rrL.z.Jrl rm may xed—don't ipar* It Win IN aaad MM* don't haaltate to draw Ml W$»m I Ihaakail hto aad *ia about to take ■V loam, far I had aooaa packing to da aad aaaae private hwatoan to ae nmm. wb«a a meaaage came frtan Dr. Tekktnaw Mr. Qraban nulled aa ha •tad It _ “MW la bettor." he aald; “Mac* httbw. Rrt eektug lor you. and J>a> H**aa MW to think you'd better so toy*. aapactotty if yoa can brlu* • "to* the thingr I cried. laMp to bid hto goodby. In any eraat" And toK an boar Mtar I .waa admitted an tor Janto'a room. He wae lying back to^r^toMhyrjMrt^aeaaMd gala and ■I aaaddart wait any tonger’inater." ha 11 ago a “It aeewa an age aluce Tea aaaa yoa. I’d hare aeot car yoa be to to tort I knew that yoa war* WMftllM?* “to* I aaaOad; “I waa working." *«t down and toll mi about ha WHlli “Art a beat h-ereey de tail - ae beapoha, aad Dr. -Why. rm fairly deed." ntoatauit May I etayr aald Mr. Hey re aad I to “WaH rm going with roar ha cried. JWhrTI etoeiwered, atartled by hie T4 ha ndghty glad to hara yea. bat do Hew about it SSpjep ■ wlto hall Mat -tfa aald had Men." ha aald. -He sss-trsar^; waah at mm da the waa*. wMoh la than ton da hara. 1 aaart keeg •a* MaM af Ma aUa. wheraear he la rah which X had Mt undone and Ur. Graham ^goodly and raa woo gulatad. and I out tinwa Car a anal awake and review of the attua Thwt wav one development of flho lay before which qaite bu«ei na I had proved that theca *m ImUnl twa women, awl I believed them to be Wether aad daogbtcc, imt I caoM not bt.Uke leant under* land why tba rooajr ■r ana had an coaghuh broken down attar tba ihoilitw* ef the Wat with lUaa HoDadoy. 1 loohad at thia paint from tvutj dh bat cooVI Ini no ma aoaabia estdaoattoa ef tt. It might he, indeed, that tbe younger one wraa haginotng already to rapaat her djore hi tba ronaptraejr. Theta ooakl be no gaaotin that n waa aha who had •track down nowaday la hit edtea. that aha lad itw nftart to gt farther la the plot, mod that her twpealouo had (band ft ntimary to react la bar. hot hh teamed to me tao exceedingly im probable to believe. aad aa I want arar the yiml again I frond oayadf be ginning more owl more to doubt the truth of Godfrey*! theory, though I could formulate aoua to taka Ita place. I became K»t tu a snnae of conjecture, aad at laat I gave M up aad waut to bad. I called far Mr. Boyca, aa w* had agreed. aad togatbar wa drove dowu to Mortou afreet. Ha. too, had limited Vfm mnri l deck hand to take then tat* owr stateroom. and. after aedaf them dioposid at, want out on deck U watch the laat preparations for dcr-ar tnre The ptor was In that stata at burly trarty which may be wlts—sd only at tha sailing at a tranaattantta knar. Tha tost at tha fretobt was being got aboard with frantic baste; tha boat and ptor were crowded with people who hod come tn bid tbetr tfhall goodby; two tap were puffing notolly aloe porta, ready tn poll no out Into the stream. My eounmntoo ap peared quite strung and nemated to oajoy the bustle sad hubbub a* math aa t did. Ha daubed with pleasure as ba caught sight oi our senior pushing Ida way toward os. "Why. thin la kind of you. alrr ha ettod, grasping Ida hand. *1 know What the work at the office most bo wHh both of os deserting yon this wnr." “Tat. totr And Mr. Grabsm smiled at aa. “Tou deserve a vacation, don't J«al I couldn't tot you go without r "I •« to towhw VOW to Mr*. Xoow bma and hor dn^hr.' toOte* yew goodby. Bealdea," bo add ad. ‘1 loaned jut tfale nomine that tare very dear Moods of adse are tak toe tola boat—Ur*. Kccoball and bar daaghtar—the widow of Jin Korn ball, yew know.