*& f la Horth • ad maw who seem yet to be in the active en . joyment of Ufa. Aa Incident which puwapfs the observation Mmfab active old again other section* also Is cited by the Raleigh Post. At the open ing of the State Pair Tuesday, waa Major J. M. Crenshaw, of Wales Forest. He enu present a^tbe first State Pair in 1M7 ■lace, thaa waking a record cgeslsil. says the Post, by no other wan. in the State. Major Cxeaahaw waa aa old man twen ty-five years ago. hat is reported, to ba bale sad hearty still. On Ms rich bread acres be has found strength of body and length of years and nsefainess. That the Patterson memorial cop was justly awarded to Mr. Joha Charles McNeill there will what these who delight is read ing after Mm want to know is, in which owe of the anawroes pro dastlsaa of Mr. McMcfll’a in the paat^ twelve anaitha that were the enp did the judges tad the greatest awsfe. Or did they choose to perform any sack dif ficalt task as amkiag adadsioa oatkis point? Alalimtiwt take the oceasiaa to congrats lateMn htoHdM aod the Char. v. - 'V' v1 - " - jji- j i- wmmmmmmmmmm I I Wedatadty anaiw witnessed Welch Of that- city to Mr. An* sssriBSi first of Noycmber $«T w?1 be at home In Gasto da, where the* trig' occupy the Jhbnaoo residence on South „|b. Moore is the fenend “**■*«* of the Lorsy Mills and tesfo'^TtaPtLixsy r".*"re* * wr congrttti* teiooe tad good wishes attend him, and it is with fMliags of rw£L.*7?,ifiJ:‘l500 **■*“* Gastonia Mends an enabled to tender a welcome to hit bride. New Social Club. — .A WMaberof young ladies net at the Hoffman Springs Satur dny afternoon end organised a new social dab. “At name selected far (be dab lathe “Gee Whix Club" The object of the dab is just for fan. Mias Editb Payssonx is president; Mias Minnie Caetotr, secretary; Miss rlce-preai ^enl» Miss Kathleen Boyce, treasurer. The members an jdfaste Minnie Costner, Cora .gss. as .assss *<*•*• b*7, f*F, Edith Fays souxand Helen Jankiu. Th* «"»««o« an to be green and white, and the flower white eaniaaoiia. The first meeting will be held to-morrow afternoon with Miss Row Abernethy. 60. JAMES 6. flURH DEAD. 6*olha» aad Sacralary af 6wv. 6lan Phaaaa Away aa laaaH ^ at Acara laflUctlaa. Raldfb, Oct. 18—Just after mid-night General James D. Glean, brother and private aec retaiy of Governor Glenn, died as the result of an attack of scats indigestion suffered Sob day morning. This will ncces ■itste a change in tha reception of President Roosevelt here, who was to have taken break fast with Governor Glenn. Gen eral Glenn was about sixty yens old aad was prominent in military aad political life, hav iag been adjutant general of the State and a State Senator. He is survived by his wife and several children. CaftsaftcMagMachlae. Mr. Hill, of Memphis, who is introducing the gasolene ma chine wbicn picks cotton is here, mid President Roosevelt and Governor Glenn will have an oppoctaaity of seeing it at work beside the roadway at the fair mounds. Mr. Hill says that the three greatest inventions of this character ate the Whitney cotton gin, McCormick rasper, and this cotton picker. He soys that a small boy can pick 500 pounds of cotton with this ma chine in a shorter time than a man can with Ms bands pick 80 ftmrada. He says it will ravotn tionbe cotton planting. Gover nor Gbhn t»pressed special in terest in the machine, and said be intended to give it careful TIE STATE EARL A Raleigh special dated the WBi says i Governor Ginn IrnnuJUr opened the State Pair at noon to-dav. ML TILLMAN BEAM DEAD. Thkaa Sick inlhe Field, Waal Bmh, Mi DM Suddenly. Wednesday morning, Mr. Till man Beam died almost suddenly ■t his home three mites from Cherryville. He bad gone nat to the field to plow that morn ing, and was soon attacked b> pains like cramp colic, which became so severe that be stop ped Ida plow and went to the boaae. After he lay down be gasped once and was dead. Mr. Beam was a prominent and popular citizen of Cherry villa township, and was about 68 yean of age. He was a brother □f Mr. Peter Beam at the Loray, Mn. Geo. Sellars at the Trenton, and father of Mrs. John Bryson. Mr. and Mn. Bryson left here Wednesday afternoon to attend the funeral which was held at 5t. Mark’s chapel yesterday. BOATS WILL ARRIVE SATUtDAT Mr. K. J. Sherrill Imports Three Togeaberf Swiss MUk Hull at ■ Ceet el $81 uch—Will Of* ante a Seal Hairy. Sailing MUk far 38 casts a Qaart. CkuMMOk«nt.Oct IT. Tbe thnp Togenberg Swiss milk goats imported by Mr. N. I. Sherrill are in quarantine at New York and will arrive in Charlotte Saturday or Monday. Mr. Sherrill ordered the hardy little animals about three months ago from Togenberg Valley, in the midst of the high mountains of S wit set land, of which place tbe goats are native. Tbe cost of tbe animals delivered in Char will aggregate $50 apiece. 