• " =Τ· "·*,»·♦' Ί Itiatni coatatar βροη| the negro race that a&gjj «bMtbcn ktk ittitut de-| labor at rood Jan. ar the ro*di. or thrusting ' their necks into the hai aoote. At TaAoto a lew nights ago a large bm faceting of iU held te com rtha attfcade al the of negroes© ί also present, in the al a dab of 25 with «atbority to take bold of I ι with aatroaghiod. Their object U to elleiMte. to ft* sld al, the wont dosa of I the the loafer· and * la work ar get to It la believed that Will trow ont of IOTP FMM earner y! NIm Attta Seatkh Vrffea later· >1 hHOj «I Bar Week u ■ a IMwt to The Geletfial '""ïlcket, An H vie. China. Te Λ* Members of Rast Baptiit Church, Gas/enia, N. C. My Dear Brethren and Sisters:— Jut after I lent off my last U|it to yon, July t, I received a letter from your treasurer, Mr. W. B. Bigger*, enclosing a Cheek for $15 Again I wish to thank you, each one very hearti ly, for this gift, and may oar Heavenly Father, "who seeth in seetet, reward you openly." With this cheek came these words, "We pray for yon," and I can not coneey to yom in writ* ins how much encouragement these lew words brought to me, aal read that letter and have thought ni it since and 1 beg that you continue to pray. "The effectual, fervent prayer of a rightaoua msn, availeth much,* aad Sgain would I beg yon not to forget oar Lord's command to pray for laborers, for "The field* are white onto harvest* aad the laborers are few. I am praying that from your own ■umber there aie some who may he ready to say, "Here am I seed me. send me" when the call cames from our Heavenly Bather. We have passed the worm days very quietly here, since our return in June. There has been ■ ■ ι ■ — I taMM %tlUI WC UHU last (ctamer and the weather haj been more tryiag, bet we have all bcea kept To health, while death and sickness have been around na. We had the hardest rain οI the season, be· ginaiug last Saturday night, and keeping op pretty regularly till Monday light Foe ooe night and day U was a heavy, beating rain awl aiaay mod homes ana walls gave way and tumbled down. Our straw covered house leaked la several places, but not seriously and we felt very tbank fal when the rain ceased sod the sunshine came out. The river, which baa been op all tbe sum mer* tOM higher than ever and many more poor people were drive· out o! their homes by the Ugh waters. Hundreds ara IntMl right oat in the open, with all that they possess, piled about them in the street. 1 went with my brother and the children oat to the bank to view the lrigta river water Monday afternoon, and it was pitiable to see houses is the water up to their eavea, while their inmates Uved oat la the open. One man was bravely working to keep the water oat of bis place but when brother went back tbe next mora tag, there was enough water in his home for a boat to be looting eroaod ioside. These homes axe mostly made of stalks, something like tbe sugar caae, the people in Notth Carolina plant for molasses, and these stalks axe daubed over with and, so they stand the water metty well. I hear tbe river is falling How aad I am truly very thankful. Though these people do sot worship the true God, most of them acknowledge that there la a Heavenly Father who contrôla the winds sad raies aad life and death and maay of them earse Rim for allowiag such destructive rains aad yet when sQ goes well and prospers they turn to Him and give **·* Monday (the seven· taorth of their sixth month) was to bava bean a big procession •s *- at A J n. _ trois the devils, or evil spirits, bet be, like Bad, of old, "ia thber talld··, or be is vara··· let, or ke & ia e joeroey, or Milviatnt he aleepctb, and mmI be awaked,· and tb* river rise* ao M*b be cent be carried icroM tw he had to eoaleot Maaeetf with a very abort dis tance. in th« city. Wbea be i« satiid throofh Ike streets io a Mdaa β hair, ha ie followed by a rraat crowd who here ihada rev· to bias to nt Un to re lease some of their relatives from —— Il il I ' 11' household Goda, ose that he · had worshipped very cxpeoaivu ly for forty years and more, aa i avowed hui desire to worship the true Cod. There is a family named Wu living near us why have been noted aa great cursrr* and high tempered. They •eem interested, as a family, but