' ~ i limn——— ilWMCMthHo, By the election of . Mr. James B. Pace aa cite treasurer of Richmond yesterday oat of the ImuicomplMdL^^aea uroMr Pace was the ricbeU-maS^herc. hi* wealth being estimated well into the million*. Ha was very generous in a very quiet way. when caeca, of poverty were hemqiht to Ida attention he de* lighted to agsply relict abend aady bat With discrimination and care ao aa to be a real help er. Aa a bank president be was liberal and especially consider a&zasatt'aJSs la Unable. He did not seek or court popularity, had no dream that ha am would seek or need to seek any public office and did not ttnatUmdf forward. * Ea the course of time aad the vicissitudes of business bis for tune was feat and ba became comparatively a poor mao aad was ao loaner a commanding Inn in the naaeeial Ufa of the city. When his candidacy for thc.etty treasnrerahip, which ft virtually a life position at a lib eral salary. was announced re cently, these old good deads of fats sprang suddenly into lift to work for hha after twenty or thirty year*. All over Richmond, in awry class of society, mea re membered kindly and generous things ha had done in the past fmr them or their fathers or friends. The opportunity to do aoamthlag to return the old ob ligations was accepted eagerly aad gladly. The politicians and the organizations ware not with Mr. Pace, bat before this tide of sentiment they were swept away Hha straws, "fa every ward and precinct area who la one way or another bad been noder obliga tions to Mr. Pace made their dt sire tv repay aad their affection ate remembrance of old favor* above all other con side rations. Ban it was a vwklss man who in Use* of pinch or distress had received a belpfol friendly lift from Mr. Pace or bad seen a comrade or some member of bis family so favored. There it was a business man whom Mr. Pace tided over a close place, yean ago. There, -again, it was a woman who la timet gone by hoew his boa sty. These things were brought up end told ia the shops, in the homes, the clubs and offices. Consequently he de veloped sponta neonaly strength which astookhcfT his moat san guine friends, the moat exper ienced political prophets aad himself. There b no doubt as to his capacity and fitness for the place, but other men as cap able and efficient and as trust worthy offered. R i s kindly deeds done and forgotten, the substantial kelp be gave to so many fifteen, twenty and thirty years ago, rose np from the ob scurity of time and crowded to the polls (or him, giving him a majority beyond all calculation. Judging from our own exper ieaca and observation, we think more kindly of human natare, perhaps* then most people do. We believe a* great majority ol men aad women remember kind nesses and but await the oppor tunity to prove that gratitude lives, and that the vast majority love to do good rather than ill aadwra ready to help others si they can. It k very rarely, however, that an opportunity such as this cornea or is so beau tifully sod generously used. It is net often tint bread cast upon the water cornea back to as after *o many years so distinctly aad directly. ———BBgggea———BHBBBaawu1 i.nuiiii si | THE FULLEST VALUE | You wouldn't sacrifice quality to buy a bar* tain if yon knew it. You cauuot afford to boy II and "not know”. You know at Swan-Slater Co’s. 20 per cent off on Of Every Salt hr Men Every Men's Overcest . All Mee’s OM Puts 25 per crnt oQ on tnry Boy’s and Child's Sail sad Omcni I In Blacks, Bines, and Fancies Listen to the stronr appeal of the "Eloquent 9f Dollar" saved to yon in this reduction. 9f ft C—h Only Expect more for your money lhau usual and || you'll not jjo away disappointed. 9f - V R Swan-Slater Comp’y tha4*ta4Mt Ovtfltnn far Men aaS Bay* } A BARGAIN IN } REAL ESTATE | if taken quick. Itla red hot. I can’t hold It. ) A lot within 300 feet of depot. 75 i feet front by 101 feet deep. Don’t \ miss this bargain and then sayv ) MWhy didn’t yon let me know?” { Price $875.00 J If Taken Quick \ C.B. Armstrong The Love Trust Co. i Insurance in standard companies. Real estate bandied on commission. Trusts executed. Savings draw maximum interest. Cotton bought and sold. And Banking, too. With the welfare of oar town and coonty ever in mind, we strive to succeed and help others to success. Your business solicited. The Love Trust Co. PITTSBURG VISIBLE TYPEWRITER. IB Only Perfect Machine Made Visible Writing; Strong Manifolder: Universal Key-board; Ught Touch Rapid Action. PRICE $75 IT REACHES TK DEMANDS 9f BUSINESS. Unexcelled for billing and tabu la ting! Send for catalogue. 'PITTSBURG WRITING MACHINE Ce? Patakvf.P< HOUSB. LOCAL AGENCY. DUMB "Yellow Leaf Blight** and "Red || Leaf Blight,” so disastrous to cotton, are both attributed, by the highest author ities, to impoverished soil — lack of Potasu and nitrogen. In fact, these authorities advise liberal fertilizing with mixtures con taining Kainit as the prime preventive. "Cotton Culture,*' an authoritative book of 90 pages shows, from actual photographs, healthy cotton plants fertilized with Kainit, alongside diseased plants not fertilized with Kainit—yours for the asking absolutely free. Wm-LgBBBBfgWgMMBMBBMaiBHBBP? A Few I ' o . Mid-season ^^^^^HE3HSQGB^BI^&9BSIBBSSin5S5^S5 , Opportunities About Millinery The middle of the season finds tome very choice ready trimmed hats on our counters, and in order to make a clean sweep we cat the price to HALF. These are all new de signs, a trimmed in the most popular styles. REMEMBER our price la just HALF. Some Startling Cloak News The knife cuts dashingly into onr cloak department and w* b*v* resolved that if price cuts any figure, TEN DAYS will complete the biggest cloak business iu our history. We have a beautiful assortment of ladies’ X length coats in the leading shades—black, brown, tan, green. Also some excellent quality raincoats in several shades. These are all late fait styles, and we make this wonderful offer to close them out. Your choice for ONE-THIRD less than regular price. One-Half the Price buys auy children’s cloak or jacket in our itore. These are all new goods made in the newest styles. We have all siaes and a nice assortment to select from. One-Half the Price and take your choice of ladies' jackets, regntar prices $2.19 to $3.48. All sixes in leading, colors—black, bine, brown. $6.98 buys tbe remainder of oar ladies' $10.00 jackets. Just a few left. Tan color. Sizes 32 and 34. A Little Talk on Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats Tbe season has batdly commenced when yon need an overcoat, yet we make yon a moat remarkable onei^-we ask yon to take yonr choice for ONE-THIRD leu than regular pnee. All sizes in stock. This means $$$ in yonr pocket. Half-Price Snaps We have a lot of men's clothing, good material, good styles, to go at HAI.P*PRIOR, Also a big lot of boys' knee pant suits at HALP-PRICB. Shrewd buyers will snap these up on sight; be quick if you want tbe advantage of these big reductions. This sale begins TO-DAY. Come early and gel first choice. JNO. F. LOVE THE PEOPLE'S STORE ^^r Ill I t lllll t I It I «4. PRINTING t MV -for X all purposes X where t good work T required X The Gazette I Printing House T iin m nm i t iT ' • f W w T-F-F F "Bat yaa m lot u orpbaa, art yea. little boy?" "I night M wall to, pa la a trawlin' bus aa’ om to alaraya at a dab neat lag or ooaaolhtB1 or aaottor," writ. -