«rd tbee crated it* Hruta. and Mg n. Bacfeatoltav baease IhaaU kloc. tba «aa» of tte ptpe Baa tte aapwr of dM min of pctr*tevs&. Outth!* of biwlncaa m aM has star aqM iswii of aapftkf Mr. BockctaOir M Du u known. Ha tea ao rteaa Mm modestly, to kindly ta dlteoatltou. aapoctaay tocBtHhraa. gtraa away raat turn for edar-itiiu aad «tertty. faeape oat of society uiul dote tad rozntorty attends cborcX So far aa tte form |«n te lie* kept bto prt twta Ufa aaaotlayty comet. Bet la hwlac«a te tea teen aa Uscnipaloaa aa a fox aad u aMraOasa aa a watt BoekafMtoc'a pa (tor at Ctoroiaad, O.. ■ay* ttet tte otl kina'. Udloy himself to elude tte proem «cnm ta tte •hmted trick" te era ptoyad. Tom tewaon. ca tte otter hand, cay* ttet within a roar both tectofrtlcr aad tewara will te tebtad tte bairn. Tte** amy te royuded aa two expert ovIn to**. Tte reader may ebooac wbieb te Xorw ttet tte ktewl Hpmn coort tea decblad ttet Royer* ami otter Standard witnesses rat answer ooas ttoaa, it may te ttet KoeksMtor wui b# rtai mar* aasioao to kaap oat of tte way. Ha doabtta** kaoei many thtoya JOB* ft MCunun axi> aw focaxtioo aou wruTif. _MBA* TABKTTOWN. R. !. ftat to toot tot want to talk a boot to «*** «wt But tlx atate at Ulaaovil « probably wait M load to to. It Will tot bn exactly convenient for John IX to remain to bitted darted tto raat •i fate natural Ufa, and aaauer or later Batin to Mfa bin. Then a Standard OO cbnpter to Unbio to to written Uiat will to atui man totaraatted tban tbnaa atrandy put to print Uy Ma a*. *Wtek Tto coentry wtB await tfent •rant with toon and pteaaanibte aatto Itottenn. Mr. Rockefeller haa proved ttat to to d Tory aaaootk and adroit f—ttomnn. bat tfan arm at tto tew M BtoMr. MeeuwkUe fala dOddtey of a In. an] him mi. bowemr mamtr n may H dona nod piano Ito to exactly on "tah y—im fallow.1* It b> worthy of that "the eld (MKhoau* is Its mam pap alar of tba two. Ur rlrU> •boot kh hsaaroae aatntov. erwnOf steading ou tha aup of bl* Vox; y. rtr 4hg aa order bam and toars hod k.-e;) u« 0 okaaa watch ou aU that la going farword. Whlla doeaocrnttc wtth thoaa ba mavis, tba oil amgnato U eery core tally guarded Croat too Intro ties of at rang ora. They aright hat* boat ha •ttll, HkfCaau. Ooe day a stranger managed to gat by tb» guards. JebB D- who was puying golf with a Mood, saw blai tost and broke for eorcr. Tba atrasger folk) wad at a good cup. beidlux sot a package, RockrfeOor prerod a awtft (printer for aaa of hia yaste sad anally saaoaadad to ooDOosliag hlauslf. A guard caught Ota arranger, srtre prerod to have unt tbar aa tofataal umeblue nor a coart aasmens, bat ooly a harmless bottla or hair rcflonr. * Mr. Ucckeftoler can tail a story on •coastoc and Is not without an oppeect atloa of buruor. Ho to fond of asking bin Mends bow long a Baa's la-s sbottld ba, and It they cannot answer the ensaodram ba tells tbeto gtoafolly. **lMg enoagb to ranch from bis body to tba groood." The tact that Lincoln eriglnatad that aaytux doss sot MOS to detract from (bo oil king's enjoy meat to repeating it. •Heaviest Rcb I Hare Brer Kcewa." Xbo preakieat of tbo Str-udunl OU Is food of tamtig about toe heaviest bole ba aver beard of. It appears that In an earlier day be ordered from a fonudry *ut coatings, one solid sad ana wtth a bote. The bill was rendered for two wild coatings. Mr. DeekcfcUer colled atlcudou to this sod sectored tba fol lowing credit: "X