** Mr. Korea nodded. I. too. recalled the bum. Jin Keaball bad boon om ■f the beet non at toe New York bar twenty yaata before end nut Inort tekly hare nede a rat nan* for him self brn lor Mo an timely dooih. I had beard a hundred otorlee of Mm. “Well. I want yon to neat them," aoutoued Mr. Graham, look Ice a boat to an direction#, "At, tore Wary anT And he dragged hie partner away to ward toe hew of toe heat I saw kin bow tod before a gray haired Bttlo lady end a yoaagar and taker one whoae kdak ra toward mo. They langtiod toe»«bcr for a moment than the last BamasseasesBxsssBssssBss hatful aad toM him of my mi then had ham ao way Ur aa ta gear* again* that. Ra lad entity ruawd the nwt Ua had only to eoa *oa too pwearagsr Hat to iatm kls> wtf that Mr. itayca aad t wart aoocri Ahd la waa fnttarwtng aa. beptor (ttfl What could a ama la hU cao dltlaa boa* la accompUtot What aaal wan than for aa to tear him? Aad yat tom was something about titu aama lUoc 1a too atnioaphwn at tba uan toat llaiaat tarrlfled aa t ease barh to earth to tad that Bayaa aad Men. Bemball had drifted •way taaailMT aad toot aiy companion waa regarding ua tram nod or half rlornd Ida wta a ttttla amOa at "So yon're awake again, Mr. Lem t*rr aha naked. “Da yea often eaffrr attack* of that eortr "Vaidco mo," I itauuarad “The fast to J-T*— "Yea looked quits dismayed." aka eoatlaaed ralenttaaety. "You seamed poatttraty horror atrfekaa. I aaw noth ing formidable aboot him.* ">to yoo don’t know hlmP I ratort •d and stopped, tart I tboald say tea math. "1 think we’d bettor nit dawn," ton ■nld. nulling. "Your kanaa aeon to be MUl neawwbat toaky." So we Bought a aunt near tba atana. where wa could wutek too city alak grndanUy away to Ike dtauac* aa too great beat tUdcd smoothly oat Into the bay. J coufens t waa wonted. I had not tooaght fur a moment that Mnrtlgsy would lur* to* Unortty to board too name boat with ua—yet it was not ao wonderful alter all. atoce be could not ga— toot I euapcctad him, that I knew btm and Bcthune to b* the aanu paraac. That waa uy great adraocaga. la any arrot wa were m no danger mm um. tie was probably followli* «■ only that bo might wara hla cealed cntm, oh raid wo aaam likely to dto eqiar lb*m. Certainly they were to no presist danger of discovery. and per Jhapa might never be. Bat bla following on hie disregard of tbe grave danger to Mmatlf, ga-ro mo a new mcarare of hi* mrtga determination to baSo a*. I found myself more and more begin ning to fear him. tUxmld I inform Mr. Boyce of thto new dorolotimentf I naked myself, then ! remembered the doctor** word*. He moat bare rest and quiet daring the "I trust that ra not to the way. Mr. laatorr* inquired a tow, provoking voice it ay etde, and I awoke to the fact that I bad again boon gouty of fergettlsg my reto|inehw “MU* KembaU.'* I beaut desperately, “let me confess that ra in an aimed lofty vexatious attnatton The fact that I can't aak ad rice makes It wane.“ “Toe o*nt aak even Mr. Boycer the queried, with raised brow*. “He lean of aa Yon sen, ks*e jest recovering from n aovoce nerroua breakdown." “I ieo,~ aha nodded. I glanced at her again—at toe span, -candid eye*, the forcafol month and chin—and 1 took a ruddan resolution. “MBs Kemball." I aald. *Tm goto# to aak year help—that la. U I may.” “Of coarse yon may." “Wall, than, that man who cam* oo board last la the Inveterate enemy ef both Mr. Boyce and myself. 'We're trying to oneartb a particularly atro cious place of nils lay in which he’a concerned. I have reason to |mU«v* bio capable of anything and a Tory dead of ctovarnosa. I don't know wtutl be may plot against aa. but I'm certain he'll plot eixnetblug. Mr. Boyce doesn’t ereo know fatm by Btgbt and aboqUn*t be worried, but trnleas he's forewarned he nay walk rtgbt Into dauger. 