The Gastonia Gazette. I- ; PERSONAL MENTION. BUSINESS LOCALS. lIIATTKL MORTQAGR BLANKS lor Buie at tun uazette ouice, OTRAYED White Bull pup O soots on head . Reward for re Tan turn to R. D. Uabington. It wages, tor suitable Gazette. pood compositor, applicant, Tub Regular employment, ... pood WANTED Wood choppers to cut vv pine wood at Hisrb bhoals at - 55 cents a cord. ' See C. J. Huss or Andrew 1. Moore, Loray Mills. TYPEWRITING tapers. m a nn I script covers, duplicating papers l"c V - and carbon sheets; for sale at Ths Mrs. J. li. Ikal. GAZBTTBOIUCe. - - - . TUESDAY, JAN. 9, 1906. LOCAL AFFAIRS . . Nothing doing on the cotton platform yesterday. " . ' The Book Club meets to morrow, afternoon. with . the presideut, Miss Nell Smyre. , The Great Heywood Com pany will be an attraction at the .Opera House to-morrow night.'-::;:,: - ;,.,vv,;;' i Four bales were the receipts on the local cotton ' market Saturday. The price remains 11:25. , - . Miss ' Pansy Trawick, of Yorkyille," came up for the - Lot tin- Jackson - wedding and is spending the week with Mrs, - Robert Adams. - --. - , Annual meeting of the , stockholders" of the Citizens National Bank will be held in the offices of the bank this - afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Osmond Stock Cora pany closed an engagement at the opera house Saturday night." A good audience greeted the company at every perform ance. At the annual meeting of the Gastonia Commercial Club in the club room five new mem Ders were admitted, mating a total membership of 96. The club is not yet a year old " The Epworth League of.the Main street M. E. church will hold,, their regular monthly literary and social meeting in the League room Friday night at 7;30. Everybody cordially in vited. . ,. The books for the third series of stock in the Gastonia Mutual Building and Loan As sociation are now open at office of -the Secretary Treasurer. See their ad iu issue. the and this Child Died. The two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Morrow -died late Thursday afternoon. The little " form was buried at Pisgah Fri day. Dallas Heal Estate. Sheriff C- B. Armstrong last week sold the following proper ty in Dallas : A bouse and lobl "to Mr. E. L. Wilson, house and lot to the Morb-Webb cotton mill, three vacant lots to the . Dallas Cotton Mill, and one va cant lot to Mr. J. VV. Hastings. Real Estate. Mr. A, C. Stroup has sold 50 acres of his farm near Lowell to Mr. J. O. McArver and bought - 250 acres in Mecklen- County near Huntersville from Mr. W. B. Puit. ' Mr. Stroup however will not change his residence, as he still retains large part ot- nis lartn near Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Craig re turned Stmday morning from their trip west. Miss Marie Smith, of Glenn Springs, is visiting Mrs. Henry Glenn and Mrs. S. A, Robinson. Mrs. J. N, O'Farrell and children of Yorkville, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. I, A. Campbell. Prof." ami Mrs. R'obt. L. Howell , and children of Bel mont were the guests Sunday ot Air. U. W.. Howell.' . . Mrs. Jane Bolick of Maiden has returned ;home after spend ing the holidays with lier sister, Sheriff C, B. Armstrong will employ a jailor at' Dallas and will in a few weeks move bis family back to Gastonia. v Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bolick have returned to their home iu Maiden - alter' spending, some time with Mr. and Mrs S. B. Barnwell. . . Mr, Wilbur Cooke went to Durham Sunday morning to see his brother, Dr. Fred Cooke- who is seriously affected . by rheumatism of the heart. Mr. V. G. Grier is making arrangements to remove the old C. M, Nolen residence opposite the city Hall, preparatory to the erection of two new store rooms. Mr. J. K. Dixon, Jr., after spending several days with his parents Mr, and Mrs. J. K. Dixon left Sunday night for Washington to resume his duties as private Secretary to Congress man E. Y. Webb. Mr, and Mrs. C. I. Loftin returned Saturday night from their wedding trip and will make their home" for the piesent with Mrs. John H. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Loftin will go to bouse keeping in about three months Dr. J. M. Hunter, .the noted cancer specialist whose advertisement appears elsewhere will be at the tails House on iocn oi January, tie makes no charge for consultation. Mr. J. B. Meachem has moved into the house on Air line Street which he bought from J. T. Jenkins about a week ago. The deal was made ihrough Mr. E. G. McLurd representing the Loan and Trust Company. Mr. J. T. Wylie returned Sunday night from Rock Hill, S. C, whither he and Mrs. Wylie were called" by a tele gram last 1 hursaay night an nouncing the death of their niece, Mrs. Brown McFadden. Miss Dell Greenman re turned to her home in Char lotte yesterday afternoon. Miss Greenman came over to the Loftin-Jackson wedding and has been spending the week with V MISS VERNE SHERIDAN. ' WillSlurfln Gastoala Saturday NIfiht Has Star Part la (be Popular Comedy "Browd'a in Town" . - -. Mr. J. " B. Schloss, advance agent of "Browns in Town," was heie yesterday to book his play with the -Gastonia opera house tor a peiforjuiance next Saturday night. ; It gave performances in Charlotte and Greensboro last week and was well received. This bright and snappy comedy will have for Gastonia theatre goers an added interest in the fact that its star role is sustained by the pretty little soubrette, Miss Verne Sheridan, across whose heart so dark a shadow fell when her loyerand protector was slain iu that needless and unhappy tragedy hi Gaffuey, Miss -Sheridan succeeded to the role .formerly played by Jessie May,. Hall, who is now starring in the, "Street Singer." Those who know them declare Miss. Sheridan almost a per fect counterpart of her brilliant little predecessor and'every whit as vivacious and clever iu her duties of dancing and singing. A particularly pleasing featute of her woik is a catchy little sentimental ballad entitled Dixie, which makes a hit with every' Southernaudience to 'which she sings it. We feel sure that the ad mirers ot Miss blienuan who heard her here in "Nothing but Money" will be happy to hear her -.'gain in her new role and will giye her a most cordial greeting next Saturday night. riCS AND STEERS. friends. Nr. i. Heath Blake Married. Mr. J, Heath Blake and Miss Lucy Thompson were married in Blacksburg Sunday afternoou at four o'clock. From Dallas, Texas. A note from Mrs. S. W Hutchison (daughter of Mr. C C. CornwellJ incloses a picture of the largest building iu Dallas Texas. It has eight stories A sixteen story building is un der construction. i he cour house in Dallas cost $400,000 and cordwood is $6 50 a cord. Citizens National Bank. The report of The Citizen's National Bank at the eloe of business Dec 30, 1905 shows that institution to be in a very pros perous condition. Commencing busiuess Jan. 3, 1905 the deposits have grown from $55,000 (th 1 first day's business) to $1S8,25G 81. The total resources of the bank as shown by the statement are $318,611.12. Net earnings for the first year after all ex penses and taxes were paid were $5,057.47. A dividend of 10 was declared. In the Old Country. A letter to the children of of his Bessemer city Sunday School was received by them during the holidays from Rev. J. Walter Simpson, the pastor. who is now studying in Edin burgh. Mr. T. R Ii. Oates. the Superintendent, believing i I might interest other children, has handed the letter to The Gazette and we hope to publish it uext issue. About the first of February Mrr-Siuip-, son will leave Edinburgh for a three months trip in Europe and the Holy Land. He expects to be back home the first week in May. TOM DIXON bRINGS SUIT. B. 0. Bradley. P. M. That is the way Esquire B. G. Bradley will sign his name in few days. He was appointed . by the department before the holidays, and on yesterday the president sent his nomination to the Senate. In a few more days r Esquire Bradley will stop re ceiving his mail on the outside x of the, post office.. ; Married In Chester. Mr. Turner ; Williams, son Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Williams, the, popular, and