The Gaztonla Gazette. ' BUSINESS LOCALS. HOUSE AND IjOT for rest or salt on West Main 81; apply to Dr. McG. Andcra, Connelly Springs, N. C. J2Un. Hit 1.ADY who loaned an u»a brctla to a Convention delegate (tall aian) may learn where he left it by asking Tits Oaxstt*. TUESDAY, JULY 25. 1905. LOCAL AFFAIRS —Sixty five cents gets The Gazette from now till 1906. —Program of the Farmer*’ Jn ■titute appears In this issue. Read it. —Home grown watermelons were a little late this year but are coming in freely now. —The merry-go-round was moved yesterday. It will now sound its merry music opposite the Avon. —August comes in one week from to-day. Be it remembered, that is the day appointed for the Cotton Groarer* to meet in Dal las. —There is going to be some building done iu Gastonia. The material is rolling in on every band, but not half so fast a* it is wanted. —Speaking of the growth of Gaston county, a well informed citizen remarked the other day that Sheriff Lnsk, who collected the county taxes in I860, said that at that time River Bend township paid more taxes than all the rest of the county to gether. —"How many troops did Gas ton county furnish to the Coo federate armies?” was an inquiry put to Mr. Miles Hoffman yes terday. "About 90p is my esti mate. In 1860 Gaston had 760 white polls—that’s not an esti mate; 1 looked it up in the records.” —"What are yon doing about the Farmers’ Institute?” asked The Gazette man of Mr. C. F. Smith yesterday. "Oh, there’ll be a big attendance from over our way,” be said. And there always is. Some of the best farmers in the county live right around Stanley, and they aru al ways wide enough awake to at tend the Fanners Institutes. Paster Called. The Presbyterian congrcga , ' tion in a meeting of marked harmony and unanftnity last Sunday morning called Rev. R. C. Anderson, of Shelbyville, Tenn., as pastor. The salary named is $1500 and manse. The call was wired to Mr. Anderson who is now in Virginia on a vacation. Will he accept? There is a unanimous hope that he will. Kincaid Kanioa. Mr. and Mnr. J, R. Kincaid, of Pleasant Ridge, had a pleas ant family reunion last Satur day. Mr. Kincaid’s birthday— he is well along hi the seventies —comes later on in the season, but it was (bought better to hold the family minion at this time so that it would be easier for the children to gather. There were about 75 people present, and all enjoyed the day greatly. Lightning Strikes. Doting Friday evening's storm lightning struck the rcsidente of Mr. Albert Smith near West End cbnrch. Beginning at the chimney, the bolt tore ont half • bnsbel oi plastering and brick* v bats, *>en passed along the roof toward the rear knocking oat some shingles, and finally ran down a column supporting the back porch, tearing the column into match wood. A marvelous thing abont it is that Mrs. Smith f ®«*hbor. Mrs.Tiddy, were within five feet of the post and escaped unhurt. Mrs. Tiddy was sitting near enongh to have laid her band on tha post, bnt WM only slightly shocked. VUh mss Bette'S. P*®** ® • ®® Friday after noon the U. C. Club and a num ber of friends were entertained by Mias Susie Hoffman in bar own charming manner. Earlier in the afternoon the raia poured in torrent*, bnt (he clouds rolled away leaving the atmosphere cool and sweet, and making * each happy gnaat mom eagar i^ the rare pleasure which one al ways find* in this dainty home. With steady flow of rippling mode, sparkling wit and happy laughter, so ran the hours away. A delicious three coarse lunch eon was served during the after noon. The guests besides the riub members were Mesdames Rddlemae, Love. Reid, CHfiord, ‘rs Z®« $■!•»« Latham, ■SngjTfcB Tower. •“/* “iM j^°”***b keCHatoek, of Cher c •*r* •j&tsstvbueai evil doer*. PEE30NAL MEimOll. . *7??