AU at tî»j W» llkkXl· Y«rk«r ta ι IUDMwyiin«kofiTt<|Uirt «Mr ba btwMtt Uf tfea ι •C tft» «raidi vm ahraya ^ Λ Car m Dr tua uncmpiejr •4 wûorttr- Tfeey rolatad tbo caazl»«s •ai acta»· «f tha IMnb, canted n» ta and fro beta* •viae ta tua eamxnvsaa « mt a^M ararjr tmuag pra. "»* t*rt to taach the top· ' * " ' ttMrtr «r·· qd Um Qntta aartj ta «b· 4a/ tfea pwaer haaM'ta Ma actapanta « «Λ nom a Ml Bat ot pwncm nail crew, with fcy tba orarwb«tnjta# , -Ι» Baaf *tk> fi«bt far ► et the kaad a* tta «aavaafca atair. A "lack. a flxa la a (feaatar. pay * ^ ta tfea narrtac· ; ef tha day *ara dlrartad ta tha ■mi dattes · (*■ ■arrty of tka Mana, mada wUlt Mr. Kmmau aad tha : Mdt ot tr—b «tt* is ι la aw bury of tta iwhr boon ι k buwutkn ««Me fwt lato gallona. •my taatteff-aeptano· at command u4 ltut tta dtottnatiea at a drtekalria CMU Bock Ufcbt 4M do* • ***** awaratam. Ika «far «kat «mM ta adopted waa to lape» «tea a coil (Mm canvas anrad Into a waa varatetad and --Iktb wtmma ahw·. wlitte or tta watar «ras (tea dla ■a aynttin. Ko naca po I ta taOad. Ba w. tbey vara 1 pUatlfaL The kMm tn* watar. raOaead «a In tta clilrru, waa only a ttar In eoaAldoa unlaw It ««a and Bnad MM that It MÎtt te ta latelnad ter tta escioaίτβ aaa at feaaa aariotaty UL raOaaM ao tapldly tut tha ►»« Bud zait taa t taaiBj M tar taada. Bad! bear, ttaagfc tta aaw onU [ tea food «apply tran» ι waa aa tevataaMa aaaUtut ta tta KlMiMM af-cafttctary 1 tat «peat*, iiitaiu· « tta fWtawtet plant aa Κ telgkt act atlrlanUy. la tta !BBSSgSF"fl—WW—BBB MM ma, Itau Auxtl -ru «miw «ο*, if that u «a» mm limaat Jokta« a Uttt· , jwm go oaten yoa win pnU d »wt a» I mj a· tote tba «U «at ei tbo Mite o< to—Ι» I «m * mtn waif wba «mm aaUtof to act of the wo·» eae day la · Ktta baat whtab aact bar· «ma few (ha saw worM, aa aa «oa appeared ta tet* leat aliter mo ar ft hi tta aU. Dad pltM aa bath 9 aad riofM Fyua OU not kaow «tetter «0 iaka bar aatfaaaly or not aotil te aaaght aatCnatlon la a pair at trenqail tyaa, whteb te «ianl lato at amy opportu nity. "ft la «alto tnuT aatd Cbaatnaoa liaidj. "I aappeaa tbat tba ajratat· ana aâoJtjr betaeea paxwata tad lane teat dJMwu wbidt cxteta la »tacy booka te ail anaeine· la reality. No family coald ba atora nulted and arret ed to aacb otter thaa we are, jrat Bold te not mry atetrr, aad 07 fitter la ten aatr by adoption. Πβ feend tee, bait iljtag. ilitWa» part tbte vary tack, aad bafara ba coold reach ter ba fonçbtaafl kilted a (Tiendrai ahartc. vfo aia vary proud «C dad, llr. ryna. Yoaaacvbcia •or ooly/alatteo. Said kaowa naitber ter faster nor mother, and «y died wtea I waa a baby." "Oreat fcottr mad Pyna. Ha taraad quickly toward tba doer. Χα Vanafttart, Tcry pale, with «yea tbat looked anaatnrally large toi tba fklat light, atnod there. For aa Inetant ba waa etartted. Ha bad not aeeo Uia. Vanetttart ataea «bay mbm to tte rock, aad ba waa éecled by tte cbanse In bar appearand. Ua did uat Ilka bar. lite alert toWUcenca dtelraatad bar, but It waa not bte haalneei la Ufa to eateet a wtfa far hi· ancle, m h« put It aad ba ted ahraye treated bar with rwpactful poBtonean. Vow, o«rta* to ■can· flaattof aapect wltliii ha coald not atweat for, ion· rina reeem btenc· to «setter which te dk) not la menter hart·* notlccd before te •lrwad ter wMh a carta to expectant cortoalty tbat waa equally aalnteUxl bta to him. «te hold oat a eerap of paper. «Vr TPteltt 1· kn» »· -hu. —·.» — Ilcnr be repeated, wonderlai* what aba «ont