ί-j»--uwceaggBt-u ■! ί·.··> Professional Cards. DL D. E. McCONHELL, DENTIST*. Js> Office first floor Y. If. C. A. Bld'g GASTON I A, N. C. Phone 69 DIS. PALLS 4 WILK1HS. „ DBNTISTS OASTON1A. N. C. Office in Adama Building. Phone 86. DR. J. M. HUNTER, Cancer Special!»! WIU Ν la OutMl· at th* FALLS HOUSE NOVEMBER 13 For Consultation with *ay patients who may d»»(rt hi· service·. —®cS. Dr. W. H. WAKEFIELD,I •f Charlotte, WiU be in Gastonie tbe | FALLS HOUSE On Thursday, Nov. 8, for tbe purpose of treatipg diseases of the Bye, Bar, Nose and Tbroat, and fitting Glasses. 26—Ν64c. : J. A. LILE8 I I Graduate Optician 1 will fit (Iumi ■t «nr rt»idence m Saturday* . All Work Guar anteed. : LUES om»«i«.M. c. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Ο Ν Plumbing Heating Bicycle •nd Electrical SUPPLIES Respectfally, Torrence Bros. Ph··· N·. It. OutMl·, N. C.l TUB Charlotte Observer Tha Larfeat aad Bail Newt· pa par la North Caraliaa. Every day la tbe Year M.00 ι Tear. Τπμ Omutu contint* ut 10 to V pacea daily and20 to32 pafea Sunday. It baadtea em »m matter, local, State, national aad foreign than aay other North Carolina newapaper. TIE 3WDAY OBSERVER (a uaexcellcd aa a stwi médian, and ia alao filled with excellant matter ο I • mlaceilaseoaa a at art. The Semi-Weekly Observer leaved TsMdiyi and Fridayi, at $1.00 per year, U tbe larnat paper ·«— money ia tela aection. It com t to 10 paire·, and print· an th oi^he week—Local, State, m far***. . ««·«· national Addreaa, THE OBSERVER CO., GMABtOTr·. ». c. mcuTorssALc. •SJM la é Per Ceal Nertk Cere* m PRESS COMMENTS Wl»t Imn *f tlM »Ut« P«H«» «M Stria* Ak*ut TlM Outlt* mm4 It· New Te B—i I· Slay Oit. Ckvtottc CtroolcW Mtterltl. tad. Mr. J. W. Atkina, who *U (or aomc time put new· editor of The Observer, bat purchased The Gastonia Guette and will conduct that excellent paper in the future. He la atonng man of much energy and literary tal ents and knows how to make np a good newspaper. We shall expect The Gaiette to prosper and grow under bis management We are not informed as to the futnie plans of The Gazette's former editor. Mr. W. P. Mar shall, but it ia sufficient to say that he is too good a newspaper man to be long ont of tha buai neu. Wall Wtaka·. YorkrUU Kmwtrar JWItorUl. 7d. Mr. W. P. Marshall hu sold The Gastonis Guette to Mr. J. W. Atkins of Chsrlotte, and • a « ·· · * >*·■· Αίσιοι α·· Aircaoy if· turned the roanagemeot of tb· paper. Mr. Marshall ia a moat accomplished newspaper man. and The Gazette has for years been one of tb· moat creditable semi-weekly papers of North Carolina. Mr. Atkins has his training from Mr. J. P. Caldwell of Tbe Charlotte Ob server, ana of contse, has the capacity to keep The Gazette up to its high standard. We wish Mr. Marshall well, we wish Mr. Atkins well, and we wish The Guette well. Fttwrl} With The luitll. aurioti* obavvfi, id Mr. James W. Atkins, news editor of The Observer, has pur chased the plaut, good will and effects of The Gaatonia Gasette and, commencing yesterday morning, succeeded Mr. W. P. Marshall as its editor as well as owner. Mr. Atkins had been one of The Observer "family" for more than a vear and a half, having charge of the Slate news depart nent. He is a capable and ex perienced newspaper mau and filled his position most aocep ably Mr. Atkins did local work or The Garette before moving to C bar lotte. Charietta Nu Editer. Charlotte Ktwi. IjL It will he a matter of con siderable interest among the newspaper fraternity to know that Mr. J. W. Atkins, who has been filling the position of tele graph editor oo The Observer for some time has bought Tuk Gastonia Gazbttk from the former owner, Mr. W. P. Marshall, and has taken charge of this thriving semi-weekly newspaper. The location is in one of the State's most thriving towns, and the field for a good newspaper ia unexcelled, and Mr, Atkins will no doubt meet with the greatest success in bis work. Mr. Atkins took chsrge of the paper to-day, and will continue its pnblicstion at the same place but will improve it from time to time as conditions war rant such expenditures. Mr. Atkins himself is one of the best posted newspaper men of the section, and is prepared in every way to push the psper. A New Hand «I lha Wheel. OutomU New*. 