The GMtonto Gazette. BUSINESS LOCALS. ASTBKINU JATH3 for B· L· Wiuok, Delliii N. C DLASTBltlNO ΙΛΤΗ3 tor till ■ K. L. Wiuok, Dallas, N. C LD PAPERS (or uU at ThU Oa «rvrrs offlco > cants a bondi·· ASK toot Onccn for frith boo* ground tnttl nod floor. Ou toale. Roller MilU. t·. \Y/HBK too are ready, let ω «ton W end Insure tow cotton. Rata oa application. Ο. H. fmtt itCo ANUSCRIPT COVKRS for type written document·. ° Variety o; colore brdown or box at Tub Ua office. tirrrit LOST-—Thirty-do lier»—between Cit (ten· bank and Oil mill oa Kill atrect. Reward for return to Caactti office. LOST—Mander afteraoon between Col. Wileoa'a and Dr. Adaai or on »trecti, child'· Kold-ritnraed rlaaaea in caae with Torreace β tamp. Ketuin to UAsrrrx office for reward. TUESDAY, OCT. 16. 1906. LOCAL AFFAIRS —Cotton was 11 centa yester day and is being marketed rapid· —The sheriff is on his round* making his second call. See ap pointments advertised to-day. —The condition of Mr. Robert J. Craig is. repotted to be better. —The walls of the new church at Union are np and ready for the roof. The McAllister boys are hostlers. —The 'possum is ripe, but the law does not permit him to be Îrailed until November 1.—Char· otte Chronicle. —The grind opening parade of the Charlotte fair will take place this (Tuesday) morning. Gastonia will «end a fall dele gation. —Mr. Oscar Craig i· wel comed back to Gastonia. He moved over from Charlotte Sat urday and went to work y eater day with the Page Company. —Misa Bcttie Coon, of the Mt. Holly school faculty came over from the Dallas meeting Saturday afternoon to be guest of Miss Shelton. —Miss Carrie McLean, of Charlotte, came over Sunday upon hearing of the fatal acci dent that had betallen heruude, Mr. W. W. McLean. —The house and lot oo the corner near Prof. J. P. Reid's was bought this week by Mr. Charley Craig from bis father, Mr. Robert J. Craig. Mr. Doric Cratg now occupies the place and will probably do so until the new owner builds lateT on. —The Charlotte Obaerver saya that as a result of a conference between {the Traffic Association of South Carolina and the South ern's railroad officials an extra train will be placed on the At lanta division to run between Charlotte and Toccoa, Ga. —The Gaston County Poultry Association h coming along. About 20 members have been enrolled. Mr. Lawrence Beat, Dr. L. N. Glenn and others are expected to attend a meeting oi Mecklenburg Association in Charlotte Wednesday night., OiBtm County Club. The Gaston boys at the Uni versity bave formed a Gaston County Clnb. Mr. Oscar Shan non is President; Mr. Bd. Adams Vice-President; Mr. Will Hunter Secretary, all from Gas tonia, while Mr. Russell Dellin( ger, of Mt. Holly, is Treasure. ΠΙΓΠΗ. On South street at the resi dence of Mr. Ο. B. Alexander, last Sunday afternoon at 1:90, Mr. Braner Barker and Mlaa An na McKenxie were united in marriage by Esquire W. 1, Stowe, The young people art both of thé Arlington mill sec tion. Capt. t. L Dark·· AmUtil. Proa Sunday's Charlotte Ob server we learn that Capt. R. L Durham has been appointed tc canvas* for nsembers of the Na tional Association of Mannfac torers. This Association already has more than 3,000 mens ben and bas doue ranch work is Washington opposing legislation of socialistic tendencies. PIm Com. Mr. Caleb A. Spencer, one o< our ruccessfdl farmers brought to o«r ο (Bee Saturday tone fin· specimens of an gar case takes from a patch of more than bal m acre. Tbe stalks «re l*rg< and high, averaging aboal twelve feet, and many hills bee law twelve stalks to tbe hill The Med· of this variety wen origfssllv from Ten·, sad weri Mat to Mr. Speaoer by a eoaaii living ia Arkansas. Mr Speacer baa beea making Mi own molasse» for twenty years sad expects to bave sa a sa anal If fiae supply this year. ■ IMI1I-L L'L . _ PERSONAL MENTION. —Mr. Sam Sbaford will attend the Raleigh (tit thii week. —Miu Edith Adams it attend ing the Pair and visiting hei Charlotte friend·. —Mia· Ida Pnralay leaves to ι morrow for Bradley, S. C., to viait her frieod, Mr». Watson. —Mr. L. A. Carpenter, ol 1 Maiden, was a pleasant viaitot at THit Gazkttb office Satur day. —Miaa Pauline Gwaltney, ol Hickory, spent several days last week at the borne of Mis. J. D. Moore. —Mr. W. P. Lewis, of Kings Mountain, waa among Thr Ga sktti's welcome visitor· Satur day. —Mrs. Samuel Huffman, of Morcanton, arrived yesterday to viait ber daughter, Mrs. W. H. Reddish. —Dr. J. M. Hunter, the Rock Hill cancer specialist, is expect ed to be at the Palls House to morrow, the 17th. —Mr. and Mr·. Beverly Pater soti. of Kings Mountain, were Kueats Saturday night of Mr. and Mra. M. H. Shnford. —Miaa Rosebud Adama re turned Saturday from an ex tended stay at Greenville. S. C„ where she haa been teaching. —Mr. J. L- Clemmer, of York ville, was atnong tbe number of Thb Gazhttk's good friends who called to aee us Saturday. —Mr. Fred Γ as our moved from Dallas to Bcuemer ' City yesterday. He will try farming awhile with Mr. Henry Frooe berger. —mus urvte cronse, of Un* colntoo, was cucst ol Mi·· Osia Shuford yesterday. She was on her way ta Bethel to visit her grand mother. —Mrs. Julia Courts Holland, oi Dallai, left Monday morning for Raleigh to visit relatives in the city and attend the State fair. —Miss Shelton Wells, of Lin colnton, who numbers her friends by the score in G·· tonia, is spending a few days with Mrs. G. W. Ragan. —Mrs. L. O. Henderson, of Mt. Holly, csme over Saturday night from the teachers meeting at Dallas to be guest of Miss Rose Abernethy. —Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mc Lean, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Mc Lean and Mrs. Mamie McKee, ol Lincolntoo, attended the funeral of Mr. W. W. McLean Monday. —Mr. Andrew Moore finished moving Saturday into one of the handsome Craig houses on Air line street. Mrs. Moore and the baby haven't yet returned from Waynes ville. —Capt. S. J. Hand, of Bel mont, >8 out again, after being confined to his home for several weeks with sickness. His many Gastonia friend· were glafrto see him in the city yesterday. —Mrs. E. C. Wilson was np from Spencer Mountain yester terday having some work done at the new home she has recent ly bought. She will probably move in some time daring the month. —Mr. J. R. Gaston, of Bel mont, dropped in to see Τπχ Gazxttr folks Saturday morn ing. When asked if be waa bringing cotton to town, Mr. Gaston said "No, we are getting 11 cents right at Belmont." —Mrs. T. L. Craig, Mrs. S. N. Boyce βηΊ Miss Nell SmyTe, Gastonia Chapter's representa tives to the State convention of the Daughters of the Confed eracy, returned Saturday night from Durham. —Mixes Zee and Saliu Latham have been iieriaoaly ill (or more than a week with malarial fever, but their friends will be «lad to know thçir ren dition yesterday was reported somewhat improved. Miss Salina was taken ill a week aeo Saturday and Miss Zoe the day following. —Rev. D. P. Bridges, of Laiaber Bridge, waa in Oaatonia yesterday on bla way to Lia colntoo. Mr. Bridgea, who for a year has been pastor of the lumber Bridge Baptist church haa resigned to take charge of tbe church at 8mith ficld tbe Srat of the year. -Mr. 9. B. McPadden is go lag to Lineotnton to-day to bring Mrs. McPadden bome. About two weeks ago they