I III— =3PffiggW The Gastonia Gacette. ~BUS1NBSS LOCALS. SALEM ALMANACS lor 1906 only _Sc at R. E. Johnson. —M DOTTED PLANTS lor sal*. Rar* r «nd pretty. Mr». J. T. Me Dili. SUIXOLKS -230,000 yellow pine shingles lor sal*. S. B. Beal. — U \WANTHD-Wood choppers to cut W n|ne w ood at High Shosls at 40 cents a cord. See C. J. Hus* or Andrew K. Moor*. Lorsr Mills. LOST—Two Pairs new buckskin gloves wrapped in on* package. Return tv i. L- Wilson or Gamtc pines. \V7ANTED-To Invest 52000 or53000 w in established business in Gaa toaia, carrying position with in vestment. Address* " Buaiaea* care of Curette. tn. I TURSDAY. OCT. 24. 1905. 1 ' " - —» LOCAL AFFAIRS —The Perncht Gypscne Com pany ia booked for two attrac tioua at the Opera House. Oct. 30 aud 31. —The Denver Express proved to be one of the beat plays of the season. It was a roof-lifter to the folks who saw it Satur day night. —Real estate is still changing hands all about. Esquire A. K. Anders has sold his Sooth Point farm of 110 acres near Lowell to Mr. J. W. Lowry. The trade was made yesterday. —About ten days or two weeks ago Mr. Labe Wilson while trading at different stores in Gastonia lost or mislaid a pack age containing two pairs of heavy buckskin gloves be had just bought. He is advertising for them In to-dav's business locals. —The Woman's Missionary Society of the Cberryville Baptist church will give an oyster supper on tbe evenlog of the 28th. Everybody cordially invited. All those who don’t care for oysters may be re galed with ice cream and cake, an abundance of which will be on hand. —On Tuesday, October 31st, in Salisbury, Miss Bllie Reid Mullen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mullen, will be mar ried to Mr. William' Sumner Raskcrville. Mias Mullen is a neicc of Mrs. J. F. Wilson of Gastonia whom a be baa visited s: viral times, and is a most attiactive and popular young lady. —A marriage in which many Gastoniaos are interested was celebrated in the Episcopal church at Hickory Wednesday evening when Miss Mildred Ellis became the bride of Lieu tenant Thomas A. Mott of the United States Navy. Miss Ellis has visited often in Gastonia as the guest of Mrs. E. Bryan Jones, and has made by her charming personality many warm friends here. Mountain CaUle. Mr. Newton Corpening of Blowing Rock arrived in town yesterday afternoon with 63 head of mountain cattle, which he drove through the country. Messrs. Craig and Wilson bought the entire drove, and Mr. Corpening left for home late in the afternoon. Soiree et Lin wood College. A soiree was given last night by the young ladies of Unwood College. Tbe reception balls were charmingly decorated with the college colors, black and burnt orange. Tbe young ladies admirably sustained their already enviable reputation as entertainers, and all tbe Gasto nia boys who were lucky enough enjoyable time. Man Baildiag. Mr. Varnon Grier of Pleasant Ridge will move to Gastonia and engage in a general mercan tile borinesa. Last Saturday ba and Mn. T. G. Falls bought from Sheriff Armstrong the No len property opposite the City H»U- Mr. Grier aayi that be will erect thereon, after Christ mas, two store building*. One of them he will occupy himself, the other will be for rent. The consideration received for this DTopertjr was $40 a foot for 78* fact. Sheriff Armstrong bought tbia property jmt 00 days ago Kying about $32 a foot there r. He advertised It for tale in Thx Gacsttk, found a bayer promptly, and mada a profit of $800. Proberty on Main street that sold six years ago for $40 a foot will command twice that figure now, and U is probable that five years from now Mr. Grier can get $80 or $100 a foot for bin Sooth street holdings. irs Liberal I* Cberrbe*. , Mat Jft 1 •a tt PEKSONAL MENTION. —Mr. J. R. Rogers and hu soa Walter, of Lada, wen agreeable callers al this offict Saturday. —Mr. R. Ni Duliu of Bowline Green waa iu Gastonia ou bust ness Saturday and called to ae< Til* Cazkttu. —Mias Jessie Smith, ol Clover, who has been visiting Miss Connie Baber, returned yesterday morning. -Mra. J. O. White, of Gas tonia, who has been visiting in Lenoir, went to Hickory Monday.