•hfawesk fa *■ anniversary nmn her, ctMnfat the rtrsTplitina ot its twentieth yew. Ob iti fco»t cover is ■ fine atOl-lifc % **••«*• Biscsdsai road whld *bbs t branch a shady place & the woods sad curves oat « tight behind the bill. And 1 Ik shady place fa oaeoithe kin< makes yon want to lean evaathe macadam road. eUml over the fence, and take totfa woods. We fed sorry for th< feadycivilized that he faefah hfa Mood bo teapom to the cell of the wild ia « place like this. Bat I be Progressive Farmer bow trne to the mlssioa air. tored ia its atari Mo wondei it finds itself at twenty years of •gein hdHng distance oftbt tweaty Ihoatoad mark ia hi "kcriptha Hat. We bopi Bkdker Poa and hfa tbonmgh gniag aaeoefatea will reach the ■nrk sdsair than they expact. And to prove that we hope so wanay right hers that the Pro gnmive Manner, far 90 days tc rami, win accept saw renewal (ft.OUand one new sabemfp Uoa (fi .00) both for only J150 If yon are a farmer sad do no< hfa this rapidly growing end - *_m m =S»»»WaES-aH**E=B« ! I ' aBagSgSaWMjBBWBjB • 9ama ®* new suburb which is now being , ttg&SBS&Ss i fifrashfifs t raw in Greenville making the *«*?*ry arrangement* for the . «*?*«*«*fc allot* which will I nth Plan, which b elevated , rad command* a good view ol the mpnntaias. b a part of the ; aSEBifissssiS • £•* oi the pthacipal thorough - Iran of Greenville; city wale* ■od sewerage llaea ran through the property. There will be about 400 lota in the plot and will be aold on the aaatc lcrma aa thorn: aold in Gaatm Terrace in Gastonia. The deal la Greenville, S. C.. b vdaod at something like $40,000. ‘ A HEAT COMING.'’ ^ Iran* Twin* to Ararat Bon. A - ,, JWibHc is in store for them when the fsmons comedians "the Lyman Twins Brothers* am scan herein their •"•total musical comedy auc 2T.2Si2rM wbkh lbc,y to be oocof toe funniest nod most elaborate pro i dnctions of its cleat yet pro , comprising a lam com pany. a dainty chorus of pretty nns, « boat of fasay comedians, •*“$**■ *®d dancers together with umnerous novelties entire Jy Bjw and original with this at tncOao. The pretty scenery, magnificent costuming inter mingled with catchy music, swoa ringing and n dmsriiag display of elnctncal effects trans foraing the graceful dances into a blaze of wondrous splendor earned along by aide spliting situations and a fanny story to mshn ap one of the greatest comedy productions of toe day. Tha wonderful success with which this attraction has met with in the Bast by press and pohlie ban placed these clever f young atari on to- top round oi , popularity as comedians and pro ' ' - . Wf^TBD-At aaea 10,000 feet of t w whits pools* ptesfcT J?B. Beard An to Whra af CardnL t her-C. W. nsek ia MWkaineastnw, We find certain headache pow ders, "A sure cure for rheums 1 tiara,” "A cure for deafness,'’ and "Wine of Cardui," to be traoda. and especially "Wine of Cardui,” which is composed of wine and other opiates and nar cotics almost on the order of Frruna. enslaving women and doing them permanent injury. (The author of the foregoing paragraph is, if we mistake not, the yooog minister who offered himself st the recent Baptist State Convention as a mission ary to Japan, and whose rapport of $50 a month was provided far by one donor. We wonder If Brother Rock, in going after patent medicines and calling names this way, knows what thin Ice hn la skating on.—Ed itor of Tk* Ga«TTS.