_ Ai4llltlUt«MtUmM»A I KEEP YOUR EYE ON IT | £ IU»M< *•»« ml Malat*,- £ * It aka»a rM«tNfM< plat* * t Tka 4ar rawr Uw la aal aat wkaa 7 I It'aUMtaMiatria. I ItutaaMamiommi***_ W. F. MARSHALL, Editor o»d Proprietor. VOL XXVI. i .. ..m To all our customer* and friends: GREETINGS 1 The year which U just drawing to ■ close has been a most successful one with this bank, for which we have to thank our customers and friend# who have made this posit bio. We hope yon have enjoyed a prosperous year, and that wc have beea of satisfactory service to you in bringing this about. The Officers sad Directors Individually and col I sc . lively extend to you the Compliments of the Season, hoping that your Christmas may be a Merry one, and that the coating year may bring you increased pros perity and happiness. Citizens National Bank of Gestonle PAY DAY AT PANAMA How Canal Laborers Are Given Their Wages. DT0IDEHT8 OP TRIP 08 MOVET OAX Fin«i Hfi feenoo Sloan tk* Use *kn (MOi llhrw D.Oua AM be at peg taia Mmataaae»Wale liar Trr «a •Bib*' Flak Far pari Ckiam »ae«r Crtalm. AO U not wold that (Utters oa the Isthmus Mach of It Is “tin," or “Msa** ss tba handsome and heavy silver colas the Panamanian government tarnishes the cone I paymaster far laborers’ Wages are celled, eays the i'aaaaiA oar respondent of the Kew Tork Ilerald. It would be jnst as aceoplable by any other name so long aa Cede gam burs the coin and stands behind It to (bo it tent of pay tug two of the cart wheat dollars far one of the kind be uses at home as SS6* tbs emsUar dollar la Panama too when be pays Ms ewu bays In tbs offices and all skilled white laborers, aad they to the Dumber of 2X00 ate paid oaea a mouth about $2WX00 In much the same uiuhner as foTorament clerk* are paid la Wash ington. There are 10X00 of tbo labor ers. who are paid gOuOOOb -th.- a month In fortnightly payment*, and the making thereof baa many Interest ing features On* day on tbs canal sous pay cor •bowed what a child la the avenge West Indian In spite of his innecolar aad nlber ferocious appearance. Per haps tbs belief tbat this Is to has taoch to da with tbo comfort of tba pay clerks and tbo safety of great piles of money periodically spread out la tbs Jungle before crowds of these lafsmne - gleets. Mot only their honesty, bat the seeming absence of a desire to steal on the part of the native Panamanian was demonstrated from tbo very start at tbs paymaster with tba bulky coin from die administration building. It sraa hardly daylight Cashier Wald rop’s watch gave tbo boor aa 8 o’clock, aad be motioned for driven of two doable mule tracks to beck up to the curb. Hxty thousand dollars wars ready for carting to tba Panama railroad station to be pat on the pay ear tor tba ’’silver men” working at CrUtohel, Qstun, Bohlo, Tmbernllla and Seu Pa blo. One of the throe Jamaican eons policemen went tasido to watch the ns-, gro boys bring oat the begs of coin, and the other* stood by while the bags wets pat oa tbs wagons. A crowd of M/It moniltiv MWra __A and aoeaxd to enjoy baarlHf ttx cola retUe as tbo baga war* thrown down. 5Tx enabler cried “Sixty r which tnoont that tbo (OO.UOO bail boo* loot}, ad and he waa ready to itart. A po liceman got on aoeb track. Uw mala* www wbipjxd op. but) tbo wagone. fol lowed by tbo easier and ttx eorre apoodoot bi ooo cab and rag ciecka kteibry. Png* and IXreyrW tn anotbor. waaw ooem gf fie atatlon. H*ttt It waa evident that aooo ona onanectcd with the Panama railroad bad blundered. Tbo jrny car wbteb abovld bar# bean la Panama waa at Colmi, tbo «4ber end of tiro rood. After erne delay, during wliicb tbo foaoou la eota waa on the tm.