14. A new hand now pens, a new ι».: » — ' ■oui inspire· tbe thought· that henceforth «hall appear in the column·of the Gaitonii Gazette. Twenty-tix years ago this paper and tbe town of Its love were babies together, infanta in en deavor, bat giants in hope. Through tbe atoria and tbe cal in, tbe darkness, snnshjne and shower they have striven, worked, and gained. After fourteen years, Bditor Marshall Bode himself willing to resign tbe enviable Insignia of office sad tu entrust it with "greater confidence" to a yon η get head, to a younger heart. The bril liant personalities that have been displayed by tbe former author of the editwials that have ap peared through twenty-six times three hundred and sixty-five days must cease to shine, or at least to tranafer themselves to other fields. There is ever a pathetic touch to every farewell, sod ia this case the hidden tear· of sadness mast have risen to bedim the eyes that have kept retch over their charge through ι be rolling day·. The paper has, under the cere of Messrs. Chalk, Page, Grier. sod Marshall, been a cheerful expooeut of tbe higbeét aad beat of the thiag· of life, aad it U a walcoare visitor to tbe home· in to which it enter·. We are glad to have as the new editor and manager, Mr. Jas. W. Atkin·, tad as the local reporter of th* paper, Mr. Claude A. Bury. To neither of theee are the duties sad the detail· of the work new; lot both have beta Qasette men. They are oaly back with their foster mother, aad The Ο as too ia News eaa do ao other thaa bid them, boaor and protect her as loag as she ^aay Hva aad serve. ATLANTIC CITY HORROR, km dnh mi Hum WkhUn M mMrtfmi· Blast rt· rnte. Tb· racact dUaatar e* IS· draw brid«« at Allude City cuuod Ιητ tki wiwklti of · thro· ear trot· on tbi Pennsylvania itUrad'· o«w »l*tmii|U· ta aecap*. Ha baM tb· dooa apm aatll tb· oar a&4 or tb* bridge, and ho whI Into tb· wmtar with It Π· Uiaa nru to tb· abora. HI· aetloo la boMbw tb« door opaa mtaHr saved si any Uvea. Harry C. DeesMr of PhJIadalptta aaya tbat St la woaderfal that ma ttrt flrw who did aacap· from Ih· last eu war· abto to do aa ICsay of tbna owa tbair lira· to Daaaiar. Πο and bta old ara In tb· Atlantic City hospital TlM boabaod la saSeriac from brulara aad cala {ran |lua received la *f f«cttag bta own aaeapa aad la break bf · way oct fa ο titan. Vitpprf la bandijaa. Deemrr told the atory at bew b· aad hi· wUt warn aarad. Ba ■aid: "t· ware rMlaf ta fba last oar, aad •vary window war cloeod. Cnddmly wo felt tba Jar whoa tb· trata Joaapad tb· track. I l«ok«d fraa the wtortew ««· »« w lu» car M η ipiMN Into the Water. n· —1 car fol Irini ill then (h front of Mr car plunged from the bridge and cam· to •a abrupt atop. Moat of the paaeen pera* were thrown late a baa ρ la fee Lower cod of the car, which waa enb marced. It [rfnedlately «lied with water. "I >!»■< to too torface u4 a> at mm thonght of the wind owe. 1 •track at oaa of the paaae of with my tat toot the flrat blow I Rat* it failed to break It, and ttoca I 'oaed my etoow aad Jibbed a hole la the pan·. The hole we· M rery bis, bat t managed to ague»· through. Wbea I had Wt a good breath of air I tamed lo look far my wtth. t than aawled • lace the car, Weetdqg In the window· with pr Oat. wùeh wai bleedtag pro· fueeH by tfii ttoe. 