fcjr M taw. atntwo jt*r» ιρ. ju>a 1 ■Mat btr* koM κ forlorn I bat 1» *k MtDidi baan, thank Oedr «·* «**β .f ttM llJ-BTO "Ul «Β «far (Mmu te Tbo rmt at tbo tmn mM Pmbably a door wao eloaad. Un VanaiUait lawaiil to bo graatty j yrttol. Raul, Mam an tbo iwmt· - ■-M gm - * ι ill··» 1 aJ. ι· 1m |;a uOB OC IM BODHDl, DtiWTVU tutl? Μ* ι (1· àlt **« Meted. TO roand It Οβ. βο ; totpMk. at» went m quickly: TtmaglB» I un tbo moat inystartonj |MW ItTtng—In my wrty ttatory, I Wtt, Mr. Broad h« mo Boating to wn< tfcti Hgbthonao In η ilaairtad boat. I *u BOO Hi daad. Tbo pooote vbo bqd boa· «Mk jo* won iwi iltbat iMfnd cad thrown into tbo aa* or fcnocttod rrartotd durtn* · coMWoe. m tbo boot «m bodty ilaiaaiad Mi Uam was tnarkad Κ T.· -Rat ta tbo only dedaiba fact leuWl yoa. ΛΒ tbo ft la ι—lut evidently no body earod to claim mo. and bora I .Mm TmOUrt wna tannine back tn Om tiq giooo, aonortbd baanalf *o aald falnQy. , Ά np* on», and tbto la no ttm* to ; ■tp about it Can I fat yon any· MMr BBM fait tbot aba Italy mat not —" " * " . and tbo ttaaatanod "Va. thank yon. Xtan azcoaa tea. t My no tara] batfway toward tbo next landing, and _ ~ _ frto to ra-antar wW« bar feî ■ηΜΜίη···· BSSBtV. •••',ί'ΪΓν· iV Λ ι'ϊ " 'tir'· wwttk wm ta w *ν «eruparabio. κ wowM btr* bac· wee tw hei· mid riw eoly ntfiw tl* promiee of (h» hyrjm. "Out Mgbt oHEetla·, whkb M Not for « momant, a'uAeto (eruibi nnr» ot coottne u< etna·] weight of glory." .\"«t to n* urn. Tlaritttrft JnM· of thoogtit». The plu», the ecben** the UelWrtl odMtce of Many year*, threatened <o tall ta rmtn a boot Imt. In aovh btttar MOd there <nu mo ceo· «Olattoe. Bbo eoogjit act to Oml *»>r ttwl necer, bat bewailed Oh eetee trop he wife* ted Mill· bar. It HNRar contributed to that "If fiction which to bet foe a motacef that Coûtant» AtaM tea»·* laat tta to ran ep tbe etnha tmrt too hoapttnl Each light «ma aa enntrtred that It enrred mm two-third* of tha aeperOdat urea allotted to the «fair way. Any on» aarendhtg mtéa a com plete torn to tha right (bant to reach too Λοβτ of tha room on any glreu landtag and tha foot of tha taddar to the Mit H«m* tha Ktrt team· noaapectodfty toco to toco with Un Vanalttart The seating atartled bcr. Thia pale wom an. ao thinly dad to the dcmltoikt of •Tenia* tot oo aMpboard. ahonld not 1>0 «tending there. "la anything wrong?" «be cried, mto tng her lantern 3 oat aa Bald did when aha encountered tha aaflora. "He, no," mM tha other, p—la» η nerroua band over her flta. Oon atonco, with alert Intelligence, fancied Ao dreaded recojreltJoe. "than why ara yoo standing here? II la ao cotd. Tea win surely mako yourself in/· "I waa woodaring if I migtit aee Mr. Brand," came tbo deaporate a newer, " toe word* babbling forth with enre I ftratatfl TtheiuQoi. "See ay fnthorr* repeated the girl ■ho took thought for aa toataat. The Mglithoueo keeper would not be able to laaro the lamp for nearly throe hovro. When dawn came aha knew be would bare many ttlege to attend to algnals to tha Land'· Bad, the arrange, ment of aoppUn. which be had al ready mentioned to her. and a boat of ether matter*. Foot o'clock to toe morning waa an anconmntlonal boor tor an Interview, bat time itaetf wna topty terry Trader tha condition prcr alout on tho Gulf Rock. "I