— '= -11— I'JU- j -! - The Gaztonla Gazette. "business LOCALS. W/ANTBD-At once 10.000 lost of w white poplar planlt, J. B. Ucaid r OST-Recolpt book. Royal Benefit *-* Society. Return to w. C. IIox. T.AKI). CTRAYRD -Dark bay ntaro mule. ^ Advise Davo>Gabuisox, Worth, N. C> \WANT11D—At once. Two bright, W honest chock boy*. A- If, Bstk Compaay. COUXD—Good lap-robe. Owner r will identify aa<1 pay for notice. Cali at (lAmrrra office. 55 cents a cord. See C.J. Hus* or Andrew B. Moors, Loray If ilia. -TIMBER LAND-570 acre* to 1 j “12 Wae lot lumber, ahinglca, and cordwnod. Si* to seven miles from railway and on good roads. Ror price# and particular# apply to E. I,. Wilson, Dallas. X. C. FI7-C12 FRIDAY, FEB. 16. 1906. LOCAL AFFAIRS —Next Thursday la Washing ton’s birthday, . — Gastonia's supply of Valen tines was not equal to the de mand. —The Heptasophs will enjoy a banquet to-night after the speaking. —The Gray Cotton Mills nude its first shipment of yarns last Ssturdsy. —The farmers arc again bring ing iu cotton now siuce the roads are begiuning to get better. —Everybody is invited to hear the Heptasoph orator. Hon. Olio Bryan, at Iht opera house to-night. —There will be preaching at the Bast Baptist church Sunday morning and night by the pastor, Rev. J. L. Vippcrman. —There are some signs about this February weather that make it look mightly like March at time* and like May at others. —A saw mill is making the woods ring out on the Anthony branch. Mr. Tom Sngga and tbe Lincberger boys are inter ested. .TThc dwellings which are being bmlt on Airline street opposite the freight depot by Mr. T. L. Craig are nearing completion. —Don’t forget to hear Mr. Bryan on the principles and aims of the Hepta sophs at tbe opera house to night; there will be no admission fee or collection. A wagon load of sweet po tatoes was sold in Gsstonia one day this week by Mr. Thomas L. Rhyne of Dallas. Tr* Ga zbttk came in for a share of the nicest ones. —It is likely the week-end train which proved so popular on the C. & N.-W. last summer will be put on again as a daily train. We hope it will be. It would be a welcome schedule all along the ’'people’s own line." Sir Knights, Const! Degree work to be done in Gastonia Lodge No. S3 K. of P. Monday night. Other impor tant business to be transacted. Knights are earnestly requested to be present. Singing at Union. We are requested to say that there will be an all-dav sioging at Union church to-morrow (Saturday) which the singing people of tbe community, as well as those who like to bear singing, are cordially invited to attend. la the Meyer’s Cent. Prank Stewart and Brnest Mc Clee two negro bora were tried and convicted by Mayor Dixon Wednesday morning for break ing into the grocery store of Coon and Adams Sunday night. tent to jail in default of $25 bond. "OeMaa Unke’’ Seelefy. The Golden Links missionary society enjoyed a very delight fnl and entertaining meeting in the league room of the Metho dist church last night. A guess ing contest in which -titles of hop” , were suggested from painted cards was the occasion of mnch pleasure. Raw lasers nee Company. Mr. W. A. Sbarrar represent ing the Conservative Mutual Ufe Insurance Company of Charlotts has opened bis office in the Glenn building over Me Lean Bros, store and mill maka Gastonia his headquarters. Mr. Sharrsr is a old Gaston county boy and bis company is a home industry. Rew Mere leeme at Leray. Mr. McKee Bradley bus let ft* «°**I*cj. to Mr. Will Mc AHeter of Kings Mountain for tbe boilding ol two brick More rooms, at tbe Lotray, oo tbe lot adjotaisg bis residence. Tbe buildings will be SO by ft) feet one story and will ba built to that another story can ba added when neceeery. PElSOHAt MEWTIOW. —Mrs. Liable Falla, of King's Mountain, it viaiting Mra. V. E. Long. —Dr. Frederick TIarabright, of Grover, waa a Gastonia visi tor Wednesday. -Mr. C. K. Whitney, of Bes semer, was a business visitor io Gastonia Wcdueaday. , —Mr. John Bramlett. of At lanta, waa a pleasant visitor in town yesterday morning. —Miaaea Edith Jackson and Lillie Brison, of Clover, are viaiting Mrs. Hope Brison. —Mr. M. W. Fronebcrger, of Clover, was a pleasant visitor at Tmi Gaxktte office Wednes day. —Mr. George C. Glenn left TP'M.oy , night for Richmond