a* * • iuiiloCa wt» ted ■m mn m. to* ha *« eating hto haan oat a* tba kaawtodg* that aba waa^Cn toraiiMto ftrtt ljur It wan 4(1 MUtoa* ic;.y v haraato at a UM rahM, i **> about trr a «oa aaluca noor ot than win an aton ot co in waa waiting, I toM and I land area pic tba grtn limy of a ' aa» Junior might nnnee bar SMurtuna with g Jolt, and I | li*d m to aaa that wa had molted the CHnhn) Court* balkllng. Ur. ' Hap*a apraag act, paw tba tbritor and *** ap Ota atapa to tba door, t after htau^JBa tnrnad down the oawhhr to ,«£^^aSSMtoS^atondy ^oltornd TIM M drew arrlnd y*tr* my «MpMW> Mb*d on* of tb* (Ml “T«L Mr; bfl la hb print* offlas." "wm m Uk* him tbla «anl tad JbhjdTi Ilk* a* *a* him at oocc, If *b* dak borttafl away with d* yf Ha waa back again km* “tbb wag, rirha oaUaJ. W* foifcnrod bfaa act*— tk* room aad through a door at tb* fiarttwr aid*. “Ah, Ur. low. pal to m* too." ' ao — aatarod. “IT* trial to lad rm tout night, bat Icaraad i eat of town, and I waa _ op yoar oOcc again.” ”10aa BnOaday add far tor. then!” "Taa, at ooec. Whoa we fomvt wo mHrt get tow, w* auggmtod yoor , bat A* amid oboM wait tin jw mJN I' arid ■** oar Jaalor’* face criawon "Ih dUbat tklak It aacaamy to c*o latba;! treat T* b* aakad. “Ok. no, tb* waao't dUtorbcd. Oho ««t tb* MfU at borne—oartar ear -That waa right- Of coon* ira aim b*T atmod to ao^att bar." OaHbatp laokad at bba cvrijoaly. *1 daa’t Imw, Ur. Bayer," bo *u Mow ly “If tb* iritew tan— oat ■* >*• f'J \ \ • Vw'.'i S X' * -'• '•' J "■■' -J 1 III———m— PtonacnH to Mend tor a manll Wfr» outy to proto aa nllM—to dmr that too arm eerne-thato dee. yon kaaar, at the lima tUo crtmo mu com muted—end tha wbrtk- terriers* tills to piasan In aa bt-toci. Too can da Mart nartly. wait ynaV !■ The eater had guac Crtnu her thaaha MPrtu. aad too touted tow toco la Mr 1 itoat know," aha murmured tndto Mostly. T mart think. Oh, don* tot it coanetothatr 1 traa ponied. confounded. With bat good uaue, her llta perhaps, in the bel an«a. tha wasted time to thMU I could arc that my drier was aetoaltoed torn -in try to keep it rtaao taming to that! Mark you wteh U,” ha Mid itaar hr- TU not ha nhto to nan yea, thro, to testify la yonr otra behalf-mad that always bnrto-but I hope (ha eaee win Weak down at ooca 1 belters H wlIL At nay into, deni worry. I tract yoa to rdy on ma." ■ha looked ap at fctoi agate, larilng T thnli.” the laortnniad softly. I'o ana I could desire aa bettor ehaxo pk»r Well, plainly, tt be woo this com ha would arts mi heslrtta I think area toa rnlkaoioii la the comer eaw tt. for ho taraod stray with a dis cretion tare to polloemen aad pretsnd ad to star* oat at tha window. I don’t knew what my (trial would hare said. Hte Bps ware trembling so be eonU oat apeak tor tha moment aad just then theca came a tap at the deer, and the co»cact*» etark leaked In. -Wotc ready to begin. Or,” he eald. “Very trad,' crlsd Mr. Roycs. Til como at aocA Good by for toe mo moot Mae HoUaday. 1 repeat, yoa may rdy on me,” and ha hastened from the room as confldcatty aa though toe had girded him (or toa battle. In stead, t told my at If, the bad boand him hand end foot before easting Mm down Into tha arena. chaptbq n. rl ootsr room was crowded from and to sod ana tbe it moaphert rwknd wttb unpleas ant dampness. Only behind tlta little railing baton the eonaart desk traa Uwn brae thing spate*, and we sank teto oar easts at tbo table than wttb a sigh at railaC. One nsTar realism bow many news papers than an to St* Tack until on* attends an Important criminal ease - that brings tbclr people out