The Gaatonla Gazette • BUSINESS LOCALS. DLASTKKIXO LATHS for sale. Γ ε. L. Wiuo*. Dallas. if. C. ASK your Grocer* lor freeh heme ground meal mod flour. Cm tool· Roller Mill·. ta. FiNK JHRSHY BULL for talc. 14 month· old. W. Û. Huiîoï, Lowell. R. F. P. No. ». \Y7 HRN you «π ready, let u* «tor· VV nnd Insure jomr cotton. Rates on application. Β. Η. Ρλμκχ· & Co. STRAYED — lllack. white, and brown spotted Lwar. I.ast Men near J. W. Π4ΙΓ* place. W. B. Riddle. Howling Green, S. C. FR RKNT—Store room next to the Koreka, or Pare. Hardware ■tore on Marietta atreet. Possession ISth in st. O. W. Racam. Set. R/f ANOSCRIPT COVKRS lor type •ITI written documents. Variety ol colors by doxen or box at Tn* Ga tCTTB ofitt. R SAtR—Choice deep loti ol Kennedy property on Baal Κ an k Li η Arc., lor sale to parties who will pat on first-class improvements. 2t. J. RuiiKiir Csato. LOST—Monday night on sidewalk between Opera House corner and Dr. Reid's residence lsdlcs light shell comb. Reward lor return to G.vxkttx office. LOST—On Main St. between Love's Store and Dr. M ae Anders. ahell side comb, with scroll acorn design in sold, on reverse side is written "solid gold." Reward ti left at Ga zette office. TUESDAY, OCT. 2, 1908. LOCAL AFFAIRS —Full moon thia morning. —The happy banting season ia coming «long. —It is October—beginning of the lut quater of 1906. —Cotton 9# yesterday. The atortn aeut prices op. —Γκκ Gazrtte from now till 1907 for only 35 ceola. —Frost ia dne before thia month ia out. —County campaign will claim attention from now to clcction day. —Fire felt good yesterday— and the coal man wore some thing that looked like a smile. —Don't forget that Hon. J. Bryan Grimes will apeak in Dal· laa Wednesday night, the 10th. —An important meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy baa been called for thia after· noon at 2 o'clock io the Library. Called meeting of the Daugh ters of the Confederacy at the Library this afternoon at two o'clock. Important meeting. See notice. —The alarm of fire Saturday morning at 9:45 was not about a fire at all, but was caused a tittle negro child having a spaam. —A new local acceasion to tbe brotherhood of notary publica is Mr. G. W. Cappa. who received his commission from Governor Glenn "Saturday. —The Gaston people who at· tend the Mecklenburg Fair have • hospitable invitation to visit the big Bee .Hive Store tn that city. It ia printed at the head of their big advertisement on tbe fourth page. Bern. To Mr. and Mra. J. J. Nivena Monday, Sept. 24, a son. Baptist Matting. Services at the First Bap· tist chorcb at 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. ra. Dr. J. C. Maaaee of Ral eigh will preacb, conducting his first service thia morning. TaaWay MttftM· Clefc. The Toeeday afternoon dab, which has been diapened during the maimer, will reoTgaoite for ill winter meetings. The re· organlaation meeting will be ke.d it tb· home of lira. G. W. Ragan at half-p«at three o'clock tbiaafter noon. For MIm Lot·. Mus Edith Adam·, in honor of Miaa Mamie Lore, the brids elect, ha» iaaaed carda η fad Iowa: Octebrr ·ΙχΰιΤ" Mit· Ι/·* ^ *" " aMckisv ihmm, t* «It»· l/OIIO· UI VwlVl Iflpif· The Cotton Ο row an Associa tion win bold an Important meet ing in tb· contt houae at one o'clock Friday afternoon. Pre·· ident Henderoon deairea ■ full attendance. Important bnainea* ill to b· transacted and Con greaaman Webb ia expected to apeak. rarmera' ClnJk «I Lad*. Praaident C. C. Moon of thi Southern Cotton Aaaociatioa made a atirring speech to tlx farmer· at Lucia Saturday. A clnb wna organised and a com· mittac with Mr. A. U. Straup ai chairman wee appointed U aoltcit aubacription· for bnild log a cotton war· .booae at Ml Holly. J . —' ' fElSONAL hewtion. —Mr. Mac Holland return· tbi· week to take up Ma Junior work at Triaity. —Little Mifi Lncile Mason, of Charlotte ia visiting bcr cousin, Mlaa Emily Glenn. —Meaarc. Jamea Atkina and Claude Burr, of the Charlotte Observe* were Gaatooia visitors yesterday. —Mr. W. H. Overcarah waa here yeaterday to begin an In· tereatlng claw in piano and vocal atudiea. —Mra. Will Garibaldi aad little son, of