and Baltimore on a short busi ness tnp. r L Coon Mrs. Park«r “Pint the day at St8TaJE*-" '”‘b “KiiVwte “*y ••ter spending several davs with Rev. F. W. Bradley —Mr. Stanley Smith has re turned to the Avon mill from the Gray mill. Mr. Smith has taken charge of the Avon spinning room. —Misses Beulah and Georgia Richards, Zelda Smith and Mary Rhyne, of Stanley, were the guests of Mias Panuie White yesterday. —But little business wu trans acted by the board of aldermen Tuesday night, beyond auditing and paying accounts to the amonnt of $809.81. . Mr. M. H. Shuford Is spend ing several days with htber valuable features, prove a p-jtcut factor in the up-building sf the town and county. r* Iha Trustaaa at Stanley Matin •dial Charcb. leal Estate. The Lony mills have par chased a block of land from Rev. P. W. Bradley on which they eill build 18 or 20 bouses for the lse of mill operatives. The ilock is 200 by 800 feet and is lituated just east of the mill and n the rear of Mr. McKee Brad ey’s residence. The Loray Company has also closed a deal eith Rev. Mr. Bradley for 8 or en acres ia the rear of the mill m which land new dwelling rouses will be bnilt when jeeded. Mr. G. A. Gray last seek purchased the ham and >arn lot from Mr. L. L. Jenkins, rbe barn lot has a frontage of JO feet on Franklin Avenne next ;o Mr. Gray’s residence. The wecise purchase price ia not riven out for publication. One report gives the price as $4,000 md another $6,000. Uteri Tatra. Mr. W. T. Rankin tendered rcitcrdiy bis resignation as o**l *ftent of the Equitable Life Insurance Company of Mew York. He baa represented this company, and represented it well from the day he became its igtnt, which was Peb. 15, 1868. "Naturally,’’ said Mr. Rankin. I fed a strong sentimental at tachment to a company that I could stay with and conld stay with me for eight years, and I ean hope for aothiog better than that I may always be treated as well as the Equitable baa treated me.” His relations with the Gaston Insurance and Realty Company as Its preaideat and treasurer was tbs occasion of Mr. Rankin’s resignation. "Iden tification with a home company,” continued Mr. Rankin, "like the Southern Ufa and Trust Com pany, of Greensboro, which will ■Dow all Its premiums to remain here for local investments, ap pealed strongly to me and, much u I regretted to do so, I deemed ft best to give up the Equitable ind nsa the broader opening aiered me by oar local organi sation." MISSION AIT INSTITUTE AT STANLEY. Methodist Buharin* at Stanley. Much 2*h, 27th end 28th. The Miuionary Institute of the Shelby District of theMetho aiet Episcopal church. South, will convene in tbe Methodist church at Stanley March. 26th at 7:30 p. m. The following progtam is an nounced: MONDAY. At 7:30 p. m , Opening ser mon by Rev. George F, Kirby. TUFJSDAY. At 9:30 a. m , Prayer and Biesions—Rev. R. M. Courtney. At 10:15 a: m.. How to inter est onr people in MIitions-Rev. J. F. Armstrong. .At 11 a. m.. The Bible view of Missions—Rev. L. B. Stacy. At 2:30 p. in ., Missions and literature—Rev. J. H. Sr park, i P-m-. Woman’s Work in Missions—Min Ssllie Nowlin. At 7:30 p. m., The Power and Necessity of Money in the Sal vation of onr race,—Hon. C. R. Koey. WEDNKSnAY. At 9:30 a. m., Tbe Needs of Japan—Rev. Z. Hinohara, (of Japan.) At 10:15 a. m., Revivals end Musionr-Rev. W. H. Willie. At 11 a. m.. Our Missions iu Bt»*i}~K.ev. J. L. Kennedy, (of Brazil.) At 2:30 p. m., Education and Mlsaioor-Rev. B. L. Bain. At 3:30 p n., Mill Problems mid Missions—Hon. Stonewall Durham. At 7:30 p.m., The Claims of Our Superannuated Preachers— Rev. J. W. Clegg. Lest night at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. aad Mrs. T. C. Childress at the Loray mill. Mist Benia. Childress aad Mr. B. H. Hallman, of Cberryville, were married by the Rev. ty. H. Reddish. The happy conple will make their home for the present with the bride's parents. With Mrs. Tuttle. Mrs. B. H Tattle entertained the Book Clnb Wednesday after noon. The. occasion was a Val entine affair and an nnosnally pretty ooe. Pink and white, the clnb colors, ran through the decorations, the flowers being pink and white carnations. Punch, salads, ices, and other refreshments were served in the elaborately decorated dining room. By