f J AS. W. ATKINS, Editor and Manager. VOL·. XXVII. ' ; ' · -' ' ' -i '"£>:" ι'ί " ' " ■"" . .!■■».■.»■■■■. ■.■< ■.■..■ . .. ■ ■« .». H, Hi GastonlA Gazette Spn PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK TUESDAYS AND milAVL * e»*Wg. «*»·»»·* PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK-TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Devoted to the Protectloa of Home and the I a teres ta of the Coaaty. QA8TONIA, N. CM TUESDAY, .NOVEMBER β, ΙΘΟβ. The Β. ». ftAWXnr. Prttiitnt. C. Κ. 8 vans. VUrPr,,. A. O. M tus. Cm,kit r. CAPITAL MO.OOO THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OAITONIA, N. C. Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, and Farmers Invited. iJberal Dealt η ζ along Conservative Unes. 8 A V I Ν Ο β We have added a Savings Department, in which we pay 4 Per cent., compounded every three months. If yon have not already opened an account in this department we invite you to do to. SJ.MMN ret HEW SITES. Saatkara Pewer Coayuy ta Dmlif Tw· Praak Pmri, Om «I Hi· Wlaety-Nlna Iihada, Hur Btackafcarg, S. C., m the Imi Itvar, ul tlM Other u Great Pall· ·■ tke Catawka— Dmltiaiil Will Give A»· mdaitelT Ν,Μ ol Utdrlc· al flana Pewer. Ck»rt««>« Otwmr. Official announcement baa bcca made by tbe Southern Power Company of it· plan* abottly to commence work oa two tresb power »ite«, one at tbe Ninety-Nine Ial&nd· on tbe Broad river, aix mile· sontb of Blackabnrg, S. C.. and tbe otber at Rocky Creek, two mile· below tbe Great Pall· station, on the Catawba river. Tbe development at tbe Ninety Nine Islands will produce 16,000 * while that at Rocky Creek, will Sroduce 90,000 of electrical orae-power. Tbe total coat of tbeae two development· will ap proximate $3,000,000. Both will be completed by Jannary 1st. 1908. Mention was made a few daya ago of tbe addition of $2,500,000 to tbe capital of the Southern Power Comoany. That corpo ration now haa the largest capital of any haviog head quarter· in Charlotte. It owns tbe water right· for 110 mile· along the Catawba river and controls tbe following named power Lite·; At tbe Catawba falla, near Rock Hill, 8. C.; at Mountain Iiland,near Charlotte; at tbe Lookout Sboala, near Newton; at the Horseford Sboala, near Hickory; at Lands ford, near Lancaster, S. C.; at the Ninety-Nine Islands, near Blacks burg, S. C. ; at Great Palis, near Port Lawn, S. C., and the Wateree power, near Camden, S. C. Tbe 150,000 of electrical borse-power which will be generated at tbeae dif ferent pointa will be tranamitted to cover a territory 150 milea in length and 100 milea in width. Tbu territory atretcbea from Tayloraville, on tbe north, to \ Columbia, S. C., on Ithe aoutb; and from Greenville, S. C., on tbe west, to Oarhngtoo, S. C.. on tbe east. Cotton, m ilia and manufacturing planta of all kind· UUV IHII vccuun, w ·ιι σι wnicn thU power in time will be •veil able. The Catawba fall· develop ment near Rock Hill, S. CM waa the irst finished. It· 10,000 of electrical horse-power waa dis posed of very shortly after It bad been pieced upon the market. The big development at Great Palls, 10 milea below Port Lawn, 8. C., waa tbea begun. Iu 40, 000 of electrical horae-power will be available early in January· Already between IS,000 aod 20,· 000 horae power, or about one half of thia «apply, baa been aold. Negotiation· are pend ing for the remainder. The of· Sctaia of the Southern Power Company believe that the entire output of tk* Oreat Pall· station will be aold before a tingle wheel tnrna. After the first οI (be year, there will be little power available from the present de velopment. Realising thia, the officials of the company met some time ago aod agreed to bayia a develop ment which would meet the de mands of this territory for some da* to come. Tbev determined to ecan up a· quickly as poa· aible, not one power station, hot two, capable of «reducing be tween 45,000 ana 50,000 borse power of electrical energy. With that already