- •I^T* vi“tcd friend* in Uhcolotoa hut week. . —Miss Sadie Tate, of Moegantos, ia the charming guest of Mr*. R. A. Lovt* —Mr- E1mm- Sp«nc«r is oet again sites being laid up flvo weeks with a lame leg. —Mr. Ernest Stowe, of Rock Hill, was In the city (hinds y and yester day to sea bis—friends. —Capt. Harry Adams la enjoying a lew Jars' rest at the home of his mother, Mrs. L. L. Adams. _ —Misses Georgia sad Mary Tom Gattis left yesterday morning for a vacation visit toAaharilla. J. C. Patrick.-King's Mtn. Herald. —Miss Ona Spillman, wko has baas visiting Miss Laura Page re tained to her home in Charlotte yes -Rev. Mr.-Watt, of Louis ville, Ky., is visHioa bis brotber-ln CoIlegeV A‘ T' 1-‘n°“y at 3-inwood —Mr. R. J. Runkiu and family and Mr. J. I. Niell went to Sparrows Springs yesterday for a camp out of a few days. —Mias Irene La'tghridge went to Aharon. 8. C.. Friday ana will spend a month with friends and relative! iu York County. Elisabeth McClintoc^^f ’charlotte! JTi*r'^3wf*n<* Miller, of Favette . yesterday and will stop in Gastonia n abort while on Ids way to the mountains. .Mr. C. F. Smith, of 8taaley. and JlJ* •i*Jer. Mias Mary, were among the welcome visitors that veaterdar's pretty weather brought to towiT —Mr. Mac Wilson and wile, and their mothers were in a party of twelve that composed a part of Gas tonia s contribution to the Charics tou excursion this moraine —l>r. May McPadtWn has recently paaiwd successfully the {Mate exam ,v5‘U.0^_S‘,0‘e ?<»*•» »°«rd» In >Yert.>.<.r»iof> Sooth Carolina. He will locate at Woodruff, 8. C. -Miaa Lucie Buiria. of McCon nellavllle, S. C.. came np Saturday and (returned last night. She waa goeat while here of Mr. J. R. Baber and of Means. Jobe and Jim Mad say. —Mr. J. F. Parsley, with his d“*hlI£r Miaa Iva and ber consia I’uraley, of Filbert, who is risiting her. were all wel come visitors at Tmr Uaxittr yesterday afternoon. Mini Mattie McConnell. o< Me home Saturday. lacy am cousins and saw each other Saturday for the first time in 20 years. —Mrs Ralph Gantt arrived Sunday night from Washington, and re turned yesterday afternoon taking with her her father, Rev. John Dram jrtt. for treatment. Mr. Bramlett has been Buffering several months with paralysia. —Mr. Miles Hoffman, of Dallas, was in town yesterday making further inquiry concerning the county> war record. He is giving much earnest and careful attention to research, and the result of hia labor* will represent n great deal of painstaking effort to secure accurate and complete records. -Mr. P. T. Heath and Mr. Jno. F. nraralttt were here yesterday to at tend the home-breaking mentioned some days ago. They will go back op thread to-day. Mm Gault of Washington city took her father borne with her last night. Mrs. Heath and Master lyrce ro to 1 Le noir this morning ami wilh later go to their new home In Atlanta. BalMiaff at Stanley. Brick sad mortar are iu de mand at Stanley also. Mr. B. P. Carpenter ia preparing to erect a brick atore in place of bis frame building. The new atroctnre ia to be 26x100 feet. 00 the ground. The Thomson Peg ram company wUl add 60 feet more to their brick More. Workers* com mencedMonday of last week. * Carriers Joy. The joys of a carrier's life ate making Mr. Ernest Hicks glad lie was born. When he reached Mr. Prank Hawkins' box Satur day morning there was a water melon, at J, R. White's was another, a lot of .peaches awaited him at Mr. J. W, Rid dle's. at Mr.. Meek KaBstetkr’s there were more peaches, and at Mr. J. R. Kincaid's on tbe retnrp trip he eras called is to the family reunion, cooled ofl with ice cream and loaded down with cake* He came home that night with a baggy load ol stuff. Yesterday be brought ia cantaloupes given him by Mr. J. E. Mendenhall._ Canfaleapes Pacing Haadaama Lrabnts* Aapn.» As an indication of tbe mag nitude of tbe cantaloupe busi ness at Maxton, we note that ktjk Ini lie days of last amek tbe shipments were six * day. and twelva oa Satur day. Bach ear contained 480 cratee, netting to tbe pro srwfcite £ s’s rate of over >1,000 per car. We learn from tbe Charlotte Newt that hi behalf of the new cfcYc£Ll#bg built oa the Boulevard