tinjost to kk I—ton who took! ao put is the kicking. Mow what dan the partner think of sack a partner aa Festbentooe? Now there’s a Maw Orleaas doctor referring sarcastically to . Tax Oaara’a coM ^storsae fever, aad tbs Charlotte Chron icle la fcnaptaift ap aad dowa for fa- A Kcw Orleans dispatch to the Asheville citiaea describes hhn as-Dr. C. Jeff Miller, a Ptoraiaaat Mew Orleans pdysi daa aad aaaatasfaa.* Bat who ever hoard o< Dr. C. Jet Miller? When would beaver hevehcaa hoard of bat lor Us bone-bode deliverance on this cold storage topic? Wooldo’t be sorprised to fiad that Doctor C. Jet Mil let is some fellow dowa there that Dr. Hank Of the Chronicle has. hired to help him eat of troaUe. bet the Maw Orleans daetor ghre the cold storage bus iness a fair trisl aad then report. -• It »s sot wide of the mark to assart that is the Coe >e*r* they have in existence thaws mm m Goal Vtjmm Mwk worl WXmmi mm . can m baas IS _ We do not believe that North CaroHaa will ever take ker 2Sr-fe”S2 SLiSt zsnzzsL'z wa school advantages to scad their ohiWtao, whether they wish to do so or o«t. l’erhaps the time COOK for to d«M«c • measure is view of tbefccttbat the pablidpscbool ‘Mail, act wbst it ought .to be, hot of om thing we ate sure: Ceroliaa whi £mpjy will not f*SP tWr children to acbool hccanse they do not want then* to receive the Uesaing of am cdoconoo. They do not believe SA^d’S’SKS." “» Wt have them in Thoraas vUl*- There are families within avaeh of tha graded school and entuied to the advantages It offers. They have been urged lytip superintendent and by ■ambers of tbo cornu. m125.000 a "Msiass away miles of macadam road, and will, no doubt, lead to still further construction ia yean to It Is what we will all have ts coma to, sooner or later. The State must do the general road making. Tha cities and villages and even counties are too small units for so large a work. But State and towns ia combination cans accomplish a great deal and the harden will be lighter. New Hampshire, ia reali.y has only taken a place ia the march of MQyiwti or a tow*. awof^agwr, h, STme«r .. ■ , GOITS FOR THE POOR ■ ■. Attempt to Build Up New Ani mal Industry. — kaita uaaa mow tested v -■ ' V- . ' « 5 * i f i, . , that tbe of agriculture bea hapurt M^toOto^bUlta a^ Merit of mlxty-«tgkt tbe blealmllra la MU an e near f ef animat fadaatrr la tbe mtt •* Ff. «J» tba ffu jrtou cetre •peadcat of tba K«r York »»**. Tba liana goat la a wry different animal toemtbe Angora goat, wbitkkea been Mad M eon*# part* af tEe Halted •Him tor Ha tow. Tbe near attain to aautiMi tor tta milk producing VtoHttoiaawell aa tor tta cahsa aa a maaded ton bread «a tbe department, aad Secrrtary Wltooa aspect* to da retop It aa a near farm animal tor tbe AAlnttobantto Qp rot torn ■( baaitk are toremmt to ■oerrtary Wltoou’a ad money of tbe UaMa goat, fie aaU recently: -a ton. tare ef dare telle economy generally bare to gtrw tot attaa 5 to Barepoaa Ilk. fpoo from all SI I to bet b> pgr ••at of tabereeloato to cattle la thto to»Hf ee a«i mat 40 pm cent abroad. There to a dlapute amoag actoattota aa to whether tba bacOtaa wbkb moon* tutor cnlimto la animal* tea apread tba dtoaaae to bamaa baton*. Oar tareati. •auona bate convinced tbe dapert ninnd*e —■— “ * --m paapl* Hi M Unpaired atata at health aad ther are th* aataa most Ukaly to milk—are affected by naluc ■lit from tabareoloua cowa. ThH CMC t» ttaatf la ndetast to glra great papetertty ta tb* Malta peat whaa lu wart «ur parity of Uetaal pradaet ba hahtu aad hod tend to make him a hraltVUm aalmal aadar alaooat ad “The goat moat ha fad aa gaairooaly aa a eaw U It U to milk wall. it ra qahtaa tka aaada af lngautaaaa plants, tach aa haaaa aad paaa, which hara tba bugaat amoaat of paouto. and ao •flaw the meat liberal mllkug. flood itatKl ta tba a manat af aUh paadacad WWtto apaalrtng. haralKy. 