and perplexed by bar Icj, Mit r«wi ta Inert tat», γ-bOm be thoafbt It purine atrtac· that ah· had no otter grattss for him, "W«U." aba Mid. "that la tba bast 'weed t eti find. He la near to w-ti Mar aa a atoamer can brla* bin. Mr. Brand baa received a alsnslcC meaaage. H· arrêta Κ oat and acnt It to ma by a Man. X Inquired wbero yva vara aad *·» toM Di were engaged Is the bftcbao." IW aoaa raaaoa Mil Taaatttart MWUCd ta ba KTMtty perturbed. Barl iwaiwa pat an and to tbe gay ety of the piece «Me effectually. *ho yonag Baa took tba paper la ■Batai Ba Mil·. Deer KUta-A ikul feet rmlw4 fteaa the Faluee nia u lolleva: "Mr Crm 1. Train f eat Mara and acsda Ma lave to ma aad fîlaama . lie will make ffiui imutika aw Oar aaalan «lt«n aad trusta taajr are baeitaaa ■» well ate lavvttaMe haraUhlpa·" Youra Oltfc· *faHy, βΤΒΙΉΚ.ν BnAND. Py ne » trod β to tbe door. "I meat aee If I can't get Mr. Brand to ana war tbe eld boy," ba crlcd. 'Ter hape you have attended to tbat al ready." Aa did bo* make way far him ta paaa. "No," abe aald. "I came to aeek yoa ·· that accoaaL If not too late, will yoa tell roar onde tbat 1 do not wUb ta delay a moment la Peasant· Τ Be wto plena· at moat by arranging for a (padnl train ta await our arrival at tba at* Oon.~ "WbaPa the barryJ" be demanded. "A woman'a whim. If Ton like. bot a fixed raeotva aarartbeleaB." ' "Will yoa travel la tbat rlg-outr he aafcad qotaicaSy. "It la an May matter to call at a abop If we react) ahora by daylight. Tben I can porLbMQ a ctoak and bat to aerre my an lu; «tWwlaa it la raotlerlraa how 1 aun attired Wilt )oa da tblar "Why, certainly." Bbe gara a little gaap of reliât, la ■iwttai tnatant Pyna would bare gone, bat Held. who happened to «knee Ihiif—h tba wlodaw which opened to ward (he aarthwaet. detained Mm. "There la no Lurry now, tot aere." abe aald. *TSaa falcoo la halfway to Oara do by tbie «ml I do no» sap peM abe win return aaatil it la too datb ■5B5S-—— weak ta order to marry hle'nnel· In Fait·. Cither tC diaurrjai b*jctan!o« to a new c*w». la it not >" "I hope Ht, ladccd. rnUjii ;n in ranaenatlae *11BceW?· at tho cjcv » m net: oJOer than T». Tr iCl wj» aiï«ltns your arrival hi ΡίΤίΓίαΛΓ+ΙΛη, Ihlnlrtnc to talui you by kcr|trlce. uo Coabt That la mire to be tie cxpiauaUoo. What a «book tba Ant talegraai mnst hate κΐ>·βο Liait" "Hon dkl be axcertala that hb acyh «ν auj I war· nliroT" "The very Dist th!ac father did w»a to telegraph the narnea of all th· aur Tlrora. I know that U ao bocaoao 1 tiw th· "Ah! Ile la a man if method. I aup !»«?. Von aro pro-Jd or btm. I beard you any." "I Uiink there la no ou? like him to all tli# world. We ire so happy nt home soumîmes I fecr It cannot last. Yet, tbank God. tlierc la no es· «tara for iucb nlghtsan terror·." Mrs. Vnuilttart coor>rt In her gentle Wray. "Intlocd. yoo hitTO my earnest goort vwm id mat refpMt," «tie >a!v»lhiit ι»a ' ji> for frmtltml·, If a avlflati oou. But aowe rtaj· toon νοα will be getting married nnd louring the parental roof." "T do not whh to die is oh] in flirt," UopthcO Couatanca. "yet I bar· not dkcorvrptl a Inthr mm· tlatn iny own «ρ to tw· present.