on the market, thfa won Id give the Southern Power Company the control of approx imately 100,000 by January let, When week waa commenced talk* Oreat Pilli station Laat m year, a portion of the carrent Kuerated there «ru intended to transmitted to the mill· about Qaffoey, Blackaburg, Spartan bare and Greenville, S. C. The demand ol the mills abont Rock Hill, S. C., Gaatonia and Char lottr, however, were so insistent tnat practically all of tbe current was disposed of there. In order then to sstisfy tbe demsnds of the mills about Spartanburg, G■ finer >nd Greenville, S. C., It was decided to begin the de velopment of tbe power at the Ninety-Nine Islands, six miles from Blacktbnnr and about 32 miles from Spartanburg. The plan* and specifications for the work there have already been drawn. Some of tbe con tracts for the machinery will be let within 30 days. The build ing of tbe tensnt bouses for tbe worker* snd the clearing away of the land will be begun at once.* The 16.0U0 of electrical horse-oower which will be gen erated at that plant will go to aupply tbe needs of the mills in tbe adjacent cities. Tbe power which is to be de veloped on the Catawba, two milea below the Great Palls station house, which will be known ss tbe Rocky Creek power, will produce 30,000 horse power. Transmission lines will connect this station with tbe oac just above it, and the current will be carried to tbe distrib uting center at the Catawba station, oear Rock Hill, S. C. Power will be supplied the mills in Chester, Lancaster, Union, S. C., and elsewhere in the ter ritory where needed. The work on tbe Rocky Creek power has already commenced. A quantity of material has been moved from tbe Great Palls station and tbe erection of the store houses, tenant houses, etc., will commence at once. Tbe clearing of tbe stream and tbe work ο Γ preparation for the actual development is alreadv under wsy. ■AVE του CATAKU7 Breath· Hyawsl nd Ο et R«llef •adCure. t4tr Ourart··. If yon bave catarrh, with of fensive breath, buminer pain· in tha throat, coughing, raising of mocons. difficulty in breathing, •ncciin*. hnskiueas, discharge from the note, tickling and dropping at the back of the throat, especially at night, coughing spasms, etc.. begin the use of Hyomef. at o«ce. . Its healing medication will give relief in s few days and its continued nee will completely drive all catarrhal germs from the system. Hyemei contains Nature'· healing oils sod balsams, the germ-killing properties of tb« pine-forests, and goes with tba air yon breathe to the moat re· ant* cells of the respirator* ornas, searching out sad klflin* all catarrh al genns and aoothlag and heahag aay-hmtatlos there j™·Τ hem the pleasaat to as· HjronH. pless'nter η·<#1 pocket inhaler, which eta b« t »rric· that 4ouiU« balp ta paM •• that th*r maj Mr· at bona. Tb· pâiraUOfio baa tomaooA twtoa as faat as tb· samba* at aarrmnto. T>a total 'nrabar et wool «a aapleyod m taidfol oaeapatto—'has boM>«l «0» tar not bat tb· nota at wamm •arranta and waltata hd grows laa· Usa 60 par cast. Ha ihlaha tareette· nlfht aair· tha problem. Tha carta· who aball I» rent an automatic dubwaabw aad pot aerobhar wOi bo s tree benefactor of soaafehMfc" ha aaaert* "laCftat prqdlglaa ara bo lw*t»r tbao , Wot·." Mind Wafaaaoi », My o< tba chair et marram «Inum at Drake aalrrrwrty Mm ttM t»wi Mot ban* CXegr·· Ut otbar Ut, m (\ ju· KoUss diapatth. 