1 want you to belp me keep an aye on him—to balp me k**r> him out of danger. WtU you belp mer "Why, cortalnlyr aba cried. “go we're to bare a mystery—Joat we Ivor “Jest wc two," I aasantad Hb* looked nt mo doubtfully. “1 moot remember Mr. Graham's warning;" aba said. "Yen haven't In vented thB aetualnhlng story Just to entertain me, Mr. LMtwT "On my word, no,” I responded a lit tle bilterly. "I only wish t had!" 'Therar Mm. aald cootrltaly. “1 ehoalda’t bora doabtad. Forgl-re me, Mr. Lester. Only It nemed aa fantas tic. so Improbable”— “It B fantastic.” 1 assented, “but, na foetuaetaly. It la trua. W# mast kaop aa ay* ra M. Martigsy, or Bothuna." “Which to Us real tuuner “Those arc the only ones I knew, bat I doubt If either to tbe tea* taa" Boyce «>d Mr*. KembaU Joined m a mam eat tator. sad ws sat watching ft* tow. distant Long Island sher* an tU ft* gong amamoaed aa to touch A ward to tha stswerd bad eeiarad a* aaaaf tha saaaB toUea a an aims* at ft* eMa. Oar flm meal at saa was * merry ana, Mr. Boyss —Mg la raft spirits that I waa mors than aver detorasluad not to dtotarb blm with ft* knowledge of Mn—gnT* yniinai. aeemed mars sad mars ramlTM for. It wm quite peaalMa I tnM mysaif. ftat I bod beaa maklag a bogy of ay pwn laagBdnga. Tba r—ibain did Mt appear In ft* saloon, and after ward an toqaSry of ft* MHpto doctor devtoepsd ft* fast gat be was sart eatoy K end qnW* «aabv* to toevn bid pwwwwmj—i — MrtalMr. U tor* OMU" "«•'* MIN raolMt to hi* bed r “Ob. jrta. Me won't Move It during tli* v>r»BO If bo taken my ailrtco. Ho e Ik 11 give Ui boon juat o» little work . m ptMstblo or It'll throw rqp the ;oh a), together." I tunnel tto talk to miter thing*, ini hi a faw uemimU be went .mi Ekuic bta round*. Bat I waa not long alooo. for I tow MM* Kouiltall nmuea towatd in* “tto nal do mcr hue InW Ita hand on you, to* Mr, IiMtorr »lie cclfvl. “Only n flidtcy.** I aaM. “('..it v. Hurmi l» enough. Won't you t«V»* |,' r on n poor luWwman aud talk to 1, “Uut that'# re rural a* our pul tinner rtir ptotMtod. alt Hug down, euviuth*! Mm. to my grout aallafUellno. "It w.n yon wko warn to be tto ti.'.-rln'uerl I* oar Mrpblato ebraaO yol f eto alli ed la a lower touo. "Mipblato la atlll wreulltng with tiM bnart, which. It annul*. I* woiwly aide j to fuiuith the Mood mver.viry iu brc;> l.lm Jt>!ng. The doctor tl'U mo Him toll probably tpcn.l tto Tnyiifpi ntol" "ftp Ihi'rcll ho nothing fur tie i t do after nJl Ho yon kao>v, I wet loaiwu to becon.o a fcaialo locuqr j “IVvliap* you may atm b:iv« tl>a 1 ctuiucry” l ealil gloomily. “I ilon'ul vet.c . ranch whether Mepbleto will vjaocuL j to remain Inactive." *be clapped her bauJa and timlded a toughing recognition to otto of i!ie ! p&Jedug luomcnadcra. “Toti'rn gntug to 1'arl*. urent you. ’ Uiaa KemboUr* I aakeil. “Tto l'nrla-yen. Von tbs?" “W* go flrat to Ktrrtiit.” 1 ulit end atopped a« the leaped, toughing. buck j » * Won’t yon taka pity on a poor ImuJe- J inimf " in her cbatr. "Why. what'a wrung wiili ! thatJ" I demanded. tn aoiue ustuolali- i Bent. “Wrong? Oh. nothing Etrotnt’a a moot delightful plate—only it recalled to me an amusing memory of bow my mother waa one day scandalised there . by none artraassa who wore batblug. But lfa hardly the eeeaoa fur Kl inset. Tbn netranaon hare not yet arrived. Zoo’ll Bud It deli" “We will not atay tliera loug." 1 told. “But tell ma about It." ! "BtretaV auld my euiuitanlou, ’to ’ a bohemian rceort. It ha* u beach of j gravel where people batlio nil (Jay long. J VThau one’s llml of bathing tliero are the cliff* and the dowus, aud In the erenlug there** the cealuo. Von know Trench. Mr. LeeterT’ "Oh. I know tha pbraso mud* Im mortal by Mark Twain.’’ “ ‘Atea-rou* du vinr—yea." "And 1 think 1 alao liave ■ hn*y ree OllecUoo of the Trench equivalent! for bread and butter and eta*** and uihl * Wa ahan’t atarva. BoslOaa. 1 think Mr. Boyce can help. Ho’a been to Frauce." "Of course—end here ho cornea to claim hi* chair." "I won’t permit him to ciatin It If yon’ll one It • little longer." 