-—— mi ■* I 11 ■ II I The Citizens National Bank of Gastonia SAVINGS DEPARTMENT *> In connection with our Bank we have organized a Sayings Department to provide a safe and prof itable place for the earnings of all persons In either small or large amounts. Deposits of $1.00 and up will be received, and a pass book given with the amounts entered there in, upon which Interest at the rate of 4 PER CENT COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY will be paldl We earnestly Invite you to open an account In our Savings Department, promising that you will receive every courtesy and consideration. Our en tire resources of something over $300,000.00 will be a guarantee that your funds will be safe when deposited with us. FACTS TO BE REMEMBERED T'HK MBN who are rich to-day, were * in aloe caaea ont of ten. poor In early life. Their earning* were at first very small, bnt their expepses were still less; the difference was carefully saved, deposited in some sale place, made to yield interest, and thus foundations were slowly and securely laid for large accu mulations. Jt is in this way that the money has been raised to pay for com fortable dwellings owned and occupied, in so many caaea, by the industrious, inn-bronzed and' hard-hassled artisans and farmer* of our State. "Luck," "good fortune” land "good /tars" have bad much lass to do with it than many imagine. When a be gin* ten spend less than he nukes, his "good fortune" begins, bis "lock” favors him, and bis "star” looks smilingly down npoa him. Banka an admirably calculated to produce such results. When one has money by him be is constantly .tempted to spend it for articles not absolutely necessary, and is often indneed to invest it In hurarlea and amusements absolutely pernicious. II, however, he every week or every month deposits it in Chink it wiD, like s plant in s garden, increase and multiply when ha sleeps, and grow horn year to year—a comfort to him when well; bis dependence and rapport hi sick ness and in the decline of Hie, end per haps. ultimately after bis death the means of saving his wife and children from want • and wretchedness. It is generally a multitude of small expenditures that keep men poor, so It is the small savings that make them rich. The little coral insect slowly but sorely leys the foundations for islands and con tinents. Apparently, insignificant means prod ace all the vast results of art and nature. The same law prevail! la se curing n competency-or accumulating a fortune. The cents soon become dollars, the dollars speedily increase to hun dreds, the hundreds to thousands, and thus in a few yean; without much effort, the poor and perhaps friendless young man becomes rich, and wields that influ ence and power which money always commands. BANK open dally from 9 a. m. to 3 p. at, and SAVINGS DEPARTMENT *p Sptardayp from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. The Citizens National Bank CAPITAL $50,000.1)0 R. P. RANKIN, President, C. N. EVANS, Vlee>Pres^ A. G. MYERS, Cadfcler. ‘ .,7^ ' i . ■ -I::: V-. " c> *,« , .._ «*< a. Glenn, a, g. mybrs. f * • • IntCBM - ^ ..iL; andc for •rttl'wWt > *j 'jl •, M SUNDAY CLOSING or DtUS STMtS. la OMiHai taiOay. too Stag Keen DccaHaa a Ualgns Feet ttaa la *a Detail VmU-Im* InM Moveaoal far a Ckuit> M. A.K.O. KMm. So little has aver baas written or spoken upon this subject that I have do fear of trespassing up on what srnacont »*** haa al ready aaid; nor that there will be dsuget. consequently, of pro dodoa a "slumbering of the ausd," caused so often by re reading an old story. Discussion hkudkd. It is nnAntanata that phar “adata bass given an little thongbt to this question of -Snn day Closing.* I believe ft Is hardly ever dlscessed; and yet “X own experience has taught sae that nin druggists and the great majority of dreg clerks any abridgement ofthair working hoars on Snn Ike idea to close tha store on 8j«nday is not "supremely ridic alons" or irrational. It docs not spring from n lack of knowledge of the drag business. It docs have for iU foendadon the sanest eotonma aanae. Judgment and reason. That is to say, should I preseat the question to you In dividually, as I am about to do collectively, which is this; Would it not he practicable to cloee you store on Sunday and tell only on the demand of a physician or in case of emer gency? Your reason, vow com •non mnae, year beyt judgment, would compel. you to answer ia toe affirmative. 1 do not doubt bot that this would be the ease. 1 have yet to find the man who would answer, “No," after con sideling the question with the aid of bis common sense, reason SMfl *•-* iMdMHent SUNDAY XJtST VOX AU, XXTAJUKXS axccrr tub monisT cudi —TH* DSUGCIST. The most eaiiou thing is oar varied economic and industrial life to-day lis the strange para doxical condition under which tically every other retail bnsi ness with men of any character or brains behind them, close their places of business oa Sun day, taka a rest sad give their clerks a similar privilege, the retail pharmacist of to-day, a state protactad, registered, often rimes a college graduate and degreed man, baa us doors open oa Sonday. not slows to cater to Um necessities of Ufa, bat to the frivolities and those things which could well enough be pat on until to-morrow! Is this not true? is H right? Sock a condition is absolutely without a parallel. WHAT CAM SI DON*? Bat whet is to be done? You ata PCriums horrified at s teach ing which advocates the. pur suance of a plan diametrically opposed to all traditions of the retail drag trade! Bat do wot fear. May I ask this question? Is there a retail pharmacist or clerk, who, honestly aad sin cerely, according to bis bast rtMon and judgment and ten at. believes that, should the drag store doeeon 8onday sad sell oaly ia case at sn emergency or upon the demand of a physician, that the "dcatb-kadP of the re tail drag bnsiaese would *be stntok? Heaven help tb dregalpt if/ bewfidoarm* m ■ix days to it 1 seventh fop .\ j i » a. d. HHUt AMD success. ■ CONTINUED- TO AUG THE COHPAHY. 4 Tbeir Use k me oat to all the earth aad tbcJr words loth* rod of the world. P*. sis, 4. TBCHX Wlltt. Thy lead shall b« divided by Hoc. Amos, fit, 17. IQ EdKVICB. Prepend far pa hoar, sad a day, soda moath sad a year. Rev. is,.u. They wen employed is dmt work day ead afctkb I Chroa. is, S3. MOXOPObT. We have no might against this grtat Company. II Chroa. xx. Now, ahall thk Company Hck np ell wet an mod about os? Nam. xxii, 4. TXBxamntD coMPsrmox.. Seel .Then' cone people dowa by the ariddU of the lead, another oonpaay come along! Jodies, ix, 57/ tes xjtwsojrxs. . The pent citywas divided k .to three pans. Rev. svi, 19. . Charge .the people! Bxod, afar, 21. A dafly rate far every day. II Kiaga, xxv, 30. -Aad knt hoek part of the price. Aon. v. S._ imrOSMATZOH. la to n