Charlotte, are visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Coatner. —Misa Lulie Marshall cause home from the Baptist Uaiverai· ty to spend Suuday, returning to Raleigh Monday morning. —Mr. Fred Wetxell's many friends will rejoice to know he I ia able to ait up again after a long aeige with typhoid fever. —Mr. Will Marataall, Tbb Gazette's right hand ad and job mao, left suuday night to enter Wake Poreat College. —Mr. Brie Hoover, of Lin· coloton, ia now Tint GazhTTE'8 job aod ad man, He went on duty yeaterday morninr· —Mr. J. A. White, now of Mecklenburg, has bought a fans near Alexis and expecta to move over about Cbristmaa and ran a saw mill. —Μη. J. Β. Wylie retained to McAdenville yesterday morning' ■iter « visit of several dey» to her daughter, Mr*. Maç. Wil ton. —Mrs. Will Jackson returned to her home ia Lancaster yester day morning alter a week's visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Baber. —Mr. Earl Morrow, one oi the crack players on the University loot ball team, came over to Gastonis lor a| short visit to the home folks slter the game in Charlotte Saturday. —Mr. and Mrs. Winn and children, oi Danville, Va., who have been visiting Mrs. Winn's parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Lab a η Smith, returned home yesterday morning. —Mrs. J. W. Woodbnrn and Mias Pearl Council, of Gastooia, were visitors in th« city yester day, being guests at the Hotel Buford.—Charlotte Observer, 30th. —Mrs. B. J. Baldwin, who has been visiting Mrs. W, F. Marshall lot several days leaves this afternoon lor a abort visit to Wilmington and Columbus be fore returning to Jacksonville. —Mrs. J. D. Moore, Sr., west over to Dallas yesterday morn ing to place the little sous of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Moore in school. Mr. and Mrs. Moore are detained in Lambert on where they went for a visit two .weeks ago, by tbe serious ac cident to their brother-in-law. Rev. C. H. Durham. nwia ptMU Rev. Geo. Henderlite, for 13 yean « missionary in Brazil, ar rived a few daya ago to viait his former classmate. Rev. R. C, Anderson. Sunday morn ing and evening be occupied Mr. Anderson's oulpit, a peaking up on feature» of hla work in Brazil. M*r« EmkJra Mania. Require Morris held big court veaterday afternoon and will ait again at 9:30 tbia morning. A big delegation wai present from the Loray to attend the trial of George and Jim Catbey and Payette Anowood for restating ana asaaultiag officers Saturday night. For creating disorder in Little Sngland, two mm wen arreated; one by Deputy Sherifl Ία J. Nlchdlaon. ■ the other b) Mr. H. L. Moore, deputized by Mr. Nicholson to aaaiat him Both men broke away. When Mr. Moore caught bta man hi was act upon and beaten will knock· or aome auch waapona In the particular case tried yea terday afternoon, Arrowood wai bound over to court, and th< Catbey a were discharged. Ia< areata* la Tom. The Santa Fe-Friaco 1/uoA De velopment Company haa offer·* thouaauda of acrea of land io aale hi Montgomery county Texaa, oa tern· which seem t attract buyer· readily. Ml Albert Souk baagfcmight fiv •bam at MO each, thepurcbaae to be aasigned at · drawing t be held aome tima tbia mootl Among the paroela represent* by the shares of stock' are 100 S-scn tracta, 100 MVacre tracti SO twenty-acre tracta, one 04 acre-tract, 7 residences. 7 store bonding's, 5 Improved farm· ae tow· lots too numerous to met tion. Baoh block of flv· share Is entitled to ooo representativ at the Mg divide-βρ—to wbot the Santa Fe and Frisco road will jfr* free traaeportatlot Mr. Smith represents a block « tve and looks forward with lr terest to his Tenaa trip, whlc ha will take as soon as the woe Is given. COTTON MILL AT VAYNES VILLE. Nr. V. V. OI«aa OfjiririM · It,ON Spiaila *111 la be Μτη by tUdflcllr la TU· ; icanlH·! NmlilaJTmj^ ~ltr7'wrwroiêaâl· orKmniz ing · 10.000 spindle cotton mill to dc built in the beaatiini monn tain town of Wayne·»! 