S^K>pit whither that Spencer be Aim or Bbchbani Is a matter hap·, to-day. If Wathbura wlaa, TO· may fcnijl «poo ft that there will be a m-openlnc of the raw ow the Gastooia post of fira a ml»iT of the chanta of neo-reaid*t»ce acaiast tbe poat master sad of any other old charge that aisv be lying around handy with a promise of useful· m mm* S3ffi»|»ooeyoatoiabank. Ifyoo mask the moaey aod the baah has H to lead yon quietly pat ap the atafl the heah want· ; then the baah quietly writes some fieares oa the ftfht band aide of your pasabooh aad the thine'» doat. No brass baod aad Fourth •f JtUy parade afaavt that. It ia aleieiyeelmtraaiaedoe. Mew who build a tew·. Get buy. • aad aufca your towa grow, le - stem! of loearfaff around to "watch" Others amhe it grow. Pa yarn part. ÎfîapftjfaritKl Syuod which is I composed of forty-(oar clerical ^ equal number of lay — representing Ctfftt tfroode «ad sixty thousand com innnicants will evmiw in m· •ion to-day la the Dallas Luther an church of which?Rev. W. A. Deaton is p«tor» The Synod win continue in session during Ik* remainder of the wedu ·'?fo ' m misai ou ary convention the program for the jr. , The synod «01 have for Its principle business the discus sion of the home end foreign missionary work. Rev. C. L. Pwwb the senior nhsiouty of the church in Japan will he pensent daring the session. Dr Yoder, of Lincolnton, president ol the synod will be the presiding officer et this session The other officers of the Synod are Rev. A. Q. Voigbt, O. D., of Charleston. S. C,,v.-President; Rev. S. T. Hall man, of Green ville, S. C., Secretary. aad Hon. C. H. Du Is, of Charlotte, Tree»· P1CH1C AHD BASEBALL. East Gaston, Inly 9.—The picnics at Nitnsville aad Mono· tain Island last Saturday were a big success. The crowds that attended were well repaid for their trouble. The boys at Mountain Island covered themselves in Clover S beating the Gaston la boys to t in the bell game. This victory was a corker ia the eyes of the on-lookers, who rooted to their hearts content. 1 The Ladies. Aid Society of River Bend church have planned to have an ice cream sud per at Open View farma next Saturday night to raise funds for repairing the ehnrch Tbe fine filly Lala Ruth Carr at Open View farm got into a wire fence last Monday aad eaasa near cutting ol one foot. , She is severely if not permanent· [ly injured. «ίη· ι Lowell, Ν. C.. July 9.—The plaat of the Pudaont Brick Company began operation to day and ia turning ont brick at the rate of 30.000 per day. The plant is la charge of 1er. A. J. McLenoon. the secretary and treasurer. Mr. McLennon la aa experienced brick man and has bean la the business for year». The stockholders in the plant are aaone Lowell'» most prosperous and enterprising bos* loesi am Mr. 3. M. Wilson leaves to-day for Xaleigb, when he will play tlria week with the Steele Creek Band at the Farmers' Institute, which meets there this «tÂ. Mr. A. J. McLennon moved his family here last week from Charlotte. To Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Work the M> a daaghter. The county commiaaioners met fa JMlas yesterday to to over the Ux listers' books, but found that only two townships bad •Wi books readr. -These were JWwr Bead «14 Sooth Mat. The Bosrd adjoarocd until aest W0UWTA1W 1SIAHP WINS. h · Hew hat hlmillil Suit . IWf Vh ΤMr First Lwnl* At Mountain Island Saturday afternoon before the lamest