™ Bl>a fancied tbat Uri. Vcunlttart wtncod α lit tie at tfeli remark. Deem ing bar * la! to»· to be a bundle of Derre·, aba Jaiuped to ti>· eoaetoalon that the other jtroamo read Into U>o word* noma farfetched dlsimniçameut of her own approaching uiarrtaga. "Of eourae." aba continual, affably tactful, "I arlll ImM auutkar rlaw iwheu the rlgbt man ubl me." "Were yon In ny· place,'' morinored bar visitor, appnrautty thinking aloud rattier tban edilresslng Cea/itasr·. "you would not ba fearful of iniaror tuneT Too would not read an onteu of 111 luck Into this dramatic Interruption of all your plant Τ After many yjare of TrMowbood I an abaut to Le mar Hod attain ta a man irbiÎ.le nrtmlrabie In every war· U· U rich, dial Ingulahesl In magnet aud appeoroaeo, a potion or noto not only In tk> Ktntea, but on tlie continent. No woman or iny yea γ» au ht dealre a botter izatch. Why «•old not the way be made smooth for ma Τ why should the poor Chinook. Ml of the huudml* of mall strainer* ■whleh croaa the Atlantic yearly, be picked out for utter dtauaterT It la a warning—ο throat from tlie mû*V Tlie nneouscta» bitterness of ber tone moved I be girl to llnd wonla of contolation. "I would Dot qucatlou the way» of VroTtdettce In tlie loatt." alia aald. **Sar»tr yoo hnvefnr mora reason for tfcankfalaras than^for cscret." "Beeretl I am not regretting, but 1 baro gone through such tria la that I ju. —jr~ar Ά m» âmplv tout*·*, d Thar* rhIMf Forgive M far tnmbilsf /<*> Aud—«nd-kiae m», will tarn, and aar tva wtab ma wΛΓ ■m nornd mmiw. aa If drive· by oaeoatrollable iBpolM. Couatuiiee. sot pnf«ml for MMfe ma euttrarvt. «m mm Utatiw tiwwmul by tlita ap p*el for aynyathr. 1 yvm «11 the Jojr and hip^hnese wMcb I as aora jom daiarre." aheaaid. ■teotitof ta kta· tba tu, abrtakJ·* tua M od ta bar. Mra. Vaaatttart beret tote a paam- | 7MB af tear» aad lettered toward the | πβν" A ber by the m. "De net I a» «ÉMhm. κ win Maoio altaar A k« af tha ac ι ta mini Afrlaa ι bftWfcw» The tact Ims« la flaw Aspect. IMUml He» a-T^MdM. It is pot unlikely that α cari ou» tangle of politic* bet( the Cnbau sit nulioa indicate» preitv distinctly that the real nuestiou i.i the island is between negro aud white rule. As no accurate cen sus by color uud race has been taken then- it is impossible to know the icleilw sttength ■if Negroes, Mulattos, Span iard* and Caban», bat it seems to be a fact that the Degrees tithtr lutve a majority of the vote or hold the balauce of . v.ti. mm mm mty »;ui(h to sustain his poiitiou. He stole the electiou in circum stances where we here in tbe South regard as justifying hucIi Action, bni he cotild not hold the fruits of what he stole. The Spaniards and tie Amsiicans uuag m C*l>* did not help hiir. itr «''•sire bin sucfess, because tbty are snxious above all ι hint·* ior a siauie, suit; and steady iicvernuieiti, aud l»eliivc that ihc only way to li?vc it is with the United StiU* in charge. 1'he Rjnsi of the Cub;.u<« after all the fas* and hurrah aod shrieking and yearuiuc for liberty with which they used tt» keep the world stirred op and sympathetic, seem .to bave been entirely indifferent. We ob serve that even those that vol unteered to sustain tbe govern ment are organizing a row now because it is proposed lo pay them only fi?r tbe time they have been in service actually and to refuse any extra allowances. Doubtless if it was not for tbe strong bond oi Uncle Sain thev would le iu revolution and tak ing to tù< bushes. When we come to the show down sad tbe final straightening up of the situation we will be required to confront the question whrther tbe negroes shall be allowed votes uudcr the law. The proposition probably will present itself about iu Ibis shape : If the negtocs are allowed to vote and their