efficient tx , ni-PRSinan 'nf th? P' ft- M -W, railway and MissXossie Bowles me oeauiuui ana accoinpusnea - daughter of Mr. "and : Mrs. J. A. Bowles ; were married Sunday ' afternoon December 31. The Rev. J. Banks at ., the home 'of the bride's parents in Chester. They are Coining. :-'; .. - v The biggest lot of horses aud mules ever brought to Gaston county is expected to arrive in .. Gastonia this week. Mr. T. L. Craig has just" bought them in the west for his firm and will have, them on exhibit at thejr stables as fast as the stock ar rives. Four car loa Is of Mis souri stock are expected to-day, three cars containing mules . . and one car containing horses. One car of Tennessee stock will start to-day ana another Thurs day, all expected-to arrive this : week, Mrs. B. T, Morris' Music Class in order, to save time and make it more convenient for her pupils. Mrs. B. T. Morris will in the futute give lessons to members of her music class at the .home of Mr. W. C Abernethy near the Graded School during shdol h ours. The music class of Mrs. Morris has grown to be so large that it became necessary to make the change' as a matter pf con venience. . Beattv'Sannders. Miss Maude Saunders, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Saun ders and Mr. Furman Beatty of Charlotte were married Dec 25th by Rev, E. L. Bain but the affair war not known by the many friends of the young peo pie until last week. After the marriage Mr. Beatty returned to Charlotte and his bride re turned tcrher home as if noth ing had happened. Mr. Beatty came over Saturday from Char lotte and returned yesterday taking his bride with him. For Miss EUie Clemmer. Miss Gertrude Clemmer of Lowell entertained a large num ber 'of her friends in honor. of her cousin, -Miss Ellie Clem mer of Bostic. N. C, last Tburs- doy. night. The guests were: Misses Berth and Mabel Leon hardt, Mamie, Annie and Pearl Ford, Zada Ranktu; Messrs, Thomson In man, Prof.. J. A. McArther, Ernest and Aithur Ford, Henry Cox. Lin wood and Coit Robinson, Holland Hand, Draten Baker. Palmer Titman, and GilmcrLeonhardt. - Several selections" on the organ were rendered by Miss Mabel-Leon hardt.- ' ' Author ol "T h e Clansman" Takes Action Against Breton and Members of (he Corinne Runkel Stock Company. Wilmington Messenger. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 4.-Rev Tom Djxon, author of "Th Clansman," today through attor neys here attached the property of the Corinne Runkel Stock Company, now in Durham, for presenting here aud in Louis burg "In Reconstruction Davs a play which he claims is an in fnngement on the copyright of his "The Clansman," but which Thadeus Breton of the Runke Company says he wrote in forty days from Dixon s and other novels of reconstruction days. The case is in the Federa court, and tonight in Durham summons was served on Thad eus Breton for him to appear l.e forejudge Puruell in Raleigh on January 31st, aud show cause why an injunction should not b issued against him. in addition to tnis uixou nas entered suit against S. A bchloss, ot the Kaieign opera house, aud J. Sherwood Up church, -manager; the Runkel Company and each member of that company, sixteen in all, for damages in the sum of $xK). The members of the company being non-residents, the personal effects of each was attached The members reDlevined and gave bond in the sum of $500. A two year old son of Bessie Davis, who cooks for D. A. Houston at Monroe, was found dead one afternoon last week. On . going home the mother found him lying in front of the fire, the" body burned to a crisp. His body was lying in pieces all around the .' fire : place, and the burning clothing was scattered all over the room. - A big fire at the gas plant in Charlotte" Friday afternoon did damage to the amount of $7,000 or $10!000, which was covered by insurance.