4. ébona o< w and -AJ>'.r fit*. V» Ufce t bal* a i ta·" t»Sa ' aaft a 1 Rev. R. Z. J oh Baton the well tad favorably knows paator of tbe Presbyterian cburck at Uo colnton, baa resigned alter a pastorate oi more than 35 years. His resignation haa not yet been accepted. Mr. Johoston ia 71 years of age. A Columbia, 8. C., dispatch of tbe 29tb says: Friends throughout the 8tate of Dr. Bjrp Poster, of Union, will be profoundly shocked to learn that he attempted snicide at Union Monday afternoon just after re- ' turning from Columbia, where 1 he bed spent fair week. Dr. Poste'r walked Into tbe Unkm Hardware Company'a store aid» Immediately after porcbasia· a revolver, turned It on himself and β red. The ballet entered at a point over bis heart bat was defllcted by a rib. Dr. , Poater la a tall, baadaome toting man and, having in* berited targe meaaa, haa apeat, money freely and waa promi nent socially. He attended the | Slate and aaaembly balk ia Columbia last week aad seemed to be la tbe beat of spirits, At times ba draak heavily. TOM Ain YMIVILLK. What's Mai A·oaf oar Nnfcb· km Jut Acrass (ht lia·. Tartrrtll· limlm. M. Mi»» Jessie Baber hi· been visiting Milt Wilma Plexieo at Sharon.—Mi»» Hatfjl Oarnett i> with J. L. William· & Co., a· a saleslady.—Mr*. H. H. Beard left Tuesday evening for · mit to her fiater, Mr», Ν «al Mc Lean at Lumbcrton, N- C. We will bave to take *it back about the treasurer being re quired to canvaaa the codetv for tbe collection of tue·. York county, it seems, is exempt from ■neb ■ requirement, and Treas urer Neely mskes tbe rounds voluntsrily, purely ss a matter of convenience to tbe taxpayers. A number of promioeat citi· sens of Bethel township have began to talk up the ale· of levyisg a special us for road building purpose·. Some we oat-spoken in advocacy of the lasnance of township bonds in sufficient amount to do the work in first-class style and at once. Bet be I is not now paying sny special tax of any kind, aad she is in good shape to aet «η ex ample to the balance af tbe 1. ι I—SI J! There «Ai an old tint com shocking at the home of |fr. T. J. Nichols about six mile* north east Yorkville tail Wednesday night. Qailt a large «amber of •hackers had been invited, in· eluding d tune roc s ladies. The shucking commenced in the af ternoon and although the cor· pile iocluded iook seven or eight baadred basbels the work was finished in the early even ing. Then there was · splen did sapper. There was pork, motion, chicken, larnips, pota toes, everything that was good.. It was a great occasion to all the participants. The King's Mountain Çhapter of the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution has done itself proud in the entertainment of the State conference of that order this week. Though not the most exclusive perhaps, the D. A. R. is easily the most representative and distinguished women's organization in South Carolina. It inclndea among its membership a large per cent age of distinguished members of distinguished families, and its average of wealth, culture and intellect is high. Ill represen tatives slso are women who are acquainted with and accustomed to all that is best and highest in the social development of the State. The creditable enter tainment of people of this kind calls for thorough acquaintance and familiarity with require ments of good usage, and it is an open secret that all of the visitors are thoroughly de lighted. They have nid so and not a few of tbefa are disposed to emphasise the fact that the present conference has beea even more successful and enjoy able than any of the thoroughly successful and enjoyable con ferences that have gone before. The- King's Mountain chapter is getting a large share of the praise. Trsvala Like Tallow Fever. Chartottc ObMTTcr. The successful rioting of Phila delphia negroes, led by their preachers, again* the pro duction of "The C!an*mao*.(· that city, seems to havf stirred np the Washington negroes to agitate against the white· in general, particularly lu regard tô what they term their treatment in the publk) school·. This re minds us how tbt Atlanta anti negro excitement ipntd to neighboring cities. Acute racial feeling is-s moral infection which seems to travel like yellow fever piEgimrrs visit το parajm Flrsf Ti« a Chid XtfliMi I VUI Have Sst T—i so roreiln ML Wi^îi^o· mwirt U The Κmm M President Roosevelt's visit to the Isthmus of Passat* will prêtent itmtl novel iutam, For the first tin· is history the Preeident of the United States will set loot