'While Mu (hla I hoard ay wiWt rotce rryla* oat to me: *8βτβ me. Π·Γ rjr! Wt« me. dear Γ I harried aloag una] I foond her. Then I roach·! through one of the bookan window· ι and grabbed bar *ra. BUe cried oat with pat»: Dont. Harry! ira brokkuT hut 1 hold on to It aad with the aid of another aaa. wty> had canoe to my reecae. we Mena nod to poll my wife toMd fea car wtodew te frug··," One of the ifltMw H week en top of a aahaerped car IMtrere# m wo man*· jewel id hand (ticking -thiyugh tba roof rantllater. He «arted her» lea By to pet hcT body aad taâny eue coaded In d«nwlug It throogh the aper tore. NEW USE FOR CIQAR8. ■tow η ai Mm amt BU BMnwl Tim With Ou. Boxing, Jin Jttan, aarat and wreetltag an method· of defend Ln« pereoci end l»«ieiu hare been put down and ont by η new ai«t«ai devlaad by Cfcptntn □ndaon. who llree at Cnlrcrelty am nun aad Twenty-eeredlh Arcane eooth cnat In Mhmeapolla. Ail that la seed ed la a cigar, mild, etroag or mediant, nn KM lb· taete of the nacr, and a lltua peneanoe of mind, anya the Mm neapolli JonraaL While rid tap an the platform of an Interurban car Captain Hudson fn(H bhpaoif Jlramed ta eo doe alp that bo could aoT ralae hi banda. At the Me time he noted that one of hie netfbbora. who waa mere at liberty, waa reaching toward tho "«ton»" wtauh •domed hla tie. Soma me· wonld ham mM far HI— la Mk a rttaa tlon, bat not tho captain. J eat aa tho thief*· ftagen to ached tho ptn Captain Bodeon docked Ma head aad brought the hot eonl at tho enΛ of bl· dear in contact with tho hack of the pQfettog hand. Tb· re Kilt waa laataatanoooa. Ko -ferfear attempts ware made an the captain*· Jewelry, rho wonld ho annexa ttoe M waa ton bocy naming a*bad]y boned Hereafter toe captain, who to now paat the throe ecore aad ten mark, win torn a deaf ear to afty oaa approach tog him with a lactam on tba erlle ef JOKING BY WIBELΙΙββ. WM Ο»■«■«■— Μ ΗΜ·ιη Malcolm UooMttt* of Kow Ηιτη Is eclr tblrtooa rMti M, M li ku H|||< up a «lui m Mtptpk aetflt wttb «Uct bo k«* pfebod ap KwnX nalif lato Mow Tort boy wd ilH| 1. "71 ■ New Hurra fllapetA to tbo Now Wrt Pim » «11 to rocotY» tbo foMowtac: -I MB ■ yoara oM sad ■ punau boj. with a Hint— appafalai op la 07 lack irui f ad 1 am ealllot 70a op )nl fbr run UT| hit· a jally talk Jaot to givo mo practfoa." Maloola aaya a*aa aa moot of tbo bt« boot· 000a too ban to Jaho a* talk wltb Mm aaelally. «ai Mao of tbata cot mad wbaa tkap 1(4 a aufcoofeoy la kafcfearbockon la Mr wMaai imi apoadaM. bat bo dooaat mit* that iad fcaapa K(bt at htaaWutiVal in Ba iada oat tbo oeoro of Yalo I It alaa® tbo i Tbo rural af tbo aoraraJ ma—■ etal wirouaa albdoaa fro» κ·» suc la ad baa left Waltotaa'· apparataa tbo Mr oao of l«a Had la Coaaootloat Ho ■altrat laaaaaaM alt tm Mow *a*oa. Mb 1I11I111 Jlio coat bU paiaota 9m aad tbéj aabacrfbod «MO hrbb4 •ra oatat AoMaiaMMa tko cnsasEWwsssjK Orar», rrooa. w4po, rod. la celt· SCMOLAl&fltP bONQl BOiL Nam ol the Cmtml OnM ScbMl It»U· wk· Ntli tke _W|kMi finiuii Tb«lr Clu» 17m IHula( lb· NMlk d Od»· ktr. Following 1» · li(t of the Cintrai graded school pupil* wbo last month distinguished themselves by making the high oat grade· in their rcapectiv· room»: Beginner·. Miia May Stnart. teacher—Henry Wil»"", Claud Craig, Roger Maraball, Mary Wither·, CnarloUoyd. Kenneth Croaa. B. cla··—Erdman Love. A. claaa—Annie Clifford. Mis» Sandifer'· room, aeeond ursde—McCav Dtlling, Kicbard Favatoux, Johnnie Poakett, Robert Glenn, Robert Owen, Ralph Padgett, Malcolm Rhyne, ' «on»rd Smith. Bryan Walter·, Tela Beard, Regina Coon, Mary Vcsu Liudsay, Rcbeka McLean, Grace Strickland, Mary Wilton, Annie O'Brien Ml·· Sparrow'» room, third