la dram and swarms. Tba raportora took up most of the apaea in tbte email roots. Paper and pan His won ar ary when la erUlcacc. and In rat corner Ibar* was a man wttb a camera stationed, de termined. I suppose, to pat a photo graph of oar dieal should sbe be called to tlia stand, the* non* could b* ob laiaoil Id any other way. I saw Singleton, tbs district attor ney, coma la sad sit down near tba coroner, and then the Jury died la tram tbetr room and took their seats I ■gamtoed tbeis, man by math with sente little anxiety, bat they all aiasiad Intelligent and fairly well to do. Ur. Boyce was louktag error tbdr niussa. sad be checked them off caratoUy aa tbo clerk celled the roll. Dts he bend ed tbe Hat op to the coroner with a iim. man “Oo ahead," bo said. Tbay'ra all ri#)t I gneea—they look all right” “Ifi a good Jary." replied tbe ear ester aa ba took tbe paper. "Batter than o»nil Are you reedy. Mr. Bls sWfntil” "Tes,” sskl the district sttoruey. “Ob, watt a mlmite,” be added, and bo gat ap and came doww to eur tablet "Xou'r* going to pat Ules HeUaday aa tbe stand, 1 saypoaa”— "And expose her to aH thirl" And oar Junior looked around tba room. "Not It I can help Itr "X don't eee bow yea can help It. An aBbCa tbe only thin* that can Sara bar trow bats* bound orar.” "We’ll erase that bridge whan wa coaio to It* retorted Mr. Hoyce. "I thMk tka caoo against her will seen die af Inanition." "Ob, vary well." And Mngtaton abruptly want back to bis desk, biting his mastaeba thoughtfully. Ha had mads eocoething of a reputation, since bis alectiaa a year before, aa a softer of afasbrnse criminal problems and bad secured a cearlcUen In two or throe capital eases whlcb bad tbiaet saad far a time to baffle tbe police. He end sally scented something of the seise kind bora or be weald bare In to sas of bis aa tbs multltuda. fflaro bad ■beat saa or two of them a hint «f aaprifisslusal eoadoet, which bad ■ado Mo brethren of tbs bar leak rather ssbsnre at Mo. He wedded la tba nirrsw after * was celled to order of coarse; had taftad BH OH tor Mm. He had been wtffl Mr. * srayr. _____, . Mm • o'clock yertecdny aft mar 1 coaU see that Hagen iraa duply moved. Ida face waa very whtta. ha MoWnual Itla llpt ucrtotwty from time ta tUur. and Me hand* grasped c» vwWrcly Uw nrm« ut bta ctuilr. l*Ubi IT tlw taaa before him waa far from aa ngm.tatUa one. “Wen. air." be began. "we had a wey baajr day yesterday aud were at tbo ofll co contaderabty la tar than usual, hut tor e a'clock we had rioted up work far the day. aad all the etliar riorka, wtrh the rxuptlw of the office hep. bad pam home, t had made some onto* from Mr. Holladay'a diclattao and hart returned ta my daak ta ar tauge them when tbo enter door open ed. and Mr. KoNartay's daughter cams M. 8b* asked aw whether her father was engaged, aad upon my saying nu opanad the inner doer aad entered hie office. Bhe remained. I should thin*, •hoot ten mlnutra. than abe caao oat agnta. walked rapidly past without look tag at me and, I suppose, left the bundling I Sal shed arranging By not** and lltcn entered Mr. Holladay'a eitco to anh If as bad any farther la struettoaa (or Be, and I found bin tying forward nu bta daak with a knife sticking la hta neck aad the Mood ■parting out. I summoned aid. but ha died without regaining ceoartouanaaa. 1 should say be waa practically dead when 1 found him." 4 felt rather than hoard tho little atlr which ran through tha roam. These was an lada&nabta horror in tho story aad In tho conctusloa to which It In evitably led. "Now. tat na pa baric a moment." said tha coroner as Hogan stopped aad mopped his forehead feverishly. 