•.■ . ..'•jixspms.i.n—tsm The Gastonts Gicette. BU8INB8S LOCALS. a«MaMmaBHMHCjnHranM«r ( SALEM ALMANACS for 1006 only Sc at t.*! Johnson, ' —N , DOTTED PLANTS for talc. San: ‘ and pretty. Mrs. J.T. McDUL \ CHINOLES-230.000 yellow pine O shingle* for sola. J. S. Beal. —24 < ANTIC!)—Wood choppers to cut pine wood at High Sboals at 40 cent# a cord. See C. J. Huaa or 1 Andrew E. Moore, Loray Mills. j HAT WINDOW at Kennedy's Drug store—glance at the dis play as you pass by, U might be the cause of earing your cough some time. —10 W/ANTKD- To Invest $3000 or (3000 “ In established business in Css tonia, carrying position with la vestment. Address# "Buslncs" care of (Sawftte. tu. «gu_u" '■ryn.' -i i FRIDAY. OCT. 20. 1905. LOCAL AFFAIRS —Gastonia Lodge A. F. and A. U. will meet in regular com munication to-night. —They are fixing n-readv to have another year. Mr. Robert W a I. it. « AAl* <* • jwmi>uu nan uvrr o BBEffi •n J?itS. TuSfwl«Jl! Clrtk olJhrSn^lorCOTni G»Iloli''Coiirtjr The Sbclby Aurora says Mr. I^e Horn, a 15 year old boy of Beam’s Mill, who weight about 115 pounds, picked 345 pounds of cotton one day last week. CHATTEL MORTGAGE BLANKS lor .file at Till! Ga*RWI oilier. COMING ON ITS OWN TRAIN I THE GKRAT Van Amburg Shows CIRCUS, MUSEUM AND. MENAGERIE —'WILL POSITIVELY EXHIBIT AT— Gastonia, Tuesday, Oct 31 I MANY STRANGE ZOOLOGICAL SPECIMENS t E > A ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN WHEELERS MARINE BAND. Tfca taaal M—lat Off traaaH— «lt> ■rCiitu la AaMrtaa. GRAND STREET PAGEANT TWO PBRPORMANCBS DAILY. POORS OPEN AT I AND 7P.I REMEMBER THE DAY AND DATE, Gastonia, Tuesday, Oct 3 Coats I i m £>e your own Beauty Doctor \ | i 1 ■ ’ T J. H. KENNEDY A CO. Gmtomlm, N. C. Dr. C. M. BEAM, DENTIST, DALLAS.N. C. Offices Over Rank. STRAIGHT talk on HEAL ESTATE The following valuable proper ties were bought straight sad will be sold straight. See me at once. 1 One lot, corner Marietta and Third St.. 100 ft, front^ One lot on Marietta St., 100 feet front, price-_ftf(0 Cue S-room house on High land Avenne, lot 50x200, price —-- . . ,$$$$ One lot corner Highland Av enne and Rankin Street 50x200, price—...$298 3 vacant lots on Highland Avenne in front of M. L. Maaney’s residence, 50x200, price each-J2N Two vacant lots on Rankin St, 50x200 ft., each-$U0 One vacant lot on Highland Avenue, 160x250 feet, ... price ... .—JSN 10 acres, my home place ox Highland Avenue, with one five-room bouse and one 4-room bouse, price $2910 •AA A. - a. a. t- __t A 1_a_ a _ nit the buyer. This on west side of Highland Avenue and opposite my borne place. One six-room bouse and lot, 90x200, on Rankin St., pika ., —__JW Lot near Second Baptist Church, 300 ft. ou Cross St. sad 200 ft. on Avon St., with six new four room cottages, out store room 20x90 end 2 smell rooms. This property pars $36.00 pet mouth,..__ Price-___-JMM 79 ft on South St., oppoelte City Hell, and one hun dred and fifty feet from public square, price per Sixty-six acres ol well-tim bered woodland 2 miles from railroad. Two lata in Dallas, on Col leye St., 60x190 feet. One lot In Dalles, 212 feet fronting on Colk-ye St., and 496 feet deep. f - Any of the ebore Hated propel as will be sold on terms favon I s to purchaser. I you have t» ofcr. C. B. Armstroni |T^ance{ { We want to be remembered when you are J | ready to laaure your house, furniture, or 4 } I 4 also write Health and Accident Insurance, d I For • ?f"in *?£*•*•«** ************ l g •■pe*th«Lf2l F*2^.yo<,z?,rfrt*,rsr,,*S' * 4 oWe to work through accident or any all' 4 1 ment whatsoever. If dependent apoa your 1 J salary for the rrself endfam> J A jly. It Is the to carry such I V Insurance. _ m Life laaar. 1 ^ ance to a am so situated. J | The Love Trust Co. 1 | ALL KINDS Of INSURANCE j| I we can’t afodto hold T00?*. r>f rtf rM*-^ i 001 MW *i4bn«^0« j I oo.of'bene Mronter* U Glaaaware. ChWwMfr HWgfr | f Ladies' and Men’* IUU, J*!Te1rJ» ^N,Si!2^*«itinteruKc*. 1 4 your choice k,i 10c. On pother co«nt«uMce. | J Embroidery, Hosiery, nice Back anythin* on * I bar*aint that w« haven t the apacn to *»**«*»» i jud,srsslr«i^.—r~J J WHITFIELD DRY GOODS C® J * ■ j. s. wHirneu*. n»>^ r.-l