crowd that has ever witnessed a bell came there Mountain Island defeated the Loray team by a secte of 10 to 4. Dodei the management of Mr. Rube Jenkins· the Mountain Island team baa gradually been strengthened aotu they now have a good aggregation of ball players. Their latest addition to the team is Mr. Pat Jenkins, who will play 1st base, and Mr. Arthur Ragan, of Kings Moun tain, who will play with them the balance of the season. Mr. Rattan and Mr. Leonard will do the pitching and we hope, he· cause the Mouutsin Island team played in hard luck the first of the season, that they will get to gether and redeem themselves. The following is the game by innings: First inning: Mountain Island takes first bat and McKelvy is first man up and fans, Noyse goes ont on three strikes, Ragan waits for 4 bad ones and gets base, Jenkins R. strike* out. Rhyne bits to left. Miller bits to short stop, Rhyne out at 2ad and Miller out at 1st, Fox out at first. Second inning: Davis hits to Center for two bases, Leonard out on pop fly to short stop, Jenkins, Pat strikes out, Fnndôburk ont short to firsts Morrow and Staple* both strike out, Nciil out at 1st. Third inning; Jenkins P., and McKelvy get first on 4 balls, Ragan gets base by being fait with bell, Jenkins R. safe at first on errpr of Morrow and Jenkins P. scores, Davis hits to first and on error of Miller is sate, McKelvy scores, Ragan and Jenkins R. both -score on passed balls by Long, Leonard gets 1st on 4 bans, Jenkins Pat, hits to center for 2 bsses and Leonard and Davis score. Mc Kelvy hits to left, Jenkins P. struck out and Jenkins Pat was thrown out at 3rd. Long hit tu right, Welsh hit to short and Long was forced out at 2nd, Burnett hit to right for 2 bases and Welsh scored, Rhyne atrikes ont. Miller din oat to 2nd* Poarth Inning: McKelvy bits to center. Noyse hits' to short tod forced McKelvy oat at 2nd, Nor·* steal· 2nd, Ragan bit· to left and Noyse acores, Jenkins R, ule on 1st by error second baseman, Davis bita to Rbyné and « doable follows. Pox, Morrow and Staples ont short to 1st. Fifth inning: Leonard gets 1st on 4 balls, (Long gets finger hurt and MOler goes behind the bat and Long to 1st) Jenkins j Pat flies oat to .Long at first. Pander bare hits to Rhyue and Leonard ont at 3rd, Jenkins P. oat at 1st. j Neil! and Long oat 2nd to 1st, and Welsh ont on fly to short. Sixth inning: McKelvy hits ; to 1st aad is safe, Noyse strikes oat, lfcKalvy tries to steal 2nd and la oat, Ragan bits to center, j Jenkins R. oat pitcher to 1st. ' Burnett hits to left (or 1 base, < Rbyne hits to short and reaches , 1st, Miller flies oat to left, ' Pox pat at 3rd and Burnett thrown oat at 2nd. Seventh inning: Davis gets 1 1st on 4 balls, Leonard reaches 1st br stopping ooc of Morrow's < fast balls, Jenkins Pat flies ont j to 1st, Panderbnrg gets 1st on ι error of short stop, Jenkins P. j safe at 1st on error short stop , and Davis scotes, McKelway < gats hit with ball and Leonard j acorea, Nayse flics out to 3rd, \ Ragan hits fast one through ; shot and is safe at first, Mc- , Kelvy scores Jenkina R. hits to < Sad ud foveas Ragan ont. ι Stapiea reaches Lit oa 4 balls, , Naitl flic· oat to center. Long < hits to second and forces Staples j also out at 1st. ι inning: (Ροκ re· 1 otTow, who goes to ι short) Davis hit* to enter for ( 1 base, Leonard hits to Pox, j aad Davis aad Leonard out oa a ·—1 ' — - out Long