The Gastonia Goxette. BUSINESS LOCALS. CRUSH FIAJK1DA BEAN8 AKI) r Cabbage at Boole's Stan, Modena. LOST—Ladies gold Watcb, banting CUV, Elgin movement. Please retnrn to GazRTTg office. \Y/ANTED—Social correspondent W tax Raleigh Dally. Apply to C. A. Eory, Caaette office. COR RENT—Store Room, satiable r for dry good*, in a thriving towu; cotton mill trade. Address J, care Caaette Office. Tt-4-d \VJANTED—Wood chopper* to cut w pine wood at High flboala at 55cast* a coni. See C. J. Hum or Andrew M. Moore, Loray MUla. UCKJSE AND LOT FOR SALE— n The A. C. Williamson property on corner ol Cheater Street and Franklin Avenue la lor sale. See Dr. C. B. Adam* lor particular*, I oar—Between Hcaaenier and St. “ Mary's College blank book of Richmond Gnano Company con taining list of fertiliser accounts. Return to I. A. White. Bessemer. It 1 ' ■ " n——■*——— Inin* oi Mew Adrartliemania. Ja». V. Yeager—It is Here. Love Trust Co—Statemeat. Swan Slater Co.—Spring suit*. J. X. Belk Co—Spring trousers. Dr. J. B. Delvaux—Money talk*. J. X. Belk Co—High Art Clothing. Jno. F. I.ova—A piece of Japan. J M. Belk Co-Ralston Health Shoe*. Jno. F. Love—Onr Clothing De partment. Whitfield Dry Good* Co—Ladle* and Mi see a Hat*. Gastonia Insurance and Realty Co—Paying Investment*. egg— . —I-ST* —gg» TUESDAY. APRIL 17. 1906. LOCAL AFFAIRS —Carnival of the seasons next Friday night. Hours 6 to 11. —A large number of visitors from Gastonia attended and en joyed the Raster services at St. Mary’s Sunday. —A note from Mr. N. F. Furr, in California, dated the 8th, says, "lam greatly improved and we leave here in a few days for the coast country —We are glad to be able to print the centennial address of < Rev. J. I. Kennedy at New Hope. Oar readers will find it on the first page. —Make the carnival of the seasons a sncccsa next Friday night. It is given by the Daughters of the Confederacy and will help them in their jaudable undertaking of honor ing the old soldiers. —The local chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy will meet this afternoon at 3 o’clock at the residence of Mrs. T. L. Craig. The meeting is an important one and every member should be present. —Some unknown friend at Long Sboala sent Tux Gazsttk an Raster egg in last night’s mail. The egg seemed to have a patch on it as if it had been repaired at some stage of its growth and was something of a curiosity iu the office. We be lieve it u the first time we ever knew sn egg to be sent by mail. —Fifty-seven years ago Sun day. Capt. W. I. Stowe bad a good cry in Yorkville. He says be was a little boy io school then, ten years old. He bad in tended to go to Bethel com munion on the 3rd Sunday in April, 1849, bat when the morn-, ing came, behold, the ground' was covered with snow. And ms disappointment found more relief in teare then in enow balls. Callai to Leesrille, S. C. An inviution to the fifteenth commencement of the Lutheran Theological Seminary In Chicago has just been received from Rev. Brady L. Stroup, and we tender our thanks for his kind remem brance. He la among the grad uates, and on next Wednesday evening will deliver bis grad uating address on the "Nature and Nectsity of Pastoral Visita tion." He has accepted a charge ■* Lecayille. S, C., upon which' field of labor he will enter after graduation. Under 92M Bond. Vide Vitcb, a young white boy wbo drives for Davis & Son was tried before Esquire C. W. Nip per at Lowell .Saturday for tha burning of Spencer Mountain and. was^ placed under a >200 bond for bis appearance at tbe next term of court. According to tha _ facts, as we are able to Icaru, Vitcb took several ladies to Spencer Mountain Friday af ternoon and on his return threw away ^be but of a lighted cl garette which act fire to the leaven canting the fire. Loafaa Maatlag. Tbe regular literary and buat ■ neat meeting of tbe Hpworth League of the Mala Street M. K. church will be held lathe League room Friday evening at 4 o’clock. Tha nhieat foe the literary program it Teunysoa'* "Idyla of the King.