1 be Togenberg goat ia oa doobtedly tbe greatest milk giv ing animal in tbe world, tbe milk excelling both in quantity and quality. The goats give from one and a hall to two gal lon* of milk a day and the milk is of shoot twice the nourishing ■trength of cows' milk. Mr. Sherrill will raise goals and ran a goat dairy. He will ■ell the milk for 25 cents a quart nod U will be disposed of almost entirely to invalids and infanta. He anticipates no trouble in sell ing tbe milk for that price, which will make the business a very profitable one for him. Tbe daughter of Governor Fowle, Mrs. Mattie Fowle Wyatt has instituted divorce proceed ing in Wake Coanty Superior court. Tbe Carolina Northern Rail road, extending from Lamber ton to Marion, S. C., a distance of 42 miles, was sold at lumber ton Tuesday at public auction »nd was bdught la by a commit tee of ftryt mortgage bond-bold Mm aavtnlaut* * * - - — -* O (ram. °l Philadelphia, U chair man, for $288,000. The Patterson loving cup live* by Mrs. Lindsay Palter •0* of Winston-Salem to the North Carolinian producing the ooot notable literary production fortef the year was awarded to Mr. John Charles McNeil by the North Caroline Historical and Literary Association. The pre WOtatto* took plac* fo Raleigh Tbsaday At the e*d of WNW the e*pbecooes the property of the ow who shall •eve wo* h the greatest Maher sf tiasea. ^ ^ TTOjatAL CEHTE8 1b» mmtft it I hl~wi Pn. ib;.. LOtAT LOCALS. ivtHMmrf •>< im Omul Loray.Mill*. Oct. 38-Honsc rollmB is still going on, three houkes have been moved ftum near the pond to a more desirable place near the mills and still others are to be moved. I«au)bcr is coming in to build more new houses so wc see our town is not finished yet. hr. S. C. Whitaker is build ing a store room near Mr. S. SeUlemyers and will embark in the mercantile business as soon •* hj* building is completed. The Adams Drug Co. is bond ing.* wing to tbe east side of tbeir drug store wbich we un derstand will be used for a fruit and fancy grocery store. Mf. Bradley is having logs hauled to hia pasture about a hundred yards from the mill to have sawed Into lumber. He is going to bnild a residence for himself and there are other im provements to be made soon which will be reported leter. We think we ought to have street cars running through our town although we are not put tine on metropolitan airs but wish to have the conveniences of a street railway. Mr. H. McDowell spent Saturday and Sunday at Henri etta visiting friends and rela ttvea. Mr. Andrew Evans Moore hn gone to Wavuesville where he will be married to-day to Miss Miriam Love Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. Moore will depart im mediately on their bridal tonr to New York and Boston and thence to Jacksonville. Fla. They will probably be gone a month. We wish them a long and happy life and in thia we are joining a large number of Ur. Moore’s friends here. Ur. Will Knight of Henrietta haa accented a position as sec ond hand in the spinning room here. Mr. Steve DeBruIe, also of Henrietta, has accepted a posi tion in the mill here. A number of onr friends from 1*cA<*envUIe were here Sunday visitiag their friends and again to-day a lot of the young folks were np sight seeing. Mr. Henry Rabb of Henrietta, will more his family here to ®o7°w smi cast hia lot with ns. Mr. W. S. Talbot and family, of Lancaster, are moving here to-day. Mr. Lowe baa concluded a tea oiehta writing.school here which was attended~by a large number of the young folks. He is teach ing another term now and is getting along well. Mr. Lowe fa a fine penman and known bow to teach others to wield the pen ® I SO. Stary •! tha Play. "The Denver express” is ■ EE*™ Pj*r. depicting both the *nd theshadowy aides of life IB Colorado, as well >■ *k. ss?..sfleajfete “ •’rtremely vahubi* mining Claim. Tha dotard'* acheme* ■re foiled by the hero** Dead and Hiram 6*rvey, °i Cool county, and own « 9t Garvey a Lock." The place abonoda with thrilling *it ■atu>«* and *tartlfot eofoodo. Tbe DedVtr Exprea* will be at gper.