It tu· I· that wfcfla can aafelr m «IM*tk*Mr tmm Vmmatm. nmn 1» ft ran «Tir the rock tbnt iroatd ma · « limM MtMip>.a "•a/. d· |M lifca (Ma kM ·< ttfar* 1 km III· π y baat Π*π te IL" ItMMHHkkl · pipe, on· which M* bu·. Tkô totacea «m · wWlllll for feod, ",· private *•4 Mai tfcaj m le waylay : Na and mbbJa a pie. ai blacutt ba waa 4» ba tap* · ftw ft& «apacUUy frooT Enid, Ybœ -Ut not know that α» Ttmay ba a» bot 1 Ufeo tbaHnln." "ΛΛ η. I «m gmt m bappj as ■»>a 1 teak · Up a· «wfc mltwr m a ertap la at ruif of B»ik Bat tbat dldat <|i<tl bai·· tu to a loaf »■·* Λτ far tba rauaiadar at «j «tfna fV ^rtST"* **" *ΤίοΜ a aartttoala Joat fer m. I bad a Marftaalnl twlat la on «ad (tn Κ play. Bat I an aa ldlar kr pnCaa ■loo.®* Tba Mgbtboaaa kaapar taachad ao aatàraUj tbat Q» joaafar man waa naUM. PoOta · dMtlitt may ba a "Am Mhr. akl Tea da not atrlk* ma ao pcwartr daaaad." -ira fba DM*. uimKiai. Kl (MttAar waa |1n>il to bnat a taw Mkra la raal aatata oo tba riboap tes wbara mnkatfaa araaaa sow atasda. My eada baa'kaJf: my mother had tt» atber balf. "Ara kaCb of yoer paraota dead Γ "T«; jmb a*o; loat at »ta. too, aa ar fa tba**· yadtf.- . "What a trrribia tbla*r It nat bava baaa aomaWa» Mba tbat I waa oa|r au yaara eld at tba tat My oncla loat bta wife «ad cblld. ta* allia tfca iiawiHi want down. It aaariy MUad hita. t arrar tboo«fet ba waald wamrwj aeala. bet I lamm at daws «Mil cat MIL ι went «β, aad tho two moa rr· to the grateful rfHtlw of t!i) ftoibar talk. Pjuo rat Mir u« raw U» at a *«a aaleop ta am*» ta a inptur _ .. . _ , ' people awake atalftit vtlk a ran hmior la OaiMMM. Λ erodo ankk turn from the em tnrod one ao greatly that tbe maa wUo knagera e< MMritr ta—at alatp too Thaa &u the WkiMlula of Ha Debt· ' 1 hm dna viuUa aanngk to maintain life. There m why any. rm the moat dell oate, ΦμΜ ko Ik real dupt daring tk» nest forty-eight boon. Rot arion tlfc raaeeiiliig and tka animal lnittocts of mankind duk at tlmoa: In thot uy te daaaei wkoeo suDea ebedow waa BL*'*!"* *** lteM 10 ooncn ot Krcqr hour tho oOccf on duty aad mm M» o^ho watch Ttaltod htm to raportfthnt al wao wall below. Socnt of tka Imb drunkaa ottliam woro pitifully aokor new; tko other· woro raaadlhi Rayend tka f»w worda «x chaeiad oa thla and kbtdxed topic· ko toit atoea with Ma tbougkta ■C the allant watcb. l*yno irtly. Qtaadng nt tlmao at tho yoong*ter*e «talwart flguro aud firm, handwira» Caca. Brand fonnd hln> octf rerlewtng the buried ymta. He thought of tka daya whoa be, too, loaàod forth m tho world wKh tba of triumphant youth. rartad, abatterod Idea la bulK up ngatn. Ha wonderud. U tba deeadee rolled " would ko dadda η aaeaod tlma to ι the Osa career which lay at aad withdraw hie put and lua to tba aectueloo of lonely recta rttafit budlttdi. He hnd boon happy, ai mon const hagptnaaa, daring tho fleendee. No deed had artoao to car tko complet· content at Ma Ufe. Tba btoaaotnlng of the *1rto Into delightful womanhood waa an Incrvaalng jey to kkn, and Κ waa paaalnt atraage that bla lUtle kooao hotd akootd bo phmgod into a whirl pool of oventa la tko »ery hour when their draoftielty aaoaaed to ba moat aaenred. Tko changeful mooda of tke element· found no counterpart In bla BttU·. ff· kanwln» *1— ·-» λμ .