® There will bo abort " Roodi*on of Bcitcmer TZtiXS?" yc*ttrUy of Mi" —Mrs. P. N. GUmnM Charlolte U visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Williams. ~Mr. Joe Aburnetby of Newtou ■pant SnndsT with bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Abemcthy. iTL?ro< «“dMrs. R. L. Howell and children. of Belmont, spent Raster with Mr. and Mrs. G. W.Hmtll Misses Sarah Mellon and Mary Shelton of Charlotte are the guest* Lillian Walsou and Mrs. T. 1#. v.nif. ~>7T.*J- *A| ||?' ?*wu- of thc Metro l*1 la Insurance Company •pent Raster at his home iti Che* TJVlllC. swJfcveS?' rw„.“; "SS « BSSiGS!* —Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Henderson went over to Charlotte SaturdaJtS spend Bastcr with Mr. Henderson's parents at HoprwcU. ~“,r i.Long, a young Uw ,sn‘f- a?d .wlll !'*vc hu office over the Gastonia Hardware aturv. . — Mfaaea Gertrude Me Had ye. Mnrr White, Mary Rul. LUdaayTMittie Brackman, 1 la May Bryant and Louu McCloney, of bin wood College Miner Pri—Hob. C. B. Jlatcbi aon. James Tate. CuowDga'a Mountain—F. Hilling, J. A. Smith. COMMERCIAL. Castonia—R.L. Swaa,F.L.Smyre, L L. Craig, J. I.. Robinson, L. T. McLean. South Poiwy^-S. M. Robinson. C. 8. Drake. Dallas—Martin Shu ford. O. D. CitaaavVILLX—Ben Kendrick.T.O. Leonhardt. Rrvna Ubnd-W. C. Thompson, R B. Davenport. CaowDct'i Mountain—Rufus Ba ker, O. O Falla. HOME-COMING. Gastonia—J. O. Holland. A. U. Stnrre, M. II. Shnford, W. V. Vir shall, T. W. Wilson. . Sorrn Point—J. P. Leepcr. J. R. Hcnd^rioa. Dallas—C. C. Cornell. If. A. Cupvutcr. CnnxxW'lLLx—Hoo. R. A. White, M. L. Rs disill. Rivxn Burn—Col. R. L. Abernathy, B. F. Carpenter. CaowDiut'i Mountain—J. R. Wilk ins, P. 8. Baker. OLD SOLDIERS Gastonia—W. I. Stowe. J. B Beal. M. II. Sfaufocd. T. I., Clinton. K. N. Wilson. South Ponrr—Henry Elmore, J. P. Stowe. Dallas -L. M. Hoffman, D. R. Paaonr. CxxaxYVTLr.r: -Michael Kiser, Mo ses Stroup. Rrvna Hxkij—B. F.Carpenter. A. P. Rhyne. Cxowdkx's Mountain—3. C hord, J. B. Carton. LOCAL COMMITTEES. AarjeUiiaxTS—T. X- Fayaaouz, B. II. Parker. Frost Torrence. Jno. L. Uryan, Dr. R. M. Reid. AuVLSiUr.wUXT*—W. h. Marshall, Hurt Look, C. 1. Loitin. J. H. Ken nedy, A. A. McLean. Tkanspobtatiok—S. N. Boyce, A. G. Mangum. G. h. Bason, C. M. Nolen, A. G. liras. Fxatxx a At Okoam uatiok—Motes Roman, W. I,. Thompson, R. L. FUe, J. W. Kirkpatrick. W/F. Kincaid. A cu ON MOOATION—J. L. Palls, 8. 8. Morris. L. F- Grove*. 8. M. Morris,!. F. Jackson. Livksy Accommodatiok-A. R. Anders, J. F. Davis, J. F. McArver, J. U. Thomasaoo, P. R. Huffsletler. Finakch—T. M. Fayaaonx, W. T. Rankin. ^^Auuitinu—L. C. Pegrsm, 9. A. TnxAStixrut—E. G. McLonl. PaooXAN—J. H. Separlr, W. F. Marshall. J K. Dixon. C. H. Arm strong, G W. Wilson. LL Loog. EIGHTEEN VETEIAHS' 8KAVES These Caofelarste Vstsraas Hsv# Ban B«M laths City Through the courtesy of Mr. J. 1. Wylie, the obliging keep* er of the city cemetery, we sre permitted to publish the follow mg list of Confederate Veterans whose graves are under his care: Dr. K. E. Boyce. W. M. Wilson. I'hos. Wilson. John H. Wilson. G. W. McLaugheu. David