^Hoeom, Saturday aigbi, 4 POINTS FIRST—With y'ouug men u’a the Fit. Your feeling decides this point. If it binds—it R draws—if it bulges—you feel it. SECOND—It’s the Style. Your eyes decide this point. THIRD—Quality. Your expe rience decides this point. FOURTH—Price. Your pock et-book decides this point. Your feeling, your eyes, your experience, sod your pocket-book wilt all guide you to Swan-Slater Company HiU-tsfart Ostfl tiers ii far Men «M Beys, tt HICKORY 010V1 ITEMS. Ntw Church Going np—0 1 g Tims Cam Shacking—A Mar rings—FaranaaL MiienvotidhPit ink The work on the ucw church building at Hickory Grove is progressing rapidly and the workmen hope to have it ready to preach in by November 27tb. There was a com shucking at Mr. W. T. Rankin’s Tuesday night and the boys report a pleasant time. R. Z. and W. A. Robinson are putting up their new shingle machine. They expect to be giu sawing in a few days. Mr. J,awrence Ewing and fum uy oi me romt, spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. J. L. Hufiffietlcr. Mr. George Ellington and sis ter, Mias Mary, of the Point, visited their cousin, Mrs. K. Z. Robinson Sunday and returned iu the afternoon. The farmers in this section are busy picking peas. They have their cottou nearly all out. It is reported that Mr. Kras tus Joy and Miss Flossie Rbyne are to be married the 23rd. Lineberger & Clouiuger are shredding corn in this neigh borhood | AND DBKDS for sale at Tmt CJa *-> XETTG Office. a Dr. J. M. Hunter OP ROCK HILL, S. C. Makes e Specialty of Cancers. Tumors, Chronic Ul cers, Diseases of the Liver, Kid neys, Dyspepsia and Indigestion, and Diaeases of the Gcnito-Uri nary Organa. Treat. Wlthoat lhe Knife, Loss of Blood. and Little P.ln tn Patient. Term* of Treatment Satisfactory. 25 years of practical experience. fiLSOm Notice la Cradilara. TN7<_ AAinluUtretor. warble and Granite MONUMENTS Tembstnnes, TiMiti, tad Cemetery Vsrk el all Unde Our atock of the above named goods is fall and complete in oar YorkviUe yards, aod all ord ers will have prompt attention. Our Gmstonia yards will exhib it in a few weeks an elegant line of marbles and granites, bought in each lota as to enable us to give the very lowest prices. Don't fail to see ns or to write before placing your order. Capt. J. Q. Holland is oar Manager for Gastonia, and all orders entrusted to hiss will re ceive prompt attention. YorkviUe Monumental Works, TOUVILLE, S. C Sebeeribe for the Oastokia I Oassttb. See us sure before you buy your Shoes MEN’S "Hamilton-Brown” ‘‘Skreemer’’ ••All America" ••Hickory Calf” also heavy shoes in all leathers and styles LADIES* "Hamilton-Brown" "Moloney Bros." "Southland Belle" also heavy shoes, all weights and atyles BOYS’ “Hamilton'Brown” *tCrown Prince” “Hickory Calf” “Wolfe Bros.” all leathers and styles MISSES’ “HamIlton>Brown” “Moloney Bros." “Wolfe Bros." all weights and styles INFANTS’ “G. W. Chesbrough" “Moloney Bros." “Grace Darling" Jno. F. Love, Inc. GASTONIA, N. C. NOTICE TO CITY TAX-PAYERS The taxes for the year 1905 have been due since the first day of September and the books are now In the hands of the tax-col lector at the City Hall. All persons owing said taxes are requested to make prompt payment of same without awaiting further notice. I. N* ALEXANDER, Tax Collector PITTSBURG VISIBLE TYPEWRITER. 2£ Only Perfect Machine Made Visible Writing; Strong Men!folder; Universal Key-board; Light Touch Rapid Action. PRICE S75. IT REACHES THE DEMANDS «F BUSINESS. Unexcelled lor billing and tabulating Send lor catalogue. , PITTSIURC WRITING MACHINE Ce Ptttstnrt, P< GAZETTE PRINTING HOUSE, LOCAL AGENCY. | PR NG | S • - -• i a., purposes y T where f X good work T T required J ”.