D. Uocfca fetter, Cr.. by 1 bole, vstaht la naniuta iwm •That" ehucklad John l>„ “was the heaviest bols I hare aver known." Thom la another and an earlier story (bat abomi another phase of tlockcfsl tor’s charaetec. The late Amass 8tone of Cleveland eras the heaviest stock holder la the Standard Oil company back tu Um seventies. Stone, who was a mau cf Importance, later Utc rntbcv-lu-Uw of ColotMl John Bay. bad a habit of laying down the law. One day ba was engaged la that occu pation io a directors’ mooting of Itae Standard. "Just a moment. Mr. Icon*.” said Rockefeller. "1 want yon to know be fore this dlscosstou goon any further that yon eso ni your rolling end banka as yon plansa. bnt yon can’t ran Standard OIL” ”1 presume." aaid Ur. Stone attar a muuMrafa painful eUeuc*. "yon stand randy to bay my stock. Ur. Praaldcnt" “Certainly." •'Well, ni take $100,000 a ad my offer boMa guod from 10 o'clock tomorrow morula* until a quarter after." Whara epoo Stone MR (he room. Rockcfcltor was not very task in those day*, end no one knows how bo raised the money, bin at the stipulated time be scat a friend to boy the stock. A Man o! Mystery. John D. Rockefeller is a much stron ger quid physically than Is generally tulle rod. lie la above tbs mediant height, hat a good pair of shoulders and a vigorous atop. The peculiar dis ease tbut caused UUn to lose ail hi* heir gives him a very aucisat and no -canny appearance. Recently the wear ing of it wig modillcs this strange as pect, III* bead l* large nod lilgb. Id* lips tbiu aud almost cruel and hi* eye Ukc a bleak well. It looks through one without toning anything la return. When the wen la deeply stirred it dash es with a conning aiwl almost atnlevo kmt gleam, but those Oceanians are ran*. If the eye to the wiudow of the •ocji Jobs D. Roc'sefellsr kuuws bow to veil Ida soul so that the world may not sec the luinoot springs of hia ao ikm. lie ban ever been a mas of mys tcry. keen to Bad out the buetneaa se ernta of ethers, but cautious about glv log UM own. even to his moot Intimate ssnocUhM. For ucttrly thlrty-Svo year* the fitunitfint 0*1 muiimh s> * kna I- Ik. avbjm* af nmnarom >odleUI laqalrtaa. Tba latofsut* conmarca -cominluloa law u4 tba SkeniMn aotHroit law war* both aimed at tfala gtgaotte troat. Hat ttamiRli all tba laqatrlaa aad logfadatlaa tba haml af that bn mama aobopoly baa auuagad to wrlggla oat af tba etotvbea of tbe gorcruuatit and baa bollt op a ayatam tba etaatiiaxlry ud ppwcr of which mo ooa azeapt htasetf parbapa can waaaara. J. A. KDQCttTOK. LIKE SOLOMON’S CHOIR. ruie. ui, m noma town, aaye tea Xcnr Tart World's Washington represents Urt, Ilia totter, which was addressed to "The Ontmn, tha President, tha Speaker and all others la Washington who bare power.** road: “Tha crying need of‘this country la Aar a law that will coaspet paopto to pay their board Mila. Caagraaa moat paaa this taw immediately. Tha great est art! of modern times la the man or woman who does sot pay a board MO. I know. "Xiao, congress shook! paaa In the earns taw a provision maklug It legal for a man to board where bo want* to and choose hla own boarding place and not lie ladueoeed by hla wife, and after ha baa picked It oat to compel him to pop croty wart. Please see to this at Senator Knox's physician advised him to give up smoking a few days ago and pat him la the same class with Senator Spooner, also smokeless after forty years of It suya tha Cleveland Plain Hosier's Washington correspond ent. The other osurnlag Monitor Knox's physician happened op at tha capitol and went Into the senator's committee room to paaa the time of day. He found Knox smoking a cl ear. “Here, senator,** be sold, *T thought 1 told you to quit that." "Quit wbutr asked Knox In mud "Why, quit using tobacco.'