wtn ask htm," the went oa bnr rfaxHj·. with aa unCotafortablo feeling that Mr*. Tanalttart lantlJ her Ja dldal panao. "Thank yoo." To tho |trl*e ears tha com tuoui ac et Btaae·. If <k» ιγμ are tb· wtm ùorrm of tfea eoal tnrcly tb· rolce la Ita aubtl· gaogc. Tb· moro tranaparontty alinplo, Clean minded the hearer, tbo mon Kcmtl la tho raaout Imprae ■ton. Conttmoco foaod bcracif voroclj perplexed by two jostling ahetrUrtloa» • Κ ttwf look abapa It waa la mot· qnoe tScai*j. Why tu Μη. TaaaKtart ao amiiocs to rartr· oe, M Slight b·. ρ rob· loag borted mamoriM, aod why did bar moMJe mil· wm to Tola a bo·til· in tent? . Bat tb· (nah, grotiona raahlanhood I· bar east atldo tbaaa un won tod atvdle· ta mtnd reading. "Ha baa ao much to do," Ae ·* plabnd. *>ltbomch tbara of many of oa on tb· rock tonlgbt b· baa urn btw to etterty aloo·. Wont yra wait hiiH> nUI I return Γ* "Vol ncleea I am In tb· way." pieatl· •4 tb· otter. "I waa cboklng la tbare. no air hero, tb· apace, an ao grate ful" Bo Coaatano· paaaad bar. Mr·. Vaa alttart n*4*d tb· datety manner la wbtcb tbo picked op bar skirts to ■Msat tbo «talis. Bb· caught · gtmp·· at the ml tor made gown, strljMd Π Ik underskirt, wall Qttla*. low heeled. •Ua welted ezpaualr· boot». Trust a women to ae« all tbaa· things at a glance, wltb ere α (bu shifting glimmer of a storm proof lantern to aid tbo caiek apprnla»io«ot ii tb· girl went oat af bar tight a remlntjceue» tan· to bar. "Xo woudar I waa startlod," ah· coro mcacd. mast tailor*· root the wears bel pa the ruaaablaace. lYobebly It la Tben tbe load alienee of tbe Ugbt Vww appalled her. Tbe atnging had oaaaad or was ibot off by ■ doMd tax. Om might aa wen k* lu a tuab m nmuDM far ttta tangible dark M·. Tbe treuulona gr*mlt», ao coW aod bard, jvt aHre la It· own grtia atnegth, (bo marwMxtmt coeimotioo of artnA tod ware· ΓντβΓΠα* anU djlng la gbcwtllk· «Aon, saggeetad · era re, a τ* alt «lea· Ma lad fram tl»c oufcrr ■■M. though jmUatiag with the far away bMmc* of baadlaaa oaltttada*. Tboa, brooding la tb· gtaxa, a tor taad adal aUliaul fer· and roK At awaited the retira of bar maaMbgar. after locking to at the bo·· d to (te aarrloa loom. Hi to On trtainrtng ata#a, «xpvctla* to aaa kta atfeartlae to Ike buap. Κα Β* tad pea*. Roeewbat be a Ida led, for certain ba we· aet la ■byof (b*le>wer acartiaeata. *e climb ed to the mile door la to· gtaaa frame. Ail Thar· bamiwdw landward •too of the gallery. Wbat waa tb· mat •Sa*HadÎStoa«!* ■» Ν ratieead ftaaι eor dablati u to M> eoy dobtety aa tobla to tb· __ tba Ibs «7 af a moaMM*· mt Ob. bow tired BMHnmTCBM··· !«ic p»*w>a. *praa« rp luitoUr *■1 c.i; ·· U ok yea If ran o*a *co Vs, Vr. unit tart," *b· rata. "»!r% YnaaJtîartr he ci-l*d, Trifb α ·*ιρΛ» that ι Sri ι led ber w'.ti a f»co«itr» »bo aasor.Oly cvtM ant (ic e.*nl foe. ■tu, RJx· aekad If Kb· might bar· « vtih jan." Hi· Ihrjsr hi* hand* φ ta «amie ύο nuelr. Tjfl Pmi goad lady I an» tip t.» BU eyo« ta work. 1%· eU la trmnieu low. I muât ht· no to tbn pnanp at one*. I bare icy Journal to ML If tkera la so «en I cannot lw!l(i]T«>\ aaj I Lare a l:stt cf »'gnala to look up nut! get reefy. And a word tn your car. Cooulo, fnr. XT· will be *at bom·' oa the rock for the n»rt forty-eight boar*. ΟΙτ· the laily mj· tvry deep rwei* and nak her lo Allow no to nod for her when I liare a mlnttt? to «par· tonw hour» tane·." CI·· klww.l hUc. MT«i Oeer old thing." aha fried- "Ton wtu th* yom-eclf te death. 