* ro"i I KEBPYOllR EYE ON IT * ί »!■■> »< ittw n«'· »»■ r— «I— r— 4 ptm*m * Τ TM day romr ttmm U Mt mm4 nkw Τ Ζ M'· M·· u nr «lata. 1» I ntuniiitiai nintu PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK—TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. — Devoted to the Protection of Home ont) the Interests of the Coasty. GASTON I A, N.C..THESOAY, OCTOBER θ, I9O0. W. P. MARSHALL, Editor and'Proprtator. VOL. XXVII. IL f. lAKlOI. rrti/Jtm/. C. N. MtakS. neé-Prei. A. C. Knu. Cttktrr. CAPITAL MU.OOO THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANKJ OABTONIA, N. C. Account} ol Merchants, Manufactnrtrz, njid Farmer* InvUed. Liberal Dealing along Conservative Unas. * SAVINGS We have added a Savings Department, in which toe pay 1 per cent., compounded every three mouths. If you have not already opened an account in this department we invite you to do so. Opinio* SiMia 1er Opeaauaa. Ctutrlou· (Xntmi. I bave received α number of inquiries from western North Carolina regarding the aeaaon when the opossum may be killed. Following is a state ment of the open season for this Came animal in the various counties of North Carolina: There are a number of conn· ties in North Carolina where oDOsaums *re protected a portion of tlje year. Many hnntera are apparently unaware of tbia. The season when this animal may be legally hunted, caught, chascd with dogs and killed is from Oct. 1st to Feb. 1st, in the following counties: Alamance, Caswell, Chatham, Dnrham, Franklin, Grabam, Gulford, Halifax, Mecklenburg. Orange, Pamlico, Wake and Warren. In Greene county Sep. 1st tu Feb. 1st, in Harnett and Lin coln counties, Oct; 1st to Jan. 1st. Additions) information regard ing any of the gsuie laws may be had by addressing the State Audubon Society, Greensboro. T. Gilbert Prarsok, Secretary. Greensboro, Sept. 20, 1906. Subscribe for Thb Gastoxta Gaucttk. A Gulden Wedding, and · Tabla· cloth Fifty Yean Old. Kinci MounUie Hctnlil. On last Tueiday. Ortoher the ut be-iutitully decorated with ferns, palms and cut flowers. The bride wore a guiag-away jjowa of green plaid with hat and dress to mslçb. Mr. S. W. Inman reports cotton sprouting in tbc bolls with two leaves. There h not a great deal of this; but Mr. la man says that it is no trouble to And specimens in bis field. He filin reporta ntvcivtyfive ictti of cotton from whicit up to thin lime uot a boll hbeen pickei. Mr. H. C. Olenn la bow Kit ting hit lath making plant fairly atarted. It ia located on the C. & N.-W. railroad, at the Charlotte street crossing. The machinery constata of a medium tiaed circular aaw and a gang of small sawa, all driven by a fif teen-bone electric motor. The capacity of the pknt i* from 20,000 to $30,000 latha a day. Old cotton ia worth to the mill* at least a cent a pound more than new cotton. That is the cituitlou at the present time. The difference is augmented by the fact that new cotton is too wet to work by reason of the continuous Tains. Mo*t of the mill· are working new cotton; bat tbey are onable to get a satisfactory production ont of it. THE ARTFUL SQUIIUL Tkelr Trick· «ai Humii i· Εacap« ·αΛ CaacMleaat Π*Μ «»d SUcma .1 Y(Xi may find miiny α squirrel in the courte ol your tramp, but no oue alike exactly io their method of attempted escape or concealment. The ways and means of the little rascal are legion. One may flatten him self ont against the gray patch on the back of α tree trunk, apsolulcly motionless, and un ie»* in your earnest, steadfast looking you can detcct au ear or shoulder iu relief against the sky you might as well abandon the search. Another may lie along a bough flattened at fall length; bat heie the tell-tale can arc more easily silhouetted. Still another may croncb drawn up in a fork; and here the thing ' to look for is the flatly tip ol that little signal flag which al ways works and waves and jerk* and signals ao bravely wheu danger is not in the air. Or one may gather himself up in α bunch to imitate a knot or knob; and here he can very well tell when you have spied him out. He will catch your eye even as you catch the eye of au acqcuintancc in a crowd and will instantly limber up for head long flight, leaping from tree to tree nntil he vatujhev over the ridge. IV ft* »r«t M ■ J.LA.! __ I ■■ I *3BSBW—2 Bettor Than Cetto·. Nmul Obicncf. Some day· ago we printed · statement to the effect that Mr. J. K. «ad Mr. J. P. liait· «ho live near Gamer, bave decided to quit railing coUiw and tern their large (arm into mock raia iog poultry and the like. Mr. Batta. uyi that at present price*, be can make note money on fowla than by growing cotton. Of couiae. The farm era in Wake who are the moat prosper· on a are tboae who have not eon· 6nrd tbemaelvca to one crop, bat have crown track, raised poultry, and had something to sell nearly all tbe year. The high price of everything to eat will cause more fa. mers to do what tbe ldeaata. Baits are doing to their own enrichment and the good of the county. Rockingham county· court bouae at VVentworth waa burned Wednesday night. All tbe county record· were saved. Tbe insurance on the building waa $9,000. The fire originated in Withers & Company'· «tore, which waa destroyed, together with their stock of goods. Steps are being taken to have the county aeat removed to Reida· ville. TbeM line» m now at their hot at thi* m tiers ι specialty of Ika. W« Suvil* yoo I in no other way can you keep posted. . . Millinery £*+ Ï An entire department linery talent at your service. . , Ready-Made Lines Here * (nil nit tuy be cbom I· a tbe ready-made «oit·, fade·» atylea made Skirts, with CUMsco'a and Mb Underwear Greet variety style· of UadcrvMir for Wc are right np-to-date villi all tht • · · £ Dress Goods Pf Wc Mad only call PUauU, Oatiap, 1 materials to suit amy ·#'· ··' ,.tr_··* Ά. · *'·-■ *ί< ■ Mat atockotf 555 φΜ lilll ■ - ■ ·' it '■ h _ October A " /· '■·■■ V •'y' ':· AT CHARLOTTE, N. C. 16th, 1 7tti, I 8th, Mammouth Matchless •n^> 4 + H * -4 4» 57000.00 In Purses and Premiums. Good Shows. Fine Racing. Wonderful ducts. 'The Best of Pree Attractions. Circus Ring Performers. Balloon Furnished by the Best Band In the State Every Day for (he Public· 4» Grounds and Buildings open every n!ghtv a blaze of Electricity. All the Rates every day during the Fair. 4* 4» 4» 4* 4» 4* 4» 4» Come Early and Stay the Capt. S» Β. ALEXANDER, President.