} Huuw »ssaM*M|00irc«’TV«> \r n*:r. Life PiaffeNtMT. Admns Drag Co., the popolar dregfiata, are making an offer that a i«ut like finding money, for they are telling a regular 50 cent bottle of Dr. Howards’* celebrated specific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia at half-price. In addition to tbia large discount they agree to return the money to any purchaser whom the specific does not care. It is quite unusual to be able to buy fifty-cent nieces for a quarter, bat that Is what this offer really means, for it is oaly recently, through the solicita tion of Adams Drug Co., that tbts medicine could be bought for Ires than fifty cents they gsagysttjejffsrari little whits, agreeing to sail a cer tain amount The result has icati&ed thetr good jndement, for the sate haa been somethin* remarkable. Anyone who suletu with head ache. dyspepsia, dissiaess, sour stomach. specks before the eyes, or soy Meet trouble, should take ad yantaae of this opportunity, for Dr. Baentrd’a specific will cure all these wit U by‘any chance it should not. Adams Drug Co., will return your money. Subscribe for the Gaxetts. - ;■ !j_ f f m w ji 44 4 44*444 4 ♦ 4 444 MM 444 I E. L. Wilson & Co. i LIVERYMEN ! _ DALLAS. N.C. * 4 4 ^ In ■» much us we have not succeeded in disposing 4 4 of oar livery equipment upon satisfactory terms, we ^ 4 find ourselves still in business at the same old stand, 4 ^ where we shall continue to serve our patrons at prices 4 4 Bnd with accommodations that defy competition. Thanking you one and all for past patronage and 4 * soliciting a continuance of the same, we are, 4 4 Yours to serve, 4 t E.L.Wilson&Co. | 44444 ♦■4 4 44 14444 4 4 44444 4 444 j You May not have thought of It, but now la a good time to buy Flour. We advlae our frlenda to atock up on thla ataple. j I BOB | 0 We have |uat received 8 two and a half car loads 9 1 LHy of the Valley, jj I Tellico, and 1 I Cream of Wheat | They are fine brands, every one off them, and we ore making clone prices. We want to talk flour to you; B give as the opportunity. We repeat. It la a good time to atock up on thla staple. Buy flour now g and buy from | m. F. LOVE I I The People’s Store Eg A New Magazine for You lam bringing out another new magazine that you will come pretty-Wt to Wdng. I wouldn’t be surprised If it hit you harder than anything in the shape of a magazine you have ever seen. There isn't much style to it, but ft tuff in it that you and everybody else will want to read. It is ^TUl >Te " I I Pf I Something New in Magazine Making TBl fCMT BOOK i* the amt elastic ftdmg that mr happened la tba war of a ayrtwa alaartc enonnh ta carry anything froas a tin wbtotW to a battleship. Krery thtaa tlwt apaaala to tba haaiaa toeta andbwiam baart con>e»jaritiH« its comps* Act km, I* tba faedtbano of periodical drralailoa; biotrsphy, mbw, philosophy, science. Nothing Like It in the World Than isn't anything la tha world jmt Mba TM BCXAF BOOK, ft fa aa Man am — vbftb wa baa* baaa worhln* far errsral years, aad far whtrii we bare baaa fathering antoriala. Va baaa bootbt bariwb aad baailtada of scrap hooka fm> ofl om tba Doth ki >anti cowr ddBlwi Mane dTHH SCRAP BOOK. It Mia at <5. price at which al our «Zar toagto dfetoo aat—Tan Onto g Copy and Ota Dollar bp the Year. Om mg mmwm uimada mr from the pobUMber PRANK Aa MUNSBYv i?$ Fifth Argon#, N#w York DR. H. BOAZ, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN. Glasses properly fitted. Ex amination free. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Well-fitted glasses make the eyes easy and often relieve headache. Call on me at my residence, Phone me at 256, or leave call at J. F. Yeager’s store, Main Street, Gastonia, N. C. He BOAZ, Optician. PITTSBURG VISIBLE TYPEWRITER! I* Only Perfect Machine Made Visible Writing; Strong Manifolder; Universal Key-board ;> Light Touch Rapid Action. • PRICE $75 IT REACHES THE DEMANDS OF BUSINESS. Unexcelled for billing and tabulating Send for catalogue. PITTSBURG WRITING MACHINE Co PltU»ur|. Pi. GAZETTE PRINTING HOUSE. LOCAL AGENCT. 1175 Horses and Mules! ! 4 1 I f The month of Janaary hu gone sod we are glad to say i ’ :; that onr trade was anuau.Uy good, .11 throngh the month. II :; We i*T* •Bd tr*ded ,bo11* *™> booed red bead of fine !! ;; stock since the new year came ia. : i „ t00ller on! Wend* »d custom- i: :i *™. th* "*€ •*}*» accurity, and all stock is -’ ; guaranteed as repieseuted when told. ; i Cral^ and Wilson