* "Tobacco? Wby. my dear doctor. 1 am not using tobacco. I am smoking a cigar Senator Hoiurer gar* mo." One of the Penneylvaalu members appeared la the bocae recently with a badly bruised nose, says the Chicago later Oeeau's Washington eorraspood eut. lie malutalnsd a digwia~i silence about It for two days Than tha ques tions pet too personal, and be gath ered a lot of hla tor mentors about him and said: "Tea fellows have been man ifesting an unholy Interest In my nose. Xow, If I toll you bow I hurt It will you quit asking me quesUoue?" Tbay all promised. "Wall." ha told. "1 waat over to Phil adelphia a tow days ago to witness a launching at Cramp's shipyards. I got there early. The manager of the yard, who la a particular friend of mine, to rltod me down under too ship that was to bo launched to asa how they bold tha Ml) os (be ways. While 1 waa aw rt*r there a careless workman knocked away tha rootmlatag peep, and Uu •hip came down and bit aw smart on to# boss. Good afternoon,frantletnea." Wbau Spanker Ouaoa cat down at U* dock it Om capital Um ethor day ho found a dtp of paper aa K making him to eon op oa tko tolophono -feat— M2*," aura tho New York World** Waahtn«ton conaapaadapL Tho apeak ar wont to ttw talephoua naked far tho Wnaher aad arhaa as aaower caa* aatd. -Do you waat wor 1 flout know.- aaaw Peak ttw ao» "Watt I baroat Um* to bo Mtaf arooad hero. Do yoa waat awT la ■lotad ttw ppaakor. -Who are you aay wa»r Ouautta. tho Oawywi old aa* ad tho proatliat 1a a pa»> a« aoo of tho pabVe otboolo of Waobtaftaa. oaya tho Now York Ttaaoa. — I I M'CALL'S LAST CIGAR. ■•W Imiwm Fmltel «»U 1*0 tam ■»*» IMWM HU Xnt RIM. A f«vr Asya bafurw Id* dcuUi (U* lat* John A McCall, locator |W#aM*nt of to* New York Life iumtronre coin piny, h»U a long talk whh hi* ton. John c. McCall, and told many luculr.-.t* of Ida career, lay* to* New York Hm "Jobii." I»* aald to hi* w x "! bav* doao many (blue* to my Ufa (Or whkh t era aerry, tmt I'rc nevir iloc* any thing ol which I reel a.tli 'mod. "Mjr cunaarl to young moo trim would ancceed la that tluy ek*nVl takr too world a* they Had It and Utan work—work T* Mr. McCall tbongtit tli* guhUaii (ore* of maaVlud wo* will pmvir. and In IK twtrallon b* aUi "Bom* tin* ngo. John, your mother and I wero Bitting together chaUteg. I w*» amokiag a cigar. I liked a cigar and enjoyed n g wl. quirt xnui'i* KLr objected to It. " ‘Julm.’ told the. •why don’t you throw (bet dicte a tray Y “I AH an. “ ‘John,’ «b« rntdod. *1 Itepi' yen'll uev rr amnke again.’ "The dg-ir l (brer* away wti* uiy lost 1 determined to qnlt then and there god dirt an. Tint rvaa *inctty thlrty Rre year* ago." Mr. McCall, whn had a salary of JinOjGCO a year an the liwwldeut of Hie Naw York Ufa lnoomuce comp.