—*· «■pact It to mata tud to cmo aatioct. Whttkr ta cale or itorm. the con trary wonld rarely happen «re many Say* tad Β «—'.I. Hot life waa a dtf Cenet thing. Hew came It tbat at the wj cleae of ee maay y«aia at two datioa with the fickle ocean «he «hoc Id play «Mb a trick oa him and hi* daughter». Infold then with perils, aaateh them treat the qolot p»a»um of the Ufa they Bhd plahued forth· fn tun aad throat «ma tl»«n. mo If the# aecspsd with tUtfr lives, a pab Uclty wtlcb be. at aay rata, abhorred aad er«ji di—d»dT Ha kaitond ae deluloa· on this point. Ho knew that tbo drama οt the a ulf Bock ara» bow Oiling the cotuna of newspapers all orar tb« world. Be and Ui beloved stria weohl tie written afaoor. discussed, d—crthed la foUoaa luiaan pMatad by black aad white artist· aad Mkftsed by wideawake editors eager to noka aioeh of a topic dear ta the pabUc mlod Oa the rock tb«y were undoubtedly la grata danger. Deetlj confronted them—death at once extraordinary aad ghastly. So tyraat et the middle agta, with all bis paraphernal· for wring ing troth «f' ilea oot of criagtag motihta. bad dovlsad soch a fate as threatened If the inconstant ees aboald choose to reader the reef attagrther anepproaehabte for maay days, if et If help oaai Ua aad «bee· dear ta him war· already steeped la unavoidable aetorlety, bringing la its train oartaM τagw dlsabilltla· which ha bad strive •a avoid for over twenty years. Aad an thla because aae fierce gala eat of the maay be bad oadorad spraag lnte being ht a maoMat arbeo Ida Bat·· were lacapacttatad aad ht» «aaghlsq happened to pay Mb a sac priee vMt It le aa tnsaae fraak of fortaae." he Battered "so Incomprehensible, so ut terly oat of focs» with —— «venta, tbat If I wsrs a aapsrattdoos aaa I afcoold regard It as batokaalag the sp prtach of aoo» great epoch la my llf·. Bar·!/, a oerdfal Providence woaM aot bring By gtrla ban ta eabjact then ta the ■eg»»lng tartar· of hanger aad thirst. I Mast aot think ef it farther. That way Has aaadaaaa." There wa· at least om other troubled aool ea the rock which divined so*· apart, cut off Cron tbe sufferings «Ilk· In. Π· lifted bis ey·· ts the wvmber 1 •rot r>f th· Imartua. M to saWl the a*· of Btraetai bad pmirj. rmy God U ailgfct not bo sot Wbaa Hnad wont rat tbe euiWeu nub or «oU air iliifiiti tbo UlU· floor NittllDir to the takon; erowed rjnr. yoaax tpretieruan wtu roileiy irrakew.'d from a KttoiBljr tlritl •Iroenu Up fsael«d tUat CouUuc« mad ho wore diajrloa to tfto tall of an mor wocs kite, whkh bad been matte to hour orer tbe mk bj a grow lap •anted la am stwnrdly asaH boat. They were aolenialy advised by other gitosica. Imp· wRk aparkltug. toaillike aqro*. to lotrwat ibeauelrc· to Ibis pra eartxis means οI escape. but tbc |n •Unt tbtr Oroptml off Cb· Mj« of tbe gnllery their weight caused the kit? to «ivoop downward. Tbe reraltut ptimgo Into th· ocean and Ooentanee"· ftuTwcfl siiriek were aotbltig more ter rtfjiae than lb· chut blast aud whistle of tbc air enrreot admitted by BraaJ. tret ryne dkl not waat to go to aleep -c.-ala. tie Old set like emerald hocfl tplrlla Tr!i(rh arranged inch oaplecutant cscftp3tleâ. II· «trelghlMted kla «tiff llmba aod •at np. . He was absn to feel In a packet for Id· pipe—lie experteaced tbe wont {■an** of hunger oftrr waking In such fashion—when b· aaw a woman'· bead and akooldcra emerging oat of the eUIrwaj·. At first be thought It was Constarce. and be woademd why she hnd mauled ber face ta tbe deep collar of η cloak, bot tha visitor paosed Irresolutely wben lier waist was on a torcl with tho floor, ■b· uttsred a Utile gasp of surprise. •Ton. Charlie y sbo erhnl "I tboogfci jrou alept ta the kitchen Γ* "Nok Mr*. Vomit tart." h· said. "I am aaalatant keeper. and I atu tore irist all tb· time with Mr. Crand. Hut what te the name of goodnc**"— "I was ivcllea*," explained tbe hdy horrledly.. *Tf t bad remained another cilnotv among tbOM women t