'poTto! •taaca la Malta the past u aaUara *J mOkad, aad tba raaatt la that tu peagaay at* pood amure. TUtdatn tho dMtarasca botwaaa aabaala which mealy gat fat fnm careful leading «ad thoae that giro milk. “C»r taora railed than that af a ■aw la tha poafa appattta. Dchna taata fee a wider raaga af ptaaU aad. haraa af traaa that tho eaw woaid iy Jact. Tha pat cam tbaa ba a moat maa : anywhere. --m tbara u lua af that aort to Ihla eonatry. 1 bad trait h< d a a • I 1 rkrtaty of tta faad. Aad K hi ^ iy act he to* af rpatlatait with lu goad —_j dad atajaedow to bay tegr tt. M It to o* math Ube ahaap that whaa It to caltod mattoo K maa ad right to than. Whaa tha gee re head to moot ad tha eareaaa raaauhtoa that af a ahaap. “A* tha peat aaa ba hapt aa waato it. I w—mKBssss-*rn*mmmnsm *++B±±±±±E ♦ ♦ — + nr HEN it come* + IT to "Overcoat*" ♦ _ —nod you, Mr. + Reader are the man + vbo’i COT to come tO| + Overcoat* mighty toou + —we nadoabtedty + have the best showing + »t Ibe most modest f prices you'll find in + many i long day. ■< •»_ Dr. C. M. BEAM. DENTIST, DALLAS.N. C. Offices Over Dank. Dr. J. N. Hunter OP ROCK HILL. ft. C. Mak.a « Specialty of Cancers, Tumors, Chrouic Ul cers, Diseases of the Liver, Kiri neys. Dyspepsia and Indigestion, and Diseases of the Gcmto-Uri nary Organs. Treats Without tbo Knife, Loos of Blood, aod Little Palo ta Pat loot. Terms of Tfoataeoot Sotlafoetory. 25 years of practical experience. SIMn Notice la Creditors. Dr. W. Ho Wakefield OF CHARLOTTE *>11 be in Gastonia at the Falla House nn Sat.. October 28th., forth* ntimrvee a! leoatUm A..d ai_ StringoiuwT *“d Thr°‘t *°J The Doctor cin be »een In kia Charlotte office in the Hunt Build VW on ertTy Monday and Tuesday. Alao^ on Sunday by ewergency 500fl™,‘“s ssassasses LEARN TELEGRAPHY AW «.«. ACCOURTIKO ■*“AKHMEO| n«Railway ^SWHSS^raUK. THE NORSE SCHOOL Of TELEGRAPHY, Ctaeteaouu OM» baffeia, N. Y. Allaata.Oa._ I aCroaaa. Wta. Taaarfcaaa, Tea. San rnaalau. Cat. THE CIOWELL SANATORIUM Chartatto. N.C. • y. •; ' . r SS ' il! l|jjl 1 1,1 ^===s=s=sssssssaasL.^xi :*N • - •' / • > New Line of . Goods Has Just arrived at Jno. F. Love's. This Is our second shipment for this season. The demand is unprecedcnt* ed; so Is our line of millinery supplies of all kinds. Also lust received a complete line of all the New Things in Dress Goods It Is a feast to the eye to see the new fabrics* new weaves* new designs* and all the pretty fancies In dress goods which this season has brought to our store in such bewildering abundance. Just come In and see. The goods and our prices will delight you. J no. F. Love ■ ■ ■ SECOND CALL Meet me at the following places and pay your tax: Crowder’s Creek, Thursday, October 26, 10 to 12. Pleasant Ridge, Friday, October 27, 2 to 4. Gastonia, Saturday. October 28. 9 to 4. Belmont, Wednesday, November 1, 10 to 4. McAdenville, Thursday, November 2, 9 to 12. Lowell, Thursday, November 2, 2 to 4. Cherryville. Friday, November 3, 10 to 4. , Do not fail to meet me and oblige. C. B. Armstrong, SHERIFF. j4444.44.44 44 4 4 ♦ 444. | PRINTING | I for M T all purposes 4* T where t T good work j required JL X The Gazette T T Printing House T » » 1-1— I ■ I ■ * TYPEWRITER. Perfect Machine Ride oEJSl YSSSJRTW'IJSS! Rapid Action. PRICE STO. ** KACIES Tit DOUfRSIP NISINESS 5£^i!C2!,8|r im* ****-' NTTSmt VRTIIU lACmK Cl _ Ptta«r|. Pa. OASBTTB PRINTING HOUSB, LOCAL AOBNCY. • ' *. it./ JL* ' t. ,• >* xf * i */*p> 4 ,»*. » * «y • , -5^|Aj*r ./V, ✓ *1 * '/’T* * „>, t ^ * f »’ ** *• * I