1 am »ure." Π* esiCdit lier by tlie cUla. -Vnrk tsy wordi," ho laughed. "Ton will reel lula night la your bona* lon ger than L Β y the way. ao matter wbo Son* hmigry. ilou't prepare any break fast until 1 cots· to you. I enppoee the Ullr*MB la y oar headquarter»?" "Tea. though EnUl ha* had far more of Mr. ryne'a company. Sbo la cook, yoo k v>tr."« "la Ppse tbcro too?" "Ha U laundry maid, dry In* clothes.'' "I think I Khali Ilk· lilm," mnaed Rrand. "He «earn* lo b· a betpfol *ort of yoeagater. That remind* me. T»>11 h toi |· report him soif ta hlr. KirnneU aa my assistant— If bo car·* for the pott, that t*." He did not ceo the ready spirit of mlachtcf that danced in her *jm fUia pictured ïlr. Γχηο "flxtn* th'njr»" erlth M*. Kmmctt highly quick." When *hc rcarbaj tl» lint bedroom II oir Mr.i. Vanalttnrt had goo·. **1 thought It TToald bv itrmn If all· utood long In thla draft," choubJ Con Manca. She opened the door. Tb· lady •die tongiit waa · leaning <ilacon*olAte ngntast a wall. "My father'" - «be begin. "1 ftu I waa thought I»**,·" Interrnrt ed Mra. Tanuttart. "Re muirt be greet ly oocoptci Of rviiM 1 can ree him in the naming before the γηιΧ com··. Ttooy will eo&d a (hip aoon to take ua otrr· HI* «lu —-11—^ «t. -«· wn» tbo (tod answer. "Indeed. «laO baa Jet been signaling l.i a tUK whlcl» will mura at deytreak." There ira» η toron* chôma from the otter Inmate·. Constance bad not tbo r*TUlei«o hardihood to t«U them bTW they ateeonatrtiod her word*. Aa fho qnfttoJ them aba admitted to herself thct Mr*. VnnsittArt, though disturbing In some of tier rao>ls, wua really very considerate. It aerer oc enrrod to bar that ber new acquaint ance might bava suddenly discovered the exceeding wisdom of a prororb concerning second tlioncht. Indeed, Mr*. Vanitttart now hitterly reerpttad the lmpnlso which tod her Im betray any knowledge of Stephen Brand or bis daughter. Ot nil iho ful· Ilea or a wayward lift·, that was Im measurably the greatest In lira. Vnn slttart'a critical aculn. Bat what would you 7 It la uot oft*ο f Wen to a woman Of nerve*, α wum.iu of volatile nature. a alioDow worlUlii·?. yet versed In lite deepest tvllee of I11 trtgue, to ho *blpirrrcl<o«l. to Uc pinch ed from η living bell, υ he through η birrlesne to the aoccre In security of η dark ant boilow pilL-ir standing on a Calvary of storm tnsv.il wares, and I ben, while her senses ■warn to etraoM bewilderment, to be confronted with a II ring ghost. Tet thtit wee prectucly what had happenod to her. fate la grievous at tlmoe. This Un· rea of ratngo was a placc of tori mo. Mrs. Vamdttart broke down and wept In her distress. [to aa CCTTTorpan.) AUTO'S RECORD RUN. i I *■> lu nurim «· λ«ι> Talk la MM··» D*r> U4 Hi n«*ra. From tb· city luD. San ItruncUco. to Bacald Kiuarc, Row York, la Hftrru 1»Γ» and atx boon Vy automobile Is tie rotnarkabto record rid· aeeotnpU'bad L L Whitman In a lis cylinder franklin oar of thirty Iwrnaporrer. Γbat iwfwnuM cuts aereataea day» dgtitMa boura froui 11» boat ptm kiua noMd frets Nttt to coaat. Hla feat at βοοιι a-tuUUka· tb* hJsh