tey ta ISO* fully IW Imb feted LMtTi tet Tte WMiUimi mall at uy tluoo la aa anraou teat tea ipiaHiat cannot load ate Iriar la te tad aooMlbaw not oat la u tea «f. Lte hteaotf can mad only a riaiUan at tee teal. Often them art tef am ntkk (Mb would kka tea fraa Iteot to am. bat arao rate latter* am »»"»*'* *a tea nun at dteiudi fur *» gait tea*. notaa of tram la* tad advice and m«aaate for chert V- Ul atuglc fortnight boato tea oOMte tetarn coouaintag raqeta far peeoaiur add ta aa amount exceeding teat at tte praaldn-a eatery far a TW later at tte Watt* Hoaaa ta tao ■ftal « rent pert of that labor anxtoty. U la Otter of teyrmf tef» aaeead aelr to aUaiw that water aad iirldy Ta are prog |n> thu (Mb ahoaldara all detafia. Qa la tW Pfe**teata memory and Ida timekeck -£_^**u*»«._ mm «r. hk mm. bla racorda and hla work Mdp K* pa pant go to tto pcwuxtaafi da«k *sta*t flat papara Loab Ulmaatl pstatfcara. Ttos always tto trartJatift ♦tod. AM papara rdattng to avutera ta ka takas ap on a tr*> an kept ts a Mdar. ao that wton tto praattoni htrs tfaa WMto Bosaa Look tea afl tk* —Haca ataiHaa tka axaeomra at lasUun as ttot Joarsay aO taady is rarapart tHabkhpip Tlir Isaaiilaat .. Loab a* Ha prlrata oak* ky waaaa ad as dMU tor lea la a tos dst to Loab'a daak. Wkas tto praaulast poakaa a batten a •tort, abarp. assppy aassd ta pmtlswl kl tto tea. Osa day as dd ganttawaa aaaaa to aw Mr. Moaarralt Loot, aaM Ms waadd stup tka wattar aaj Ian tto lows. Tto aid salkstt «ut dan tolwkisawt tsdtonly ttorswaa a abort, abarp. asappy aossd. and tba rtalur Joatpad as aJTrbtbard. "Haft only a call from tto praa* last for Mr. Loab." rapuiaad Aartat esa toarrtary Samoa. - "•**. sstosaaa awT ♦srlilwaM tot TvJUno JUROR'S WORK. WIlBnat M. grow, Jr., son of tb* talk Peualre tewysr —d pruts— ef Andrew Otenagta, recently Wt at n Jurer In tb* CM* of Korman H. Qeysor, char—d Wllh tho murder or Ur*. Martha in. pal rich, says a Pittsburg —sclal dto patch to tor Otectnuatt Enquirer. YonagFrew. who la joet out of cdtaga, mere* tor tb* tout time a* a Jutyman. 1h* drat case that he waa accepted tor wm th* ainrder csau, which proved ta ba to* togn at any ever triad to tua Pitta bug court. Tho jory was oat ri*rm day*. lh* Brat night young Trow discover ed that one of bit fallow Jurors, a firmer front toowdan township, could nrithsr read nor write. Ha att about to* teak of teaching lb* farmsr bis tatters .and who tb* trial wae ovar was ratified to Bad that to* nuts eoukl write hta own sad other people's Mate* and ooukl casks a fair stagger •t tsadlag. Th* sight ■ tonal buriussn went an •itfri tor a short ton*, but then tbs Jur or* begs* to nJtr from lack of excr eta*. Young grow Is a One sthtata sail know* BMr* about boxing and Japu sana wrestling toon many prof caaloo ala. Bo a wrestling mat waa made at torrtal mattresses Tbs Jaro/s aU know more about boxing and wrestling today than they did before. Yoang Flaw also Introduced foot racing around too room and other phyoleal culture diversion* until the man got all th* exercise they nssdcrt sad hod sppa tttoo which coat to* county 1080 for ta oxcbnnge tor all tola young Frew was amply repaid by at toast oo* of tb* Jurors who waa a bather, grew could ■ta ohara himself, and th* barbar Juror cowled to perform tho teak esch morning before break feat. Dnr tag th* starsu days' coofinemant ha •to* gar* yoang Frew, as wallga srv ml attorn, aa up to date haircut. Th* larynteu declare that tom oarer bad a finer ooatponloa than tho mOBaci tWt MS Young grew, who ta n sort MM sort of Chap, soys toot he was vary much total sated la ton work. WHEELER'S ROMANCE. 