•Mao taammâ, aacfc maj te for*f»«o M tt» mHfcMty —tlrni at tbat M «Ut ou bo too good fee «u acMAoat ko. ttanUi Inai «né Mm «on»· Ma iMt, —horoû by «WVimloai aarrvsti to tb« «ncraoc· h*U, τγ«γ« coo ■mlwll to coatfort ttateMlrM witli m Brttuk pkk·» la tUw of u» ta· «et iimiI b» tMr >mwtwm. Λ» haw waa aot lut·, «boat 9JD. la tbair heurt*, xu. πmw ut tlM friaadly < ttwi rv«li«» that tbw thlt beau alroobled 19 tha daodlj af ta ta ta tha rtrj boar 1 a mat MkknaMt aa kaaajy aa Tbair jars war» baca. The «tarUtt» at Man rani noMMi tt te attbar KaM or CfKtoue» «a piaaa tagatbar rertaJa ftafmantaij ■wrm aC Ida. Vaauittart'a oM ba barter Aartar bar anferoad aojoorn «o tb» racfc. fc> Itwanmbty M aba abat «M· W Um ZTZLTJX •at dlaaer that tbejr both a iarable ai aaumtkma. X . bl wat ad torn cloth ta Ua put Interior of ftrt M^ittwa·» la a 1*17 dtf attired ta «xpeulta " br tha lax artaa at « 1 X vaa a raitaf «a drtra ta tbair <* ta*a la «gaana. jrat, «a aaatly taoakM I· aar km day, It «aa a craatar NM wbM tha taaataa « tfak noter ntdaaltlaakvuNbnt U caat to aaaan Ura. Stoppant, a afibtrgr thêta Wyaat *o«l laa ΜΠΤ te ba fM 4acMralr. "Aad ara baaa a laaRjr bad wa . 4ML ar raa waaJ4 aa* bara lore* •sraarstirss: Λ ht (Mr la tbelr «fn. r««f «OKciSMit ta fcba Wl-'Λ aaa Mm mm but!r tîwe aie.·· t «ta· bad 4M» Curie* tû> Irouîn*»'. h· fn. Good f' aB(ht explanation. Tb· pivot· et ar iWiWMt I 4· not f» M Ht Tmiir» i«ttcr t· a» wid 1er· baaa «Hitos by escb a bu «tavwMtHNtfUi feeto. B«*· It ta. r.cea U IML" II· haadad bar bar (idWi plata ■Jrtw naamanUHloo. CoaMnra, ls aavabto ot dcriwr depto» of «mtftifii-nt tbas thoee now probad. looked erer k«r •Mar** ahooltltr. Together tb*>- d» 1 tb· aoaeewbat dus cult hand of a au «Ml· chief talk for ι drswbsrk wss good ta Ita raaalt. itoedfly to tbo end. broke down -It caaaot U tra% dad Γ ah· cried. "I bar· bwai «ta of your dauabtars «Β tor lira. Wty ahould I b· tskea from -I b*Uar· tt fa qstta troa." «aid " " quietly. Hid tbo so·* there waa ■ote bar «η beneficial to bba "ilr. Train «peaks ot proofs. Tea bar· mat him I u«tair4 bare ly a word, a (law·, with him. bat tt I to sot battorabto that be would male· ~hm· «plans itateaoesta witboet tb· taat undeniable testimony." , lartaaiL Enid." amiitl Ooo aton ce. "R mnb Hk· tb· froth, etee to would orrcr bar· ajiokra ao drt sltoly ot coy father'· tost claim on aJtoetiens" «trokad tb· weepio* «trfa ■Oaa daaa not cry. little one. when aa to aoddealy endowed with a waslthy aad dlittafstebcd rofattra. Hew, I Ad aat «pris? tbto rorelaUon ao yea wltbowt a moMro. It a elear ··· baa to cent· let sa at loan fu· I -» — '-J . g« placed o« arm around mk «<(*«■. fWi eauldnitloD. Prorldcsn by In· ιαΜΜ· deer·· ordained tbat my wife ud I ahtxdd mut tftw twenty-one TNit. That nuMt bar· ton a pur Hwlm meeting. (a my careless yoatb, when t aaaigaed all tbtafa tbctr Mkntllc pUct, I bar· ko Bad at pra scntlmcots and rafne portent» of «oto tac «vita. I retract tbe I m.-nature Judg ment tben formed. Dnrtna tbe height of tbe hurricane when I feared tbo rwrj Ian tarn would be hnrled lato tbe ••a 1 waa roaehaafed a aplsltaa] cum· Inc. I ftalrt not read Its Import. Tbeae things bed· a Oaa. aapeeiaSy «•a wboee mtad leans toward matrrl atlaxn. Nerertbal— I koww, tboagb net fa ordered comprehension, that my life was tending toward a lapramc criala. AM tba atoaao died, so I be <•110 neraoal. and I ntlrtbnted a gUapac of LU· naieea to mare phys ical facta. I was wrong. Tb· oomtng Of that ■ fated vea^ waa lwrahUd |o a>e. I lacked tba key of tbo bidden taaaaace New I pasasaa It. Oo board that tblp, Oowtinet. waa your motiv er. now atraaga that bar adrent ahoqtè ta boaad ap atoo with tbe mya tary of Bun oaiaatacer "Vattar. dear, If you coo boar It, t>H ma of my mother. Sbe know ma. and that la why «he a· bed ma to Use tar." "•a aafced yoo ta ttaa tar Γ Hach word waa a rrainado at attiilaa. 