1 west tbo Jury to nndsrstand your story thoroughly. Mr. naUaday had been dictating to you?" "Tea." "And was quite wellT* "Tot; as well as usual. n*M ban suffering with Indlgurtloo for soots time past." "Bull he was able to attaad to boat ■Ofa. yu, sir. Tharu waa nothlag at all aariooB In hia Htoaae." "Too then left hia offics and rotamsd to your own. How long had you bean there before the outer door opened?" "Not over five minutes." "And who waa It entered?" "Miss Frances Bolladay. tha daugh ter of my employer." “Toc'rs quite aura? Toa know her waur ■ very wen. l ie mown ner ror many year*. She often drore to the office In the craning to tnks tar father tame. I supposed dint was what aha came for yesterday." “Ton looked at tar attmitlralyr Rogers hitched impatiently m Ua ctmlr, "I glanced at her as 1 always do," ho sold. “I didn’t store.” “Bat yoa'rn 4alto sure It wee Mies HoHndnyr “Absolutely sure, etr. Do yoo eup poee I'd make ua eanertlon like that If I wasn’t absolutely sure?” "No," said the coroner soothingly. “Bo, 1 don't suppose any soch thing, not for a moment, Mr. Rogers, only 1 want the Jury to see how certain the Id uat Idea Don In. Shall I proceed?” “Oo ahead, dr.” sgld Sogers. "I’ll 1 try to bold myself together a little better, air.” *T can see what a strain this la far you,” said tne coroner kindly, “sad I’ll ope re yen as rnoch aa l can. Now, after Mias Holladay entered the inner office, bow long did she remain there r’ ''About tea initiates. I sboald say. Not longer than that, certainly.” “Did you bear nuy sound of conecr oat Ion or nay unusual oolae of any ktodr' "No. air. it would bare been a very anniuol oolae to be nndlblc. Ur. llol feday’* office has heury walla anti a double ilo.tr which completely abut off all sound* from within.” “Alisa HultaUny thru came oat?” “Tan, sir." "Yu. air; walked past mo rapidly." “DM you not think that peculiar?’ “Why, Sir, eh* didn't of tan step to •peak to to*. I «na busy, uud so thoufht nothin* |«rtlcularly about It." “DM yon notice bar (ace? DM aba seats perturbed?’ “No, sir; I didn't notice. 1 jest Stance* up anti bowed. In tort,- 1 didn’t aeo her face at all, for eb* bad lowered her reil." “ner rear rapes UU tb* coroner. “You hadn’t mentioned that tow wore a vetL" “No, air; wlwn ah* cane htto tbc of* do* the had lined it up tor bor bet brine—you know how woman tie." "Yae—so you saw bar face distinctly when tote a*torert?’ “Tee, tor." "W«t wheat dbe went out alia lied towed Mr reil Wan it a beary "Why. tor," the witness Imitated. *Jnto an ordinary red. I ah sell any." "Itot ntlU haary enough to eenccal bar (Mar "Oh, yea, tor." tte coresar nodded. “New. Mr. heave, bow toss e time toe peed after drz?—rr-^ * i I * htm. "Aitd TOO found 10m. aa you nay, lying forward menma Ida desk with a luilfa m hla throat an.l the blood m .art lug out. DM yon rccugntoe the knlfer "Vet. air. It waa Ua Un'.fc a tnlfo bu kept lying JU Ills Oenk to sb:irx>cn issu-il* with auil crate nwd an on.” "fQnirpt wna l«f“ "It bad on# kaig blade, very ulmrp. air.” Tbn rurooer picked nj> a titlfi* that waa lying oa tlw desk Ivjfore lilm. "It tUa the knifer be naked. Bogota tooted at it carefully. ‘Tliofa tbo knife, air," bo auld. a ml H waa paaoad to tbo Jury. Winn ihny hart flubbed wWt It, Mr. Huyvo and I . examined ft It waa an oniluary ono bio' craaiag knit* with Ivory han dle. it waa apen, tba blade being •boot two tnebaa awl a half In fct«th. and. aa l anon imnvloced my soil, vxry •harp Indeed. “Will yoo describe Mr. Iloltoday’a poalttonr* continued tba CO reaver "Ho was lying forward oa tba dank, with bia artne ontitretebed and hit bead to one able." “And thore waa • groat don I of blood r "Ob. • great dealt Sotno oec appar ently bad attarapted to check it for a Uttto distance awny there waa a hand kerchief ovaked la blood." Tho eonmer picked tip a handker chief and handed It to tb« wltncaa. "la that tbo handkerchief T" ha asked. "Tea, Air," aald Rogers, after a mo man t. "fa It a man's or a woman'# haadker “Oh, a woman'*, undoubtadlyr The Jury cnmlwl it, and an did wo. It was a am on square of One cambric, with no mark that I eouM ass, soaked through and through with Wood—un queetlonihly a womau's handkerchief. Then Bogcra told the lost of tit* story —bow be bod summoned aid and In form ad tb* police. “Now. Mr. Roger*," said tb* coroner, when ho bad flnbbod. “tbecu la one point more Has there been nnythlug In your knowledge of Mr. Hollndny or bis bnetnsss to sunset tbs Idas of out rider The witness shook bis head decid edly. “Nothing whatever, slr,“ be said pos Itlrety. "ITU business was prospering, bo was happy and coatsutod- why. bo was planning for a trip abroad with hia daughter." “Let us suppose for a moment" con tinued Goldberg, "that ho did actually •tab himself ta his daughter's pres ence- What would you naturally ex pect her ta dor “I should export her to giro the alarm—to summon aid." replied Dog arm. "Certainly — unquestionably." And Goldberg nodded to my chief. “I turn the wltueee over to yon. Mr. Royno" he said. "Now, Mr. Sogers," began our Junior Impressively, ••you know, of coarse, that this wboio case hi ages at present on your identification of the woman who, presumably, was in Mr. Holla ddy*o office when he was stabbed, j waut to be very sure ef that MswUSca rion. Will you tail mo how she wna drasaodr The witness paused far a moment's thought ~mam wore a ami or Tory aark rid." bl said it last, "with *om« sort of Bor row dark trimming — Mack, pusilbly. That's all I can toll you about It" “Aim! tin bull" "I didn't notice the bat Mr. J only glancod at her." "Bat In that glance. Ur. Bogsrs, did yon toe nothing nominal, nothing which ■uggoatad to yonr mind that i>o*albty K Blight not in Uia* Hull* day T' “Nothing. *ir." "Boms chrings of demeanor, perhaps; of expression!” Tbs wltoaa* basiutad. “I thought abe wa* looking not quite *o wall a* naual." bo aold alowly, ”Bh* seemed a lltlto pale and worried.'' “Ab! It waa dork In the ofllco, won It not, ut 8 o'clock yesterday after noon?” "Wo bod timed on U«* light* half an hour before, air." "I* your offle* well Hghtodr* “I bare a light oror my daak, air, and there’* another on the wall" "So yon could not aeo yonr rlaltor’* faoo with absolute clearnessf “Ko. *lr, bat quite ckxirly raongh to rscegnMc bw." bo added doggedly. "Tot you thought ber looking pole and worried r "Tim, air; that was my Impression." "And Wlieu abo asked for Ur. QoOa duy did abo ass the words my fa I her.’ as your crUeucs would anggestr Again tbs witness hesitated la tbs ef fort at roeoOsetlon. “Na air." he tmswerod fluslly. "Tin .wards, I think, worn. *Ib Mr. Uonadny ••gaged at prsesntr " "« w*» Mias Ilol today's roloar "I could not say, air," answered tbs wttnoea, again mopping tbe persptra tisu from bis foretold. "I bar® ns wish to Inert ts Isa to Mias Holladay u> BseaaaarUy. I’m not saOefantty wen Bsquslatsd with her rates to swear to it" "Won, whoa joo lUMomd boo qw» Wo* la Um -o**ntlve, did Um hcUtmt* b«m DMng Um pdnta dtof 1th Ur. Um wist straight to It" "to there ao? lettering oa Um door r "Ob. jra, tbo anal Mtcrlag. Trt rato OdM.'