- The roof and other combustible paits of the plant were burned. - The fire, which" ' was an exceedingly dangerous one. among tanks containing thousands of gallons of gs and oil, originat an explosion of gases for the carburetter from Tex: Ohio is (he. Land Where They Grow in a War That Counts. A few days ago Mrs, M, J. Terrell, of .Wilmington, Ohio. was "kind enough lo drop into see 'flirt Gazette. She is" sister of Mr. Amos Johnson and came here to speud a few weeks with him aud her nieces, . Mra. Puikhurst and Miss Johnson. - Delighted with v our climate and people here in North Car olina, she' was lavish in her praise of both. In leply to questions she talked ruostenter tainiugly of her own section of Ohio. From a copy of the. Clin ton County (Ohio) Democrat which she' kindly gave us to look over, we noted particularly two striking item?, as follows: '"E. P. Stotler sold aud de livered to Bennett & Thompson, at Wilmington, last Thursday, seventy-five bead of seven and one-half months old pigs that averaged 255 pounds per head. This is the finest bunch of spring pigs delivered in the local market this season, to our knowl edge." Edward Reardon, of Wilson township, delivered to Pavey & Wilson, of Sabiua, last Friday, eighteen two-year-old steers which averaged 1,457 pounds per head. This was an extra good bunch of young steers even for Mr. Reardon, who n one of the most successful producers of beef cattle in the county. What ever else may be said of Ohio, it is certainly a place where pigs and steers grow in a' way that counts. The stock is usually of fine breeds, the farm ers are well equipped with the best implements, and the farms lie wide and level so that im proved machinery may be used to advantage. JURY LIST. Jurors for Superior County. February Term of Court of Gaston FIRST WEEK. W. J. McMillen. Jas. A. Liudsay, C. II. Elmore, John W. Walters, J. M. Pressly, D. H. 'Harmon, W. B. Morris, W. G. "Morrow, W. B. Carson, L. A. Tuornburg, George Cansler, J. A. Cox. rj. M. Hoffman, Jasper Clemmer, James Adams, Lark A. Thoruburg, D. R. Pasour, Houston Hoover, John L. Lewis, J. B. Purslev, T. N. Williams, C. H.'Jarrett, Robt. A. Ratchford, N. B. Kendrick, A. Yarborough, James Carroll, M. C. Auton, E. R. Cannon, W. R. Harris, C. W. Bovd, J. L. Phifer, W. F. Lewis, E. C. Adcock, E. L Crawford, John Day. Arthur Spencer. SECOND WEEK. M. M Kendrick, J. T. McGill, J. Miles Rhyue, VV. L. Weaver, C. E. Neisler, R. A. Harrison, D. R. Shields, W. P. Kddleman, Ragan Ormand, J. W. Holland, ' J. Ed Crawford, Jo Holland, W. M. Beattie, J. M. G.iston, Melvin L. Rudisill, F. Dilling, VV. W. McLean, John W. Lowry. CANCERS CURED! Gaffney Woman Gives Dr. J. M. Hunter the Highest Praise. Dr. J. M. Hunter of Rock Hill, S. C, a physician of twenty-live years practical experience, who is making-1 a specialty of cancers, tumors, enron- ic ulcers, etc.. with marked success. has received the following testimon ial from a patient whose health he has restored: I can never stop praising- your treatment anc feel that I must thank vou. The Place from which vou re moved tne cancer is peneciiy wen. and mv health, since taking your treatment is better than it has been for two years. I hope you will pub lish this letter so that otners may see what a wonderful work you are i accomrilishinsr.5 ( Siffned riM rs.! kmzabeth j racky, Gaffney, H. c Jan. 4, iauo. X JJ iJC JLJLJL JJLJlJl Jl: a a a a a a A T 4 .4-4- 4 A - A I 4- A Positively all Cloaks, Raincoats, Coverts, Kerseys, Skirts, and everything In women's and children's ready-to-wear garments must go In this sale' regardless of cost or former sale price. Ladles' $10.00 Raincoats, all sizes, sale price, $ 7.50 Ladles' 12.50 Raincoats, all sizes, sale price, 10.00 Ladles' 15.00 Raincoats, all sizes, sale price, 12.50 LADIES' AND MISSES' CLOAKS All sizes, all lengths, and styles to suit everybody at Reduction Sale prices. $2.98 to S IS.OO REDUCTION SALE ON MEN'S WEAR Men's $17.50 Raincoats, sale price, $15.00 Men's 15.00 Raincoats, sale price, 12.50 Men's 15.00 Overcoats, sale price, 12.50 Men's 6.50 and $7.50 Overcoats, 4.98 Men's Rubber Coats, $2.00 to $4.50 Overshoes for Men, Women, and Children. A 4 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 Phone orders receive prompt attention. J. M. BELK CO. Mall orders