01,1 iniilwf. to. «Mma Ma Vji» te tetoyrmpb to fa la tracte. Wbea bo «■MM m to Uka Ik· mn|· «h·, too ■ht nM It all mm· apwf-odalt M (bat ab· «xpariooc·α aànwtbiaf of (ho tetaltlT· luwwliln oC tw MM |M 1er· jart ·ρ*4μμ of." iMMt NlfrlMi Poor I Wfciea, ta Harifeajnfcartaad." "ΑοΛ you beeama « HghtUeaaa ί tccparr* It tnu KnMt who fond brant* for iSta «xeteautttee. CnitUM brand fcoraalf far tfcat whicto tu «a οααΜ. Tint ttanbin Brand vaa a vail bm man vu aac · saw ouag In Ukaùr !» til—«MM. "Vaa. a rliaatr aC laaipa a ad tran· Bltttt at attpa* alfnoia. nave wo tx*a ktm bappyr* ▲ sort Tefaamont "ΝοΓ wu the eaawar. • Doet raa away with Um Mau Umt I in, tbarcfora. andovad wM.)> ιιι μί* menas. Tbara are baronet* poorer than MM croaalng nttptn Tlte at· tato waa cncnabcraL Duriurt my fatber'a lite, daciaj my otrn rnitu Ira ycara ago, It ytaUad only a UwummI a yaar. Ε rem now, after Wmu j**n of letrcacfceaeet-yoe both forjtet Kiat villi· I waa atattanad at PUinborvutfj flnad X m abaant far a few Ony» U attend my fattier'· funeral—It i>ro tluooa only a llttl· arar ia,UU>. Kuuaxb t»r na, eli, to eojoy Ufa out Kuoosti to I aattaO f.ady ilareaTef· aeniplm, E.iU, a* la Uor κοο'ι abeard kotloa of inutrt tmuy? Knough, too. CeitataoM, la muta yM to tbo man oT your cboksa, wtia tarer Mi poaltloar* "Dad," marmared Cojutance. "la tbeca no bop· of tba oiil <3ty* eomlivz back again?' Tfbo can tefl? Tbcee tblaga arc not la nortal ken. I η cod luudty any that Uy NTtooM m barely anClc loot te iMlntiln a Junior la tiie dlploiuntic ecrvice. Yet I curried, beorcn help Μα ts the panuuKo of en klenl, only to And my Ideal realtaeJ. after much suffcrlu.7. on lonelj- rock· aid blenk boudlandf. Witb strict ccoaoniy wj existed bapplly until yon wcro born. My wit· at Qrst waa suffletont:? do· M*litml in exebouja Jcreey society lor Pari· aait the distinguished clKHe lu which wo moved thoM. Dot you were not many =oath« old until a ihanje eamc. Λ frenchman, a rich fop.-begnn to pay her uttouVoos vrlileli ιοτολ) her hand. I do- not tblck abe meant any bora. Γβορ',β never de mm lUrnt who accomplish it moat fatally. I did tbnt wlilcb a man who reiput» blmnelf ieafVs te do—I protsKtnd. There \caa a scene, tears and wild rep roach ca. Mast day the craab caino. Sbo endeav ored to mislead ino aa to an eppotut meut God know» I oaky wlabed to ■are her. bat tt wne too much te oak nolo pail over hi allcure the eahemea of a libertine, though he. too, Traa In fatuated by bar beauty. I discovered tbnaa In a clandestine meeting, and— and—my blood waa hot and the couc try waa France. We fought ant morning, and 1 killed blm." Cnnstance beat txr bead and kissed hla right hand. Hero at lew at waa a lineal descendant of aloe generation* of border raiders, art» belfl.their awosds of cmter worth than aoaty mwa. Brands ay#a kiafted. Hb-MkS. he came taors vehement. The girl's trn palatve action seemed to saoctlfy tha deed. "I did not regret, I bare never regret tod. the outcome of me dual. Ile «ru mortally wounded and was carried to bis boute to die. 1 fled front Γ or la to eeaepa aire·*. but tho woman In whoa* defense t encountered blm bebavod moat cruelly. 