ttgfath Have* M catcher to irW. · WtMkfutoriiktfor^UM., Bmtt «μ out to phcbcr. *^rm· Mu to ceetw and WeUh •cora·, Miller kit· to pitcher tod Is Mit ■! let os error, Po* IHu Horn* kha to ri . _ at 1M M Sisat •Λ ». HatÔw 2ad STut loth lonln^: P« to kit nibtiii hit» to Ml «I la mI· M Iwf, b«t tries to atral 3rd and 1· oof, JciUm P. «ad McKalvy atrlke Struck out hv Morrow ·; by US Ζ kit br Momm 1; t hiai kki. - * m Pat, Wakh. Bamttl •I KM# 1:40. Hw MM > fa» optais* Owner, These CWIw tM«UI (live ■•«Irtf «•H-4KU.4 dla tlacUMt. M M u Cerne her* to» yo«r new Sut ami Furnishings— we have ali tbe latent styles from socb fine maker* as SeLlass Bros. Λ Co. or Baltimore and other great *tyie-le*der». Specialties in twopiecc and three-piece 8u4t· (or Hot-weatlter treer la Bine and Grey Serge·, Howe· •pen, Flannel and light thin Tropical Wonted·, quarter and hall-lined— I he coolest thin*» made tor summer weather. 21 PU CENT Off Swan-Slater Co. Mk M ♦etlUsu Μμ >ti ■ BASE Mil. rhrM Nor· Omii SeMilad it th· Le ray M-McAdutUli VIII Play Αι*Ι· m th· 21st. Three importent garnet are icheduled to be played at the Lor*y ball park thin mouth. ISro trames will be played this week and one next week. Th· base ball team from jricr's, S. C., will be here lor wo games to be played Friday ipd Saturday. The Grier's :eam bas a good reputation as in aggregation of ball players »nd all may be assured of food games. The Oastonia team will be especially prepared to meet this fine team as all their players are again in shape. Morrow and Temple will do the twirling for Gastonia in these lames. On Saturday July 21st the invincible Price and the Mc &denville team will be hereto slay another game with the Loray team. BTAMOmU OH TDK COOXTY ΤΒΛΙΙϋ. Won Lost P. C. tfc Aden ville 5 1 .833 Loray 4 3 .571 Mountain Island 1 S .1(7 Dcmemer 0 1 .U00 McAdanvill· Wlaa. The ball game at ldcAdenville Saturday was characterised by tbe phenomenal pitching of Partner fur McAdenville. Only Î7 of the Bessemer men faced iitn in the entire nine innings. Df these only one made a hit. Promptly after reaching first, le was retired by a double olay. iicAd en ville played an errorless tame. SUMMARY. R H £ dcAdenvitle—1 0010023 7 S 0 )cftemer — 00000000 0 1 α Batteries: McAdenville, Cott ier and Bumgamer. Bessemer. Lindsay and Honeycutt and Uden. Struck out by Costner 8, loneycut 3. Osston AmoI the Foremost. Jwhlli 0>«tmi. Τη* Gastonia Gazhttr has lone the patriotic work of hav ng the census of its county •ken and tbe re»ult is published a its isaue of yesterday. It ibows the county to bave a wputation of 32,677, against 27. 103 in 1900. Tbe town of Gas on ia has 4,907 people and tbe To ThnMMM mm RUTHERFORD COLLEGE - a 1 » FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. ENROLLMENT 230. Instructor·, β. Situation aoMtrpawcd from «tendpoint of health and «cenery. Social, education·] and religion· advantage· excel lent. Certificate accepted to junior ekil in aone of the tending •outbam college·. Ka»T term· and IMng ln**p1»T* «<)aipp*é «I ofic· —pic UUy tor thin cl«M ol print ta IT and will 111 dfder· by ratara m|| it VKiTiwt am 48c ht mm M· m tu ttf h φβ ·μ LESLIEM.ADAMS WK MiiW Wwal MPrVBB, COUIâM ahm ΤΗΒ Charlotte Observer Tb· Larfest and Best Hew·· HP«r la Nirth CinKu. Every 4ay la Ik Year U.M a Year. Mwapapcr. TK SWOAY OBSEIV» !?iE3FS?,,e a a«a nature. . Tk· S«aJ.Wtftkljr Ofomr THE OBSERVER CO.. ϋ· C·