11c. The capltol stock ia to be $125.000, of which mote than $100.000 baa been subscribed. The mill will be atarted with 6,000 apindlca, with a margin of 4,000 to be added. The plant will be located about three-quarter» of a mill north-east of the town oa the the Murphy branch of tha South ern Railway,and will be operated by electric current developed from the Pigeon river by the Haywood Electric Power Co. The abundance of labor and cheapness of power Are induce ments offeree by Wayneaville which appeal quickly to far aighted capitalists who incline to manufacturing investments. JElfKIHS-MUNB AT Stataavilla aai Qaataala later» astad la Aaareachiag Marriage. Mr. George A. Jenkins ia to marry one of Stateaville's fair daughters next week as the fol lowing Invitation indicate·: Mi·, Wlllim f. HuiUi Inth After the marriage they will take a abort pleasure trip north. Returning to Gsstonia, they will keep hoase on Main Street In the house now occupied by Mr. Kmory Wilson. A Dumber of Mr. Jeakins' frieads and rela tive ι will accompany him to StatesTillc, but the wedding will be a quiet home affair. All wbo know these popular young people wi<h themtbe full est measure of happiness in their wedded life. Nsrriai At the home of tbe bride's mother near the Modcua Mill, Miss Laura Perkins was married to Mr. Charles Matthews Sun· dsy morning at ten o'clock. Rev. J. A. Hoyle performed tbe ceremony in his usual impres sive manner. iKibnaki at Liawaad. Tbe discovery of aa immense raUler, 3 feet long, at Linwood Sunday morning, created some what of a panic for awhile among the youug ladies. Bis saake sbip was enjoying the mellow autumn snnshine right in front of tbe Main building when first seen by some of the students. Mr. Spill man, of Charlotte, who was at the college, heard the cry of alarm and with a hatchet dispatched tbe intruder in short order. On tbe tail were six Tattles and a button. Call* MaatiaK ·Ι Daafbtera. The Gastonia Chapter of Dsnghters of the Confederacy will meet promptly at two o'clock this (Tuesday) afternoon at the Library. The attendance of every member who can pos sibly be present is irmdy de sired. It is the last meeting before the State Convention ana important matters of basinet· will claim the attention of the Chapter. It is believed that a short session, not exceeding one and a half or two bonrs at moat will snffice for the transaction of the business in hsnd. • A full attendance promptly at t wo o'clock is earnestly de sired. Mm. Β. H. Torru, Recording Sec*y. n>. Hu«· owr* Of mm M zssBssm . KCV. C.1. BUUAM BUtT. Tftiawa Fran Baggy ia lomr —UkmkIiu 13 Iteara. . Rev. Ç. H. Durban, putor of the Baptist church at Lumber ton, was severely Injured ia a runaway last Thursday. In eoepany with another imaisWi he waa os bis way to fill an sp poiutincut about 8 miles from Lumberton. The horse became frightened and began to run and kick. Mr. Durham waa thrown out and struck violently upon his bead. He waa unconscious for 12 hours at the home of · neighbor, and after recovering consciousness was able to main· tain it for only short intervals. Mr. H. B. Moore, his brother· in-law, and Mrs. Jno. C. Moor· arc with htm at Lambcrton whither be waa takes as soon aa his condition would permit bit* to be moved. The alarming ac cident baa been the occasion of no smalt degree of anxiety to the Oast on la fneads of Mr. Durham, who hope for tidings of bia im provement and recovery. Daath af Util· Frank Ceeka at Lonlsbarg.* The many Gaston is friends of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Cooke will sympathize with them in the sore bereavement which baa be fallen them in tbc death of their eldest son, Prank, a boy of un uaual promise. A dispatch from Louisburg dated the thirtieth •ays: Prank Cooke, aged 10 years, died last night after a long illness of typhoid lever. He was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Cooke, the grand-child of Judge C. M. Cooke, and a moat intelligent and intereating boy. λ mue gui iici icnonuy nck with tb« urne dUtue. The fanerai services took place Ibis afternoon in the cemetery. Narskala tar Macklaabarg Fair. Col. T. L. Kirk patrick, chief marshal of the Mecklenburg Pair, bas moved the following" Gaston county men to act a· bu assistant»: Gastonia—L. L. Jenkins, T. N. Kendrick, T. L. Craie. P. L. Smyre and R. L. Abernetby. Dallas—R. S. Levis, and Karl Summey. Bessemer—S. S. Durham. McAdenville1—Ed C.