8be deserted me and went ta him. Ask Mrs. Bheppero. Kbe waa roar English nnrao rft the time, Constance. It wme sbe who broejbt you to gnfi»n (hoogfc ah· Caar«4 aoma oa finnip dtttowMy. InM at tar wtfr^jraablad 4M II t· alwaya aaiaatoc la a parent t« M wmhcW pewm (rfitnuta to « «MM. emu·!· waa atfll a rmw Cto Ma k«it What M «aaforrart lnUtt toto Β M»lN aetata Oka few ««Mil Mt alknr—ny moib«i—to *o mriy •arund ttm·—wititv.n a cVar toent a· to m» rutcrv art ηιι «ι,ιηϋχ bocnt cxptanatio* of Uio [wml" Tbte wo* prodaclj tit» iiucattaa It» drcoOcC. It kad forced lie nuwilton» prwoaco upon btm In tfc· Ami moment of tb· max tin wiOi his u-ir·, bat <.· m a mm of orrl«r. ut ιΙίΒείμΙΙο·. TTM baNts of jT«r» miybt not L# Am* asklv Ko raadllj·. It wa« almtrJ. b< IwM, to ttutlrt tûo mit tortnrt» of n»e iNi Λπι»!η1ηκ» ou th* tlr«t utjdit of th«!r lioiit· compta ufter tke sceer? trill* of Ihe'v i>nviirkn-ft life ου I he roc*. Above all «I ίθ It w»« ofctMury t· ro mon Com ta Oct, \\1>·#« aireii^A oui; i-oacvalod tûc raging 1·· IxiMrtth. and Kald. who·» highly atruui: tamp·»· ont *U su tfao bo-rtoelin·) of hj» ttria. Πο was ι Mil Ibn arbiter of tlxlr lira*. the one to wlmn Uioj loukrJ for (uldtttrc. (Πί rebelled Kg*lust tbo pro*titct of a night of atopic·» mlaerj tor lit··· t«o, anj U nr«0ed bla cm photic dominant» to direct thai* tbosuht* toto a aiocw peaceful cban ihL So b* aMrmod the sautai parpow b· waa fur from fortin* and anua rjoucj a kluillj βιηΠο tu bta aid. "Sural t m Imtv ιΙΙμίιμΙ onr Him. culda* *unu-:«i>tly tu'Utlit," U· said. Îla til· aiornlng, (Iodihm·, I wUl meet Mr. Traill H· ta a gentleman and a mut at tti< world. I taiak. too, that hi* η op hew will be resourceful and wt*o lu eoausol beyond hla y««r*. Now we an all poin* te obtain «nun B|(h mcM raft. Neither you cor I will yield to sleepless bean of breed ing. Neither of yoa knows tiiat not fortyolght barm ago t made myacK a thief la the determination to save your Urea and Kitar. Il «tu a need· leaa burglary. I per*r..i,1etj myself that tl tu iiere»irry In the Interests of the Trinity llrellirsti, UiO*o rear· gen tlemen hi velvet cloak*. Bnld, win would !» horrifies by the mere aug ge«tlon. I rfiw In jiW·* uiyaelf oo the moral reck another time. IuAlie eld day· «chou I w*s a bar the drama waa wont To be Mlotrod by a loot» lively acetta. I focbM furttor dlsetia aton. Come. tW me. Ivoth of yon. 1 think that a attff (lain of hot punch will ont (hi ras any harm, tier you. un ion* y no Imbibed freely of that chant jiijrne I aaw nestllm; lo,the tea pall." Tber ion ohedlaotty. Although they knew be was actios * Ρ·Γ" on tbetr account. they wa<· sensible that be waa iidoptliig a sane cruirsa. Enid tried I* contribute te the saw note. the bol-Nid lu the approved style ef the country itomnCc. "Tleoae, Itlr etcpfcea," aba aald. "would yon Uke eon:· letaaa In the toddy r Con» te nee plnced a little copper ket tle on tta f. r. Their Kloom bad given way fa · net wholly forcetW-haailiil naaa—fce In' Ibv flea Ant cottage Bor row was an unwcleeme gneet—whan •bay were aorprlesd to bear « «harp knock oo the oster door. At anotbsr time tlic Incident thoocb unusual at a late hour. would not baVe dldurlwd them. But the amotion* of lb* ii I gilt were too recant, their sub sidence too artlOcUlly achieve*, that they tbonld not tftvad the pawdblUtlaa whlcli Iny BeyoiKl that Imperative sum mons. kin. Rbsppard and the serrant bad ; retired to .rear, worn out with the nnvlocs ODeertalntlsa of events re ported froi-i tht Millions». 