grade—Tom Dee·, Mack billing, James Hnotet, Tberon Or m and. Bertha Boat, Madge Craig. Brama Glenn, Madge Hanna, Lucilc Hopper, Helen Jackaon, Mary Ellen Jenkio·, Sue Ram· tey Jobniton, Katherine Mc Lean* Aline Reid. Misa Came Glenn'· room— Lillie Morrow, Kail Groves, George Armstrong, Ernest War ren, Minnie Sarah Boaz, Oran Hicks, Robbie Lindaay, Wilmot Whiteaide», Covt Dillinsr. Uni Anale S. Galloway's room, fourth grade— Panline McPadden. Louisa Keid, Neely Hanna, Dur wood Morrow. Miai Bni M. Horton'a room, ûftb grade—Dana Caldwell, Paul Caldwell. Henry Rankin. Mis· Burnet's room—No one. Misa Barre'· room, Mvtath grade—Clara Armstrong, Kirk· pattick Reid. Stafford Whitfield. Lavinea Hunter. Oîlic Jcnkina, Ella May îlcPadden, Cora Dixon, Cbaihe Adam·, George Hick·, Violet Rankin, Gile» Curry. Mtaa Egerton's room, eighth grade—Lola Jenkins, Mildred Rankin, Otto Baber, Clyde Armstrong, George Patrick, Pearl Huffman. Mias Bradley's room, ninth grade—Gregg Cherry, Roland Clinton. Ruth Boycr, Jennie Pegram, Mary Patka; tenth grade—Stacy Boyce, Avriett McLean, Gertrnde Pogle, Ella Rankin, Lola Whiteside*, Mamie Patrick. The Beat la Thla Sectlaa. CkarloUc CkraoicW. lit. Mr. James W Atkins, ne*» editor of The Observer, closed a deal yesterday with Mr. W. P. Marshall whereby be becomes aole oworr of The Gastonia Gazetth, one of the best known •cmi-weekltes in piedmont Cato lina. Mr. Atkins came to Charlotte 18 months aeo from Gastonia, where be did local work on Tas Gazetth, to accept a position on The Evening Chronicle. He waa shortly promoted to a desk on The Observer, having, charge of the State ncwa department. This position he filled most capably. Mr. Atklna is an ex· perienced and thorough new·· paper man, beiog acquainted with every department of the business, and The Gazette will be made the best semi-weekly in this section undeT his manage ment. He entered upon his new duties this morning. Our J«ry System Dalaadad. Monro* Kiqatm. Every once in a while some t · a _ * ·»···»· WI ·)^·Μ<:· υυι/a αμ auu declares that our jury system U •1) wrong, that the gathering: pf twelve men here and there (roan the ranks of the common people for the purpose of trying cases at issue is not the best way. We wish that every man who is inclined to criticise the jury en tern conld have heard Judge Justice's charge to the grand jury here last pionday morning. Judge Justice, after pairing a high tribute to the good hard common sense, the integrity and the virtue of the com taon people, be aaid that it was s rare thing that a jury drawn from them want very far wrong and that the fellow wbo goes around saylag that the Jury sy·· tern is wrong is usnally pne wbo has been tried and found guilty by some good Jury. la fact Judge Justice's whole chatga abounded in good, sound sense and wss a splendid charge. Special low lato·. The C. & N.-W. Railway Company has leaned the follow ing notice as Joint circular No. 1: To AU Agents: Upon application end suffi cient notice to this ofice, Spec· ial Round Trip Rates will be quoted partie· of Twantv-ive to Fifty people on one ticket, on regular trains, between any two points, on these Une·. Bflaotive on and after April 1st, I*». S. P. Run, General Passas» ger Agent. Subscribe for Trut Qsjtonu Ourrn. HOUSEMAIDS' SCHOOL Italian Banker*» Unlqw to Solve Berraat 10 sum otn eau non sali Vt «Cl la ta· tnut * ta· a at Oat. u * ft ( Mjra tfca *·* leak ; la Caaar· OoML aa Itaha· liinir M -New Twk, a ad ha la Daw la Italy, tin caautarjr (Ma «rfciefe ba | beta* hie ncnltt, _ BMita tar tha e&rrrtnf a«l mt Ma | Ha bopaa ta ârttTwMltkr W Italy. at the iimiat ttoa tea ItaSaa | lot girl tUlir ι tea, either la the PnNad bar awa ia— try. (Mr ot tu» I tallf tt«r realty ut-nnM •knt Oft·· Ik· tenar tetkt mm at MM tbaa do Ma m«r MM tea ArtrW a Mrotkal to Uedwite wblte SK ··»·! Katar· of a hZU UmliiavlMliiMtK tMM te b· lag ι nit Ami a 1 «•rate* te u aaJ Μ ilafM. It i» gettiag («btilb».». of the qncMloa to obuln shiaglei ο· W· Durkd. T'aeJohn Manu facta rieg Compsry U haolisi them from O.tbauy. George V. fKtMM h a ι boarfat tbc tot u4 residence it which h* now lives on Railroad avenue Uxim Mr. ft. S. Plonk is fortunate in aacarfSf it. Wc heard of OM farmer in tbis section who Ust spring «old Mi cotton at Un cents, Klling Un bales under this contract. Tbii fan··r propose· to «tide to bis bargain in this caae although be baa made a bed trad·. Misées Dette and Myrtle Noire •ad Willie Jenkins, accompanied by Carl Tenetl and their twa little brothers, Haygood "d Lenenl, wen bete Sendey to tb« pleasure of several of osr «oui me·.—Mrs. C. Russell and children cense is free Gestosis Tuesday where sbe bed been visiting relatives for a few deys. —Misa Carlyle Ware, of tbe K1 Bethel neighborhood, is speed* ing this week· with Mrs. G. V. "stterson ta our tows. There appears to be sum li- i_ *. ί ·— . bar at Com· roci — entire roof ia aot yet oa the baUdiag. And the misfortune of Mr. llbode· getting bis leg broken L.Λ JT C Ml «-· »· SSH: sssy'issBlU) fiiniahnptle roof ing. Per this aeaaoa the entire for want of looking after the The Udlea of tki kw«I cburcbei bave ban very bn*y -petting ready for their Floret W and will be ready the lut of ι Uiia week to preaeat «bat they bar· to (be public. Ubirtut in Ibia iacuc they trll yoo the date and other data connected with the fair. "Jack ProaT baa cet tbea abort of maoy ftoc Aowera, bat what they lack in teeae they will make up io aowe I thine better. Wo lean that there are ao the registration book at thia prreiaot about 38S aamea in all, aod wo already bear of «orne who failed to set their saaiea oo the book. Tbia ia their own neglect, for we did all «a conld to give the peo ole word about the rccietratioo. Miaa Ida Ware, daaghter of Mr. and lira. W. E. Wan. will teach theschool again at H'beth el thia rear. Miaa Ware bas tbc ι rtmitaUfttt aI · fie· ■" —^ : w «*>«« m mm ■ nu· vvus all IIC reputation of a fine teacher and the B1 bethel people are ao doubt fortunate id retting her. The achool will begin a little late oc wbeu cotton ia picked. PHONOORAPH DIN NCAA. DM jw «ear tar if a , ri Tter*r· girlac them Hi ww with amp aai Mi aaa η it tto uteapnlaat of ·*·* txiiMlc and wttt ptmaogrxpiile ■N Wtted op la tba term of aapkin ring* and fcM b? C» «Ma of ttM phta ot A» Umk, aa/a A? ΓΜ -*— Xewa. It l« «air *m at du ι • arte» «Mr (aDtea ■a a OTN M bot at nlfkt itorejc· for bot *lr," is Ik· · • yeene «wm ™« Wtt e,***, *·«* * ,„" ■ *pkim h« ·»· Ρ«ΤΪΤΓ **■ Mk. After the lit···· tk· dinar· Μ η·!*!· rtne*. awl lin» Mdi «■ to take few* te f ill or· mte> Ttlilot Man) it th· taMe that etrikee kin M p(KMu|r brlfht «r 1. There an two adnata*·· to 'toyts. Theyroo·! I»ebert for the « irW held only A ter iate tafc, er.d It ta euter to UItit a e emter lb iwitera. Α ίο*» cn*t te rate· af tbetr wu iMMh amd m a girm aftwua mwiMid aad raa ·» Merto MM a aMklaa Then va· a rote m to wWch rwiy ■terid bfre toe prtae, a aacka*· af Mid ated. te tha <«»etaat aocg. Let f·! "* «to trrtae tetfa η» «4 ι Ulillli Mt baft a «mm dm· «te· I*» At WA aetli( a te Kto· iw mm* Ta la wmlag a eaai «•M m toe far* e( : ttewr, L.T·. ι ta the ea*te ·» a toyto e( iJOO be Ml* ·* ι MM mmem la which City Mar. The kept the M«e u peu. At a Am* M ι JUO roet la W «u w«u tka air uanal· \t rn toe a«a«M te tafcaal Mfc *· na · iMf ni waat to M«t· ■ A M»f «tel é*Êm0tWpmW iwteg to the iMtoi IiiiBW, M hare been lattedoMd la Γ tha mmt MM·, tl (maSH to) pot