by the Calvary and Oil worth Methodist., Rev. D. L. Reid has engaged the service Rev. WiDism Spurgeon, D. D.. of England; Revs. Bern P. Jones xnd Geo. A. Stewart, the moat noted Georgia evan gelists, and the celebrated JTO. Dailey Quartette, of Phil adelphia. for a Cbstauqua to be held at tba Fair Ofounds ,af at Latte Park September 1st to Sth Inclnsive. a 4 BASE* ILL AT MM TIME. NcAdorllSa V1m tear flmwh *■ • Ntrva-C racking. SmI> Exploding Qua* Saturday Ak> lemooo. The buebiU sensation of the M*aoa for Gaston County was pulled off at McAdanville Satur* uay afternoon when the locals defeated Gastooia by a score of 1 to 0. Roth teams were in fin* form, basemen and fielders ac cepting their chances in a pretty way. **or the locals. Price pitched a magnificent game, fanning out1 16 men, and allowing butonc bit Hu opponent, one of the crack pitchers of the Virgin is-Carolina league, did not hire so well, as he was touched up by McAden ville for six hits and struck out only 8 men. Excitement wss intense all through the game, but was great* est in the 7th inning when Aber netby for McAdenville singled between 1st and 2nd, stole 2nd and then came home, scoring the first run of the game on Alexander's hot drive in left field for 2 bases. It was all over then except keeping the visitors from scoring, which was done in fine style. Mr. Gall, who played 3rd for Gastonia, made quite an impres sion. He played star ball for the visitors. We were glad to have sack a Urge crowd down from Gastonia. Summary of other features: Hits—McAdenville 6. Gastonia 1. Errors—McAdenville 2, Gas toou 2. Stolen bases-Gal! 1, Abernctliy 1. Two-base bits— Call for Gallonia 1, Alexander for McAdenville ls Eicmsiow TO HICKOIT. ThSily ..There will be an excursion to Hickory Thursday of this week to Mg Lutheran reunion. Tbe yain will pass Gastonia al 8 o clock a. m., and tbe round tnn will cost only $1. «- C-.¥“" »Peak on One Synod in North Carolina.” ?r.J. H. Wilson, and Rev. A. J. Stirewalt, missionary elect to will also deliver ad dresses. It is a rare opportunity to visit Hickory and attend the Luth eran reunion at a very small cost. The Topic Publishing Com pany of Lenoir, composed of Dr. c- C. Weaver, Prof. A. H. Wolt* aud Mr. J. E. Mattocks, sold the property last week to Mr. Tbos. M. Lacks, of Matthews, Va. .."The board of managers of the North Carolina Reunion Asso ciation has decided to abandon the idea of holding the second re union of Native North Carol! nians October 8th, and week following, as kad been decided npon. It is tbe intention of tbe board to hold the second re union in the fall of 1906. The board gives as a reason for tbe postponmeut of the reunion that on account of the Lewis and Clarke Exposition the trend of travel this autumn will be west jnd it is therefore much more difficult to secure reduced rates on the western railways, from which pait of the country tbe greater part of those ex pected will come. Several other reasons are advanced fot the postponement. JLi_U»J5SB5555SBS_^_ — ML JONAS JENKINS ■AS FAMiLT RSUIQOR. Vm 7% Tears OM laisrfer —A Happy SptkarUi li ■ In company with Rev. B. L. Bain, the editor of Tna Ga smrrjt enjoyed a pleasant day •t the reunion held Saturday at the home of Mr. Jonas Jenkins •bout three miles west of town. At the suggestion of Sheriff C. B. Armstrong, the other sons-in-law, and daughters-in law, as well as sons nnd daughter*, nil fell in heart II; with the idea of thns celebrating Mr. Jenkins’ birth day. He was 78 Saturday. “I can monat a horse," he said, “shoot as quick assay sou I have.” Mr. Jen kins wss twice married, first on November 27, 18S0; again Nov. 6. 