natwtkw to which iIm NntiuctVm tt the Juaarteaa aatomouil· baa at tained and alçtiaHiaa the practicability tad «Hcleocy ot tha irtx cyKadar typ· tt angteo far motor vabktaa of high Wbllmaa'a a»nrt Croao Baa Frandoco raa laarti at 0 o'clock oe tb· nicbt of log. % or 9 o'clock la tha rroatnc by , !C«w Tork tlno. I1J· recta took bin I rrar Marly *fi00 uUoa, and tbo k*a tt tiaM bo ovartaMd tknnfk mta Hpa Mt with waa etoaa oo to tl*·· by·. Croaalnn California to ftaera Mtl* ba baya a tb· aaoaat or Um Ham Krrada eMauloa. a e8*b of !fiU) (ml Π· at>»toaeh>d tbo tlma Β mkiaf lb· iiml rwietrwt by tb· Sblou FMIIfi orartaad U as Had f«r b· cthnfe, arataftoc t«a oillaa ao boar, Jtfcough «Maycd oaaity half a day by tad It a ad ! I Itad# «t : ι STZvTE. S2ÎT2Î 1 by tha rai·· la leva. Tto to «fcrra· day*. to ltrw Tark to ·*· J·*» f . to M* MMI ma Η I 5 Gaston County People Coming to the Big Mecklenburg Fair October 16th to I9th Make Our Si ore your Headquarter·. Meet your friends here, and leave any patkage you may bave In our care. Special arrange· mentn made to care for and «end to Station for you when you are ready to go home. V V V Fall trade Opening Up Lively at the Busy Store! Oar Stocks Lergcr and Priccs Lower thin ever, and we expect tbe greatest bnsiness tbii P»H we ve ever bad. The Qualities are tight and here's Our Guarantee:· "MONEY BACK if tbe price here is not Lower for Satnc Goods, or Better Good» for Same Money, on every article sulcJ here." Only one exception :-Coats Spool Cotton. The way we do it, is buying and selling for CASH. A Pew Dry Good· Special·. Ladies' ready mailt Percale Wrapper* Rood Style· 63 Cent· Ix)pk Kimonas, nice color». SO Cent· Good, heavy, loug Kimonas, made of fleece-lined l'lnunelatte 75 and 96 Cent» Lace Curtaina, ZH yard» long ·— 29 Cent» · fair Wide Single Curtain»—«id· enough (or oa· to a window; beautiful design·'· woven to use sincle S Cent» Bach All-Wool Silk Embroidered I'lannel, 38 indie* wide SO Cent* New'Style Pleld Belts. Just in by Express, tlie latest out; fattening in front, K*ck, and ut sided 35c Fancy Dress Gingham*, nice color· and pattern·; α Special Bargain at ... 5 Cent» Heavy White Maître», beautiful woven figure*. 10c Light Outings. The henviesl fine fleece. White Cronnda. with Pink and Lie lit Hloe l'in Strip** 8>i Cent» Big line Bed Comforts 50 Cent* jBach, up Cotton Blanket» 39 Cent» ο Pair Hemstitched Pit tow Cases 12>4 Cents Table Oil Cloth, the best grade, first quality; white and all colon» _ 19 Cent· Ladica' Black Mercerised Petticoats...... 38 Centa Indies' White Underskirt», full lenstli; trimmed with uicc Lac*.' Insertions, etc 29 Centa Mer*» and Boy»' Fine Clothing. A very large »tcck of the very best makes high ; claps, eood-Gttina Clothing at rerular BUB H1VH Ctrl* PRICES. Ti e ttackt Tailored Suit» in the vary beat Tllacks, finished and unfinished goods, in both single and douhlc-lircasted: the very latest cat and •tyle; real-nobby Suits; worth J12.SU to $15.00. Ti t·y fit correctly. and the price hare..$10.00 a Sait Bovs' high-class Knee Pant Suits—the very best S i*.: ,*.£■» and latest style cuts, etc.; fine All· cAVool goods, in »ize up to 16 years Γ. ._...