80 BnnJ vent lo the door and the Ctrl* II knock at tba (mor, but «u tfraM." "Wbcrr to «bat What haa betoeee of ba»T"* Itraad atapped out Into the βμοο Dgbt. Tba girl·, arhlte ead trembUac. MOM. "W«n aba ran of tow* Ou carta· patb aad tumbled la a dead hM near (fat ota. I waa too lata to «βτβ bar. I picked be· ap tad placed bw Mi •eat Dm I· tbara mow. I tfaoagbt Κ hMt tafoM » > raina I —- * L *- UM rmf· fWforr Brand ra*ral Oaçataoc· ram Mt, hût»^ bf DakL It · whirl of pal· ttoUMnie kwwr *tro4· aftM Am. ft* M* OiwnaM >tu»»ln< wr a »wtι!»>«■« o««r· iflM pi*°* w Om cartoa Mat T· Omm mmi ptM «M (to tU#ht pMil ten »g«urd a* «mt *Mfe. « annd fetanl Bald*· wtapari "Oft, Oant·, >t * Ί*Γ ■at 0» iMngfct·*) lOaplf tar «0U1· •rlvtar »*«·«. MM ««Mr: -Do4. *· tal MM boa*. o4 *· GAZETTE'S HOUSE PLANS No. 16 FOR THE CITY OR VILLAGE Artistic Modern Residence Built In Boston at α Cost of About 94.900. CapyrUbr. IM> tor C. M. t* ». N. «umU. R»«bury. Mm·. sBMBœsaa FQONT BLBVATIOS SECOXD ΚI.OOH IUJI.N uiuo· murace on» bc«a bull! In Boston at ο rmt r.f nlmnt W.V*1 Its apadJU fiatqr·· lath*}· open pToœl*ot. front nnd rear &v3i e'.tw'. *«χ fy— em and eloctrte flzlarw. Tlx· t>uft»mcnt rontuki* η l:iuiijlr} ul· • hot ■»>»» kwtar. Thr·· roaia· are ftnUheil off In tb<· attic. C. Α. & Γ χ. HfKSKI.!. dBailjWlth rod&e» ntaesa ul I· being eared for at taj hoaa·." "Tea, Mr." wild the sergeant, salut ing. A· be walked dawn the garda· path ha woujiwd wt» Un. Venslttart coold ba and why Mlaa feroad «Od sb« had "come Jhkh." Than bo gleaeed back at the house lato which tho dther* liad rolebsd. Ba tanghoa. "Jet fsnrjr It" be saM; "I traatéd him aa If he waa β blnoTnJa' lord. And I soppoee fiiy position ta a better 00» then M*. Anyhow be la η splendid cl'np. I'm glad now I tlh) It. for hli mk; nml Ilia aako of those two clrbt How ι;Uv'.r Ikry worn dria^ed. II ai-rny·· '·ρ··ι a jnsratÎp lo me Urnr limy run it' -rï-l ι·> || <· ?» Γ.*-*.Τ f>?5 OB (tie J»·:·· II' f li· - Κ?·:·»>Ι·Γ. \7Hl It** •jCi^C' «'}' ''ilr'r.VJ." 1 το kt ι·.·Μνι*ι·Μ».1 TUB Charlotte Observer The Largest tod Beat News· paper in Narlk Carolina. Every day la Ike Year SS.M a Year. Tn Ouinu miiiM· of 10 to 1} pare·daily an430 to 33page· 8tin<1«y. It haadles am nrw· matter, local, Stat·, national and forcir» thaa may other North Carolina newapaper. TVE SUNDAY OBSERVES la ihimRi< m a new» awdiom, and la alio filled with excellent natter of a ailacollaneoua cat era. The Sanl>VNUy Okaerrar laeoerf Toeadfya a»S PrMaya, at « .00 P·* Tear, la the Imm paper for the ■oeer hi tfcia aejtW Itcoatf aatSoaa" / - ΑΜιιιι, THE OBSERVER CO„ «ΑβΙΟΤΤΙ, κ. e. Sabacrfbc for tbo Outovu Ouwmi Professional Cards. DR. D. E. McCONNELL, DENTIST. Office first floor Y. M. C. A. Bid's GASTONIA. N. C. Phone 69 MS. FALLS 4 WILK1RS. DENTISTS GASTONIA. N. C. Office in Adams Bnilding. Phone 86. TORRENCE BROS. Columbias, Ramblers, Recycles, The Best Bicycles that are Made at Prices that are within Reach of Ali. Also Fall Line ot Bicycle. Supplies and Base Ball Goods. Respectfully, Torrence Bros, Plumbing, Heating, Bicycles, Sport In* Goods, and Rubber Buggy Tires! Per 39c We will Mod Τλκ Gasktts twice · week from now «util 1*07. Subscribe lor T*K Oastonia Oaott*.