-iuy. Bad* bit fir*t hualnma venture with a onib capital of f too, which b* Invented ta a Brand stand amt fane* for a hn*e bol) gronodt la Albany. K. Y» and when It was found not that toe acute future man of Mg affair* bud arraugud to charge sdmlnlon to too ground* that formerly hart been open to Hit wkl*. wide world lliero w«* a kick on tbe pan of too populace that hud been Bead to teeing ball g*. me* on thore grounds free, any* tbe New Tort Ercn tag World. “It looked very equally for awhile. and I wondwwd what wat to become of my hundred," mid b* hi refwrlng to It "Tho boy* tiimattnrd to kick tb* fence down, and I bad a hard Job of diplomacy to get them to *o* to* thing tb* way I rtW. I pro. railed on I hem after awhile to allow It to Ktind end (hit hnmlrcvl ***** a deep Insight or tbo opportunities to make mousy if you bare money. and fires that day on I always managed to bare enough capital to taka ndrentngo •f any opportunity that might arts* fro ths earning of tuonoy by money, and orrery boy or young man ought to al ways bare a Uttla laid by for opportu nity." ONE BELL AGAINST MANY. ClwrtaU Haas Kfart la Hah# Man Seiaa Tkaa • Coaaoat. A battle of ball* la being waged be tween the Convo.it of the Cooed high In tha loft tower or tha great convent Some of thoaa weigh a ton and a half and sand their reverberations three or four miles. All are attuned seconding to the laws of melody aud are designed to call the devout to their devotions. Q tree's belt however, has no such ■acred function. Its pur]mm* seams to ha to moke n noise without rhyme or music. And It baa fulfilled It* func tion. as the pollc-a declare. On the com plaint of a neighbor (jriaa* was taken Into custody on o recent Sunday oo the charge of disorderly conduct, or, la the wont* of the sfflauvlt “of ringing a certain bell without a lawful purpose." When arraigned In the. police court Orly obtained n continuance of the hearing of tbo charge until March 1. By that time big attorney. Judge A. W. La on tow. wilt he to reiulluc** to present a defence and will attempt to show that his cUeut ha* ns much right to ring hit own ball as tha people within tha convent to ring that re. When seen St his "boms Giicse was proud of his ball and was nolle willing to explain tils aid* of thn rase. Point ing toward rlie high wall wldcb sur rounds his boms oo three skies, Grleae Mid: •The balls on the other able of that wall are many. There la on* np lo tba tower there that weighs a too and a half. And (bay range from that one down to electric bells. Three bell* ring at 4 o'clock Jn tbo morning and sometimes at rutdalght. The big boll 1* rang thirteen tiroes « day. I hare known Ike smaller balls to ring forty three time* aw a holiday. New. why can't 1 ring my ball whan I feat Ilka tti KWIWM* um¥ IS S imu WRUTW OTCT that wall, and tt btowa at certain ttmoa. If I bad tbe money ) would boy • •team calliope. for t eujoy notac." - Orteeo'a ball la a boot the she of a lo oomotfve bell. It la hong la a abed. OMeet explained that tbta plan area found oeeaeeary to protart the ball, far tba reaeon that ear era! attempt* bare been made to steal It. Orteee baa a Mae attached to the ban which ruaa to the headboard of his bed. Me to thee able ta rlag the bet) whenever be !e awak ened. _ GIRL'S GOOD FAIRY. enamaab Baaaklw Feena reekeS la tbe amghborbood or bar heme. 744 Greenwich street. in>:ledol|»hia. Mice Fa nuts Wald area, the seres tfen-year aU deaghear at a aatiamaa. la leafcad ■pen as a sect af Cinderella, says a Philadelphia apeetal to tba New Tech Herald. Tbe other aflsniasa aha •sued a pocket heck on Cbeetaut street gad g few steps ahead of bar saw a yooag woman whe leaked worried. She handed M la her. "The aaat thing I know wa waro M a sab.” aeyu the gtrt. “Wadrece ts tbe neOeme-ntrttford, and Mr toah me Me a Mg llimdia room aad ashed me aH sheet atyeaff. Me aaS aba wee Mrs. U Can at New yeah. Iha tM1 me Me beahetbeab eawtaletd MM and ear am l rtog. that Me weald not bare Mt Mr Me weald. A Mr that wa dreee •» g atim an Cbmtnet street aad Ml M M Maeae the prettlatt opal M«g l aw aad a liMst sat with tba. ^MM^WaMmiii^heM np^Mr herd to •eeuThash ta ikiMd kTm^ Mandeagyer.