votes arc fairly counted they will control the government and rnle the conn tiy, with the assistance of some while allies. If they are not allowed to vote the governmeut wilt nut be α republic ar.d new revolutions for universal suf fering may be expected to' fol low all general elections. With" tbe experience of the Southern States under the reconstruction governments with negroes gen erally of a Letter class and more euligbtcncd than those of Cnba, our government may well hesi tate to permit the island to go into such keeping. On the other hand, if any plan for the general or partial disfranchise ment of tbe negroes in Cuba is permitted, tbe administration and tbe Republican party must face iu this country the angry Erotest of the negro voter who as the balance of poweT iu several Northern States. Forth ciujuic, sui'u ■ CUDflC 1Q LUDfl would be an official and direct endorsement of the policy of the Southern States toward the negro aud a departure frotu the declared doctrines of the Re publican party—doctrine· which U has continued to pretend to hold bat actually hat carefully ignored. In the S ο η t h we have taken the matter in our own hands and gone ahead aa our necessities required, trust ing to lack and to common sense of the country to let us manage in our own way; and the country has ver* wisely and fairly kept it* hands off and let ns alone. We can imagine, however, that when President Roosevelt and hia party aa^oci ate* arc brought face to face with the question whether they shall permit the extinction of the negro vote in Cuba or choose between negro role and a chroaic riot they will have some perplexing half-hours. Hli Am Tm M. CtmM Mar Rev. 1. C. Blanton got hia arm torn off in · cotton gia Wednesday and fa entering in tensely from the wound. Mr. Blanton lives near Oak Grove in Mo. 5 township and is ι well known and popular citisen, M well as «a earnest minister .of the gospel. "the Newt On Enterprise says Mr. Michael Unity die glnaad with aro&ll light· of cathedrnl c'aaa The kUcbco oootaln· fall modern plumbing and fixture*. 11m bathroom baa a mnrbla waah baalo and a porrelMn bathtub, with roll rlrn. Tbe csprwej piping la ak-Jtnl plated. Thr boniw la ptped and fitted with una flxturrn. Πκ· oo*t l« eatlniated at $1.ΜΩ. It'a η model little home with wany nttmrtlv» fe>t4nrp«. rrhleli wIP ba obavrrod by cloae examination. STANLEY Λ PHKNIft. Special Low Bale·.. The C. & N.-W. Railway Company has issued tbe follow-t iug notice as joint circular Ko. 1:' To AU Agents: Upon application and suffi cient notice to this office. Spec ial Round Trip Rate· will be quoted partiea of Twenty-five to Fifty people on one ticket, on reaular trains, between anv two pointa, on these line*. Effective on and after April 1st, 1906. E. P. Rkiu, General Passenger Agent. TORRENCE BROS. Columbias, Ramblers, Racycles, Tfce B*»t Bicycka that in Made at PHcm that arc within lUach of All. Abo Pull. Line el Bicycle Supplies and Base Ball Goods. Reapcctfally, Torrence Bros, Plain Wef, HaatJ·*. Mere!··, Sfortlaff Oooda, and Aabbct Barer Tlrw. · r\ ' Professional Cards. DK. D. E. McCONNELL, TIRNTrST Office fimt floor Y. M. C. A. Bld'g GASTONIA, N. C. Phone 69 DIS. FALLS < WILXINS, DBNTISTS GASTOMIA, N. C. Offiie in Adatsa Building. Phone 86. TUB Charlotte Observer The Largest and Beat New·· paper la North Carolina. Every fay la (be Year U.M a Year. •k ΊΓιβ» OwrmyT*· comIHi o< 10 to IS pace· daily aoTTi. «.a.