The Gastonta Gazette. BUSINESS LOCALS. EASY CHAIRS—Bay your hus band's easy chair /or Christines from Williams Prawn'll** Co. V OST—In Gas Ionia a ladles' hunt G in* case koKI watch. Atlas works, smalt chain. Reward for re turti to Oasvttk office. _ Furniture Company, U-pfece aata at that—(4.SO to fll. SIDE BOARDS, china closets, din ner seta, sido tables, extension tables, dining roots chairs—tremen dous line nt Williams Kmufrrun* Co Wf ANTE U—Wood chopper* to cut W pin* wood nt High Sboxl* at 40cents a cord. See C. J. Hues or Andrew U. Moore, Lorsy Mills. RCOS, PICTURES, wicker chain. settee*, loanees, art squares, and everythin* else in house fur nishings. William* Fubnitukk Co. N. UNHBERGHR is with the * Eureka Hardware Co. Call and ace him when you want hard ware. Corner Main and Marietta Streets. jj TilHJIll BARHKKS in new barber abop Saturday (to-morrow). Pull else hair cuts, shaves, and shines. Giya my show a trial. _C. M. Xolaw, VWANTBD—A good compositor. w Regular employment, vood wages, (or suitable applicant. Til* CiAxrmt. HBHRY a BRAWLBY wiU gin every day until Dee. 23; alter tbat date on Fridays sod Saturday* only until Jan. 20, when we will close for the season. Bring your cotton at once. —2Bc4 PR1DB OF CHARLOTTR-The * holiday season is aowoa and every family wishes their (lour the beat. You get that by buying "Pride of Charlotte." Mecklen'bnry Flour Milts, Charlotte. N. C. O. M. Boyd & Company, Distributor*. e— ■ — is.——mass PRIDAY. DEC. 22. 1905. LOCAL AFPAIRS —Christmas next Monday. —Only 9 days more remain of of 190& —These are the toy man's busy days. —They say the goose-bone calls for a mild winter. —Very few yonng men are likely to be jilted this week. —The Christmas holidays have brought on the wedding season. —And don't forget that may be you haven't paid yonr library dues yet. —There will be a Christmas tree at the A. R. P. church Mon day night at 7 o’clock. —The Christmas exerdses at West End Methodist chnrch will be held Monday night. —About fifty jags of Salisbury Christmas boose passed through Gastonia Tuesday enroute to Yorkville, S. C. —Clearing weather set in yes terday morning, after one of the heaviest rains of the year on the night before. —The young folks off at school are troooing home for the holidays. A merry Christ mas to them all. —Emancipation Day Celebra tion in Gastonia will be a draw ing card for all the colored peo ple in the neighborhood. —The Sansouci Clnb and their friends were most delightfully entertained laat night by Miss Helen Jenkins at her home on marietta street. . The 200 Confederate pen S,0®?1* happy. The Clerk of the Court, Mr. Corn last wee? he paid tb,m $5,000 S&ajEsujfiai -a^VKi-fcS; »”^4““ “*< •"-£ th: «* last issne before asrafSsrAa'h^ P’^” which «t could deslre\£ SgjaraflB^S w££ P* "* 8****>« &. -—There is no ironed for the impression that only the town people can uaa the library Non-resideots la the county may use it bv depositing $1.50 and Perjog flfteea cents a mouth. And when they pey up ell dnee *"<* ^Wi ao longer to use the • Sasser**50 StnteoMsms “r-Bcnrtce of Beeeemci and Mlaa Carrie Adams of th* Modena Mill wan wedded eeiUU the lioe at Orover Tuesday aright The happy couple rrtsroed te Bessemer their fa tare beam. PERSONAL MBlfTiOH. —Rev. C. R. Rost of Speacei Mountain was in town yesterday, —Mr. R. C. Coon of Lincoln ton is with his brother W. L. Coos for the holidays. —Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Bennett of Lowell were Gastonia shoppers yesterday. ..