-K*y. Mt. Holly—H. A. Rbyne and Dr. James Stewart. Crowders Mountain—Rufos Baker. Speocer Mountain—W. T. Love. Lowell—John C. Rankin and J. White Ware. The Pair begins Oct. 16. and ends with the marshal'a ball in the city ball on the evening of th. Idtk Beyead 0 b·. A Columbia icientilt was praising the other day the asiro nonical and literary work of Percival Lowell, say· the New York Globe. "One day just before as eclipse of the mo," said the acientist, "Mr. Lowell told hia darky, George, that if he would watch the chicken* the following morn ing abont 11 o'clock he would see them all go to rooat. " 'Hi, hi,' laughed George. 'Mi, hi; good Joke.' * "When on the following morn ing the sun darkened and the chickens went to their roosts, George 'was amaacd and horrified. He found Mr. Lowell as soon as he could and said : " 'How long, aah, did you know 'bout these chickens?" " 'Ob. a long time.' "'Did you know it last year this time?' " "Yes; more than a year ago.' " 'Well, dat beats all.' said the astounded darky, eyeing Mr. Lowell with awe. 'Deachtckeaa wasn't hatched a year ago.' * Subscribe for Thk Gastomia Gazktt*. MHIiiiery * Thursday, Friday and Saturday + Î Of Thl» Week * + Annual Autumn Exhibit of Latest Millinery FaiÉOM 4 Everybody Cordially 1 Jas. Ρ. * tt++t++t++ttmm+t+m "Look· Right When yon Buy it Stay· Right When you Wmm HT "HJcfa Aft" OotWar i· m food la tba Uttte tbinc* m te 6a Me thine», M (tod indeed that the maker· iostract u to «» rant it in tvtiy particular. If aaythlaj Audi CD to n· lor conviction. : > t t Tka labrlca era thoroughly tested by tpacial | is tba latest and Boat approved; the arc as pnnctiHons as tba beat paid skilled ciafcanaan < it- t ; t tit : f ; tba cat : ' » I Υοα will derive greater striatactkm acasoo by mm by ι it* HIGH ART Ck*Uaff, becute k ι Oar Fall Stack of Salts, Overcoats and Bala caata are now READY far yoar Inspection. fNUUtlM la laleUfc. BaMafc Dta^aMh· *7*k. Judge Webb tbk evening made an order granting the Man damus for tbc prohibition elcc tioa uked lor » the noted cue of the Rev. J. S. Betts vs. the Raleigh board of aldermen, io which the Rev. Mr. Bette sought to compel the aldermen by mu damns to issuethe call fore· election in this city oo the ques tion of "prohibition" or "dispen sary." Several months ago Mr. Betta ci re a la ted « petition and aecured ι be neceasary number of signer·, bat tbc aldermen declined to is sue tbc call on tbes trengtb of an opinion by the city attorney that there was no provision in the Watts and Ward acta oi the Legislature for an election as between "dispensary" or "pro hibition" in towns where there is already a dispensary, and that the election would have to be on all three oneations of "dispen sary," "prohibition" or "open saloons." A Lincolotoo correspondent say: A surprising mama** oc curred at tbc Porta State hotel, sbottly before noon Saturday. Miss Leslie Lowe and Mr. Shalcr Procter had come to ten from Denver to take in tbc show, and concluded to proceed on the journey of life together, ao they were nutted in wedlock by Rev. R. M. Courtney at tbc hotel aforeaaid. yvaucBwiu »uyria uwie emu· disff, * large two-etory brick structura, the property of Major W. A. Smith, was btimed about five o'clock Saturday inorniog, Low about 96,000 wwh no In· serance. Dr. W, A. Onjr'a dental office «u 1b the upper «tory, and hi· lew ia pernapi $1,000, with bo insurance. Plan ter· Hardware compeer low· heavily, m they occupied one oi the lower rooms a· a warebonw. Their low ia $9,000, with $3,000, inaerance. The furniture «ton of Τ. Β Henry ww a total low with $3,000, insurance. WHY DELAY? PIANO AND VOCAL Mr. W. K. KBt I ■MHr.iaMwTaikiM^' imt Maao —Λ Vote· (ι MM with teacher IUM JoMfjr) «01 a el«M two daya is the wNik ia Addreaa W. H. OVERCARSH, B.C. i'< ν,ill REGISTEWED_BI IHPMYE TOUR STOCK OF MGS Our fall-rcffUtered Boar joat received from Bfitmor* SPRINGDALB FARM· . L Ι>. ΝΛΜΥ * CO. lowiu, n. c. Subscribe for Te* Omiohu Govrn.

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