* The New Yard women i r iii imi . MARVELS IN STEAMERS 'i'wo Now Building to Cross tho Atlantic In Half « Week. VILL EAVB FODB SOEBWS EACH Tor bis* Wwrb r»r CumA Um tu B* OuueuKt Hmu la ik* WorlS. XMlkHar Kl«bt ItaaSruS treat Ckk Carrr t«* tkanut Pkunrwa rcralahiuara aad AppwtaUwuata WU| Cu Iho n*MI ol A»r Ihlp* Alual. A sunnn-kip tint cudU rtm away from u uuliwa? cvpnau trulu ami race over th.> ara» from Xow Yoilc to Qoeeustowu la Ihiwo Cay* and dirkt«wu boat*, or than# and Inick tu a week [ MlLtlSlMw who prodteted tula a Ci*ciu«! u:,*o were ucoffwl at. Utt It will la* an accompli died fact wbe:t llio Os* Haftl Hue'* mounter rc»seU. tin- Lstl tanln auU Mauritania, bantu their O'l’U* >*«|iusa trutilc uext artutiir. any* llw .Now York Krmla.t TV or id. Thu world rat *»|» and miim-loj at Uat iH'r.'on.mnoiM nr Lin* Pentacblaud •inti L.utM ula, hot tli** now turbine •eti :imi>bl)M or tin* Cu-i.u.t llin* will be oblo to |||3* (bout 0,1 lilt* nrifti n I moat ux If Utay mn amfeiovd. Unrrovar. lliry will u<> liu louuvut ln.it* tu the world liy nlmokt 10t» foot broader than any or flu* Herman Icrlntlmus nod at the mum Ha * iKn«4*«>Una tin* shapely tluoe of tin greyhoonila like the Lo ci nia. Ttw Lusltnulu is now buildiuy ou the Clyilr nnd tUi* Mauritania ou tb« Tyne. Tin? former will be btmti-ltod lu itny and her sister rhlp a few months later. Uolh will be equipped to carry traffic Inforr neit Christum* Tliey are ex* peeled to ilrrttlop a speed of tblrty onc statute tullo* ea boor, innkluir It poratlil* to cover thr distance of £800 nillos from Now York to Quccustowo in wire* cnys sou oigmeru Doors. The oev.- turbine steamers aie 770 feet luug botwoen pci iiendiculara. or 800 feet counting la tlie »t«rn orerhaog. The Knlserin Auguste Victoria. now tlis longest ateamahlp lu the world. Is TOO feet king, with m breadth of 60 feat. Tbs Court'd twins hove 8S feet brood tti, nod eruu llteu they will compare with ths Ctrtitnn host as a Kandy IIo«U dyer might with s ferryboat, so On* and clean lire their Uses. Unl'ke tl-s Carina nix, tbs turblr.e *r the Cuunrel fleet recently put In com mission. the f.usitdDln and ber sitter are being built for speed. The youngsr owl smaller boat u« an experiment In steamship heading. ibe flrst oblect be ing 10 make tlie retool one of singular comfort wllbuut seeking for sny grant dcaekpmmt of speed. Tlie l.nsitanla will develop almost four time* the horsepower In tier en gines that baa been developed lu the Canuania. The latter’s horsepower It 21,000. The new turbine* will havo four cnglns*. each capable of develop ing IA.CC0 bonepawer. or 72,00:) horse power lu alb Tho most powerful vessel afloat today Is the Deutschland, tier borsL-powar Is SI7.