solicited. OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT Saturday, Jan. 13th The Comedienne MISS VERNE SHERIDAN and a splendid companyin the Farce-Comedy "BROWN'S IN TOWN" The Great Laughing Success PhlCES: 25c, 50c, and 75c. Seats now on sale at Torren- ce s Lrug btore. i mmm it nr rai rWlil COTTOM It may be possible to make a better polish for silver and cut glass than Silver Cream but up to the present time it has never been done. For 33 Years Silver Cream. has been used by the best families in the land with perfect satisfaction. Note window display for ocular demonstration. TorrenceMorris Co. Jewelers and Opticians Increase YbarL Yields Per Acre Values i Above Par It is a well known f:ict that cotton. ornyothor crop, produced with Virginia-Carolina hcrtilizeni will brinsr tne nurnest possiruo price on the nu r- beaithr, strong-, weU-do- velopod, early cotton, with full grown iruit iimbsattho tuso as ket. Make veloned. ea boll son the well as all tuowavunto thovervtnn and tip ends of the brnncbcB of tho cotton plants, by liberally using Virgiaia-Caroliaa Fertilizers. They contain all the material nnenn- ! sary to supply to your land the e la ments which nave been taken from it by repeated cultivation yesraf tor venr. Thcso fertilizers will grreat y "increase Four yields nci acre." Accerjt no auh- bululc iruui your aeajer. Vlrglnla.CaroIlna Chemical Co. Richmond. Va. Atlanta, Ga. 'Norfolk, Va, Savannah, (3a. Durham. N. C. Montgomery, Ala. i naneston, i. v. Mempnia, Tonn. Xlaltlmore, Hi. Ehreyeport, La. fa fa fa fa fa fy f. rvirc?F rvii n ps nH 5 BETTER MULES Birdie. Oxford Ledecr. Atedy in Charlotte has comphshed tne feat, ot .eating: one quail a day for thirty days They now call her "birdie." . - is cne of the hcdeomcat and mobt valuable publications of the kind issued, lhe titeful rnd practical hints contained . 5 rt the annual it?si'fJf Wood' Seed Cook make it a most valuable Help to all farmers and Garden t and it has long . been recognized as an up-to-date authority on all 4-4-4-4-4-4-4 4 4 4-4- 4- Only a few days ago we asked you to watch out for this advertisement. Here we arel We are ready to show you the goods. Our stables are filled to their full capacity with mules, horses and mares. Pour loads of fine Missouri stock unloaded to day, and two cars of Tennessee stpek to follow to-morrow and Saturday. We have always tried to buy a good class of horses and mules because our customers like them and we generally sell our best first. This time we have bought the very best mules that could be found, in order to meet the demand for better stock than was ever before shipped to our town or county. Right here let us invite you to make our stables a visit and see our stock whether you wish to buy or not. We will show you nearly- 200 head of stock, better animals than you ' have ever seen in our stables or anybody else's in North Cai olina before. And if you want to buy a horse, a mare, or fine pair of mules, we have the stuff, and will sell it to . you as cheap as possible, and please remember, .; too, that we sell for cash or on time with gaod se curity. CRAIG & WILSON 4- Garden 'and Farm Seeds, pnrticnjflTiy iorwnthern planting. . toofi Eanfe. Controversy. ' Greensboro Industrial Nawa. . It makes a heap of difference whether or not there is a few hundred feet of telephone wire between one person and another where there is a conlrovery on. Wood's Seed Cook mailed free to Farmers and Gardeners ' npon request. Write for It T.W. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, . .VIRGINIA. Farmers reqnlrtnir terga q nan title of Graae uu bmtr rom. mm oata. . Potato, tkk, aro requested to wilt ... toe (pecUlPrtoaUrt, PITTSBUR G VISIBLE TYPEVmiTER. He Only Perfect Machine II Visible Writing; Strong Manifolder; Universal ; Key-board; Light Touch' Rapid Action. PRICE 575 IT REACHES THE DEMANDS CF EUSI.TESS. Unexcelled for billing and tabulates ! "Send for catalogue, :C: - '- ' r r- ; . . .1 ..... . I . GAZETTE PRINTING HOUSE, LOCAL ACCriCT, u A A A A A 4 A

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