwnod, died last Saturday about noon from acute is. Miss Gantt had been health for several months, A marrisge that was quite s surprise to the friends of both bride and groom was solemnised at Greensboro last Saturday when onr popular young dentist, Dr. R. J. Morrison led to the hymenial alter. Miss Isabelle Bland. Mias Bland baa been a very popular and successful teacher in the graded school at this place for the past, two years and has made many friends here._ Dr, J. M, Hunter OF BOCK HILL. L C. ftfalraa o aitaAt, Tumor, Chronic Ulcers, and Diseases of the Genito Urinary Or nans. Treats without the knife, loss of blood, and little pain to the patient. Consultation free. Terms for treatment satisfactory. 25 years’ practical experience. FOIECLOSUIE OF »EAL ESTATE Sal* *1 Lat la kniair City N.C. HmUf. lb* M*y si Jely, IMS. UNIVERSITY OP NORTH CAROLINA I 789-1 900 Head of the State’s Educational System. oapAameHTSi ;Consfi&« Medicine Phtnnicy Ubrary contains 43.000 volumes. system. Near dorml gris^ymiiaAm. Y. M. C. A. *•» students. as instructor*. I ^Tj* foil term begins Sept. 11. 1904 Praxcir P. Vrxaslr, President TJ*c«d Crapki. Hn.x., K. C.

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