11 I I , I mmm-m PANAMA CAUL PARODY ■•Aires of Wort oa Isthmus Bn Uvea Orldiron Club Dinner. ' VmaVAT A gDBJBOT OOP MIRTH Met totoW AOO otter Mocks hardly Mm M sMs. Bo did It not ms. bat BMartUBM. It was at tte recant 41a ■er «C tte Oiidlroa dab at tte Now WBMid hot*! la Washington, aad tte eaaaa of tte PMotdMfa mlrtb was* tte fact that ha aad Ms administration aad. above an. tte Panama de partment at it were tended to tte earn s taste, says a Wasblactae spe cial dispatch to tte Now Tort Times. Kest ta slso was tte celo—si isnab st Secretary Taft wteoever the dob demonstrated M Its moot convincing masaav that ho sad his canal were not what they wen cracked op to be. As fsr Sseretaty Beet, ho dkl t b* test te coeld. bet with a buadrod or more sen ator*. representstlsos. cabtoot offlnrs sad newspaper men shouting aroond him It was dUBcalt for him to bold bis own with such votcM as those of Taft aad Booasvdt The dialog room was transformed Me Pa same for the occasion, and tlio dab sad Its guests smubed la those prophetic wards to the tune of "When Johnny Comes Marching Horned w«'r» niif lam __ We re glm ta dta the Ms HnttV Herrmh! I* Panama we w*rn da mm duta And Ikere n ha mere dmutau Wm tha dht beats* to ftj ~ Before they got through they bad dag th» canal and ftaatad open a hug* white acraan a picture shewing tha ecaspteted enterprise. and «Dh It n por trait of President Bsoocvuit warning a raoorabto white baud aad appar ently a ««ntury old. ThJa eras ooa of tbd thing* which brought forth that prMMaaHil roar. I *tnt of an. attar (bo gouts bad ar rived they wars unbelad Into com piles. Instead of galsg Into the din ing ban in tbs vasal way a lannulu waa termed. It waa headed by Uem tanaat Raatrinaann aad tha Marina band, al dona up In beautiful whit* uniform* and looking aa rmniiij aa contd bn. Than camo ITsaMoat Uoosw T«)t of tha United States and President Btebard In* Fhar* of the Gridiron ctab. ToUowlag theeu marched tbs musical members, clad In woching maa*a hlonsu and carrying real ptchs aad shovel*, (n tba »s m eutnn war* emheeosrtiws. cabinet officers, ssaatora aad reproMuta tires, railroad preri dents—all follow ta* a golden gridiron bsid aloft. Mark Twain kept paoa trite the rut. an lively as a boy. Associate Justice Brewer, sedate and dignified, wxa by Upside. Aa tba band played tea member* aad tea gnasta mad* their devious way through a terpentine nisi* of polma, robber traaa. banana plant* and other tropical vegetation, to thickly placed together as to make a furinating mo rion of a jungle. Everybody In tha march to the banquet ban Joined In tha churn*: We're golag to dta the Mg easel. Hurrah! Hsrrakl It Is really n mtatak* to aay that lb* peoeaeatan entered the banquet baa It emerged from tbs tropical pathway up as to* ptsxa of Santa Ansa, which, a* •vary on* knows, le tba public park of tha Isthmus city. Tha street sign* hung bars and tear* aanoanesd (bat It waa ttw plans of Anna, which wae evidence enough: but, la addition to this, tea room wae eat with towering cocoon or pa'w. wrib banapa trees bearing buaebM of real fruit and with ether appropriate daoorstiaoa ta rich profu rioa. AA tea acts wars srrsngad sa If teoy wore occurring ta Panama, sad avurybndy retorted to Waahtagtoa aa mom faro*, distant city. Be calatest!on of tee evening was tea one ari drama entitled -Printers frees Paaamat ar. Haw W# Could Do II If Wo Had a Chanes." Tba gnoste war* hrisghl face to tec* with thta ta Itecatlag and rerarieua production by • Mrica of osay stags*. Early in tec •voting aueflte dab members cam* Is. walked around ft* pinaa aad dis tributed with grant prodigality hues wads of stag* mousy. Os Mhtijl riger wMb a ttinuil dollar taffi and scattered MM of Meaty an tea loor. “What does tele exhibit Ion mssar asked Prteldial ream. Another chorus, snothoc brief period of nUrctioa to tits good things to act Ud ■> member of the stab eatm-wl who, tftrr appropriate conversation, applied ter tbs i>MiUou of press ogeut. "Uut you can’t write." objected Free Ideal Ksoru. “No," aaacutod tbs applicant “Hut wbafa thu uasT Secretary Taft does ill tbs writing!" AM tlila tints tbs Taft laogb domi nated oveu tbo Hkilled specialist; but if you are run down In general health, if you have dyspepsia, are sub ject to fainting spells, a victim tu insomnia, bihuusncsa, kid ney or liver troubla. catch cold easily, if your system is in that condition that you may become an easy prey to the disease germs of pneumonia, la grippe and the various epidemics, if you are bothered with constant headache, loss of memory, gen erally impaired vitality, we can help you. and.lf you fellow our directions, rooder yea Immune ■■slant sickness. Moat ski a dtnoono caa be cured by :he use of ’’BROMONIA.’’ "BROMONIA" ia to the hu man system what the scrubbing brush and soap are to the dirty washbowl. It aids Nature to resume normal action. It in creases the strength, the fight ing ability of the phagocytes of the blood; it prorooLrs the healthy flow of the salivary and gastric secretions If your stomach ia in good condition, you are well. The Chtaeaa are a wise people. They accent each other with,"How la your, atoeaacfc?" J, H. KENNEDY h.CO, guarantees that, if you will write to the BROMONIA CO., NEW YORK, giving your full name and address on the coupon at the bottom of this column, you will receive an or der on your nearest druggist for a free bottle. Write name and address plainly. Re careful to address BROMONIA CO.. NEW YORK. FREE BROMONIA COUPON. Name___ City_.. State___ My nearest dealer U My disease is_____ If yon think "BROMONIA’. is what you need and do not care to send coupon, you m-ill find it at all first-class drag gists, 75 and 50 cut. the bottle. Special sale being held by J. H. KENNEDY A CO., exclusive wholesale agents for Gaatouia. BOY'8 POULTRY VENTURE. Mother PimhMa the Capital Par Bmpou Ulalpe'a Bn Cuttrp. Kmmoua I'.iiiioo. tbc fourtccn-year old (jrrtndton nt the late Janie* O. Blauc. li.vi ni i '• tilt ndvtcit hit ) bnnl aeta w:.'li tliia artvcrtletnaemt In h)a *c1m> >1 |.rt; ar, any* a CWP!TKd~.apata!ii EMMONS HUAIJOE * CO.. ClmlioraL IIL Daalera la SlrtcUjr Preah Ejca. Ever/ CIS auantnteeO. Ortlera znoet be a*nt la advance. I*boti» ETnhuret-d “I wonder If thorn i-htckeiie bare laid enough ecsa tbia wauk to BU timer or der*/' be reran tty remarked to a Mend. “I told mamma to food them extra well, became el oca I have advert* ead our boelneaa I have more ocSara." “Who la “war " waa aakad. 1 "I'w r* a good partner, all right.” aald tha hoy. “11*0 my mother. She far nlahea tha capital and 1 tha axpart aaiea.” Tha Tatra at Path. Ilk peaCe taenghte eoaeeralag —-rnuri aaweat lawn, akbk beam tha aaarn eg tha paveraar.) Thera wiWtbe w grafter hi the eeadag tow* Of »OW Mae baogtara heeetaaftev that ahafl --- Mr hHMag eg aar weak. ^ hnblhtag that to aati * e*A/ \l.UeP . r.C Jf. t* * I '*/» ),7e 1 Professional Cards. or. d. e. McConnell, DENTIST. Office firat floor Y. M C.A. Bld’e GASTONIA, N. C. Phoue 69 Dr*. FALLS A WILKINS DENTISTS GASTONIA, N. C. Office in Adama Building. Phone 8G. Dr. C. M. BEAM, DENTIST, DALLAS.N. C. Offices Over Bank, T»l,Dbw»: Usllu. No. 1J—IHrituu. MRS. JOHN HALL. GASTONIA, N. C. Teacher of Piano and Organ. Special attention given begin* uers —FI8p WILLIAM H. LEWIS, ATTORNEY-AT-T.AW and NOTARY PUBLIC Ofct wtt Cutoni, Il'tlwHt Store GASTONIA, N. C. Practice limited to civil matters, sudl as collecting claims, negotiat! ing Joans, settling estates, and the writing and probating of all sort* of legsl instrument* J 12-3in Dr. W. H. Wakefield OF CHARLOTTE win be i° Gastonia at the FatU House on Wednesday, Jan. Slut, for one day. 1IU practice Is limited to diseases of the Bye. Ear. Nose and Throat, and Fitting Glasses. Oa this visit the doctor will aup ?}y f**e of charge lo bis pa* i Ueuta who nttd kImirb. • NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. ail0lrCwU.,,*!f^r ^ven ,h“ the ftrm of West and Company conduct in* a Hvary stable and dolne a Ecn V*1 Ueety business st Mt. Holly, is ; this day dissolved. The sorvivW partner. Ale* West, will collect all pay nil outstandinE debts. „ At** Wmt. Mt. Holly. N. C-. Jan. 18.1UW. - 1 Notice To Creditor*. jfirsJir £23fTtfce* ^ *»>»«'*» «? list Day a( Jaaaaty, 1*07. &S&rSswS.*w ***** «r TIt **wr* «-aSi, Maiatitnuii. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE.