which wealth fa increasing in Osato· coonty aqr be gained fro· the story told by the book» '^r Mu III a»»li» n< ou >ΙΙΜ··Ι«»Ι« t in Tfcil—li |»nmι·ι •w "mH BIiIm >m ι·ηα»Μ , kr num. After * lapao of *» fori the ml ley of (be gnat North rtTer gnra wrlcomti rccwlly t» η tccotul rtcudriok Πικ1»οι>; gave a ttlllerent trclcorac to ■ br, far different BcuUrk-k riudoon (τόπι that a«turntoe njventorer who for Dutch fold da nxl (he upper futuwi of tit· atreani tn η roaboot. Tt>· new net»· er hoe new Heats had eoujcht tbo plaodlt» of tha tuTIcj people, bat all bad unfortunate ly pe»»*d la the nl-ht. The coming of the Henrtrlck Iludson. a 4ay Ugh ter cot. w·· Hide a aort of boiklny from ipuyteo Uoyrfl to Albany, for eight lioura tl>· biz boat paaaed Uauka lined 'with cheering folk. Ton*en had tkoo aasda of It» folk waring welcome to the now Itucr. Haverstraw and Nyark .were fringed by crowda that made & aort of FVmrth of Jnly effect. Mon burg turned ont practically all of Iti populace. Flabklll did tbe tame on the other aklA, l'oogbkcepele dropped to! to sec the big boat land, Kingston crowded down to the Cataklll railroad wharf, aad Albany wai stirred Into building booflrea, waring torche» and firing skyrocket*. Nut York'· WAVrtma \*β· In tfta h·. tor* of a nactlcal oefcbraHoc, for the tooting of «unm orrer c*«s«l from Ueahroeaea ntreet to Ou H end red and Twenty uluth llmt Tbe Hcnarlck Hadaoo iru oabcred Into d* ilatar hood of tbe rlrrr «Ht ft noiao that be gan In th· dlapaaon «f β llaer'i bellow οβ Oraawkli village ud come to a brief halt la a aptottor of atrara from a tiny ire m tar np tbe river. To cock and all. «toaniboat. locomotlre, hv mill and branch. tbe Heodrlck Hndaon niuwered cuurteooaly with tor·· deep whittle·. The enthcuiaam that lined eren tbe Ttaejrardcd bauk· of tlie Uodaorv'i BbUieland with cboerinit throngs waa Aeeerred. The tlendrk-fc Hodaoa la an •ccan iiotr rtrer boat—that H. die, M aa much Ilk· an «ρ to date ocean Uiier aa η rtrer boat cnu be. Rbt· ts Qtted lDBlile with the good tute and tlie lux· tJrjr of the newer Atlantic yreyliounj·. and the carrtee more peiacncer* than any of these boa ta. With accommodation* fur 0.000 poa aencrra and carrying no freight all tbe ■vac· oo the Heudrtrk Hudaou la glren orar to their nae nud comfort. Πνβ vce ael |a 400 feet long, η feet brood over the mania and haa 14 feet 4 Inches depth of hold. There are di decks, tbe hall la of ateel nud crcry pert of the boat U stiffened and h*M rigid bj ateel framework. There are ofaacrvatlea room· I rath at the bow and etarn. a woman'· lounge, • barber etiop and amoklng roout for tbe bib, a dark room for the uae of analaor photographer·, an oeereauey hoepttal with a aorgeon la attendance and aereral other decided I on oration· là rtrer «teambootleg. In tnieb and In tntrrtor dccoratkw the Ileodrlck Hodaon ataude Dooe In tbe orthrtlc treatment of tbe rations ailoooe. Moral palntlnga by «Oil known artteta are aer In tbo walla and the Jap· n—e brosse fountain In the main aaloott brought to thla coo·Try for the new boat la ft beoatlfnl epoctrara of eealem art. tbe pMHHtm tho engine room la la etoeed la |Um ami tke paddle wheel bo χ ce bevo glaaa paaea at Ike top from wblcb an lb· Inalde the treat wbcoh can be mm turning. The dlotag roam to φπιηκΜ aj moet octtrety by plat· glaaa, miktnj tbe room appear like a glaaa tndoeed reread*. Tbara are aLity large win. dewa, each of wlileb can be ratoatl * lotrued to aoft wind and weelber, The rtetra ftvn trarj part of tbe dining raw·, which cantata* afxty tablea and will acat 333 pereeee, an onobetracted aa all aMaa. Tbe mala aaleon. oa tbe eeeeud deck, h «M or the moat beaettfol apartneete •ear ballt es a ateacnboat. Tbo aartoa at day pariera ν «le dMk le a fee tare «MU wM appert te tboee wbo deelre pHwrjr and yet wleh le new tbe Tbe Hodeon la aa remarkable ooder water aa abeve. WHIe ahe tew en Ire bit* atertae abera the water aad orer rtiotfewe tbe Ο rand fcefiNte aad tka New York, gba *Ma dews ealy eerea aad ewe belt (eat Me the water. Oar great batght la (be lenN of new EARTHQUAKE RECORD The History of Seiami·: Shock* Show· Awful Loss of Life. A1B OF ΒϋΒΡ&ΙΒΠΙΟ ÏREQUKIûY Atmmmt » Tkowul IVirlMwkm fta· »■»<«* Aammatlr %7 J·**»·-** kmlm ■Mlwtlul twIrtr-Utw "thrr tui I» Ctoklln I·» Mail Ν·. 1U» erwl l.lrt·· DUttin. Tbo total Dunbar of eartbqiuUe· of wtkb Utoturlo rcconl bM liven kept reacbe· the cuonnooj Itgoro of 131.ii» altboogli tba rwonU wore very lucoo ptata ostU rocaat ywtr*. Data eu» earning all tbocks, aran fee laatf nlflcant eartb dtaturtmucwi. ara no* i being preset-rod, liawwor, by acttntlOc 1 aorlotlaa la all etrlllzci) countries of tba \totU and fteeurate olacrratloua lielnf taken for tba un «r ratera students ot tbo earthquake «object. Rarthquakes bave been oua of tba moat terrible cuvmlen of mnu In all time·, a lui tbo oouiliar of penoua killed bj quakaa tvaclic* mi a.ipaOluf flKU.f. •a r* tba Clilnago Βrowd-Herald. So human foraalitiit, so buman sÎleaco «r learning «tui cuarù ajcelmt or foretell an aarUxioik», and by muni of tbe T»ry poireriewueaa of au«n ngultut tbia trouendons natural dbiarbnsce tba earthijuaJie take· rank with tba aaoat rrtpUUut forma of calamity. «7 tbo η*· of I tie moat dotlcata in struments tile Uiaat tremor of lb* eartb la now recorded, and Uia modurn taatr» menta now used aiisiv toot qnakea are of stnprtalug froquonej. Tbc Japanree Selsmologlcal aoelcty, for laitance, re cord» almoat ο ttioauiitl earthquake· annually, or roar»ο Uie-ie uOAkae ara tor tbe most p.irt m allgbt a* to be ua noticeable envjit Uirvcgb lite extnm»· ly délicat» accentIlté Instrumenta, bat tbe fact routine tint In tbe realms of tba mikado akxio lit· earth's ami faec la disturbed liy quakes almost lUrce tUaea • day, year in tad jwt out In other port (ana of tit· irorid la tbe carlhqnnke cone minor trrmors of tha ear! h are UTOportionately frequent. Rarthnnktrn* ··»«· ·" deration end rba racler. 'ΓΙ»β number at aiiocks tu α qnnke luxl Umj temrth of the tixn· Interval belweeu ttxm nrtn between wUo limits. Tbe cttlum of Ce ra caa. lu 1&12. aud Usbou. ta ITU. were êestroyed In a few m laites apiece, white the CaLibrlan earUmuake, begin nine lu IT®, conttnoe.1 for four years. Earthquake* «re by do means eon· flnetl to continent*, sud many originate under tlm sen. The plu cm in ttw aee bottoms ι l;o.x the uatcr shows great variation lu l'.epth srr Horttcutarly late ly to exparieoco eartbuuak· shocks. When an earthquake orrnrs beneath I ho ses ths vertical movements of tbs •en bed Keueratc s great ware, which reaches ttw land anor arrival of the earthquake Itself. In the open sea thla wave Is so broad that It esauot be per eetvad When tt tudii shallow water near tba ahure. tunrarir, It rah» forward as an Immense breeker, sometimes sixty feet or more la height, and orer wltdma ererytblug lu Its coursa. Tbe valoetly of tbeae great eee ware· la much greater than the ordinary wares raised by the wind. A submarine earthquake near the cnaat of Jupan la ISM gt.ro rise to aea war· wUkch traveled the whole hiendth of the ra cine at a rate of aboul 370 tnlWa an honr. At Kliaoda. Japan. the ware* were thirty feet high, while on reach ing San I>tego, Cat, they still measured six hKhee. Ήιο extent of eonutry effocted Uy an earthquake aliock alto varie* greatly, 9ohm oarttiqnakee are but purely loos I affairs, while others are fslt tor hun dreds of miles. Tho Lisbon earth quake. which threw down tba greater part of the city hi six mlnutoe and killed 60.000 persona, dlatorbed an Im mense aroa. It bolng folt In tho Alpa, Qreat Britain. In the Baltic sen and la northern Germany. Tho f.labon ecrtb qtuako waa fait also at AJgtera nod Fan as severely as In (Spain and Portugal, while tbe effects of tbe raa wares caused by It were noticeable at enor mous distances. PeHisps no earthquake, outside of the IJ«bon disaster, has been Mt over a wider land area than tbe quake whlrh partly destroyed Charlestos, I. C., hi Augmrt, 1880 That quake waa obeerved from tho Carolina coast Qeorgla and Florida, northward to eouthers New Fiaglqml, aeroee Mow Tark to Ontario. Canada, aud west ward to eeatem Lwwaie, Arkaneaa, JCleoorl and lews, altogether an ana 800 π Ilea wide by ijOOO from north to laiteH t· C»< TtaaWr. Indian· an the ttamalae· inflLno WW Hill» at TmImob. Wli . will be allowed to Λα tbatr owe to«EtUf til» am·, aad If titer make η aoaeew of Κ tbtrjr win bava occupation for many jraar*, aa it M «UaaM that there are tOUjtOOjmt feet of timber on the lean u«e*. The lad la ne will be give» 190 a thooeand for nWn| the tataber. Of tkla f tt will be paid them and *8 plaead IB tbo tatted Butae traaaury ta their credit at 4 par rant totaraat I s Great Lines Λ 5 S 1 1 f October Is here end with the month we open · I the greatest lines we. have ever carried | w ο F I Millinery ( Trimmings ! Dress Goods I Furs and Cloaks Shoes for men and women ' ' Clothing for men and boys \ We say the greateat lines we have ever j carried. That la putting It atrong, but not g too atrong, for It la true. : » : » . Special attention Is called to our wonderful line of lat est style ready-made hand some men's suits for only =$IO= All our lines are fresh and full and at their best. The Peoples Store Invites you to see its great lines of new autumn goods : jJNO. F. LOVE\ PAY YOUR Town Taxes The tax books for the year 1906 are now In my handa for collection. Please call promptly at tax collect* or*s office City Hall and pay your taxes. I. N. ALEXANDER, Tax Collector Dr. J. M. Hunter, Specialist OF ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA WAKES a upedalty Cancan. Tumor*, Chronic Ulcéra, Scrofula and JV1 Kbeumatiam. Uiaeaaca of the G«nito-Urinary Organs. Treat· without the knife, loan of blood, and little pain totpatlent. Twenty-five ycari of prtcilcil experieoc·. Consultation free. RBPBRBNÇB TO A PEW CASBS TREATED—CUREt>. UXXTWdBBm. tcrTYH, : J *' Mr· SjVr/Whût7tf ironie _' Mtm. w it xaïi.T c«w oT.SAu3S ^ ' *»ι·*μ^£ Weak lai KKn-Smm· 19H. The Carolina and North western ι ail way haa iatued the following notice aa Joint-Circular Ko. Ζ: To All Agenta: ThU will be yonr authority to Mil Round Trip Ticketa be tween «11 Stationa on tbeae linea at a rate of One Pirat-Claaa Pare, pin· twenty-five rente (25) for tbe Round Trip. Ticketa to be aold on Saturday of each week, cood. returning on Monday fol lowing date of aale. The above rates will go into effect on 8atnrday, April 7tb, 1900, and are elective until and including Saturday, October 77tb, 1908. Uae réguler Local Ticketa, marking acroea face of aeine, -Week Rod." Acknowledge receipt of thia Circular, below. Apoeorad: L. T. Nicdol·, Général Meaeger. B. P. Run», Oenetnl Paaaenger Agent. ΤΗΒ Charlotte Observer Th· Largest ud Bast Hew»· paper ta Herth Carolina. Every fay In the Yetr SIM « Year. Tnk Ommi conaiala of 10 lo IS pajrea dally and 20 to 93 pages Sunday. It handle* mora ntwt matur. local, Stat·, national and foreign tbae a*f ollm Korth Carolina newspaper. THE SONDAY OBSCBYEI l« onexr«n«4 a» a em median». and la alao tiled with encetleirt Matter of • Miaeatlaaeoak aatnre. • I Tka Sial'Waikly Ohentr trUmjt, at 11.00 par year w Um larvcct paper lor I bo mtmvj to tftfa taçtloâ. IlVonatsU of β®® ι Addraaa, THE OBSERVER CO., I T^"UII4,