on foreign soil end he the gnest of · foreign ruler et dinner. At the time of hi· visit to New Orleans President Roose velt «sa technically outside the inriadiction of the Usited States, as the vessel eoanyi*f hi· to the Queen City west ostalde the three-mile limit. Many interesting incidente will mark toe visit, ranging from s reception in honor of Pre aidant Roosevelt at the pslscc of the President of Panama to η ride os the Chsgrcs river on s casco, the nsthrs water craft, sad ploeghing throngh the sticky mod tot Celebes Cnt in rubber boots and s mackintosh. Pres ident Roosevelt baa had many onnanal experiences, bvt hn trip to Panama will furnish him with several sew thrills. Mr. Roosevelt will spend only font daya in Panama, but they will be bitay ones. His only op portunity to rest will be on Sun day, November 18, the lost day of his stay. The three preced ing days are to be crowded with sight-seeing, excursions and social functions. The President will make two epecches. on* at the Pleats, then be will reapoad to aa iddrtn of welcome by President Amador, tad later «t a reception on Pier 11 at Cristobal. The Président will m to Panama oa the magnificent battleship Lonisisma. wliich will be cooeeyed by ita sister ship·, tbe Tcnoesseesnd the Waahi^' ton. Ha will be accompanied by Mrs. Roosevelt, Htbel Roose velt, Dr. Rirey, sutgeou rentrai of the navy, the President's physician, aad a secretary. Presideet Roosevelt will re· tara from Oyster Bay after elec tion. snd will (leave Washington on November 8. Ha will board tbe Dolphin at tbe Washington navy yard, and will remain on board this ship Until it reaches Wolf Trap Light. in tbe Chesa peake Bay, wbere he will trans» 1er to tbe Looivaaa, and start immediately for Colon. The distaoce from Wolf Trap Light to Colon is 1,788 miles, aad tbe voyage will take six days. Tbe Louisiana will reach Colon on Thursday morning, November 15. President and Mrs. Amador, Chairman Sboats, of the canal commission, snd lira. Sboats, who will leave for Panama so as to be there when Mr. Roosevelt arrives, and Chief Engineer aad Mrs. Stevens will go aboard tbe battleship before President sod Mrs. Roosevelt go asbore. Immediately after landing tbe party will be taken aboard a train aad ran slowly across tbe isthmns to Lo Boca, giving the President a casa at view of tbe towns, the caaal aad a parade of - « -· - - " tbe native school children. At La Boca there will be aa inspection of tbe terminas of tbe old Preach eaaal aad of the Panama Railroad. Tbe entire plan of tbe ctaal will be ex· plained to President Roosevelt, and he will be given informa» tion regarding sites aad plans for tbe proposed dam, lock aad lake at La Boca. Then will be a trip in a launch to tbe isisads of Perice, Naoe and Flamenco, thus giving Presi dent Roosevelt a view of tbe actual deepwater southern end of tbe caaal, the spproaches. tbe harbors of La Boca and Panama and tbe surrounding country. ττ.Μ ·τ· WITCU M Ancon, followed by · trip •round Ancoo Hill hod a visit to the bomital. The remainder of the day witl be given by President Rooeevelt to Lb· |UV(I DVItQt o! Piimu, and while the prograntac baa not bee· finally arranged, enough Of it bM been prepared to show tbat it will be · boay day for the President. It will be ι gala day, end lb« dirt la oot ·* pected to fly on thta occasion. The chy of Ancoo will be 4m· orated elaborately and illumi nated brilliantly is boaor of PreaMent RooaeveH. Some tine dating tb· after· oooa the rsecathr· party will be act br official» of tbc Re public of PaoiM, and co·· ducted by tbeai and a—oetod by · hundred young P»na manlaus mounted, tbe Prett dent will drive «boattb· «ft». Tb· drive will eud at · ataad to be erected la ooe of the plaaas, front which President Amador will deliver as address LADIES' FURNISHINGS of welcome, to wbich Prcidcot Roosevelt will respond. U there ia tlse. the pic«Me«tU] party will review a parade. SUT* FE TRAIL SKI ■ naikiUl· aarit