visited at 1 kutbetfordtou. where Mrs. Mc Padden was taken very ill; when safficiently recovered she went to ber mother's at Lincolatoo, f where she has remained sines. - ■ Will Be WHfc Us. IWl Mtm. HrtaM. We sre glad to note that Oaatonia Is moving for a poultry show la the neat tutors, aad we can promise them that our peo , pie will be with them. Bobacrlbe for Tin Oastonia OAserrn. KILLED BY NO. 97. Mr. W. W. McLmo. S track by : Faat Mall SMitût Eviabi Bisd Sniay MarataJ-Bvriad T«il«rdir Abaraoaa at DaUa. Train number 97 struek Mr. W. W. McLean Saturday even iug and inflicted injurie· which earned bia death at 11 o'clock Sanday morning. Mr. McLean «a· leaving the market near the Baat Baptiat church aa the faat mail awept into night. He hur ried up to get. acroaa the track ahead of it. The train «a· 20 minute· late, it waa on a down grade, and waa coming like the wind. The unfortunate man had Miscalculated the distance or speed of the traio—and was posaiblv misled by the glare of the electric head-light. He croaaed the rnila just in time to save himself from being crushed, bat not in time to avoid tbe long cross-beam across the pilot. Tbe end of this struck him on tbe side or hip and tossed hiui •boat 20 feet. He was taken into Mr. E. P. Rankin's store where be ral lied slightly and aaked where he waa and what was tbe matter. When told what had occuned. be aaid quietly "Well it acems that ray time bas com·; if so, it is all right." He gave no ac count of the accident. He was taken to his home two or three blocks away near the Avon mill where, in an unconscious condi tion. be died at eleven o'clock Sunday morning. Followed by a long procession of carriates, the body was taken to Union Presbyterian ebuxeb for barial yesterday afternoon, where the fnneral services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. W. H. Reddish, at two o'clock. Mr. McLean was a good man, κιοα, coauacriu. ·οβ very fn tle in bis ways. He was a mem ber of the First Baptist chnrcb of Gastoaia and was moot the most faithful and regular attend· enta. Thoogh possessed of a home and a moderate com petence beside, he requested several months ago, when his church found itself without s sexton, that be migbt be per mitted to perform the duties himself of keeping the Lord's boose in order. He performed these duties with attentive, care and conscientious punctuality until the day of bis fatal acci dent. Mr. McLean was well read in the Scriptures and was a man of piety and prayer—prayer wbicb when uttered in public im pressed one with tbe spirituali ty of bis life. Λ few months ago while a juror he spent tbe night with his brother-in-law, Mr. Clyde Craig, who keep* the County Home. Next morning those afflicted ones who were confined to their rooms were viaited by this good man, who prayed with each one. And many other gcod deeds has be done. Tbe day of Mr. McLean's death waa also his birthday and wedding di\y anniversary. He was 57 years old aud had been married 30 years. There is great sympathy felt tot his stricken family, especially for the widow whose accumulated afflictions for aix years have been great in deed. On the 10th of October 1900 her father, the late lames M. Craig, died suddenly; about two yeara later a dear aister, Mrs. Laban Wilson, waa called away; her brother Schenck died a year ago, and her brother Ed died the 31st of last March. Meanwhile In this sorrow-laden period three of her own little children have died, making with tbe death of her husband eight •ore afflictions within six years. He leaves one brother, Mr. Inn Γ» M^T .... aI ei one sister, Mrs. Jno. D. Rudiaill. ο I Lincolnton, two half