*a in tbo otroot. It waa decided to put tbo ataxy |o tbo baggast oar of tbo T o'clock tram and trwiafbr tt to tbo pay oar at Coton. whore payments weald begin Iwatwd of at Baa 1‘abio. "IVxwu’t you afraid aonxbody might nia off with one of tboa. Bag. white they www tlanding around tn tbo •treatf* ttx corroapeartoat aakad tbo caablar after tbo train got uniter way, "No* a bit." bo replied, with a x.x. “but I counted thow every tfax they worn moved joet tbo asms. Baeb bag coBtataa ti/no. It I* tree, but it watglw ality pouada. BSvar, yoo ooo, kao its advnatasw. .Vnbody to going to entry |1,OX> very far wHbowt get ting caugbf. But tfacrw to not the •Ugbtoet danger of teeing g dollar. Mt If a hag should break. The crowd *ow»d pick np tlx cate ami band It Is U there era* a raid K woakl taka a tot V- 1 , , : CJtiute.M ImiIoJ with gold ami Oliver colu. -Sny. WH. if are had this la • teyonim we wouldn't do m thiwg is it, ironiil war “.Ui. wbat'a the oset” r.'pihul the «tb«r disgustedly. "too •r.'nT log It off tli* blooming atrip." •U a IIUJ« after II o’clock the pay e-r. w'tb the colli aboard. wet run on n till lug et Cristobal end three lines of h’.ho.vrs faced the doom oa lu aide. Ybomi door* aru la pairs, the men climbing op on tlia track* of the car to <*<* uf the double doara and, ariar ra rcivlitg their money, passing oat tbs Other nod Jumping down. Tbs pay counter, naming Urn length of tbs ear, is rk»v to tbo dorrs, sad there la roots for only on* man to stand In front cf ‘I as lie iiassc* from one door to the other VI* difficulty of climbing t» the door also pnrrcau overcrowding Eaik lann most present bta ptak pay certiilcsto. which glees his number, *n* amount das Mm and rlie signature of tire o««lgnnud official, who ihus certt ffes (bat lb# bearer la the proper peraoa b> pay end has receipted far tlio money by slgn’itg bin name an I ho certificate. Tn furl her Identify him eel f tbo laberar niS. Tbta Is the work of two Chinese xtya whom the dlsburslug office, aflar k.rlug wbito clerk), girt* and others, bar* Ion.id to i>u tb* most rapid aud accurate uipuey counters ou tt>o latb inna, Chong and Leon, as they aru allied, will count and rail up In twenty lire dollar packages over (2G.000 a day aud oeror make a mistake. Of the mil •tons of dollars they have counted wrapped not oc* package has bean found in bo wrong. Their pay to $7C a month. gokL Laborer! are pah) at the rule of eight a minute at each door, or twenty-four • minute for tba car. This can bo kept up if no iHiperfoct certifies tea aru pru scutad or uue has not baen forged. This sow and then happens. It seem* strange that men who wit) not alcsu when the coin )» at their hand will try to raise rliolr csrtlfloulea. Ike forg. erieo am all of lha oust stupid flearrtp Itou. Tba amount of IQ will I* changed to >18 lu the figures In Utc order to pay and not In tho receipt. Tbo writ ten amount to never tampored with. Detection conics at a glance, and ar fuut la Iruutadlata. They occur swery Ou« explanation of thm absoM at tempt* at crime la that a Jamdrso with Uttla education la rery prow) of H, and, white br would acorn to da aorfc an Ignobto thing aa to sirs) out righv ho would glory in allowing bin Callow* that ha waa smart enough to obtalo money hi a more setenltOc way. Itoary peualttea am gradually aoou •anuttag lb la conceit. la a rnla a* •*°n aa tho la borer get* his wWMg ua pays hi* hoard and eantosu Mil. IJ« wsut wort for « day or so peehapa. hot tlx polleo say ha drinks rery liute »or* than oa othsr day*. Tli# nrruata do not materially increase The money goes' for bettor etetlms or hocus or Umtu is a frost or a game ot eanls. It •**••** sway, but while it last* tbs Irtnrt or track Hut* no attraction for «b* Jamaican. Pdjnwut in Ibo Juuglo at Taborallhu 0€tun ajm) Am molitr ctiups imk ni*> Uuumjus wwnea Many of dir oeg^m would taka thstr beta lute tho bush asd *ltf> »*• gtonudag direr, chatter tag 11k* msaksys all the white *“** •* *h* fs» mat. Many man about Xew Tort are warn ** ”*• reiiOTt that tba Mlk Hat, which for soauoua past has hnsnsu canbtem at propriety, iss't t* h* wsru except on state snoatlons, says •*w Kaw Tort Prase. Uonewrs Itnhto *«" «dd* a aerie* el call* the other afternoon raaplswlmt la a blue term «kd • scarlet Ms. BeMeuUy b* dldnn earn at al what aatarsd hm rat hs had doused a fan., httle tap, •an aalUbte tar wear in as awta It hi aatd that errs Umlsn to abandow lag tta sacred -topper," wont at aN time* asd an muss tar well trrnl Amsctren* bars ant aa ecampla far camfmt aad style la their draw not to b* nagi rated, feme few who red that they tort ar their best ,ln this OHmMtort feudgair lastet that H I* imp rastele that It rtsuM to «urt of fashion. Subscribe tot tba Qax«TTX TO REOUCE DIVORCES Expert Designer Favors Girts Making Their Dresses. HOW HEAT CLOTHES DEFIES! MEH Smr* Foote Hm maaMa Tiaaalba May Sa lw»it to tAa aim t«a(l»a. “Ilia divorce evil would Hat entirety dlaappoar did every woman know how te maka her vwa dromes bat putting her knowledge beta practice would ocr taluly greatly rodoca the anmber of <11 roroee annually panted by oar court*." Se dochtros Mrs Xvelyn Foote, ex pert dceigncr. who recently coociuded X lecture courae In Iirniolt, Wlecoujla ■nd liras ear* a Waalilantoa tpedoJ dtapatch to the St Towle M-PUwtdi. Mrs Foote la preaching to the vtaae of thooe a turn that a rtnirnklng coena ebould be added to the cwrrlco lom of every glrta' college. “So long at the mleirees of the boene la unable to design and make liar owa clothe* that home b Imperfect." con tinue* Mr*. Foots wbo by reaaoo gf bar fifteen yeerV experience aa as as pect doe inner le entitled to be baud. -Wooten are taught cooking. Why an they act tamgbt sowing aad Areas Booking! llio boa hand returning Lome tir*«t in mind and body to a fro way, ■lonitly dressed wife la the one of a large percent age 01 ear divorce cases. Daring boatne** hoars men--r with women who dram see tty and ere tidy and take cars of thstr personal ap pearancs. If Uioir wife greets them te the evening In a klmooo or a drsmlng •ack or a bedraggled dreee oocapert eon* ars Impossible to avoid, aad they are odious "T'V la It you woman drees far cv wybofly ala* except those yse levs best? Before marrtsg* yon *ant hour* prliaptag la front of the mirror, gig in oaths after marriage yen pay no at tention to what yoe wear When year husband to at boms. Can yen blame blm, then. If bo seeks the emspsuy of wteer women who know the way to a man’s heart Ue* not only through bis •tomach, bet through his eyes as well. Tho young women of oar so called higher Institutions of learning should be taught drsamaakJog Jnet as thoy are taught piano pitying, drawing or esofc tng. Draaareeking is a fine art. Tha sooner we recognise that the better for the stability of our social ralattoaa. “1 boUeve that ovary girl to beard lug school, sear Inary. ftiHags and only entry shook] take a corns* lo the a—'g-.-g end making of draeeaa whether eh* ro cs! res mining tn Ulgbm- mstbemstlca or not. One of the gist p stress I had when I began my career wee a talent ed girt who had Just graduated from Vasaar aad whe declared to me tost ah* would giro aliooet everything she possessed If ** could bat make her own shirt wrists. Today that girl malms bar own gowns, and thoy ars dna enough to wear to the moot task tons W* receptloua “Bnt It le the girt of tha poorer aad the middle, oven the ordinarily wall to do, classes who need this Instruction, to my last lectors tosr I met a ysong bride who for several year* bad t-rm employed In a bsetose* oeitu* as book keeper on a salary of $SB a month, ■b* spent bar Income mainly on Arose. Finally ah* married a man who Is ro celrtng 1100 or glK a month, pays lag a month bourn re* aad has to support htmaelf and wife on tha balance. There Is Uttio or notiileg left tor clothing. That girl le today perfectly miserable bacaose she cannot dress aa wan as ah* Aid before she was married. Hte Cftnnnt Mtkn mu »_-- __ DON'T* FOR bMOKEAS. "DWtl a 4*7." TWIP baaaa a day «tm 1 •Don't MU Tftnr Mrmm atdstly la the aatae part ad the 1 “BtwaM'ef damp tabataa; It eftaa •aaNtao pjyeoria." Tbaa* "duete” addraaaad I* tba nun af ararapa atranptb and aomal aerraa wa»a coked tba other day by CUkapa aorpaaBa-Ta dtecaaoloa af cancar af tba waatb or bnat, caaa ad frapaautly by axaaaalra and-1— Tba aecadoa af their talk te tba caaa rf PradaHtdt L. Pa war, aa actor, «ba ra eantly egtxaltled to aa opanltco ro •taring a Urpa part of hte toapaa la tteach a eaaoacaaa prowth, aaya a CkV rape dtepauh. White It te aot aaaartad that tobacco to tba aaaaa af bla lUnaaa eaaaa ataiUar la hte la which ataodar w»*l*t|teaat a eoatrfbatorr eaaaa wart la «M aMto at tte taw*. POWER OFELECTRICITY Sdtoon Tall. How It WOl R«v. o 1 u tio nUe H uraan ASmirm* 4B0XUS ABU EPOCH DAWBM toe toBtmw taraatar, wanton an yvt to ba HnfnktoO la tba warM af ataa> trtrify. la a racaat tauartev wttt laaaoa Cbaahaaa. ika Maw Irak ifoaMV tofraapBa^aw^ ka a*id la part: “Wn ora araptatf an tta varpe af aa attar gaaat cpadt la tta worWa kto toay It waakl not anvttoa mm aap ■airnlas to araka ap aad ^aamjkat nt «n U4om. It wflf kclDM. I it Mt It Mm t tNL atauar. It la toa erat*. Xban la aa aiiaaatty tar It It la eaaWr to carry ■ttattr rtoradoa by minima at ware* a at trail "\V* mart «»Umv from tkto Whale the om at tty W« lal «nt eaal uy Umr. It data tsa Da gnad ta took at tt. What we want ta tea raaamnt at tha And than"? aa wnsc la learrytog aresnd ml IIkm* ef tone at raw mate rial Ilka real wben we earn gat a peed act dellvarad to aa by wtra. ~X vary thing patau to tba tact that to tba near tat*ra dnlililly will be pro furnl fm* gaaaal rnranhayitsii bygr—rt power baoeee at the moatbe at eaal PM*. Ttmtte tha logleel aad u i Ho*, the troth It dart It wM eaat a ^■^ira^hento carry jOnrt* form* at eaal te be «1 attoeaoatb*aC a atom •»< **—w tha freight to be U4HL New. wa eaa ton eaal torn electricity at tee mine aad ooorey ft by wtoe ter Ian than half at tba coat at tea freight age ef ooal ' So. to 7—ra to eema. tee gnat elec tric pawar ptanta WIQ be eat ap to the «—l fie«n^»ectric pawar will taqMy tort riSTgraSt tty lorida of tftaeh yaara. I deal beery freltet tratoe aha. ■JoctrieUr will taka tea place ef be rear Jt «D aalra tee tahMe and tratoe problem ef rittoa. Sty Bear etoe trie atoraga battery Itself will atoba alaetrlttly rhaapsr than borsss. la toe battartaa. Par aely wtn tbay Uke half tea space ef harm tmB* bwt they wta m twtoe aa that. They eaa be aterad teiwteg at rtable*'spaee to Mew Taric wtn eerar at taut 1300000000 worth aC property. Ttowly Win electric power ha de atlaaa to tha fwtwra, bat an tea water power to tba trarii wta be arai ter tea pPHiBbia at rtiwrirtty. flat am maat baa began aad b adraaatog rap idly. to Oautorala. where jmh bare • I Babteribt far Trs OAX«mt ♦ 'M '■m j- + it m. ♦ ♦ ♦ s# ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ •• ♦ >.m ■:W ♦ ♦ ♦ : ♦ M.