1 pretest ed. "Oh, but I must be going." And she arose, laughing "Haro 1 been a satis factory entertainerT "More than satisfactory; fll accept bo other." "Bnl you won’t need nay at ul) after this morning—I don’t roally bettevo yotfre III now I" ■be nodded to Boyce cud moved away without walttng for my answer. Saturday. Sunday and Monday passed, with oety sock Inutdeuta to enliven lham aa are common to nil voyngr-s, but I aaw that quiet end sea air were j doing their work wen with my coni- ! pan Ion and that ha waa steadily re gaining hla normal health, mo I felt more sod more at liberty tn devote my aa* to Mies Korn ball, la sack momenta as tbm would permit me. and I found bar fnaetoattoai increasing In a ratio gotta geometrical Uartlguy was still abed, and. a* tha ship’s doctor told me. Twrj It wao Tmadwy avonhi* tbut Hrt I Kamball and bar daughter johiad aa oo ‘he yrmuaoadch and wo foaiad a acoMo (be atuidow of tlt« whoelh mrA aat for a long Uuw tnlkU.g of thing* watching tha ruojullgut .rWJS tha araior. At laet wo nreao to ra m lit norm and Hit Kcahall Kartod m ehecd. “Two more da/a a ad wMD bo at Bar**" I mid. "111 bo rrrr earry." “Perry t Td aarrr bar* «o*|«rtod ! /oo of atwh • fatadMaaa for the ocean.” “Ola K*a la* 111* oiwi!" I .iratraatad. and— who* with the mjoaa light ami tlm •Oft Bight gad I be opporirotf/—“tlio time and the |riooa a»4 the loved one. MM tagathrr"—waotd bora attarod 1 ' know got wbat to«/ kol aba aat epruiag aoddaaal/ fararard with a abarp ary of alarm. ; “Mr. Uayear MM rrlad. “Mother^ I Thar Happed and tanaad toward her fM aa a haary agar araahad ta the " (TolU continue).) Ittkakalh gaarlao. A aoatf pra/rr aorrle* anwmrl raemitly at tha Hartwell rrcoh/tarkm ah■*Mi which will aoMtnam fwr twenty. M* day*, my* Dm CtnrterwU Ihuiatrar. Tkr aftar day Da pra/rca war* for mi ■rmbew of Ihr rewgramatlaa wham mama bag* wMh Tha nut .In/ Ama vbm* Mama bvghi with “IT wrnw ta bo proymi far. ami ea oo ail Bhrgagh da* atphelet. Tha aarrtm waa Marhml hp am mm*, nr. rhifim y. 0 SOCIETY TO SHE BISON I Plen* cf Organ lent ion Supported by President Roosevelt. IIOVEKEHT STARTED AT HEW TORT Wilt TW ApsmliB «o IW am Ariirvprtaitoa to VtutUo laorv Hum far Mulatalntas tier Aa wt Omt (nlo-Amt-viean UtaiMal'a c—tr. •ImI na> Wall aa ItaUnaaial Volaa to Ba r»bo4 Huivortod by rnaktent Rodaarwtt t:n) by Dm landing muunilUt* of tlio xtditry, the American Tllano society wna orgunlicd recently at n meat In* Is ibo Xe* Turk uil^glml garden*. Itronx park, aay* U»o Xotr XotB l*oat. XUo object of the fouuilaru la tit acenro p»Ti>n uncut add Individual aid In pce torvliiK Ibe bitoti, which I* rapidly bo LVDilug extinct In rite land wlier* one* liia brood rored the tHalna by mill tuna. After teen ring r a taiga a membership tad c.» mini} coiilrlhiilloit* aa possible. Die society will f.jiiaiil to'cjnxrcaa for tn appropriation largo enough to pro vide one or mors lilaon n arrvatIona— grmt tract* of laud un which the ani mal* may f.onr!*h end multiply. At l«rc.aent there are l«tM than l.OOf) of Diem In America outaldo of ecological Cardona, and tlie owner* ore private i-ltIrena without enclosure* of tufflefaot rise to give * buffalo the range ha need*. If tho goTcnuDcct will under take the solution of tho problem, aay ihe natumlim*. there will be no dlfll rnliy lu warding off the destruction of (•*.' Uiust anlrnnl* now er!tting RoosoTvlt mu cliuwen lionnmry prwt ileut of the society, tie tmd agreed previously to accept the office on coo illUou llie active list should bo eom poxwl of die proper men. and ever alnoe tlio plan waa h roc dial to him by Hr neat Hamid Bayne* he baa been en thusiastic over Ita outcome. The other oGleam clecCcd were William