especially the father and mother's oldest daughter, who is married aud bad a little baby to die a week ago. This is the third child she bad to die and they were all very aurions that this little ten months old boy might be spared and prayed for him, but God saw fit to take him away. The heathen ueigh· bora tried to get them to lake him to a temple and get the goda to cure him, bat they said no, they bad given bim to ihe Lord and if it was His will to cure him they would give him thanks, bat they would not turn to the gods of wood and stone. The mother came to see me two days ago with her sad heart and I tned to comfort her by telling her of Jesus' love for little children. She asked me then if the Devil couldn't come and steal his soul aw ay and not let Jesua have bim. Her mother-in-law just took the little body of ber baby and threw it away. They don't bnry chil dren- but just throw them ont for the dogs to eat. Their funerals are mostly for show and they do not- think babies are worthy of this. The father of this rçirl was here Monday night of this week, talking with my brother about bis former way of cursing. He said it bad always been bis habit ou meeting certain acquaint ances, just to curse to see which one could out enrse the other. He was questioning as to what meets tbe other fellow and gets m cursing—should be ctine beck? Brother told him if he could honor the Lord by cursing tbe man in return to just lay to, with all bis strength. He was soon brought to see that i( he bore patiently with the other man and save him a soft answer, instead of curses, be might, thereby witness to God's grace and so lead the other man to love and serve the true God. He left hft about dusk and vent by to see tbe river which was rapidly rising. There are some gullies near there, about forty or fifty feet deep, that have been washed out by the haTd rains. Not seeing very well, he stepped into one of these and -fell to the bottom and received no serions burt. His daughter told me he went home and knelt down and thanked the Lord, im mediately, for thus preserving him when he might have been killed, by such · fall. We feci that be and bis wife are "saved by grace" and are good witness es of what God's sovereign grace can do, when applied by tbe Hoir Spirit. His wife says she thanks the Lord constantly for giving them peace and love and helping them thereby to ' bear and forbear, for they formally quarreled a great deal among themselves. Tbey are both de siring baptism, as are some others, My ten year old nephew seems converted and also wishes to be bsptized. 1 hope I have not tired any of you with this long letter, but when yoo assure me yon pray for tbe work here. I feel that you arc interested in it sad the more you know about it, the more, I hope yon will realize the iTest need, and earnestly beg God's blessings upon it. Witb Christian love and greet ings to all, and praying God's blessings upon yon, as a church, I ans, yoer sister in Christ. Αττίκ T. Bosticx. HELD IN WASHINGTON. Om of fti 6Mi tl Ltrii'i Col Mr Dm9ttoi la Slraage City. A Washington special of the fifth to the Charlotte Observer Hilda Barnes, tba Rngliah airl who cerna to Waahioaton a day or tare ago from Charlotte,N.C., claiming that aha had «one there from Oaatonia io company with • mala companion, ha agreeing to taka her to New York and de· M-rted her whea that city VU reached, ia Mill baing1 held in tba boose of detention her·, tboncb no spécifié chsrgea bave been preferred avaintt bet. Wbfu The Observer's cor naoooent Invaetigatad the mat* tor to-day be was informed by tbe poHce off rials of the Diatrlct that aotbiag was baown here of ficially io tae eflact that the was hU Io be wmMJb Charlotte forbavlagtake*$2S from·wo· ana· aamed Sors. It aow ap pwn that the worn·· landed la tbe United State· a abort time ago Irom Kag)si»d,3irom which Matif she holds a certificate of citlaenabi·. After landtag ia Mew York »ho wast to Oaatonia, M. C.. where sbe baa a eister (MM Aaai* (k>od working io me ef tba cotton atilla .She IT*K»i ΤοΛ, II ietbe**»? pooe of tbe woaaaa to leave this ""ïïetSeaaT·*' eb· mm >»»nt»>Miiinnnmuiiiin t Fait Goods at Never before iu the history of Southern Merchandising has there been assembled snch α :