LMukla.frai. C-*. Itis*. V-Traa. A. 6. Hy«r». CmAJct Citizens National Bank Offers to its patrons every courtesy and accommodation con sistent with sound hanking, > $ $ Your business is solicited LAVISH OFFERING FOR ZION’S CAUSE Dramatic Response of Dowie'a People to Overseer’s Plea. HEAPS OP GIFTS OOITBJBOTBD _ Call Pot IswIIm It RMm Un CUr »• a !»■■< VluuUl Basis Cmammm Kiwi, WtMw, Bank — rlra. nW»M mi Motmr CkMka I* fc HIT Maori! mm Takeraaol* To. Mm Bth ChUdeea Sava Trlakrta. T)i« first public addraaa of Deputy Oencrnl Ovarsecr Wilbur Uhmu Vollva to tlia people of Zion City, msdo tbe olliar wonting, was n dramatic eppeal for a general act of sslf sacrifice to re ktore the city rounded by Ur. John Al kiaaOer Howie sad Its Institution* to a sound financial basis, says tbs Chicago Tribune. Kor an hour Zion's now leader . preached, taking aa bla tut Paul's lat ter to tba nilltpptaaa and urging the atera duly of a complete renunciation of this world's goods. . Than two tables wars placed at tlw front of tiia plutfonu in the big tabor nods, and tlio congregation, com lug forward In aeclkma, piled them high with the moot valuable of thotr poaaae alona Women torn off ring* and brace let) and threw them on tba tabloo. Maa brought watches, diamond* and bank books rapraaeotlng tbe savings of a lifetime aud added them to tba heap. Iron tha children eootributod tbotr cherished trinkets la tbs abort time that Overoear Ve- i lira baa been at Zioo City bo bus won tbs confidence of most of tha pooplo and bos given indication) of being an obis leader. When ho arose to speak •very face eras Inroad toward him In breathless Internet Ha began quietly, tailing of tbe eaertfiev* In the days of VIM IUUI UWVUIIIK I IUI p exhortation to them to complete self abnegation. Tbuu, driving lata points home degree by degree, be made the application. Tbo duties ef Cod'* chil dren. be said, are (be aame today aa they wore In tbo time of Pool. Zion Is In need. Its people most rally to Its support, and gifts most not lie mod* with a grudging hand. ' Aa be sat down there was dead si lence. Then Overseer J. K. BxeeU arose. ‘The overseer la right." lie said. "Zion seeds your help. And Overseer Yellva baa tiers a ablnlng example, no gave an ha had to Zkm. area the family heirlooms ha treasured. Qt has worked without compensation be yond food awl clothing, no cornea to aa from A net rails a poor rang** A prayer and vocal solo followed, and then Overseer Voiles came for ward a goto. “1 want nothing done on Impulse,” be said. "Whatever you arc about ts do think It over carefully flrwt Till* mint bo o gift of tbo bead aa wall aa of tbo heart." Thau two tBomoue Utiles ware brought forward and placed lu rroiit of tbo platform. First the officials of Ztou Ctty. wbota Overseer Vollva bad told of srbnt ha was about to do at a atoedag a few sight* ago. brought gifts of silverware, eut glass aud Jewelry and laid them as tbs (thins. Overseer Vollva hltuscif gars hie watch, a gift from hie mother when a bop. After ward the congregation was dirtied In to sect loos, sad aaa by aoe (ho groups were led forward. It eras Impossible to stake say eatl mate of the wealth contributed. Twen ty -flvo watches of matsrlala rsu-tn tram Inexpensive gun metal to solid gold were counted There were sixty rings, many of them set with dia mond a. Fortius*, bracelets, brooches aad Jewelry ef every deaeration were thrown apoti the piles without so In stant's hesitation. Frets the me* cam* gift* of beaoe* aad lota, pledge* ef rnoaey gifts a ad checks- B. J. Simmons of Kenosha. WH* gar* gam. Thar* was on* cheek *or IMOO aad Mother for ISCO. A •core gate *100 sod gMO checks. Oh* * etpeaslv* far overcoat aad *•»- Thor* wars flfty bosk books, reproaentls* the entire lovtenaa of ns mosp «••■. I**0** the gifts arm* a rtolia aad as tutstarp. Overseer Vallv» « wife eoutrlbatad every arttsto *f Jewelry la bar posses alaa, saaaa ef