I*. Tlorna itay, pivabloot: lYofcs#ur Cbarlaa M. Uinut of Harvard university sail Presi dent A_ A. Anderson of the Campfire Club of America, vice presidents; Er nest Humid Haynes, secretary, and Brtivard Seymour, treaaurer. Speaking of the reasons far the move ment to rare the blsoo, Mr. Bayne* de scribed erraral experiments be bad made to prom Ural tile animals were superior to domestic cattle aa draft boasts, lie borrowed two baby bulla from tho Corbins, who own a herd of 100 bead In New Dampeldre. and train ed thorn to tlio yoka. With In a few months they were entirely serviceable and cvold give points to pulling a load to any oxen of their own ago. They were also drilled In tingle harness, and throughout Uielr rearing ware cored for like ordinary calve*. Cute llie gorcrement has acquired a hard aud started to Increase Us num bers along proper lines. Mr. Baynes says, Urn bison's commercial value to the United Suites will become estab lish ud. Bexklce promising weB at u draft animal, the buffalo furnishes meat that cannot be surpassed and fur robes tout for certain purpose* ceaoot be equated by those from any otter creature. With tlw breed syitamatlcal ly maintained there could be a large output from time to time for these uses, (he animals belnff distributed throughout the country as fast as they overflowed thatr reservations. Of the tantUnental reasons fur sav ing the bison much has boon said, but hitherto no practical stop has been tak en for bis preservation. Every one know* how bis progenitors, when there were millions of them, served the west era pioneers for food when no other food was obtainable and gave winter clothing to the first settlers when e buf falo hide waa the moat easily procured and often the only covering to be had. Even If they were of so commercial worth, as Mr. Ilnyues says. Americana wbo know of their part In the country’s history should not Uke to see them ef faced from tho earth. The danger that tbs private herds will disintegrate may not bo Immedi ate. but It U certain the strength of the bread will gradually diminish unless ton animals can hero the freedom and wide range toetr naturae require. Be sides the herd In New Hampshire there are large ones in Montana and Texas and smarter mine in other wewh am states. The Moo tans herd, owned by a half Indian named Pibkx Is sold t* be tho largest, numbering 425. It Is not known, however, that thewe are all fall blooded. The “cotta lo.” which Is half domestic cattle and heir wild buffalo, ha* come to bo a common anj mnt In tho herds, and some owners have made e special effort to raise ***** cross d*. which am noted for their valuable hide*. In addition to tbs weakening of the blsoo from being abut Into smalt te Moaaraa, hU owners are bsstsoing hie end by setllng aa occasional head or bbln. A l>nnr*I* robe those gays brings frnni 11 Ml tn farm a i__ a -** Mounted, eoota WOO or WOO In • t«st danotat’o abop. It to a* Moan tompta tim to to* tnnKir wtiea a buyer drop* to once or tolti a year a ad otter* hint fetey price* for a fow at too lalaiato Ur. Rayaoa aoy* too uppoa| to co% tnm for a roocrratloa aad an apprp prtntioa will bo mad* aa aoaa a* pan Ubto. In tot tncaatlm* a wm eon far with FraaMmt nnpoatolt A Ran Bird la Raalaal, Tbo aoolocteal carton, to London to emtlr Mctorad too drat bomalna bM wMA baa raacfeod too cardan aad top aanasd wttoft ho* rror arrlrod in *** *•*•. oaya too London CboonMo. It waa breacht from VcntnaoU by Can. tola fata, and I la food to at rap arte** w« extract ot boat, tbo Urd to * dait froaa to rotor, wHb tfoo abotfca. S§§§E2** fSSrAnar na hmrwa too Mho at hoow not Utoftoy japon oanoom* of i r __ i g———— BIG KAN8AS CORN CROP. I. ■ i i M»lk MmIimI lr*n tlkwh t* D»ll U the luUsf. Sanaa a will produce au uumranUy