&OQ. “Ocr two new boats," sold Captain James Bornle Watt, senior master, or centmodors, of tho Canard fleet, "mark os meat n stride In udvanoe over mod em steamship* as I mot* lilts our Lo ra ala and the Baltic of the White Star fleet did over tlie fimbria type. Tbsy will bs in nutter vessel*, but ft* slender and racy In tbetr iloes as the Lucanta. They will be Iho true type of ooenn graylionad. "Each venae] will be equlppoj with four turbine screws two way aft and two about forty or fifty fleet forward. So much has been given np to Uis de velopment of speed that ths Luyltnnla and ber sister will not Imve any great er cargo carrying csparlty than several other smaller steamships of the day. "Doth beats will lie bout with a ca pacity of 2n kuott an hour—that la, nbont 31 statute mils* Tho Locanla Is cajKibk- of 22 knots, anil I believe that tbs Dentscbluiul la a knot fast er. Tho lAmltanin will have double tlie number of boilers and furnaces of tho Lucanla, but because of the simplicity or the turbine engines the euglat? room force will not be appreci ably greater “1 believe that lu smooth water these' turbine* will be /this to go 27 knots aa hoar, or a Utile more than 32 miles. The l.uiwili hat mods 26 knots In smooth water, ’ills new turbines will *al np l.oun tuny of coal In a day and will carry tuns In their hunkers. Tito Lusitania will bars a tonnage of 33.000 as'against the 23.000 of tbs Kntsorlo Angoste Victoria, the 10,000 of the Deutschland aod tlie 12.0C0 of the I.ix-Tinla She will hare a displace awvw. IkaH dA fWI “Yoa may hart amua Ideal of tbo blg doom of name new lyonta irbeu I my. metaphorically apuaktug. Out they might raring tbo bbrgoat battlaablp In lb* world at tbelr Mara. Tb* now Cntmrd twtna will carry 000 Brat daaa, 400 acrend clam and about 1,000 third clam ppaaoaagara. Tbolr In loti or rar nbahlnga a ad appolotmoiita will bo tlaa Bncait of a ay nhlpa I* tba world. All of tbo woodwork art!) bo of mahogany, walnut and mttn wood. Tboro will bo • aymom of elrralora currying tbo pon aoegura op and dowu tba grvutor port of tba alitp'n doiitti at «l*ty fart. Tho MW tnrbhm* will hara four fugnot*." Cbnrtoa Jnrrwt roonrtly ilruvo op tb* aetod moontnin Artbar'i Baal. BdJo bontU. o« a twouty-tw* horaapower motor rar. mrrrln* at* pa a* angora, any* TitBlta Ur. Jnr.nlt n no coded to a WtW af MOO fart, alter* tb* party waa phofogrntliad. TUa U tbe Orat •arwot of ArtbWa Boat arar mad* by •a nntomrd.iut. Tbe gradlaat of tba Mn In ptaem approach** oao la foor, wUb trm*oiuaa pr*clpiC*aa tarn*, and oo othar rebMa bna aear CHinbad Ar tbar'a Beat ar BalMiory rraga Vbwb a mod aa U*b* Oetroav Hi* Mqi of tba Im of Bld—y. a**tb af TTaimkonota. O, I* 1nnmtap faimm Ibraupbwrt tkat part of OMa •mna> tba “tvanry WlUtmT fratandty M tb* baba*** mrwl, mya a Wipa keaeta apndat dtapaub la fba Ob Ira pi Bacarg Ueeatd Datag tbe pap Ipa maatb* am tramp* bar* bam tad#*.) that* wrar aigM. a »award af Oka lulptn Mag Rapt la tba mayaTa lB»t by tb* patiar. Tba aamiwr It pootud erary ■mm lap. Ika M lowing la (h* rooort far fa* Mr mambd. Mmambtg, M; "■■■■lar. IM; Jaaaavy, 100; Nf» ®F* “ B10M0NIA FIEE. (J I Read tbe following carefully: ! If yon have consumptiou or § eouie of the contagious fonui of blood poisoning wo eeooat core yoo. Wo don't pretext to core yoo. You need the In dividual treatment of some skilled specialist; bot il you • are ran to ia general health, if yon hove dyspepsia, ate sub ject to fainting spell*, a victim to insomnia, biliousness, kid ney or liver trouble, catch cold easily, if your system is in that condition that you may