—Lenoir Topic. —Misses Dora Brandon and Elliott Qninn of the Bethel section were welcome callers al Tim Gassktth office Friday. —Mr. B. L. Hudspeth of up per York was among those who dropped in Saturday to add their names to Tiiu Gax*ttk’« list. .“Mr. Prank Sanders, a son °f Mr. J. P. Sanders, left last night for Dillon, S. C., where he hes a position at roller coverer. Rev. W. N. Flanders re lumed last night from Dallas, from the bedside of his friend, W. W. Orrcnder, who died yes day:—Charlotte Observer, 22d. Miss Julia Smith, who has been working In the central telephone office at Gastonia, it at home this week ou a visit.— Mt. Holly Cor. Chenyville News. —Rev. F. C. Hickson preached at the Pirat Baptist church Sun day morning and night. He came np to see his old friends here and waa guest at the home of Mrs. J. D. Moore. Mr. Jas. P. Thomson was ta town yesterday on hia way north again to make additional purchases for hia big Yorkville - A_Ll.L _ m - >, an none a tar larger bnsiness thsn he ex pected. Miss Annie Plonk is now book-keeper and stenographer for the Piedmont Telephone and Telegraph Company. She suc ceeds Mias Annie Grsy, who has accepted a similar position at the Iioray office. —Mr. S. E. Foy was among the visitors in town yesterday. Moat of the time for the past two months, he haa been con fined at home with chills and fever and be is not strong yet. i(For fifty years,” said Mr. Foy, we haye had no chills at my place.” When asked if he was troubled by mosquito* this sum mer, he said that they were un usually bed. Many doctors hold to the theory that malaria, i like yellow fever, is carried about by mosquitoa. Wen a Prise. Mr. J. B. Beard returned Fri day night from Effingham, Illinois, where he has just com pleted a two months’ course in the Illinois school of photogra phy. He won a handsome gold watch fob which he won, in a ten days contest, for making the most perfectly finished pictnre in the entire class. Mr. Beard is now preparing to open at once a fine new studio. flelpbl Masting*. The gospel meetings in prog ress at the Methodist cbnrcn are centers of great interest. The sermons of Rev. John W. Moore, who is assisting the pastor, Rev. B. I,, Bain, are fall of the spirit and power of the gosnel and many have responded to iU call, ftfr. Moore is a son of old Gas toe and none bear him with greater interest or pleasure than bis old frienes. Tbe meetings are held daily, at 3:45 snd and 7:35 p m, ■awltaff Or tea Burglary. The burglars have agait tackled the store of W. B. Plans gu ft Co , at Bowling Green, They chose last Thursday night to make tbeir entrance by forc ing open tbe door, which the) accomplished by breaking tb< latch of tbe lock. They did not blow open tbe safe tbii time, bot contented tbemselvei with carrying off the monet drawer, which contained onlj 42 cants. Nothing else war missed, nor is there any cine t< the idenlty of tke culprits. fw»TMmn. At tbe home of the bride’i father, Mr. Martin Ford Wednesday afternoon at 3:31 o'clock, Miss Mattie Ford wil be married to Mr. Thad Thoms of Clover, Rev. R. C. Anderson paatorof tbe Gastonia Presby tafias chsrch officiating. Miai Ford U a most attractive an< lovable yoang lady, and bai many relatives snd frieuda ii Gastonia, many of whom wil attend tbe marriage. Mr Thomas Is a young farmer o sterling worth, and baa a bos •f