larga crop of coni this yew. «aya a To paka «xwea|MiiMirul of Ike St I.oula Ulebo-Ik-mncini. It la tnvgo lu Lkv unto bar of bushels wWeli WUI bn pro duced ou each a its. and the sirs and atalka of tbe grain kaelf are largo. Photographs of comOelds which have been received by D. Coburn. eecrc tary of the 8 lata Agricultural society, ■bow that tbe cornstalks wtU be soor tnona. Home of tbe atalka wklch Uavo been sltlpped to Ibu atatoitouoe at To peka arc front fourteen to wventeea Mot In height, and It la eight feet front the ground to the Srat ear of corn. These large atulks have irourtahment In thcaa. for wore than one «sr of cor* la an each stalk, and on many tluire ara two and tinea fell Steed miw Ono evidence of tbe alxe of tlio com crop la tbe fact that tn nutty agricul tural districts the school* ware dla uilwrd for two weeks In order that tbe pnplla might be allowed to help tbelr parents husk tbe corn. Ttuports bare been received by I. L. Imj-koC state snperlntandoat of pdhlic instruction, fro: a several district* In wbicb tbe pu pils nud l*.- tcarhvra ware helping ttie funner* gather their Urge corn crop* before ooid weather began, tn one school district In JCoiuaha county, a few miles south of Habetba, tbe board of tn litres Cn-u«l upon a rani Uao wbicb shall list until after Christ ina* foe the parpoao of silowlag the larger boys to work In the caruttotdat Homo of tiio largest vonittliU and the boat production In tbo stats are uoar the northern bordar. This I* the cam belt. L W. ttiesiey, who lire* near Krankfort, tn tbe In-art of tbo corn bolt. 1ms tent to Ur. Coburu a photo graph of one of Ids field*. 11)* stalks are much taller Urn.i lie, and be to n man of more than six fvrt In height __ | ' » Subways Pnr Ssnsa Areas. Bnenoe Ayna; Argentina, le to have a ayatem of snhwoys. Professional Cards. db. d. e. McConnell. DENTIST. Office firstfloor Y. 11. C. A. Bld’g GASTONIA, N. C. Phone 69 Dr*. FALLS 4 WILKINS DENTISTS GASTONIA, N. C. Office in Adams Building. __Phone 86. Dr. C. M. BEAM. DENTIST. DALLAS.N. C. Offices Over Bank. T.Itpbona: Della*. N». IS—*K ri»rv Dr. J. M. Hunter OP ROCK HILL, ft. c. Make, a ftp.cl.ltr at Cancers, Tnmora, Chronic Ul cers, Diseases of the Liver, Kid neys, Dyspepsia and Indigestion, and Diseases of the Genito-Uri nary Organa. Treats Wit beat the KaHc, Laaa of Rlaod, a ad Little Pala ta Patlaat. Ttrail af Treataiaat Satisfaclary. 25 years of practical experience. _ 81S-Sm Dr. W. H. Wakefield OF CHARLOTTE will be in Cattcraia at the Palls Hons* on Friday Dec. 22nd., for the purpose of treating diseases of the Pitting oiaaEcT “d ThrD“ °nd The Doctor con be seen in his Charlotte office in the Hunt Build ing on every Monday and Tuesday Also^ on Sunday by emergency TBECROWELL SANATORIUM Charlotte, N. C. _ C. i N.-W. RAILWAY CO. dh_____^ m mm m vvpur l Hie HI ClMstar, S. C-, N«v. II, ISOS Christmas Holiday Excursion Rstes, Season 1906*1006 Circular N*t see Account of the above occasion ill our agents are hereby au thorized to sell tickets at rates and nnder conditions named be low: ron the rustic. Rate of one and oue-tbird firat clase fare, minitnnm 25 cent* to , all points between Cbester and Mortimer inclusive Dates of ssle-Dec. 23, 24, 25, 30^nd 31st, 1906 and jan. 1st, Pinal limit—Continuous pas sage in each direction, final Km* ; it January 4tb. 1906. ! toe TKActntas and studrxts Por teachers and students of all schools sod colleges same rate will apply •* shown above on presentation and surreoder of certificates signed by the Superintendent, Principal, or President of school or collegn. Clw'-SS?' 17,5 - Fnsnl limit—Continuous pan *® mch direction, final lim it January 9th, 1906. „ B. P. Reid. General Passenger Agent

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