—Mr. J. Holland and Mr. Vnd Wctaell are with Torrence Morris Company for the holidays. —Miss Zoa Porter la at home from the Davevport Female Col* lege for the holidays. —Mr. Will Linebcrger of Sonthside is in Gastonia for Christmas. —Rev. J. M. Downnm will spend Christmas with his family in Statesville. —Mr. Sam Sbuford attended tbe Tbompson-RudiaUl wedding in Lincolnton Wednesday. —Messrs. $cott Green and Crown Wilson were Charlotte visitors yesterday. —Mrs. R H Csrroll, of Con cord Is soending tbc holidays with her father, Mr. M. Prone bciger. . —Mr. D. P. Brown, of States ville was in town last night to _> a \_ewv n an. • fcus nuuuiu'AccTca wro* ding. —Mrs. Will Garibaldi of Char lotte U spending Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Costner on North Marietta street. —Miss Rosa Norris left yes terday for Cherryvilk to spend Christmas with htr friend, Mi«+ Annie Delta. —Miss Willie Jenkins is at home from the Greensboro Fe male College to spend the holi days. —Messrs. Bd Pegram and Oscar Shu ford came home from the A. and M. College Wednes day night to spend tne holidays. —Mr. snd Mrs. J. E. Dalton of the Avon have moved to tha , Loray mills to take charge of the boarding honsc. —Mr. Prank Saunders, of Dillon, S. C., will arrive to-day to spend Christmas with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Saunders near the Avon mills. —Mr. J. K. Dixon private Secretary for Congressmen B. Yates Webb arrived yesterday .morning from Washington to ■pend the holidays at home. —Mr. Fred Cathey, local ticket agent at the depot, has succeeded Miss Lillie Green as local operator for the Western Union Telegraph and Cable Company. —Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Davis celebrated the fortieth anniveraity of their marriage lest eight at their home on Bast Franklin Avenue, Esquire W. 1. Stowe, officiating. —Rev. and Mrs. John Hall will go to Lincolnton Tuesday morning to visit Mrs. Halt’s par ents. On Friday Mr. Hall will go to Atlanta to officiate at the marriage of his brother, Mr. B. P. Hall, of that city, who will will wed an Atlanta lady. —Mrs. J. R. Baber entertained yesterday afternoon at her home on York street, the Band of Hope society and the members of her Sunday school class. With amnslng games and re freshments the young people spent a moat delightful evening. —Miss Gnsaie Beatty, a sales lady at Thompson Co’s had a narrow escape from serious In jury yesterday by the fall of some shelving in the dijr goods department. The shelving gave way with but little warning and hemmed in by the counter, Miss Beatty was unable to escape. She sras braised somewhat; but _a _t_1_’ V^L.flU Dm . qnircr, 19th. New i|w< flare. Mr. I mac P. Caldwell arrived here Wednesday from Spenser end took charge of affairs at the depot, relieving Mr. N. L. Cer tain. Mrs. Caldwell is visiting, in Charlotte and will come to Gastonia as soon as s witabk residence can be procured. I Mr ary flaws. On Christmas day tba Library win not be opened. During week the morning bouri wiU be omitted aid the after ,peri?d will be from S to < Patrons of the library SVassta,? Nr. uU Nr» M.Vhmnl. three month* old child of Mr. end Mrs. R L. Dor haw, of Charlotte w’a i buried In the family plot at th* Gastonia cemetery Wedneadai afternoon at 2 o'clock. The chili died at the Dor haw home > Charlotte Tamd.y morffij at o’clock. This is the seca* U—the pawls bare rtsved by tbe loaa of a child Cept. R. L. Durham and hi brother. Rev. Plato Durham came with the body from Ch.r 1 ®tte, and while tbe storm am* theecldrria paid oo heed, tb‘ tiny little form w«S laid in thi grave. At Ufbaran Cbarcb. The Lutheran Sunday acbool will celebrate the Christmas fes tival with a service beginning promptly at 9:45 a. m. Tuesday Dec. 26th. There will be no Christpas tree, b n t presents have been provided (or tfie pu pils and will be distributed to those who come promptly. Boek Clab Matt*. The Book Club bcld a most delightful and interesting meet ing this afternoon with Mrs. P. R- Kalla on York Street. The Club made a study of Shakes peare’s " Romeo and JnHat”. Several papers were read by men berm which proved to be both entertaining and instruc tive. Imtn-ViM Mim Mattie Wofford of Gas tonia and Mr. Walter Reeves of Spsrtanburg were msrried Wed nesday night at the home of tie brides mother, Mrs. Jane Wol ford, near the Old Mill. The happy couple left on the more iug train yesterday for Spartan burg their future home. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. L. Bain. Tuesday Afternoon Clab. . Mrs. J. H. Kennedy was the delightful hostess of the T. A. Club on Tuesday afternoon. A word contest was much enjoyed, after which games were played. Delicious refreshments were served in three courses. The guests were Mrs. R. M. Reid, Mrs. 8. N. Boyce. Mias Willie McKctny, and Miss Mary Gal iuw»y. By ExprvM. When you seat) off that Christ package, get it there in time, pack glass in a wooden box and mark it "glaaa." On all Packages mark address very plainly ao it won’t mb out or come off. If yon don't want •ny Packages brought to you on Sunday, just let Mr. Nolen know it-in advance. Tbe ex* I press people have their own ! troubles; do what you canto lighten them. Far Breaking Into Freight Car. Jim Campbell, John Gladden, Glenn Adams and Albert Smith (all negroes) and Lem Tucker, white, were tried before Mayor Dixon Tuesday afternoon for stealing a barrel of beer I from a freight car at tha depot and with tbe exception of Albert Smith who was discharged, all were bound over to conrt in bond of 150 each. All these men were in tbe employ of tbe rsilroad and were arrested on complaint of the Southern’s detective. Fey-Ore an. At noon yesterday Miss Lillie Green and Mr. Joseph M. Foy were married in the parlor of the Falls House by Rev. B. L. Bain. The aredding was a very quiet one, only a few intimate friends witnessing tbe ceremony. Miss Green is well known in Gasto nia. having served as local ope rator of the Western Union Telegraph and Cable Company for some time. Mr. Foy is tbe operator for tbe same Company at Greensboro and is well known here. Tbe happy conple boarded the noon train ' amid showers of rice for Converse, »k. «-If!_n_a_. where they will spend s few days. Greensboro will be their future home. With Mrs. Cnig. Mrs. Thomas Lee Craig enter tained tbs Friendly Matrons at her home on West Main street lest Thursday afternoon at three o’clock. The home of Mra. Craig was exquisitely beautiful with decorations of holly, palms, ferns end red carnations. In each room were miniature Christ mas trees moot artistically and decorated, while the * were covered with hnhehea of mistletoe ready to an sl _home. In the i qrere eight tablet. „ each tebis n different game was pUnd. .Tt* cards were hand painted white satin pin coshioni and the score was kept with small beauty pins. Mra. Rufus M. Johoaoo was the winner of th* pnxe, a ^aurifnl silver paper knife. Refiean mcnts were served In four court* i ea and the guests *P«nt a most delightful afternoon. That# were about fifty guests present, including visitors. .Mrs. An drew Moore won the virttora prize, s silver mounted brush. — -——■» I I I 1 i 1 t 1 i I • i i : • i » i Lattcn la Saata Claaa. Dear Santa: 1 am a little boy •even yeara old. I go to achool mamma says I am a good little boy. I want yon to bring me a little trydcle and a little train and soma strawberry candy and oranges, bananas, applet and nuts. I live in the country on R. P. D. No. 4. I bone you will not have any trouble find* log me so good by till yon coma Christman night. Your little friend. _ . PnxoDUt JkmkiA, Gastonia. K. P. D. No. 4. Dear Santa: I am a little boy three