$i.B8 and $3 98 a Sait Ο ^ _ 1 « _ UJ' Λ - u \#«· ^α·(Ι Γ alll9« Not the lowest price, but the finest All-Wool Knee P.mls, well made up: no rip*· will *t»nd the hardest wcm; food weight All-Wool eoodn (or winter wenr: rise* to US year· 49 Cent» Shoes by the Car Load. 3 We spent one week in Boston, the Shoe market of tlje world, cleaning up odd lota (rot* the bent manufactura * in the country, at two Ihirrte to thrre-fourtha rcirular price» Can «ell yon the best Shoe» made at retail here for just about first coat to manufacture. All bnnd S new Shoes. No old shop-worn stock. Our per ianal jjuarantec jroes with every Shoe we sell, !j g and we shall be pleased to make good any thing not found ju*t a» represented. Miirt's' heavy Doncola School Shoes, sizes 13 to 2's 75 Cent· Children's jtood-wearinic Dongola Sboe». sizes 0 to 13— 68 Cents Chiltln-nV nrrt Misses' fine, heavy Kid Shoes. nil solid leather—a real good Shoe -siies » to 12 at 68 Cents; sises 13 to 2, 8β Cents Children's mod Shoes, *ir.es 3 to β 25 Cents Infants* Shoes, all size» 10 Cent· T.aifiea* Vici Kid Kangaroo Shoes—plain J.*ce and Ulncher style—all sbtca 98 Cents Ladies' jcood Vici, i'at Tip. lilucher Shoes, all solid eood styles; a real Harratn, at $1.14 Men's Sxlin-CuU Shoes, ftolia leather; all the good shapes in all feUcs JI.15 Men's biavy Vici Kid, plain Hal. and Bluchcr; nil good-style la»t» —.... J1 48 Women's Dongol.i Shoes, good styles, all sices . ^ , /ù icnu Odd Special»· Ma&on't Stove Polish, the 5 tfcut site; 2 boxes for S Cenla Oue sample box Frit to each and «very customer. HiçVory Axe Handles rrgolar price 10 cents each : 2 for S Cents Meson'· Blnckinjr—the original sad best made ,._..two 5c boxes for S Cents Ciff-a-TMlC Stick Blue, Mils everywhere S cents ■ Mick, here for :.„1 Cent 3 the large «fee Armour's Washing Powder 10c 4 Urge sue Calces laundry. Soap 5 Cents Mennen'a . Borated or Violet Talcum Powder —10 Casta a Ho* l.ar£e sixe\Poat Card Album. ..ti Cent* Gecraine A. & V. Pear's Soap 10 Cents Cake Ctiliciir· Soap ; 1G Cents a Caka Lan· Oil Bnttarmilk Soap 18 Cants New Pall Dre·· Good· Specials. The bc»t there it in Die·· Good· ; the proper things here at lower price» than elsewhere, but for CASH ONLY, Ityon pay Cull, conic here. 44-Inch Wool Serges. Series arc very strong this season, and we have a fid· and dandy Bahrain in All-Wool Serge, 44 incbea wide; best Black and a good shade Navy 50 Cent· New Plaid Drees Goods. The pretty, new. bright colors in 1'laid*—very stylish aow; two qualities IS and 25 Centa 52-Inch Brflltantlne. Pine, bright-finished Brilliantine, a regular 75 cent selling quality; Black and Navy.. 40 Centa Wool Batiste. The light-weight Wool Fabrics have come to stay. A very Une SUk-finlih Wool Batiste -.40 Centa Wool Voile. Handsome Black Voit·, all wool, and the very best Black ; sheer and smooth— 75 Ceata Gray Wool Plaida. Big line Cray Woolen Goods—Plaids, etc 50 Cents Gray Wool Suitings. Fine quality, heavy, All-Wool Suitinga, (or Suits, Skirts, the long Gray Coats, etc.; a high-class fabric; all wool; 56 inches wide BB Centa Wool Panama Cloth. Beautiful quality. All-wool, very wide—SB inches —Navy, Black, etc M Cents UJ I D ·· «V WW· ■ vpilll· 44-lucli All-wool Poplin, a very fine cloth; Black, Navy, Red, and all good «bade· to Cent· δβ-lnch