‘ I . 3 . I h> twtoa" aM Hatty. -On « »*atda*l *• moOetd. Mkmlu Htlliij I eat J* ^g^l*** ■**»*»■ aaft" ** ? yll Hiiwt tT ttrr tiiootlim “tt wnn atmpto.** sold Mealy. “Ih* “Ihea * to eg to me to pay yoo $1,000." “Bet at aV paotaotod Meaty. takaa abaek. “I did aot escape mt my own aaoard. I bod help. Tb* money to yooaa. Aad now that X am ta," he aided quiet*. -lot am aay that thto boat dooa aor go to Beaten.” wa* Mapped MMMkdiwmtb aKtocof tto d«0 rear of Hu water ato the cry af the wM fl warn a hwrMad crowd that qatcklj Httorad to the mala (tMv bat R ww ■ towra <*a Thera war* aa crMa aad (tor tr*n They exported anyth (at ana wen r**dy tar the want, bat the* would mat thorn the white realtor, li war tin. Dae who hreho the twain -I made aw* of my pearl*.- (to aU "I Iheaght they wo* 14 ba appreciated at tbc batten of the aea." Brawatar earn* to upon ttotr laugh »W. "I Ilk* poor oarra. people!" to ex etahaed. “Too are all right, (t wool ha aa had man. The wlad ha* drop pad." (Mg aftarward wtoa they talked the Butter am DeVtll* rlalmed that (he ably thiag that bothered him that BlgM was the aRWt to deckle whathai the etah of which ho aad Meaty wm members weald pat la th* aiala haU way two black bordered card*, eact haartog a wa, or only «* with bolt aaiaaa. Mr. Talmtlae regretted the he bad geae aa (or yam paying lift toiiimrt prantaaaa wbea bow hh oatj tolatlrto ware aa tto beat aad weak die "with Mai. The captain, looking pretty rockj altar hie twenty boar rt*U rtaamnnst Ms chief. "We're la a bad hale, llr liiwita." he aaM whoa they wen tow*. “aiM a* mat*to. a broke* shaft aad tbl* weather toahe a prettj poor comhhiatla*. -I* tbaro aa cheat* of aaklag a part far repair* V "X don’t aao It air. It look* Ilk* * long pall." -Tf# an way of oar eoaree, t *ap pool" Aad Meaty** cootncu woe Cap ttoo retry'* adnUrmtloo. "I eaa't tell jtut bow much until I get the mb. bat tbl* wind I* bad. I ■aspect We re drifted pretty far." "Cam* and get some coffee, explain While the elonu louts tbc only iklu| t» d* k to cheer up the wouioa sail treat to kick.'* | "Yea are the Merriest nuts l ern ■hipped with, Mr. Brewster." And I lx capUlu** baud gripped Monty'* In * way that laeaat tbluox. It wa* a tribute ba appreciated. Oaring tto day Uouty devoted him self to Ids guest*. and at the Bret sign at paoulvaaa** bu wm ready with a Je*t or a atory. Hot to did It all will a tart that taaplrwd tto eruwd' aa • that ha himself was uot cheerful I'm reggy Gray there woe a speeUl ten ds niisa. aad be made up his mind that If thing* should sv wrong be'woski tag hr.- that be loved her. “It coaid do no harm.’* hr thoigpit tc himself, “and 1 want her to know.” Toward night the worst was over The sea had guue down aad tlu hatches were opened for awhile to ad ult air, though tt waa still too rough to waters oot. The next morning war bright aud clear. When the company gathered go deck the havoc creatgtl bj the storm was apparent Tee of the boats had beau completely carried away, and the launch waa nodered eaetoas by a large bole la the a Urn. ‘Ten don't mean to say that we win drift about until the repairs can b« ma4*r~ asked kin. Dan In alsimt “We are WO ml Ice off the coarse al ready.” explained Mooty. ”aad tt will be pretty slow tret sling under aalL” tt waa decided to make for the Canary island a, where repairs could bt made aud the voyage re*timed. Bid where the wind had raged a few dayi before It bad new disappeared alto C*tbar. and for a week the Klltter torn rd about abablutsly unable to makr headway. The letter August had ar rived aad Meaty himself was begin ning to be nervous, with the fatal day ant quite two mouth* away thing* began to took serious. Over (lOOiOttO would remain after be had settled tbr expeusee of the cruls* and be was . helplessly drifting la midocean, ttrrn if the necessary repairs could be mode promptly, tt would take tbo ruttsr fourteen days to sail from tha Caaarlm ‘to New Tort. Figure aa hard as be could, he euer no way out ef the unfor tunate situation. Two days more elapsed uad still an sign of a braes*. He mad* sum that flept. Z3 would dad him still drifting and still la tiniiissfiiii Of 100400 superfluous doMaM. At tho end of ten days the yacht bad progressed but 300 miles, and Mouty waa beginning to plea tbs rant ef hla existence on a capital of (100400. HO had given up all hope ef the Sedgwick toflecy sad was trying to be resigned to Me fete whan a tramp steamer was suddenly sighted. Brewster srdersd »• *■» so watch to fly a flag of dls Thfa he reported to Mss captain