brother*, Mr. S. W. McLean, of Lincoln· ton, «ad Lean McLean, now in the weit ; and one half slater. Mrs. McKee, whose husband «11 killed a law yean ago at the OM Mill. Seven children sur· vive him. They are Mr. John McLean, sow of Rock Hill, Mrs. Harvey White, of Madlaon, Oa., Misses Mary WilHe, Katie, and Winifred, and little Alex and Clyde at hone. All of thèse that were within reach by railroad arrived in time to attend the funeral. LIVE TENPUANCB SPtAKEt. lev. A. D. Wile·*, Endorsed by Lecal Ministry, la Lectere Thle Vwk. Rev. A. D. Wilcox, National Lecturer of the American Anti Saloon League, highly endorsed by the national and state officers of the league, will tbia evening at 7:30 o'clock begin « series of Illustrated temperance lectures at the Main Street M. E. Church la the interest of Gospel temper» a nee education. Mo admission fee is charged, a collection only being taken. The lectures are entertaining and instructive and we earnestly request the people to attend them. Sioxsn B. L. Bain J. C. Galloway W. H. Reddish P. S —The other mlaisters could not be reached before Uu above notice had to go to | TAX B09KS MOW S8.M1 JUJ. Omcm Ctaly Mm Tkn·· Quarters of · HUH·· Over Last Tear il Tu Valnnttoe. I· the office of the RegiaUr of Deeds, Mr. A. J. Smith and Mr. Bd Maaoo have been doing moat «treuuon* figuring ever aince the tax book» were turned in. Hnving figured oat the in dividual taxes, tbey are bow running op the totale. The county ahowa an increaac in tax valuations of more than three quarter* of a million dot· tara over laat year. The in· creaae next year ia expected to be folly >1.000,000, and it ia poaaible indeed that the aggre gate of otw mill* and the in crease In real estate aaaeaamenta to go on the books will make the total tax valuations, of the county reach the $10,000,000 mark The valuation* for 1906 may be itemised aa follows: 4.931, W7 property, colored - 66.511 tM^.TelemphllnMetc 1,232,834 oratioa r.xcc»», owr 300.000 Peraonal property, whit· S 1,320,)] R**l property, white 4,β01,Μ. Personal property, colored 63,271 Real property, colored Hailroad Corporat .... Bank stock* etc, orer 177.7M Total sToëÛÔ? roixa, Woe. Number ol white polla 3,462 Ν amber of colored polla <£0 Total 4.U8 Tbe property figure* for 1906 will prove Interesting for par· poses of comparikon : Persoaat aad Heal. White· 9β,412,1β3 Peraonal and Real, Colored 107,781 R. Κ-, Telegraph Usee, etc. 1.230.011 Corporation llseesa . . 2SS, 130 Bask Stock, etc - · - - 152,14a Total f8.201.129 , CBOWTQ Ρ OR 16 YKARS The followiog figurea «-ill in·. dicate the inereaae in property j valuationa aince 1690: 1«W t J.027.570 wo 3, no .003 WOO 5.0GB, 1-0 18W 7.0A3.3U3 1905 K.SOI,129 lggg e,0Gl^e7 The population in 1M0 was 17.7541 Th« pepohtioi la 10061». 37,βΪ4 | Ml. BIRIT KOOVU DtAI. it TtiImK Frrer | Alter An Illness t( Only Few Dm. Mr. Henry Hoover died at bi· borne in Stanley at 12 o'clock Sunday night of typhoid fever after an illness of only a few daya—jast about one week. He was about twenty-eight year» of a^e and was unmarried. For sometime be bad most success fully managed tbe mercantile business of Mr. L. L. Smith at Stanley, and was a most exem plary and popular young man. He has a brother ia Knox· ville, who is expected this morn· | ing, *nd tbe funeral arrange ments will not be completed | nntil be arrives. SPEAKING FUDAT ΝΙ0ΒΤ. Cnoaty Candidates Mi C. Dowd Will SMlk la 6as-1 I—I·. The Democratic county candi dates should, and we believe will, receive an enthusiastic bean off in Gastoni* Friday nighr. Gastonia always receives them gladly and will make no exception Friday night. In addition to the candidates,1 Mr. W. C. Dowd, of Charlotte, will be here and will apeak on political topics. Mr. Dowd ia editor of the Charlotte Mews and Times-Democrat, ia · candidate for tbe House in Mecklenburg, and as hia election ia that Dem ocratic connty is aasttred, his friends have been actively mentioning bia name in con nection with the speakership of the House—an office he would fill well. Mr. Dowd is a speaker of ex perience and ability, and will interest those who come ont to tbe speaklqg Friday night. Pot·*··· OM aad New. Mr. A. M. Whitesides brought to this offlee Satnrday a poke of fine panpkin yimi of lut jmi't growth. Th«T were In perfect condhion, ana quite ω sweet and good aa potatoes of thi· year's growth. When Mr Whiteside· began bedding hit new potatoes, he fotusd neatly half a bushel of these in a perfect state of preservation. Mr. White· sides is one of oar most soecees fnl and progressive farmers who knows "bow to do things." Mr. (tin Sprtakla to to Mar· atSE Cards as follow· have beta ' * - ' ' interest to Oaatoaia CLOTHING The Regent Coat Both In Dress Coats and 4» 4* Rain Coats Φ 4* • * Αλλ FORM FITTING Correctly Made Buy your coat bow and gat tfca benefit of β fall Winter'· Wear SCBOLAKSWr MKOK BOLL. Pw Flrat NhA ·Ι Fall Tom foot·· la OnM Hcbil· Mia· Stuart'· 100»—Begin· ■cm : Charte· Bord, CI and Craig. Roger Marshall, Henry Wilaon, Barney Borer, Mary Wither·. B. Claaa—Erdtaan Love. A Ctaaa—Annie Clifford. Miaa Sandifer'a room—Blanche Coatoer, Rebekah McLean, Mary Wilaoa, Grace Strickland, Geo. Terrell, Richard Pajraaoux, Rob ert Glenn, Ralph Padgett, Bryan Walter·. Mia· Sparrow'· room—Mack Dillintr, J a ate a Hooter, Theo dore Morria, Therau Otauad, Bertha Boas, M ad re Crais. Ra ma Gkon. M adre H*iin 9, Helen Jackaon, Sue Ranaaey Johnston, Katherine McLean, Roth Mor ria, AUne Rcid. Miaa Glcnn'a room—No one. Miaa Galloway'· roots—Pan line McPaddeo, Looiaa Reid Ag îtes Lindsay, Bather Bain. Char ley Campbell, Charley Lioeber rer, Claud Terrell, Neely Han na, Darwaid Morrow. Mi·· Bnrnet'a room—No one. Uiu Β aire'* room—C 1 a τ a Arm (trocar, Kirkpatriek Re Id, Suflord WbitfieM, Geo. Hick·, Urctti Calp, Violet Rankin. Misa Bgertoo'a room—Clyde Armstrong, Otto Btbe, Broest Pogle, Lola Jcnkina. Mildred Rankin. ■ Mia· Bradley'· room—Ninth tirade; Gregg Cherry, Roland Clinton. Lena Hanna, Jennie Pegram.—Tenth Grade: Stacy Boy ce, Gertrude Pogle. Mamie Patrick, EUa Rankin. Jo« S. Wrav. Sept. The State fair opened at Raleigh yeatecday and con tinuée throughout the week. Subscribe for Tax Gazettx Gazbttr. AUCTION SALE ram Stock tad Farming I» rthwui. I will offer far aalc to the Uibcit bidder at my home -place between Balaeat ud McAdetrrfll· on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2ft btgiamine at ^o'clock, dw IoUmt in* Stock and farm Implement* : One borac, one mal·, oea cow, two ! ΓΕΜΪ; and aeverai Una· ol farming utenaUa. W. H. Llneberfer. RANGES I Car Lui Jnt licihii Γ Be It Rug· οβ (1m Market 1 for the money. .'.I We kin oar 11m of hoosefcaM tad 9 kitAen tarnishing· a»d have I ««(«•Ι two tpvclâl naff· «· I pert· to taatall that·. t ι Π Th· twenty-odd ru(N mU dortaff the part «Mk an an gtofac wilt» aatiafactioa. If wt aatUfy Mbm lat aa aatlafy fN< V We alaa aall tko Hota4 Crown Orfw The baal iaatraaaot of lta kiad oe the aiarlcat. ··· Uwtya 0mt to ad· favor· ■Ma torn m Mr Mn wa kMit· I t · t I · I I t Gastonlt Firnltire Co. ι SECOND CAL Me Ailes ville Lowell Uofo· Fotd'i Steve BcMcmcr City OUlinc MOI c. & ARMSTRONG SHERIFF, Millinery Dcpartant eut Stores I North Coroltoo. Charlotte, WHY Rc«I Estate U m ■M CiHMiMwAMiwiMrl Gastonia Insurance and Realty Co.