* "So Hut or to If Um war* aot *r. qaatotod with Um ploaa, Um might atm ban mm Um to air "Too, Un I auypm ao." - "A*d fM stat'd, too. I baUor#, that fat aoaU bare board ao aaond of aa abamUaa la tbo prlrofo offln bnd «M MMHUr ! "Mu Un 1 eon id ban board aoCb |mU “Too bore ban wHh Mr. Uolladay | a tmm Uma, t ballon, tor. im—r [ "Onr thbtr raara. Ur." wtottoT b»n*OK M bod" It £ rtintu to matt nouie Mirra. Thu wmuan nnmt have cutuvd tin! *3w whlli' be »-a« on-ay. |io unr lur come out aim in. Uul, or cuuran, dfct not mo Uvr fn.w. Uo bud boon em ployed recently and did not know Ulan IMMgy. Then tho physicians who hud attend ed tbo dend man were called und tce Ulhat dial the knife bludo hod pen*, trutvd tlio loft carotid artery and that ho had bled to death waa doud. Indeed. Iwfnro they reached him. It would taka porhupe ton minute* to produce •ach an effusion of blood ua Uogvra hail nnttewd. certainly more than live inlmm-a. ao that tlia blow must have baew atmcli before tbo woman loft tlw bnaor a«o*. The policeman who bad rcepondnt *• tbo alarm testified that bo had rz amtned Hm wlndowa and that they were both hotted ou the Inalrto, prorlnd. lag tho poeelbtllty of any one swinging 4owa from a bow or clambering t|> from below. Nothing (u tbo office bail been disturbed. Tlrare wa* othnr evi dence of an Immaterial an lure, nnd then Was Helladaya maid wu. called. "Waa you* mlatrnm away from bom* yeUcrday afternoonr nuked tlw coro ner. "ken. air. Bbe had tbe cerriajpr or Cerct for 8 o'clock. Bbe was driven ■Wily abort!/ after thaL” ••And what time did alio returnr1 Alwni maid, catching tier breath to choke back n nob. “Rm? fainted dead away. Afterword she seemed to bo in B kind of dose till tbo doetjr come.” “Thr.t is ail. Kate you nuy quo tins* to ask the witness, Ur. Roy cor “Only one,” sold iijy chief, leaning forward. 1 knew whnt It tfn» nud bold my breatb. wondering whether It were wise to ask It “Do yon remember tbo gown your mistress wore yesterday ufternoonr be questioned. “Oh. yea, strr And the witness brightened. "It was n dark red brood cloth. rnude very plain, with only a Uttls narrow block braid for trim lOlUU.*' widow Ted rioters. Vsaus l» Msrlst at Hand at gsk la Besral Killed br loldtm. Will)am t. Blend, fresh from Russia by wnj of Hu land and Copenhagen, while In Berlin told his vivid Impres sion* of the things that he hud seen and beard and of (bo “ghastly welttr Into which no salon society boo drift ed.” Mr. Stood said: “Strange thing* are happening. Think of the Incident* at Ihrvnl. Same deter mined peesnua marched down tbo street to the town hall, followed by a crowd. Thor* the at ay or and council mca warv sitting, deliberating on the situation in came our determined Manila. “ 'We demand,' they said, *wa de mand liberty, universal suffrage and the right to rule ourselves.’ “ 'Bat,' said Lbs mayor, '1 cannot gtva you three tilings. 1 would glndly send your petition to the emperor.’ “•Well.’ continued tlie delegates, *wy are delegates of a revolution, and If we do not got wlull we want we liars de rided to burn the city. Ulre os 7,000 rabies r “Tbo muyor and hlfl M/lMfilM tbomaht It tmm bftitrr tq p«y ibe 7,50b nibioj than bnra 1H« cttjr bunted, to they raised tbo moocy. ptikl the dele gates, and the latter went awoy, prom Mag to be very good, nod they wan good. But another crowd came and said: Wbet a boat oaf Pay w too.’ “Thla too mayor woaJd n* do. and •bay treat a army with tbreata of