Am gifts nt great asatt MPfel Tkkjs M w*a a* eoatly tram a monetary view. A conelileniWB proporllou of tbe eao trlbuttons nu made In the coupon books n-ltb which tbs employ ere of Zlun City formerly were paid. Op to lat of lYbruiry all amployoca la lb* factories or atiwoia errrs paid dot lu cash, but In books of coupons. which ronstltotod rial ins for msrcbandlet or mib. Tbs use ef tbree was dlscoottn i*h1 as part of the plan to placo tbo community on a sound fl ns octal boats, aud at the tame lima tbs stems and banka refused to honor them further. Coopons to the value of gaxOOO or •90.000 or* sUU outstandlct. sad It Is chiefly for the purpose of rodeomiug tlioso that tbe appeal was made. A brief cable meeoage from Dowle was read. HIGHWAY FOR AUTOS. Jeha (rteke* Welker's Plea eC heed free lee Terk to Pknedelpkia. Jubu Rriaboo Walker advanced some uurel and laterustliig Ideas resenting falurc roads far oatoaoblllog tbo other night before tbo members of tbo Auto mobile Club uf Aasorlcn la Now York. Hr. Welkor was one of tbs i don cor members of tbs club. He has devoted much attention to tbo subject of spe cial motor highways, aud his parti oi ls r Interest In tbs possibility or obtain ing so automobile highway from Kew York to Philadelphia led tbo ofBcera of cbe club to request u detailed exposi tion of Ids views before the members, ssys the New Yack Times. Hr. Walker's plan for the Kew York rbllsdclpbla automobile highway pro vides for a road from eighty to a bon died tret wide, so divided that such belt of tlie nud would contain three separate automobile tracks, upon which different speeds would be maintained. Tbcie would thus be six tracks to all and with care moving 900 feet apart and carrying an average of eight poo scugers eplece. lie sdrifted making a toll rood, charging Co cents per paa songcr. Upon a large map of New Jer sey three possible route* were mapped out, avoialug largo settlements. One. stsrtlug from the foot of West Forty second street would begin nt Wechaw kea. pose between Hackensack and Passaic, rdu through tbe Qrauget and than axrcnd la aa straight u Hue as poo iim* to I'liilaaelptila. passing couth of Bound Brook and north of Trenton. The other roots* would toad across Ktntoo Island, running aoatli of tlio Pennsylvania railroad, tbo more sou til. erty of th* (wo living arenas to FUlo rtrlpiils through Onmdeti. "Naturally jroo want to know tbo probs' to coat of such an undertaking." said Ur. Walker. "1 better* tbo con struction of Mi* road could bo brought within *0,000 • mil*, provided the right* of way maid Ihi obtained with out cost That would mean for lb* ninety otto* between Now. York and Philadelphia *340.000. The yearly rum for maintenance ought out to bo men than *10.000. Fifty toll keepers nt *000 ««cb would bo *20,000 and, flgurli* In terest at O per cent on tbo cost of Um read, would bring the anneal charges t* *07,400. At low then 400 passengers a day (he road would bring la ■■ in come of 173000 a year, a comfort*bio to-oflt oa the la vast m* at “With a proper roaiL dost less and having the slightest poaslMe grades. It woakl Inaaro the maximum of safety. Fenoaslty I would much prefer to travel to Philadelphia no such a road thaa la a railroad min. The middle track of tb* read would permit a speed of dftjr inline an boor, no that an auto mob that could reach Philadelphia from Hew York Just aa quickly by the high way aa ho now does osar the rails.” » A SWIMMING SCHOOL. hMosranra-* rtsa so Teas* SttaaM* rttr Oartaar*** s* awls*. th|>-.l;i Ch.-.rles Clark, a veteran life '»M « Atlantic City. Intends hartog . n.Mbpir vwlnimlng academy, says th* ’ lil.r.Uidi.Vit I'u'.iile l/».1;r*r, tie said cc-cir !y Ih :t h.