become an easy prey to the iHsease germs of imuuiuouin. In grippe and the various epidemics, if you are bothered with constant headache, lost of memory, gen erally impaired vitality, wc can help you. and, If you follow oar directions, reader yao Ixmae egalaal sickness. Moat akla dtaoaoo can be cured by he use of “BROMOMA." “BROMONIA" is to Die hu man system what the scrubbing brush end soup nre in the dirty washbowl. It aids Nature to resume normal action. It In creases the strength, I he fight ing ability of the phagocytes of the blood; it promotes the ■ healthy flow of the salivary and gastric accretions If your stomach is in good condition, yon are well. The Chinese aro • wise people. They sccsst sack other with,“How la your stomach?" J. H. KENNEDY • CO. guarantees that, If you will write to tbe DROMONIA CO., NEW YORK, giving your full name and address on tbe coupon st the botlosu of this coluuiu, you will receive an or Vli JUUT UCUTCttl UXT18E15I for a free bottle. Write name and address plainly. Be careful to address BROMONIA CO., NEW YORK. PREB BROMONIA COUPON. Name _______ City 8tate___ My nearest dealer is My disease ia I..-...”... ~ If yon think “BROMONIA*, ia what yon need ttnd do not care to send coupon, you will find it at all firat-claai drug gists. 25 and 50 eta. the bottle. Special sale being held by J. H. KBNNEDY A CO., exclusive wholesale agents for Gastonia and vicinity. ■■■ummMnnMBManMBnnaamHam PRESIDENT IN CLE/TI CLUG. Aee.pt. Hosouirr Hraiwnl.tr la laomkw Clab llarirj la a Bara. At a recent uiHctJug of tbe Olut u (?;. Yj Snowshoo club Secretary Alirnuu was Instructed tn notify Prcaldant Booscrelt of bis elactlou as an booor ary member of the dub, ns Um prani duit has many friends nuioug the mem bers who admire b>m for bis Interest lu outdoor couccs.,., says Ox- Olcau Times. Thu other evening tlrs follow lug latter w-sa received by Secretary William Abmrna. ,Tr_ which cxpinlns Itself and which will adorn Ibc parlors Of the Hub In n UnuJsouie frame. Tbo W hit. Hnuae. Wn shins ton. March 14. My Dear Brwtlwr Abrams I havo your letter of Ux lttk test. I thoroughly holler, m huH> an organisation os I ho 01 win Bnorrshoe club and rayselally when It marls In a bsm, as your. did. uud (oos to work la the right kind of way. t accept honorary membership with UVral ure. Sincerely your*. THKODORB ItOOSEVlELT. Mr. William Abram*. Jr., Bra. Olsen Rnow.hoo Club. Olran. M. Y. Tfco clab ragards sacb no bouomry member ns tbe president with aJtUfne tfciu. Subscnbe for the Gazette. Professional Cards. Me. G. ANDERS, M. D. -is Pcrmaneotly located in Gastonia for General Medical Practice. Office Torrence’* Drug Store. dr. d. e. McConnell, DENTIST. Office first floor Y. M. C. A. Bid’* GASTONIA, N. C. Phone 69 n*. bai i c a w11 i/iMo DENTISTS GASTONIA, N. C. Office in Atlanta ItaiidhiK Phone 88. WILLIAM H. LEWIS. ATTORNBYAT-LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC 0«e. a»*a Ira over OMtoaia H'dwart Hum OAPTOMTA, N. C. Practice limited to civil matt.m. anck aa collecting eWm». aegotiat ia» loana, settHar estate*, and tite wntinjp and probating ol all aorta of legal ioatruBjent*. J12-S»u THE CWWH1 SANITOftiUH COUPAffY. (nreoaMMATKot CHARLOTTE, R. C. d wttk n>loM u Dr. J. M. Hunter Rock Hill, S. C. Makra a specialty of Csurer*, Tn Chronic trUer», Kerofo], and *52*“*ta**J*»«*,,«* <* Liver, kidaej*. Uyvpepela and liidi K**™0* aad diseases