should bare acreumod alood. How peacefal yon arc buret Where Is Mr. Brand?" "Cues· he's ante outside to aqulut at th· weather. Bat come light te. I can offer yea a chair. Mr. Brand wnata to aoo you. aad this la a quiet IIim for a chat." -now doaa he know not What did Mm. Vunalttart prtned bar left hand to her limit. With the titer «he kept tba high colter orcr b»r month tad eboeka. ryne could only mme ber eyea. ■ad (he aloneed Ught tbat Icaptd la;· Ikni lacnuMd bl* iiMUibont at ber asoxcM praaa im. •It mmdr to toe," h« anawcted, "that it yon J nut walk op four mo» ateim ami alt down yon can aak Usa all tboee thine· yooraelf." "Were ym apeakiaf of ma to hlmî" 1 4M happen to tneotloo yon." "And ho aaM bo knew racT "No. Bt'ao. Ha aald nothing of ttaa aort twt. for merry*! take. -what mya toty la Ibcro «boot HT" "Myatery! Kom whatever. I was toUtakao. 1 teti never mat him. I earn· now to explain that to him. Oh"— •he dlrad anddenly aa die gallery door opeued. Braad caught a iMUng iVoia· of bar eanhblng term. 8ht να* aying a»fUy. ' "ΤΛ· waa that?" be naked. FfM had fetUK) hl» pipe aa<l vu tll· lag It with tobaeeo. "Mr·. V»n»Hurt," 1* anmrpred. 'Ttyln# bar Km* M«rml riait. I •oppoeo. 81» cho·· ■ cotloai boar." "Ko I t^j>u*fcL Bat abe Jeat popped her Mad la to tall you tt»»t aha dlvlat know χοα at alL" Brand amttad. "Poor lady!" ba Mid. "Wht. llko ft· raat of ua, l« peitiabad and aueaay. I Imaglaa aba la ef a aomawhat hjr»t«r IcaJ totaperaeeot'' "Tbara my." ainod Ρχη». Tbere ware ptmllnt dlecrepanclca la KM. VuMlttart'a explanation of hot untlmaty »np«»ranec. Kvldeutl/ aba did no» a ι pact ta aaat Mm tbara. Ibe t benefit aba woald «ad tka Ihdubona» keeper «loo·. Tba ready dadacfloo ppaaawtaj Haaif (bat wbes «•eatar Bra ad ah· did Mt wlali any third panaaa to be pnaaat at tba later· Πear. Tbot Cooataaee'a father bad ua cava ta look at uttera la the aatae U«fat be waa q*i«a eertaln. AnyWw, It wm •at bl· eCalr, and be declined te trou ble liia baad a boat Nn ▼anatttarfa lac an bar knees oetslda ber WAroom daur, be might here fooad nm fur mon «lMorMot reflection*. Ob· wji urytajt tofttr. vttk ker fue· bidden In bcr tanda. -Oh. 1 dor» not: 1 (tare noir* «h· monned "I am tbe nnt uiltcrtbki wo man «ι the world. It would bare bee· better U I hod gone ûovrs with the rcaid. The Lord aaved uo ouly to Ctt&lih un. il y beert will brook. Whnr «tall I doT Whet» ·ΙμΒ I h'cur Aud l»r aebbtne only c«n»cO Trbco tbo ■»(*» of aaceedlng footstep* «lrort hsr loto t&o roaipouy of aamiwrnl wo men who iro ihl nrrcrtbetoa bare for gotten wao of tbc'.r own »ow did they hot ennllan twr creator angnltb. fro UK COW τ in u*-uk] CAMP LIFE FÔTCLERXS Method of Spending Vacations Urged by Chicago Employer. Msu to (clr34Mt uwniu· <· i»· <*n 81· Cnplo7M> to R||(k It Oarl·· Ik·)· n*:ucia>ri«l«tl Kilul "«UUc n&>- OoUo«a Pa· •art·· All Hero Warakl». ln lha final week of aunuuer vaca tion· (or Chicago workers a local nao ufuctorer and employer pruvoeea to lo ircxtac-o an liiuoTRtlou in tbe matter of roc»'Jon grnntlujc. nay» tUa Ctiknmo yaws. Uo plan· to Indnco hit young men darks to "past up" tUa nonimor bote! daring their fortnight of pleniore and to dorotc thoutselree to roughing It tn camp llfa. He déclarai that tbe "sporty" Ufa at tbo typical rtnort un· His men for atrauaoca work wlieu ibey return and (lutt ontdoor living aud vlg oroaa exerclee would have un opposite "Tb· regulation lunnwr hotel or ro eort *eottaee' 1U» ta ruluoui In yming mon." *α tbo statement ivcoatly rnado h) tbo lu An Wlioje Une* chim in ej» strain the spirit or lb· smoke or· ritnaocc. ".Mjr young QMU cierk», m llkcty a of chop· aa can be gath ered anywhere, »r» addletcd to th· nunual babil. They return to vrork at til· cad of lltelr two weeks with au l»llCRni<.« tj the flruTa welfare tkat Jostle· my nevr··. "Hi· 051 In the οITW· machine that ran rnultiesely tbroois'.i tlw winter ao<l aprloz nuddcrlr becouw la txvd or oil ta tb· slmpo of barah cull downs. Let ter file* get out of whack. card In dex *y« tenia go nrong, awl tbo com plaint. iV-.k man cvtt Una· under hla •yea. To Όπιο I pile* on Uw Hum·' mar h»tel sy»t»m. "▲a a matter of taring dollar· and oca ta I ronteurplato starting a aort of mtnlatur· summer resort Irareaq, throegh which I bop· to eneoemge ay yotnu men to g*i out Into Ui· wUdar ntmt Juat aa f do. I'd Ilka to »· thorn bucking kindling for a campflre a ad tramping with beuvy parka through rogious rrhl.··.! the tort of tbo steam roller uerer baa penetrated. Aa a matter of Inducement 1 nay bold oat bait rata rutljeay fares ami loaoa from my personal etn-k of flahlng tackla and fifflp e^n'pment "Over at tha factory lb· men, with few excepttous, pan tbelr vueattona In tfaU thj. 83m· of than attend the encampment* of the local national guard regiments, sa doaa one or my ofllec niwi. In their term of soldiering thej· get a week's vacation at prac ' tlcally a» emit, nud the discipline and oxcrrtK· are valuable to both them aad me. not tb« once teen, aa a rale, dock to tlu> dancing paellloos and the (inn mac hotel porche*. I'm going to wean thorn away from It. "WUou tile young fellows ivtiuu from the usual sort of vacation they ImagUie this latest time of tbelr liras has doue them ir»l. The oriental cooptation from finger tips to elbow and forehead to neektl· line Uioy take to be ua Indication of a section bind atatc of health, hnt ttwy orarlnok the plnlnly apparent loaa of useful weight. Μη· υ· IIH101 uacj BUOW ap UIIAIUfif am) «naplng Uoudij morclDX after ■ wild Β an d*y nlRlit ride on a lak· boot wblch add· (lie flnlahtng touch te * fortnight οt alcepleaaae**. Idiocy and bnnrlty. Then they try to ate»p It off daring wocklfig hour* Ftcd If they ha vt the «UI to work tbey coat get back Into atrape for day*. "Ifa not ouly the pbyetcal bot the moril effect of tlxwc "Willie boy* va callon» agaloat whlcli 1 die ■ protaat. A. young fellow of ateudy cotug «atare oftan loooe tlila quality after contact with ttv> flighty. anrcrdreaaed yootha wtioae father4 are paying their board Mlla. I nerer alkswM my aao to start thai way. That artificial, 'near conn try' Mr» |i au of the few pUeaa what· the gOddaa kiddae ahthee. and tk· working youth la apt to bo awed by bia clutltea. hla chatter, Ma extravm puit bebtta and hie attracttoo for the ■ α ix) ruer αϊ Π Ha'a a mtghiy poor aaodel to eet tip before a yooof men with h la fetor· In hla ewa head a. "If the chap ne roeettoo «aoooeda la eqivllng hte aaodel. he aaaeta another evil In female edolatla·. Hero war •hip by th* wooiea and gtrta at eoa» aaer reeorte le a eetttad «tote ef affaira. Two waeke ef that aoct ef thta* oogtM to make ereo the bioet level Nee flat peaa* fellow oeeieea for honeet tabor. "Tee: 1 have pUeod Mgfc hepeo «a the remits of My ospdHment tn iMp p»n* the bey· t* the deep woods, tar from gtrtteh giffgloo aad aeektie aefety plae." tA0\ttmm the Sew Twk Teeataat The h'en** lamp raaipaay of Fltta Uwg ha a ifaeal the largeM (tagto cow tract fer tOwahiaUn· ever made, tt la far the Mew York torra'aatatatfaa ef 0» Peoaeylvaala railroad. It «alii far lampe la a·other eqaaffag 1ΛΛ 000 tawdlepower. The Muat hn» laLaadiewt eleeoia u*u. bet Mi rhief umikiile to that tt mmι aaartp* mihhIIm miH^I than aay athrr artificial R*t kaewa. U la the karaatlaa ef nr. WaMa* Xamet ef Π*»—ι, (lawaay. GAZETTE'S HOUSE FLANS No. II ELEVEN ROOM RESIDENCE Built In Cottage Style, With Cambrel Roof—Cory and Well Arrantfed—Coat $4,000. —· '"I WRIPKmVI VU5W. l-t~=—=□ rUMJT FLOOK PLAN. SECOND ΠΛΟΒ ΡΙ.Λ..Ν. This attractlre design contemplate· elcreo roods. It la built Id the cotUp stylo, wltli cambrel roof, the root being kept tow. The Ont «tory 1· cl»P ho*mod TlM exterior above tte trst storr ι· stained a»0 shifted. The room» are of moderate lia». bat open wen together. One nain cfcimoej. with * Oraplac* la both the library and dining room, make· the plan Tory economical. The Brat floor 1· trimmed in satire hardwood, mad the remainder of too bones la trimmed Id eoft wood amd flnlahod natural or painted. Thla deelgn hi especially well adapted to α city lot aotl bae all the coo· ▼eoteooee and c-omforts of tone of toe larger bonne·, while t-oetliu· much It'ta. Tbe boose H l^mtrd throanbout with steam. and all waile find eellluipi are plas tered with three rood coeta. Estimated cost *4.000. P. T. UACLAOAN. Week Zai Balsa— Smm· INi The Carolina and North western railway bas issued tbe following notice as Joint-Circular No. 2: To All Agents: This will be your authority to sell Round Trip Tickets be tween all Stations on these lines at a rate of One Pirst-Class Pare, plus twenty-five cents (23) for tbe Round Trip. Tickets to be sold on Saturday of eacb week, good, returning on Monday fol lowing date of sale. The above rates will go iuto effect on Saturday, April 7tb. 1906, and are effective until ana including Saturday, October 27th, 1908. Use regular Local Ticktts, marking across face of same, "Week End." .· Acknowledge refceipt 'of this Circular, below. Approved : L. T. Nichols, General Manager. B. P. Rbid, General Passenger Agent. f«r So We will send Tax Gaxbtti twice ι week from now until 1907. TORRENCE BROS. Columbias, Ramblers, Racycles, The Beat Bicycle· that ara Med· •t Price· that are within Jteacb of All. AIm Pall Un oi Bicycle Supplies and Bue Ball Good·. R«a»act#altr. Torrence Bros, PlooiMof, Haatiaf, Bicycle·, Sporting OwmU, gad Rabbet Bom Una. Special Lew Bit··. The C. & N.-W. Railway Company bas issued the follow ing notice as joint circular No. 1 : To AU Agents: Upon application and suffi cient notice to this office, Spéc ial Round Trip Kates will be quoted parties of Twenty-five to Fifty people on one ticket, on regular trains, between anv two points, on these lines. Effective on and after April 1st, 1906. B. P. Retd, General Passenger Agent. Professional Cards.. ML D. E. McCONNELL, DBNTIST. Office first floor Y. M . C. A. Bld'g GASTON ΙΑ, N. C. Phone 69 MS. rALLS < WILKINS, DENTISTS GASTONIA. N. C. Office in Adams Building. Phone 66. ΤΗΒ Charlotte Observer The Ur|Nt and &e*t News· paper in North Carolina. . Every toy la the Year M M a Year. Tu Ouiitii (oulrti ol 10 te 15 pu*· daily and 20 to 32 page ι Sunday. It nandla* more new· matter, local, State, national and forrlfti tban a»y other North Carolina eewapaper. TK SUNDAY OKtftVEt ii Una «felled u a *iva medium, and la al»o filled «tth eicellent matter ol a MMtllaMMa natare. e The Saml-Vaekly Observer Inm4 Tueadaya a ad Piidaya.atfl.00 per year, ia the Ureea* paper to# the bmhkt Hi tfci· aeetroe. itenaalataof ESœfflrtai Sea r"T 1 wamrwi Addreaa, TMB OBSERVER CO.. ca*m*rra. ν. e. pASOJ MCXJXTS for pfetoa Vmi y *r«< Mtora at Oa«*tts oéta. rtTiEtrt LlÎ. *

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