Hard· Finish Serge. All-Wool and extra heavy Dark Navy, Drown, Black, etc M Cent· Broad Cloth. Pine quality All-Wool Broadcloth, extra heavy, in Black and all colon; good (or this aeaaon .98 Centa Cream Wool Dress Goods. Good line Cream Wool Good·—BatiMea. Bril liantine, Albatroaa, etc., 50 Ceata a Yard Cream Mohair, 36 inches wide; very nice quality 25 Cents New Silks. · The correct Silks lor Fall wear; priced low Black Taffeta. We lead, (or we sell only the beat, and back ours with new Silk'right on spot when claim i· made. 36-Incb Guaranteed Black Taffeta. New one fast in. Guarantee in selvage: Light Blue, colored selvage; all pare Silk TaBeta; fell yard wide, and equal to the best ever offered elsewhere lor $1,00; here 7S Cent· Rustling Black Taffeta for Under skirts. A fine one, guarantee wovan in selvage; extra heavy, witli high finish; · regular $1.50 TaBeta • Ï ; 98 Cents Mew Plaid Silks. Be*utifui, new, bright color· in Plaid· for Shirt Waist·, etc.; ΒΘ cent· quality All-Silk Plaida ._ ........ 30 Cent· New Changeable Silk». Yard wMi. all the mw colon la the Rood con bi nation· t a pore Silk Taffeta, worth fl.00 a yard , — —75 Cent· 38-loch Cieam Taffeta Stlk, a apectol Value More Good Specials for One Cent λ nuiD^ 0«Bua ι π air nroocn 1 Pocket Knife G Collar Button» 1 Nmor " 1 Pack Bmlmi 1 Smoll Minor with Cel- 4 AlnnHnom Hair Pin· kdoM back 1 Horn Hair Ρ1· , 1 Key, Ring and Chain 1 Box Paper 7 Beantjr Γ < nt 1 Bo* Mounting Pin» 1 lilack Beauty Pi· 1 i.ead Pftjcil 2 Goud-xnc Bom·· Black X Holt Taptf toc 1 Yuri) Hat Btaitlc 1 Watch Chaia 2 llttl Plate· 1 Neck Im I Package Hair Pina 1 Pocket Comb 1 Knool Darning Cottoa 1 Nicvaize Pofcket Mirror 2 Yard* Ribbon 2 C1o«eH-end Thimble· 1 IXnre· Collar rintton· 1 WhlMle 2 Batten bur* Riaf·' 1 Poet Card Album 1 Coel· 1 Doeeo Pea Ρο!η(· 1 Cake Soap I T.»art Pencil· with rob- 1 Tooth Bru»h her In end Xtfiab Hook· 4 Plaia Cedar Pencil· 1 Tata Meaaure • vx&Bng, p»r. \?s5 1 Good tem»d or flat Cor 1 Pair Ladies' Ho·· Sap • MarMaa t Pair Shoe !.·<·♦· jgjssrv Memorandum Book Fancy Hat Pie Box SMe Pencil·. 4 la box Thimble, eloMd and P«ir 81ipp«f Lack* Arm Bawl CoH nation Do* en «rood Peart Bat ton# Han(Jkerchicf O-ad PfnclU BoUon Hook· Donnât Pin B^X inyiribl· Bali Plea ' 'ard Shirring Cord Pair Arm Banda Dotn Bat ton a Ciochtt Hooka &ÏΒΛ3 ύ., " Voejfr aad By·· Fl»· Comb· Caiea Toilet Soap Black Deavtv Pin Horn Halt Pta Roll Black Tape Tarth Bru all Horn Hair Pin· Hamatitchcd Hdkf. Button Hook Cedar Pencil Bib Holder Rubber Band Yard Velret Ribbon Fancy Card Paney Hair Pie Robber Eraser Sp ο ο I Turkay-R « d Say"1· Carriage Knob· PeeStaU Collar · Watch Chaia L Ooaati Ornament ι Collar . , _____ atBlaatic Slat· Pascil νηπ own μ ομ ιν-αικ—DU MIDMI. ΟΙ KMKBaOdtalOf tût beet adopted by tfce Department Store· in tbe 1«m ci tie·; oor Merchandise all »ew and ΗβΛτ-ρο eld or «noddy good· allowed her*. Don't fell to drop In to wo our new Electric Caeh State», it · the wonder of tbe ate (or a Caab Cenler—tbe oaly oat la tbe Carolina». 'Tie worth your while to aee It· ·»««··«·····*·*»· THE BEE HIVE The Always Busy Store C»m«r mi Trade A Cdll·» SU. Cbarfett·, forth CireHee. '■■ " *»»·**- » · \t *·«· «■

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