1892, His first wife wss Francis El tains Liaeberger, to whom were bora 9 children, 6 of whom are living. His second wife was Catherine Car penter, who has borne him two children, a son aged 10 aad a daughter aged 8. He now baa the deed for and is farming a part of the tract of lend which Adam Costner, in the year 1798, deeded to his grandfather Renbca Jenkins, His lather was Harrison Jen kina, his mother a Kiser, an older half-eister of Enquire Jacob Kiser. Of his brother* and piston only Mrs. Margaret Moes at Beeeemer is now living. Of 65 graad'chUdren, SI ora living; of 22 great-grand children 15 are living. v/i ■» uiuumi, KTiDa-CDU* dien, sad thcii husbands and wives, with their children, the number actually present, tnclnd iug bis own immediate family, was 76. These with six visitors numbered 82. The living children wets all present as follows: John I,., William H„ J. Grier, Mrs. C. B. Armstrong. Mrs. Albert Smith, Mm. T. B. Terrell. It if a fact worthy of mention that the oldest son, Mr. John Jeo kins, was present with his wife and their 12 children. They have had sixteen children in all, foot of them being dead. A table about 40 feet long under the shade of trees con tained the sumptuous spread, every item of which was enjoyed. It seemed that every daughter was a good cook and every sou bad married a good cook, so perfectly palatable was every disk whether of the bread, the meats, or the desserts. A rest of an hour or two fol lowed the ice-cream and a water* melon feast followed the rest. It was a day enjoyed throughout by old aod young, but we vea* tore to any that it was enjoyed by none more than by Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Jenluat, who have the good wishes of all for many happy returns of the day. Old Sheriff Still Keasmbcra 0M It may be suggested that the modesty of Mr. J. P. Caldwell, editor of the Observer, is re sponsible for the failure of that paper to state in this connection that the pleasant personal rela tions between Mr. Caldwell sad Mr. Grover Cleveland were largely influential in bringing about the nomination of Mr. Tompkins for the directorate. In B—r.fHUs Jen. Harris. Moo roe, Jnly 21.—The yonag men of the town gave s delight* fnl moonlight picnic Tuesday evening, in honor of Mias Jane Morris, ot Gastonia, tbs charm* lag guest of Mias Clara Ware. The roads were in splendid con dition sad everyone seemed to haven jolly good time. Miss Morris returned to Gastonia Friday. -,SBS A Startling Stacy. ClMrtaU# Cbraatcte. The strange snjekie of Robert K. Dsrgmn, at Darlington. S. CM is followed by the strange story tbnt Daigan did not commit sui cide st all. bat tbnt the doctor and coroner were footed and that a wax figure was batted in the grave supposed to be oecn pied by Dergan. The people all over that section of the State are excited about the matter end will doubtless never be sstisfind until the grave is opened sad the reel truth made knows. | . m 1 1 —-L. «——— 1. 1 ■ t i . ■ i i Saturday, July __ Monday, Jul] 1st i Robin soi _FI others, Outenia, N. C. ~ "‘-mKahn Coming on in Fall Trip ‘-mititi wunotT. % M 1. of r Inc., Tailor* W pronto »M« mm aI Gray* ■* —_ ood Greens which everybody __ **S Um/Joo pattern* they *how, the various fabrics la wool sad yl. worated ate repre**ctad la all the best color combinations sad *THE TAILORING ofXaba Bros., Inc., n beyond reproach. > •nd we cheerfully recommend their work to oar trade. As the* are exclusively TAILORS, and do not scad out sample catalog* or book*, we eaa only record' your order with them during the coating viait of The Min Prom We oordielly tavfte Interested hi hteu’t Talloriag to e*11 during (hie Display. S Lot 1. 3|c Lot 2. 5c Lot 3. 10c \ C Here you will find cm 9 broideries wotth 5 to - ... - . ■»*--- . .. ■ d 7** *0 0<»e *"*« this toSSf* IS to 18c, all t| 31c 1 5c 10c t LLm* BELl^ ca | BSS^Srar » { A A MUSIC STORE A A j ) The Oasetce'e wha an iavkad EvUtonatEiad f J well-kept^Moafc Sion «W«E Mata Stsaetaaar the Aihr | H!GH«OBAOB PIANOS AMD ORGANS S ft SMALLER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS \ | Victor Talkie* Machine*. III.** to KM.** J I Latest Sheet Mask received monthly. Fifty* sad M caat a I aaMkior25c. Piaaft atUatiqa to ttast sad aaafl srtlafa. I I BUBONEB > ^,^,«SMaa aaa.l