making the largest number of words from the letters iu "St. Valentine" Miss Kell Stnyre won s gold bat pin. The guesti were Mrs. Frost Torrence. Mrs. T. L. Craig, Mrs. L. L. Jenkins, Mrs. S. N. Boyce, Mrs. M. H. Curry, Mrs. J. Lee Rob inson. ML Mly Wadding. Invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Rhyne of Mt. Holly to the marriage of their daughter. Miss Lily Cath erine, to Mr. Miles Pegvam Hoff man, of Philadelphia. This happy event will be celebrated at the bride's beautiful home Tuesday evening, February the 27th, at six o'clock, and will be » soefety event of more than ordinary interest. Mr. Hoffman, a son of Dr. and Mrs. W. H Hoffman, of Gastonia, has for a number of years been success i 1 *2. M*e commission business in Philadelphia. Miss Rhyne is -among the prettiest and most Wlea tk* State. Their approaching mar riage natorallv interests a wide circle of admiring and-devoted fnends. ■EmsorssTMnMT. p-blic Mealing h! ‘ mil Mr. Mia Bryan cl Baktmccc to Syaak. A grand old time is expected ftTas&rarssws all necessary arrangements for the meeting and haa succeeded la arranging a program that will ews&v&kI General Council for tbe Im E°2?d-9rdff H«P»«opha, will be the principal speaker. The meeting, which it giveo by tbe Gastonia Heptasophs will VBAtiiaBffBm be present. The following is the program: gS£'iE5i¥'-feAifH-fis Vocal solo—Mrs. II. B. Moose oiano a ccoaipaa Intent by — Add res i—Mr. Otic Bryan, at Balti Bore, Kespoase—Bev. B. L. Bala. Alter the exercises a banquet will be served to all amasben ot tbe order in the lodge ball. VhlsUmaf-Beyer. One of tbe moet beaatifal home weddings of the season oe eotmd at the none of Mr. Perry Dover, of Clover. Wednesday night in the preaeoce of a latte gathering of friends. The con tacting parties were Mias Allie. the beautiful sad popular daugh ter of Mr. aad Mrs. Perry Dover aad Mr. Robert Lee Wbistnant an excellent young man of Clover. Tbe ceremony teas perforated by the Rev. Mr. Hunt. After the marriage an elegant sapper was served for the happy couple at which more than fifty bursts were prescat. Tboee who attended from Gastonia were Mr. aad Mrs. Arthur Hin son. Misses Hokes Beil and Lydia Hinson and Mr. Fred Tyner. ViImIIm Patty. Mr*. Frost Torrsaee was the charming hostess at a valentine party given at her home on Tuesday afternoon for the Tues day afternoon dob. A contest entitled "Small Beginnings" was the occasion of mock pleasure and enjoyment. This was fol lowed " by a unique and interest ing game ievented by tbe hostess called tbe "Game of Hearts.'’ The game possessed many new features to the usual guessing contest and proved to be both entertaining and instructive. Refreshments is heart-shape wrre daintily served. The heart shaped cards bore tbe following menu. Croquettes of two soles, broken hearts, soared hearts, love knots, iced hearts, sweet hearts. Mrs. J. K. Dixon was tba dubs guest of hooor for tbe afternoon. Tbe Monroe Journal says that Mr. C. G. Morgan teaching near Waxbaw eras arrested a few days ago one warrant of the county physician for refusing to be vaednated bimsdf and for refusing to allow b 1 a school children to be vaednated. A Mg trial resulted, ia which two magistrates sat together at the bearing against tbe teacher for refusing to be vaednated bim sdf. They have reserved their opinions until the 10th of Much, when Morgan will be tried for obstructing tbe operation of the health law as to- tba children. A mass meeting at the school bouse approved the teacher’s course as to the children, and sa to himself Morgan says he has had tbe small-pox, and refuses on this account to submit to vaednatiou. I ■' . * .. ^ »jgi It may be possible to mb « better polish for silver and cot glass than Silver Cream hot up to the present time it has never been done. For 33 Years Sliver Cream has been nsed by the beat barillas in the land with perfect satisfaction. Note window display Cor demonstration. Torrence-Morris Co. See Our 10c Window I 4Ae Fascjad 25a Eaaari ifsj ,*&?* 25c Enamel pi| 25c Glass Si. * .'at^ .r,ir.»/i .»a:,.-‘i«L- .u ’j:- ■ ,- - _.. . . . ’'*£*'* L/*’?’’/ AT IO CENTS BACH WHITFIELD DRY GOODS CO. NOTICE ~ TO DELINQUENT TAX-PAYERS Tba Board of Aldermen (an reunited by lav to del at ■* • JaanarymMtlar ordered