___—i in a Tract of r Business Vo* 1 Both tor 1 Land* .. Qff{ \£SZ\ SSSSr * oev \ \o HIM __1 TOW^Sun*. «*• W-I re and What IV*^ 7* My?“* wh,ch ,a,d °“t In streets, parks, business sad residence crossing of the Atlantic and Biraalnghani and the Ocllla and Valdoata railroads, 16 miles north Governor Northern and Mr. P. H. Fitzgerald as the most desirable site span which to locate the great tlons for Its sale, and these gentlemen were forced to find another location. non i k °* My*,,c ®«ny natural advantages to be found nowhere else. The surronadlag 000 "habitants or more. It Is located upon two great railway lines and enloys excellent freight w*,c" cross the property diagonally and will afford perfect drainage to the entire town. The South Georgia whose owners are, without exception, progressive. Intelligent and snccessfal agriculturists. The south Is more delightful and healthy. No fever^-no malaria. I founts to Remember Mystic has delightful and healthful cli mate and perfect natural drainage. Taro churches, school house and many residences are now being built. Located at intersection of Atlantic and Birmingham and Ocills and Valdosta rail roads. Town supplied with Artesian water and plans for waterworks will be prepared. Virgin pine fotest for park in the town. 3,000 acres of Sue farming lands in imme diate vicinity at prices less than the tim ber is worth. Cleverest people in South Georgis live in Mystic snd surrounding country. I MYSTIC Is intersection of Atlanta A Birmingham and Ocllla A Valdosta Rys.and hag 6 passenger trains dally I MYSTIC Is In centre of Irwin County—high, dry, and healthy MYSTIC was original site chosen for Fitzgerald Colony MYSTIC has pure artesian water and perfect natural drainage MYSTIC Is surrounded by the best farming lands In Georgia MYSTIC will draw trade from 15 to 20 miles all around ' MYSTIC already has 200 people; annual cotton receipts 2,000 bales MYSTIC offers unequaled advantages to Investors and home seekers MYSTIC Is backed by half million dollars and means business [ FACTORY SITES ON RAILROAD WILL BE FURNISHED FREE I I GEORGIA COLONY AND I j. h. HARRIS, President end General Manager, Fltsgerald, Ga. ' ■ J. ft. McCRARY, Vice President, 726 Empire Building. Atlanta, Oa. w p. ruDISILL, Sec’y and Treas^ Ca abler Cl Use os Bank, Fttsgernld, Ga. I WRIGHT TORRENCE, General Traveler I y • J - ,v ^ .v 'v-y ' ■ *v'•• V-'• J ''-J •'' ''***<&*' BBfiHfiB