friends who congratulate bin oq bis happy fortune. Short 1 ■Her the ceremony tbe hspp; young con pi* will leave for th Columbia Pair, extending thel trip to Charleston before return lag home. They will mak their home in Clover. » a t » T— . . RU SATURDAY NIGHT. , KmMmc* ol Mr. Bm« lelnon Destroyed— Loos Abaci Bell Covered by laccraace. Pire destroyed the residence of Mr. Hope Prison on West Main street Saturday night be tween 7:30 and 8 o'clock. By some uukuowc means the fire caught in the roof which was in o blase before the alarm aounded. Mr. Orison at that hour waa st th* office posting ap bis books, while his wife, with the baby, waa srith her slater, Mrs. W. T. Rankin, jnat across the street. The fire companies responded promptly to the signal, but tbs white company, on arrival, found its hose too abort and had to send hack to the city hall for more. The colored company waa detained several ininutra by a freight train across the track, but wncu it arrived aud coupled up tbc fire went to fading. Twice in case of fires on Hap py Hill and again on thia occa sion has the need of bettsr facil ities fur transporting the hose been emphasized. Some of the furnltare and fur nUbtDgs was saved, but much of it was broken or damaged in moving. The insurance carried was $600 on the house and $600 on the furniture, which coven about half of the loss. At lbs Tuesday AHernssn Club. The Tuesday Afternoon Clnb was delightfully and informally entertained on Tnesday loot by Mrs. T. L. Craig. Hach mem ber carried fancy work, thia passing the time both pleasant ly and profitably. Refresh ments, delicious and tempting were served in several courses. *uc guests were Mesaames l,. L. Jenkin*, W. K. Kiudley. T. W. Wilson and Miss Susie Hoffman. Carla* (or the President An hour before the President's train passed last Thursday night Section-master T. B. Terrell car ried out orders and spiked down every switch on his section be tween Gastonia and Bessemer City. A man with a lantern was left at each sariteb. and another, a colored man named Ed Poe, walked tbe entire track from tbe Arlington to Bessemer just ahead of the President’a special, which overtook Poe as he was nearing the end of bis beat. As soon as the train passed tbe spikes were drawn and tbe watchmen’s spe cial duly was ended. McADENVlLLE. ik.rmuanO*nr« of tb* OuMIt Dr. McLean is able to be out again. Prof. B. S. Ivry was in Char lotte Sunday. He was invited to sinf at a chnrch near there, and will probably teach a sing ing school for them. The members of tbe Baptist church are building a pool, and .when completed it will cost abont eighty-five dollars. Mr. Bjliot Linebergerand wife were in town Sunday. Mr. James Wright and wife, and Mr. Charlea Wright and wife, all of Concord, were visit ing home folks Sunday. Miss Reele Wilkersoa who has been sick about five week, is out again. LOVELL LOCALS. •*# tb* QuMt*. Mrs. J. K. Hand has returned from a visit to her friend, Miss Allle Craven, of Hopewell Meck lenburg county. Mr. r. P. Mnrpby-ia in Balti more consulting an oculist. Among tbe recent enjoyable occasions here, we.note the ice cream sapper given by Mrs. Fite and the birthday sapper o! Miss Lottie Albea. Tbe pupils of the Lowell school arc rejoicing over the fact that a large number of care fully selected books for the new library have arrived. The library will be opened as soon aa a new book case can be nude. Rev. R. A. Miller leaves this week for Synod at Red Springs. Miss Nellie Rose man, who boa been visiting relatives in Gastonia and Mbs Ethel Stowe at Belmont, ia spending this week with friends la Mt. Holly. Dea't Mbs It ' „ no* “*•• **»e Orest Van Antburg Show, which will arrive here on ita owu special trains aad give two performances in . Gastonia, N.C., on Tuesday. Oct. 31st,oae at 2 o’clock in the | afternoon end one at 0 o’clock ia I the evening. The doors to ita . big tents opening one hoar earlier. Grand free street parade ' in the forenoon on dav of | exhibition. The Lincoln Jonrnat reports . that the first snow of the season I fell at Vale, Mitchell, county Thursday the 12tb. 1 Mbs Pearl Clarke, of Lenoir, t 23 rears old, diad last Tuesday t morning at Hastlaad, Caswell t county, at the home of her r •later. Mra, R. H. Black wall, of > typhoid fever, after aa lllneaa of r three months duration. Miss • Clarke mas the youngest daugh » of Mr. aad Mra. S. M. Cbrke, of Loaofr. ?!■■■-" ■■■ -HI 1.1 H— SOUTB FOIE ASSOCIATION. *MtUis of Thru ConaUM Oath* ar at Dallas Thursday—la* dacad Baits oa Bsilrsad The South Fork Baptist As locution will meet Thursday morning with the church in Dallas, oi which Rev. J. L. Vippcrraan is pastor. Enrollment of delegates and organization will bo the first work. At nigh the introductory sermon will he preached by Rev. P. H. Purnell no wof Charlotte. The sessions will embrace tbc remainder of the week. This Association is composed of the churches in Catawba, i«tncoln and Goat on counties. Maj. W. A. Graltsm in moder ator, Rev. D. P. Bridge* is Clerk, and Mr. W. C. Mnllen treasurer. Red iced rati a are offered by tbc C. & N. W. Railway to all visitors to the Association wheth er delegates or not, aud the retee are good from Wednesday to Monday. Dallas is making ample preparation to care for all comers with bet proverbial hospitality, and the promise is for one of the best meetings the body has ever beld. ms* w. w. sibebdeTpeap. The End Cam Safarday Mara* *»<—Sari ad at Loaf Creek Sac day Aberoeoa. Mr. Will Offender died last Saturday morning at the home of his patents in Dallas. His serious illness was noted in these columns a few days ago. In failing health for a year, be sought the higher climate of Colorado a few weeks ago in the - hope that his lungs might there find healing. These hopes were baffled by a collapse which followed bis arrival at Denver, and about two weeks ago he was brought back borne fatally ill, Mr. Orrender was about 35 VPdrt nidi. iaii rtf Mr mm A Mr*. C. K. Orrender. A wife and one little daughter, 9 month* old. survive him. He leaves i besides bis parents, one brother, Mr. Charles Orrender, now with the W. T. Love Company, and two sisters, Mrs. J. L. Vipper man, and Mias Addie Orrender, of Dallas. He wss buried at Long Creek Baptist chnrcb Sun day afternoon, after services in tbe Dallas Baptist church and at the grave conducted by Rev. W. N.-Plunders, in which a prayer was offered by Rev. P. C. Hick son and a brief talk made by Rev. J. L. Vipperman in obedi ence to the dying request of his brother-in-law. A lsirge gather* ing of friends and acquaintances, attested their love and respect by attending the services. The character of Mr. Or render was of tbe finest, type. Refined and gentle by astute and tbe training of a Christian borne, he was loved by all who knew him. And those near and dear ones who moura kit loss most deeply do not mourn with out the sympathy of a host of Christian neighbors and friends. Stonewall Jacfcsaa'a Widow. New Vert TIsms. Zl«l. "I like yonr King Edward,” Rndyard Kipling makes one of his American characters de clare: "he’s so blamed British.” We like our President, some of us may say, wbo by no means approve all his public perform ances. because he’s so blamed American. Perhaps, in either case, tbe true statement would bn because he is so very human. Certainly the President's facility for doing human things in a human wav is one of tbe chief sources of bis popularity. He can sav with perfect truth that nothing human is foreign to him, whether be knosrs any thing about it or not. His present "swineine round Dm circle” seems to promise even ■ greater extension of Iris popu larity than any of ita predeces sors. His "progress" through Virginia seems to have bad the effect of destroying any oppo sition to him that lurked in the Old Dominion; And he captured North Carolina in bis thirty minutes at Charlotte. In that space of time he managed, to re fer to the Mecklenburg declara tion of independence, one if the proudest of tbe memories of all "tar basis.” But of course bis chief triumph ns what he said to the widow of Stonewall Jack* son abont her husband and her grandson, whom be has just ap pointed to West Point, and his insistence upon introducing hat to Mrs. Rooaeveh. This might have been the policy of a dema gogic politician. The Presi dent’s advantage is that In hit case nobody imputes these things to anything bat hnraaa impulses. The bitter cry of the Democratic politician in Texai may well be echoed by the Dene ocratic politicians of tba So-.th orn States through which thi President Is now pa tain*: " Yot Kthat mao out of hare, 01 to won’t be a Democratic vote left in the State." The old Watanna hotel a Blowing Rock is being remove* by its owner, Mr. T. H. Corny who will erect a modern bote oo or near tba eame site, say tba Democrat. J. M. BE ROOF nvPB 1 Do you own the roof over yonr bead? If not, just see what a list of desirable properties yon have here from which to boy yourself a bouse and borne 03 yi feet front on _ street, next to Loth craw_ church_|IW One lot, corner Marietta and Third St.. 100 ft. front. I price-SMI One lot on Marietta St.. 200 feet front, price__MM One 5-room bouse on High land Avenne, lot 50x200, price-JM One lot corner Highland Av enne and Kanlua Street, - 50x200, price-SMI 3 vacant lota on Highland Avenne in front of H. L. Manner's residence, 50x200, pnce i ai li |Hi Two vacant lota on Rankin St., 50x200 ft., each_SIM One vacant lot on Highland Avenne, 100x250 feet. price-__S9M 10 acres, my home place on Highland Avenne, with one five-room house and one 4-room house, price SMM 500 fcrt to be sold in lots to snit the buyer. This on west ride of Highland Avenue and opporite my home .place. One six-room house and lot, 50x200, on Rankin St., price-SMI Lot near Second Baptist Church, 300 ft. on Cross St. and 200 ft. on Avon Sl. with six new four room cottages, one store room 20x50 sad 2 small rooms. This property psjri^$36.00 per month.^^ Sixty-six acres of well-tim bered woodland 2 miles from railroad. Two lota in Dallas, on Col lege St., 66x190 feet. One lot in Dallaa, 212 feet fronting on College St., and 456 feet deep. Any of the above listed proper lie* will be sold on terms favoia-! Die 10 purcuAser. i I {TiTsuranceI J We want to be remembered when you are \ I ready to Insure your house, furniture, or C > 1 Stock of foods. And (f not so protected, 1 > you should waste so time seelaios. We O ( u'rlte Health and Accident Insurance! ft 1 For a small pittance you can secure lusur> 1 I once that will pay yoa your salary If un- * ft able to work through accident or any all- ft 5 U • Ul M lltHM. I The Love Trust Co. 1 ft au. kinds op insurance d Another Special Sale •t the W hi t f lei 4 Dry Good. S(mi We bay* Jut received a large tbifrt of GRAY ENAMELED WARE direct. We have mk special bar caiaa. H you need anything la this line It wiS pay yea to sac u. 12-*. Diah Pan. at ... . SOo 4-4L Hp*ed Sauce Pass. at . . !4o 4-qt, Berlin Sauce, covered . „ 3Oc 6-qt. Berlin Sauce Pots, covered 30c These are only a few of the barraios In this Una. Come I ' and ms them. • . - . r’ ‘' ’•'* • .>. ’ MwavMnMwaaai ■ *»'•» Whitfield Dry Goods Company Mdl ad^^Bp t LITTLE-LONO CO. I rheleMle end Retell, CHARLOTTE, N.C. I