- line entered Into a eon irtt-i with ilffy t>r inuto member* of .he Ihv flag i-of-ciy wUaut Cart net's wlitwr • u *iy Ptill-d»t;>hlaas bars stuaiae* Pane/, to li-tract theca to ewlm us nwi sc t’te u wither portails. Ceptr.tn flirV.i Ul<* lx to strum a sable er-tv* »: •leer's hasta from th* Attend*- r../ V ,;*« V* CAME, SAW. ARE WAS CACTUSES William H. Lswl*. • Lawyer «| Oaatseia. Bam hi|irt| la fee—law sad Will tm Than tally*. Ora*Mtnrv InduU-Ul Slew*. William H. Lewis, of Gas tonia, cam* to Grdensboro about awajk ago to sec what b« coaid ms. As s result R. C. Bernau, the jeweler, yesterday received • check from him to pay for a lot at 417 North Edge worth Street to which be took a liking when her*. Mr. Lewis has also instructed Mr. Benuu to cany out an engagement be made with Alonso K. Loftin, a constructor sod builder. R. C. Bernau has been a friend of long standing to Mr. Lewis. They have during the last two months carried on a correspondence regarding the advisability of Mr. Lewis com ing to Greensboro to live sod practice his profession, that of aa attorney at law. Mr. Rerun suggested that Mr. Lewis come and look the town over. He did so with the result above stated. Mr. Lewis was bon and edu cated in Ibis state. He took ap the study of law and later nettled in Gastonia. Thera he has be come «inc of ha most prominent ua some years ago Be was elected to the office of mayor. Ur. Lewis hoe gives bis main attention to hu profes sion and has for many years en joyed a decidedly lucrative prac tice. Bot Gastonia baa proved too small and fails to show the signs of advancement a rising lawyer wonld naturally wish as tbe field of his work. Greensboro at tracted from the distance and a visit of one day sufficed to con vince him that the Gate Cky possessed in great abundance all that could be wished for a place of residence and as a city in which to prosecute tbe beat ness of law. Me found it enter prising and pnshiog and with better than n fair prospect of growing in population, in wealth and importance of any city of the state. Ur. Lewis la coming here to Hvc and to pit bis legal abilities against ns brilliant an array of talent as can be found in any oity in the Union. During tbe short time he was here he selected the lot spoken of and for which he has sent his check. He bought it for cash and tbe price nrid is to be $2S per front foot. He arranged baa sent that gen tie man in structions to proceed at oaee to to draw them. Mr. Bern an wrote bin lent evening enclos ing the papers which entitle Ur. Lewis to the property and giv ing him the information that Ur. Loftin would get to work at once on the plans and as soon as approved begin the erection of the dwelling. This is to be a handsome structure, modern in every particular, and will coo tain eight rooms. The coat will be about $3,000. Naturally the family will not arrive until sometime In May, but Ur. Lewis will be here by the last of this month and he will at once be looking lor clients.- - la That Yen? Wotau'1 Haw Cmnks Lives there a man who has not said: " To-morrow l‘U act oet of bod At sis o'clock *n<) get things done B :lort the setting of the aval* Uves there a man who has not aakl. At 6 a. m.; "How good this bod Does foot." and snores MU after 8, Then wonders how ho slept so late. Alt ROT ALLOWED TO TAIE SOOSCUmORO A Privilege That Am Been Takas Away Iraaa tba Baral Ballran Canrlari- CaaBaaFr— Trad# Hcrwavar. CktriMWChraatel* Washington, March 9.—Tilt poktmaeter General yesterday reaffirmed his potltioa with re ■pact to rural free delivery car ners that cannot be used aa th medium for taking auhscriptioo! for newspapers. At one timi they war* allowed to do so, b« a recent act of Congress prohl bited rural carriers from solicit tog business or rccelvlag order of any kind from any person frm or corporation, or frot carrying merchandise for hit during their boors of employ ■sent. According to aa offioia statement given out to*day, hoar ever, rural carriers are oot pro hlbitcd from carrying outside o the arails, namatlable matter oi the request sad at tha expense o patrons of their rootes. —— ■ ■ __ ._ DKiiBca