vean old I do not go to school, I will go when I get old enough. Mamma says that I am a good little boy. I want too to please bring me a little horse and a dram and hors and •omc candy, oranges and some apples and nuts sod nisi os I live in the country on R. P. D. No. 4. So good by dear old Santa. Yonr little friend. Roam Jft wants, Gastonia, R. F. D. No. 4. Dear Santa Clans: I want you to come to sec me and bring me a tiycicle candy and oranges, please bring Ida and Blma a doll, each, and a box of bonbons. Yonr little friends, Vance, Ida, and Blma Hops* man. FKICES ADVANCING Property was cheaper last year than it is now. It is cheaper now than it will be next year. Bay at once. Here are some mighty good offers: Three-room house and lot on Main Street, near C. & N.-W. crossing, price_$550 7 lots on Franklin Ave. ex tension. One farm, 48 acres, 3 miles southeast of Gastonia, was $22.50, now, per acre_$25 One lot, corner Marietta and Third St., 100 ft. front, price_$500 One lot on Marietta St., 100 feet front, price-$000 One 5-room boose on High land Avenue, lot 50x200, price-.$850 One lot corner Highland Av enue sod Rankin Street, 30x200, price-.$250 3 vacant lots on Highland Avenue in front of M. L. Mauney’s residence, 50x200, price each___$200 Two vacant Iota on Rankin St., 30x200 ft., each_$130 One vacant lot on Highland Arcane, 100x250 feet, price . ... —_..$500 10 acres, my home place on Highland Ave., with one five-room hoase sad one 4-room bouse, price_$2300 500 feet to be sold in lots to suit the buyer. This on west side of Highland Avenue and opposite my home place. hot near Second Baptist Church, 300 ft, on Cross St. nod 200 ft. on Avon Bt., with six new four room cottages, one store room 20x50 end 2 small rooma. This property Sixty-six tens of well-tim bered woodland, 10 cords to acts, * talks from railroad, pries per acre—$20 Three lota la Dellas, on Col lect St., 00x190 feet. Any of the above listed proper ties will be sold on terms favor able tv purchaser. s.*ss yon have to wt. C. B. Armstrong II SpedaJ Prices oa Ilea’s sod Ladles* R»e Sbtes $3.00 Shota_S2J» $3.50 and $4 Shoci„.$JJt Only few Pair* of a load. 93.00Shoea 93.50 ud 9 UfantU 1 Diamond Rings I Fancy Stone Rings Rings in every style Diamond Brooches » Brooches in fine enamel Diamond Lockets Plain Lockets Odd Crosses A Watches, solid gold V Watches, gold filled V Watches, sterling silver (Watches in all styles and sizes Cm* Buttons, solid gold Stick Pins, solid gold Watch Chains, solid gold and | ^5S5PSS“--IW— Umbrellas la gold sod silver I Csnet, gold sad ailvsr mounted are those which are not only beautiful to look apoa bat are also of vae sod value; the kind to be found at oar store. We enumerate a tow articles from which yon may make your se lection; bat are have many which most be seen to be ap preciated. Cocos aod make your selection early—onr as sortment at this time is com plete. An early niiiTtoflf i has the choice of tb^Mhlc sir able gifts. All flpods re quiring h are engraved with* oat cost* Sterling Sliver ••• Novelty G»e4n 3 W Comb, talk, «t>4 Mirror 8«U I ,«bmiu,uu J \ °Kn * *1* Chrl«tw»> J IT0RRENCE-M0RR1S CO. j JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS • j lavftaHox to dm fade Inn. To accommodate partita who have fees la the Clerk’* office, I will be is Gastonia et the Falla Houaeon Tuesday, Dec. 28th, from 3 to 5 p. m. To aave time, examine Tax OKIXTTK ol Dec. 18th and note the pace on which yon have fate. C. C. CoaNWXLL. C. 8. C. H^alf a a - ' ••wiivv iv waVviivn• ft tee day a# Oeeei wNh—ttw win >* aWati TYrmWMITDtO paper*. Ml** Oasaroeflka. tlfThe New ® Barber Shop opposite the poet office Is now open •ed will appreciate your patroeege. EIECUTOW NOTICE. §£tft3S&ST&b«