Jenkins. J. D. Moore. B. J. Robinson. Robert I*. Johnston. J. P. Glenn. Jobu W. Glenn. B. S. Head. H. P. McArver. William Bell. -* McSwain. Cap*. J. C. Todd. O. W. Davis. C. L. Oattfa. , T*HE MARK of the utmoat * atyle tod wear la a aoit Is •Illth Art." The new Spring mod eta are a Joy to try on. Come to aea oa and you'll atay to peaiae and bay. J. M. Belk Comp'y r.j. akbj.p They Hold Ceoncll of Var AffalMi the Dm Thai Ullad the Turkey*. Seated in easy chain in a shady corner of "Loafers Re treat" the other day, Thr Ca WETTR’s representative spied P. J. and the J. V. in n low but very earnest conversation, and slipped Into a aeat nearby. The conversation subsided for awhile, but was soon begun again hi all earnestness. Prom what we were able to catch on the wing, it aecnu that somebody's dog* (we don't know whose) had brntally tuordered two of P. J*» fin# turkeys sod he was seeking advice from the J. P. as to proper procedure lot obtaining the necessary revenge. By close at ten lion the follow ing conversation was beard: “It's murder in the first degree," demanded P. J. "Mo, it's a case of tnrkey cide," corrected the J. P. "It'a forcible trespass, too," added P. J. "Then get a search warrant," said the J. P. "It's destruction to private property," continued P. J. "Then sue for damages," suggested the P. J. "There's too much damage now," answered P. J. And It was finally decided to rt a shot-gun warrant. The P. deputised P. J. to serve it. end if this does not cover the case a trial suit will be made with chemicals and crushed glass. Beal Estate. The Gaatooia Insurance and Really Company have purchased a tract of laud on franklin Av euue in the rear of the Avon Mill from Mr. Sherman Robin son. The tract will be graded and divided into ten residence lota which will be offered for mic uu easy terms w prospective builders. SEALED BIDS WAHTEB. for CtidntdM ei New Brick CkOTCkctUdM. Notice is hereby riven that sealed thenewUshm ^E the same to be built of brick and o< dimensions about 30x50 feet. Plans and specifications may he seen at the store of Robinson Brothers in Gastonia. All bids should be mads for erectioa with sad without mate rial famished and shooid be ior warded by or befate the first of May, 1806, to Thomas Sparrow. Secretary, Gaatoaia, K. C., ILF. D. No. l7' Thf right is reserved to reject any or all bids. f». R. Patkick, •) J. L. Wiukik, I BuiUHojr J. R- Hs.enmson. [ Committee. Jko. W. Rrouuc. J —27V I OFFER FOR CASH Granulated Sugar 20 lbs. for SI. Artmckle COfTee* € Uhl, $1 LOOSE ROASTED (good) 7 LBS. FOR $1.00 Best Patent Dan Valley Floor $2.30 per 100 Nice Pic-Nic Haras 12He lb. ltib Meat 10 lbs. for . $1. Pore Short*, per 100 lb*., $1.40. Fat Backs, U lbs. for $1. Bran, per 100-lb. sack. $1.35 a Sack. Good Tomatoes, 3-lb standard, 10c a Can. * Good Pickles, 5c s dortn. Grandma's Washing Powder, 0 far 25c. Octagon Soap, 4c a Cake." v New. Orleans Molasses. 23c. a gallon. 1 H ||||naa*aaaaa|||a||a j: 50c. Coupon. ii n’iWstr’S'SLrs L«. Come to see Me. DRaJ. a DELVAUX. Gastonia, . N. C. April 11, DO. Daria Block. Every soM sensible beslsess nun In this town demands a aalld sensible shoe. and If be enman to this stare we sell him ' Ralston Health =Shoes= Why? Because they fit the foot et the start. They are bentos the wholesome, hygienic Nsea of the natural human foot* You need not hes Itate to discard those old, comfortable shots— yoe*ll find a new pair of RaisUas last exactly as comfortable the first day yon wear them. ICOMB IN AND TRY ON A PAIRS J. M. Belk Comp’y .. 1 1 ■',p'" . . ■ ' . i »